chic-beyond-the-wall · 6 months
Rings from the Crownlands
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starlightspoken · 1 year
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MUSES OF ICE AND FIRE: Aemma Arryn, Lyanna Stark, Joanna Baratheon, Jeyne Westerling, Elspeth Buckwell, and Daenerys Targaryen (Daughter of Jaehaerys)
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suziegallagher · 2 months
A academic reflection of Dallas Willard's "Renovation of the Heart"
What book would you recommend? “That’s interesting, I’d like to know something about spirituality. Can you recommend something for me to read that would be helpful?” Introduction This essay is framed in the context of Christianity. Spirituality must be viewed from our own lived experience and our weltanschauung[1] and it would be disingenuous to not be authentically Christian and…
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jackoshadows · 11 months
The Night's Watch needed leaders with the wisdom of Maester Aemon, the learning of Samwell Tarly, the courage of Qhorin Halfhand, the stubborn strength of the Old Bear, the compassion of Donal Noye. What it had instead was them. - Jon, ADwD
So, on the topic of Jon’s mentors and mentorship, I thought I would highlight what Jon’s mentors taught him and how he used that as a leader.
As a protagonist, Jon Snow is one of those characters with many mentors and father figures as he climbs that ladder to become Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch and possible future KITN. He learns from all of them - enemies and allies - what to do and what not to do. He implements what he learns from them and in some cases his mistakes stem from not using what he has learned.
Let’s start with Ned Stark, the character Jon refers to the most in terms of advice and strategic policy making. It’s from Ned that Jon has gained his understanding of the North, from how to treat with the mountain clans to his distrust of the Boltons. Jon’s chapters are peppered with ‘My father said this’ or ‘My father’s bannerman would do this’ and so on.
From studying the dead wights:
“My lord father used to tell me that a man must know his enemies. We understand little of the wights and less about the Others. We need to learn.” - Jon, ADwD
to knowing his men and their abilities to have the best man on the job.
Jon hopped down onto the ice, thanked the men on the winch, and nodded to the spearmen standing sentry. Both wore woolen hoods pulled down over their heads, so nothing could be seen of their faces but their eyes, but he knew Ty by the tangled rope of greasy black hair falling down his back and Owen by the sausage stuffed into the scabbard at his hip. He might have known them anyway, just by the way they stood. A good lord must know his men, his father had once told him and Robb, back at Winterfell. - Jon, ADwD
The Halfhand gives him similar advice on their ranging beyond the wall and their mission to find the Freefolk - ‘Know your men’. And Jon does. Jon observes and assigns jobs to his men based on what they are capable of doing despite the obvious bigotry they face from the other crows at the Wall.
It was at times like this that Jon missed Maester Aemon the most. Clydas tended to the ravens well enough, but he had not a tenth of Aemon Targaryen's knowledge or experience, and even less of his wisdom. Bowen was a good man in his way, but the wound he had taken at the Bridge of Skulls had hardened his attitudes, and the only song he ever sang now was his familiar refrain about sealing the gates. Othell Yarwyck was as stolid and unimaginative as he was taciturn, and the First Rangers seemed to die as quick as they were named. The Night's Watch has lost too many of its best men, Jon reflected, as the wagons began to move. The Old Bear, Qhorin Halfhand, Donal Noye, Jarmen Buckwell, my uncle … - Jon, ADwD
One common criticism levied against Jon Snow as a leader is that he should have just replaced his top deputies if they were not ready to listen to him or follow his orders. Replace with whom though? He had no one else. All he had were the likes of Othell, Bowen, Clydas etc.
He hires Satin as a steward and Leathers as Master-at-arms, assigns many of the castles to men and women like Iron Emmett and Morna White Mask.
Septon Cellador spoke up. "This boy Satin. It's said you mean to make him your steward and squire, in Tollett's place. My lord, the boy's a whore … a … dare I say … a painted catamite from the brothels of Oldtown."
What he was in Oldtown is none of our concern. He’s quick to learn and very clever. The other recruits started out despising him, but he won them over and made friends of them all. He’s fearless in a fight and can even read and write after a fashion. He should be capable of fetching me my meals and saddling my horse, don’t you think?” - Jon, ADwD 
"Is it true that you mean to replace Emmett with this savage Leathers as our master-at-arms? That is an office most oft reserved for knights, or rangers at the least."
"Leathers is savage," Jon agreed mildly. "I can attest to that. I've tried him in the practice yard. He's as dangerous with a stone axe as most knights are with castle-forged steel. I grant you, he is not as patient as I'd like, and some of the boys are terrified of him … but that's not all for the bad. One day they'll find themselves in a real fight, and a certain familiarity with terror will serve them well."
“He’s a wildling.” 
“He was, until he said the words. Now he is our brother. One who can teach the boys more than swordcraft. It would not hurt them to learn a few words of the Old Tongue and something of the ways of the free folk.” - Jon, ADwD
And then there is Jeor Mormont under whom Jon Snow is trained as a steward.
Life at Castle Black followed certain patterns; the mornings were for swordplay, the afternoons for work. The black brothers set new recruits to many different tasks, to learn where their skills lay. Jon cherished the rare afternoons when he was sent out with Ghost ranging at his side to bring back game for the Lord Commander's table, but for every day spent hunting, he gave a dozen to Donal Noye in the armory, spinning the whetstone while the one-armed smith sharpened axes grown dull from use, or pumping the bellows as Noye hammered out a new sword. Other times he ran messages, stood at guard, mucked out stables, fletched arrows, assisted Maester Aemon with his birds or Bowen Marsh with his counts and inventories. - Jon, AGoT
And as steward to Jeor Mormont, Jon is present when Mormont makes plans to defend the Wall.
The Old Bear unrolled a map, frowned at it, tossed it aside, opened another. He was pondering where the hammer would fall, Jon could see it. The Watch had once manned seventeen castles along the hundred leagues of the Wall, but they had been abandoned one by one as the brotherhood dwindled. Only three were now garrisoned, a fact that Mance Rayder knew as well as they did. “Ser Alliser Thorne will bring back fresh levies from King’s Landing, we can hope. If we man Greyguard from the Shadow Tower and the Long Barrow from Eastwatch …”
“Greyguard has largely collapsed. Stonedoor would serve better, if the men could be found. Icemark and Deep Lake as well, mayhaps. With daily patrols along the battlements between.” - Jon, ACoK
And then as Lord Commander Jon Snow implements what Jeor Mormont planned to do. This is how the author organically builds up and writes a leadership arc.
“True enough,” the small man said. “Is it just to be Icemark, then, or will m'lord be opening t'other forts as well?”
“I mean to garrison all of them, in time,” said Jon, “but for the moment, it will just be Icemark and Greyguard.” - Jon, ADWD
“The wildlings will remain upon the Wall,” Jon assured them. “Most will be housed in one of our abandoned castles.” The Watch now had garrisons at Icemark, Long Barrow, Sable Hall, Greyguard, and Deep Lake, all badly undermanned, but ten castles still stood empty and abandoned. - Jon, ADWD
Then there is Tyrion Lannister, one of Jon Snow’s first friends he makes at the Wall.
Let me give you some counsel, bastard,” Lannister said. “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” - Jon, AGoT
A piece of advice Jon never forgets. He embraces and uses his bastardy to gain Mance Rayder’s confidence and by the time we get to the end of ADwD, Jon Snow shrugs off insults easily enough considering the existential apocalyptic threat at their doorstep.
“And did you see where I was seated, Mance?” He leaned forward. “Did you see where they put the bastard?”
Mance Rayder looked at Jon’s face for a long moment. “I think we had best find you a new cloak,” the king said, holding out his hand.- Jon, ASoS
“If you mean to kill me, do it and be damned for a kinslayer. Stark and Karstark are one blood.” “My name is Snow.” “Bastard.” “Guilty. Of that, at least.” - Jon, ADwD
There’s Donal Noye who plainly and openly tells Ned Stark’s son of his privilege, which Jon acknowledges and makes right with his future friends.
Donal Noye leaned forward, into Jon's face. "Now think on this, boy. None of these others have ever had a master-at-arms until Ser Alliser. Their fathers were farmers and wagonmen and poachers, smiths and miners and oars on a trading galley. What they know of fighting they learned between decks, in the alleys of Oldtown and Lannisport, in wayside brothels and taverns on the kingsroad. They may have clacked a few sticks together before they came here, but I promise you, not one in twenty was ever rich enough to own a real sword." His look was grim. "So how do you like the taste of your victories now, Lord Snow?"
"Don't call me that!" Jon said sharply, but the force had gone out of his anger. Suddenly he felt ashamed and guilty. "I never … I didn't think …"  - Jon, AGoT
Grenn edged backward and put up his hands. “Stay away from me now, you bastard.” 
Jon smiled at him. “I’m sorry about your wrist. Robb used the same move on me once, only with a wooden blade. It hurt like seven hells, but yours must be worse. Look, if you want, I can show you how to defend that.” - Jon, AGoT
Donal Noye who puts Jon Snow in charge of the defense of the Wall:
"No," Donal Noye roared at three of the Mole's Town men, down below. "The pitch goes to the hoist, the oil up the steps, crossbow bolts to the fourth, fifth, and sixth landings, spears to first and second. Stack the lard under the stair, yes, there, behind the planks. The casks of meat are for the barricade. Now, you poxy plow pushers, NOW!" He has a lord's voice, Jon thought. His father had always said that in battle a captain's lungs were as important as his sword arm.
More than ten stepped forward, and the smith picked his four. "Jon, you have the Wall till I return."For a moment Jon thought he had misheard. It had sounded as if Noye were leaving him in command. "My lord?"
"Lord? I'm a blacksmith. I said, the Wall is yours." - Jon, ASoS
Then there is Maester Aemon and his advice and guidance to Jon Snow about making the tough, unpopular choices as a leader. Something that Jon follows by actively pushing through his decisions despite facing opposition at every level. From sending the paper shields to getting the men to listen to him:
Fewer than a dozen shields remained, sad grey things with faded paint and long cracks in the wood. But fresh torches burned in the iron sconces along the walls, and Jon had ordered benches and tables brought in. Men with comfortable seats were more inclined to listen, Maester Aemon had once told him; standing men were more inclined to shout. - Jon, ADwD
Mance Rayder is very important with respect to Jon’s arc of being a leader to the Freefolk. It’s from Mance that Jon understands how to get the loyalty of these people, how to interact with them, how to get them to follow orders.
"Free folk don’t follow names, or little cloth animals sewn on a tunic,” the King-Beyond-the-Wall had told him. “They won’t dance for coins, they don’t care how you style yourself or what that chain of office means or who your grandsire was. They follow strength. They follow the man.” - Jon, ADwD
We see the value Jon has for Mance’s experience and leadership in how he keeps advising Stannis to use Mance instead of executing him as a deserter of the NW and in his understanding of the Freefolk
"Mance knows the haunted forest better than any ranger," Jon had told King Stannis, in his final effort to convince His Grace that the King-Beyond-the-Wall would be of more use to them alive than dead. "He knows Tormund Giantsbane. He has fought the Others. And he had the Horn of Joramun and did not blow it. He did not bring down the Wall when he could have." - Jon, ADwD
It is too cold for this mummer's show, thought Jon. "The free folk despise kneelers," he had warned Stannis. "Let them keep their pride, and they will love you better."  - Jon, ADwD
While Stannis Baratheon and Jon Snow end up butting heads over strategy, there is begrudging respect for each other on both sides. It’s Stannis who first agrees to let the Freefolk this side of the Wall and Jon later builds on what Stannis sets in motion.
No, thought Jon. You closed that door. Longclaw descended. “Can I have his boots?” asked Owen the Oaf, as Janos Slynt’s head went rolling across the muddy ground. “They’re almost new, those boots. Lined with fur.” Jon glanced back at Stannis. For an instant their eyes met. Then the king nodded and went back inside his tower.- Jon, ADwD
Jon going from mocking Sam’s love for books to appreciating his learning and wisdom makes Samwell the next mentor. Or more like an honorary mentor considering they are around the same age, help and learn from each other. From both Maester Aemon and Samwell Tarly, Jon appreciates the useful knowledge obtained from old books.
Books covered his table, tall stacks of them. He’d fetched them up himself, after spending half the night searching through dusty vaults by lantern light. Sam was right, the books desperately needed to be sorted, listed, and put in order, - Jon, ADwD
We will see, Jon thought, remembering the things that Sam had told him, the things he’d found in his old books. Longclaw had been forged in the fires of old Valyria, forged in dragonflame and set with spells. Dragon-steel, Sam called it. Stronger than any common steel, lighter, harder, sharper … - Jon, ADwD
Other honorary mentors include Ygritte and Arya Stark. Ygritte who teaches Jon Snow the ways of the Freefolk and who opens his eyes to the fact that the Freefolk are simply different and not to be hated.
"Maybe they were tired of fighting. Tired of barring their doors every night and wondering if Rattleshirt or someone like him would break them down to carry off their wives. Tired of having their harvests stolen, and any valuables they might have. It's easier to move beyond the reach of raiders." 
But if the Wall should fail, all the north will lie within the reach of raiders."You know nothing, Jon Snow. Daughters are taken, not wives. You're the ones who steal. You took the whole world, and built the Wall t' keep the free folk out." - Jon, ASoS
"Gerrick is the true and rightful king of the wildlings," the queen said, "descended in an unbroken male line from their great king Raymun Redbeard, whereas the usurper Mance Rayder was born of some common woman and fathered by one of your black brothers."
No, Jon might have said, Gerrick is descended from a younger brother of Raymun Redbeard. To the free folk that counted about as much as being descended from Raymun Redbeard's horse. They know nothing, Ygritte. And worse, they will not learn. - Jon, ADwD
And finally I see Arya as being the lone positive female figure in Jon Snow’s childhood, growing up Winterfell, and this is exemplified in the girls he admires, appreciates and ends up loving. Sadly, while Jon has a dozen father figures he is provided with no mother figures to help and guide him and all he has is the little girl he loves and to whom he gifts a sword. Interesting then that this little girl resembles his mother in both looks and personality.
He keeps seeing an Arya in every girl - be it his lover Ygritte or little Freefolk girls wanting to fight for him. She’s not his mentor, just someone who very much influences his outlook on women and girls in Westeros, seen in his respect for the Spearwives and trusting them with the defense of an entire castle.
“The Lannisters are proud,” Jon observed. “You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s.”
“The woman is important too!” Arya protested. - Arya, AGoT
“I will take any boy above the age of twelve who knows how to hold a spear or string a bow.
“And girls?” a girl asked. She looked as young as Arya had, the last time Jon had seen her. “Sixteen and older.” 
“You’re taking boys as young as twelve.”
“As you will. Boys and girls as young as twelve. - Jon, ADwD
Then there are his teachers in Winterfell like Rodrick Cassel and Maester Luwin. Teaching him the sword and his lessons on history, math, languages etc.
Jon Snow is essentially a character that absorbs a lot from the characters he interacts with, learns from his betters and and tries to succeed where others before him - Jeor, Mance, Stannis - failed.
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lavlav-lavender · 7 months
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Behold! Lady Buckwell!
She doesn't have a first name yet. Any ideas?
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Jon V (Chapter 21)
Bowen Marsh had urged him to move into the Old Bear's former chambers in the King's Tower after Stannis vacated them, but Jon had declined. Moving into the king's chambers could too easily be taken to mean he did not expect the king to return.
He's not entitled to your chambers, you stupid boy.
Jon washed and dressed and left the armory, stopping in the yard outside just long enough to say a few words of encouragement to Hop-Robin and Emmett's other charges. He declined Ty's offer of a tail, as usual. He would have men enough about him; if it came to blood, two more would hardly matter. He did take Longclaw, though, and Ghost followed at his heels.
You're surrounded by wildlings and dissenters, you stupid boy.
Marsh pursed his lips. "Lord Commander Mormont—"
"—is dead. And not at wildling hands, but at the hands of his own Sworn Brothers, men he trusted. 
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Dolorous Edd had heard the entire exchange. As Bowen Marsh trotted off, he nodded toward his back and said, "Pomegranates. All those seeds. A man could choke to death. I'd sooner have a turnip. Never knew a turnip to do a man any harm."
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It was at times like this that Jon missed Maester Aemon the most. Clydas tended to the ravens well enough, but he had not a tenth of Aemon Targaryen's knowledge or experience, and even less of his wisdom.
Check his temperature, he's delirious.
Thank god Aemon won't be anywhere near Jon when Daenerys arrives.
The Night's Watch has lost too many of its best men, Jon reflected, as the wagons began to move. The Old Bear, Qhorin Halfhand, Donal Noye, Jarmen Buckwell, my uncle …
. . . you.
Something feels off about him saying uncle instead of Benjen.
Half a mile south of Castle Black, Edd urged his garron close to Jon's and said, "M'lord? Look up there. The big drunkard on the hill."
The drunkard was an ash tree, twisted sideways by centuries of wind. And now it had a face. A solemn mouth, a broken branch for a nose, two eyes carved deep into the trunk, gazing north up the kingsroad, toward the castle and the Wall.
A twisted drunkard with a broken branch for a nose? Is this Tyrion gazing towards the Wall?
The wildlings brought their gods with them after all.
Jon glanced back at the face, wondering who had carved it. He had posted guards around Mole's Town, both to keep his crows away from the wildling women and to keep the free folk from slipping off southward to raid. Whoever had carved up the ash had eluded his sentries, plainly. And if one man could slip through the cordon, others could as well. I could double the guard again, he thought sourly. Waste twice as many men, men who might otherwise be walking the Wall.
Wild speculation within the fandom over who carved these faces. Was it Bloodraven? The children? A crow? Pretty sure it was wildlings being defiant, like the book suggests.
I thought it was widely understood Bran and Bloodraven don't need trees to see?
"Once you have mastered your gifts, you may look where you will and see what the trees have seen, be it yesterday or last year or a thousand ages past. Men live their lives trapped in an eternal present, between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come. Certain moths live their whole lives in a day, yet to them that little span of time must seem as long as years and decades do to us. An oak may live three hundred years, a redwood tree three thousand. A weirwood will live forever if left undisturbed. To them seasons pass in the flutter of a moth's wing, and past, present, and future are one. Nor will your sight be limited to your godswood. The singers carved eyes into their heart trees to awaken them, and those are the first eyes a new greenseer learns to use … but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves." - Bran III, ADWD
A mile farther on, they came upon a second face, carved into a chestnut tree that grew beside an icy stream, where its eyes could watch the old plank bridge that spanned its flow. "Twice as much trouble," announced Dolorous Edd.
The chestnut was leafless and skeletal, but its bare brown limbs were not empty. On a low branch overhanging the stream a raven sat hunched, its feathers ruffled up against the cold. When it spied Jon it spread its wings and gave a scream. When he raised his fist and whistled, the big black bird came flapping down, crying, "Corn, corn, corn."
Now a chestnut tree is reminding me of Theon.
Is this a Bloodraven or a Branraven? I pick Bran. Always Bran.
He wondered if they would all be reduced to eating ravens before the coming winter had run its course.
One boy will eat raven.
Just north of Mole's Town they came upon the third watcher, carved into the huge oak that marked the village perimeter, its deep eyes fixed upon the kingsroad. That is not a friendly face, Jon Snow reflected. The faces that the First Men and the children of the forest had carved into the weirwoods in eons past had stern or savage visages more oft than not, but the great oak looked especially angry, as if it were about to tear its roots from the earth and come roaring after them. Its wounds are as fresh as the wounds of the men who carved it.
Is this someone? Angry, freshly wounded face. . . Jorah?
I'm crazy. I'll stop.
Pig ignorance, Jon thought. The free folk were no different than the men of the Night's Watch; some were clean, some dirty, but most were clean at times and dirty at other times. This stink was just the smell of a thousand people jammed into cellars and tunnels that had been dug to shelter no more than a hundred.
There are wolves amongst these sheep, still.
Val had reminded him of that, on his last visit with her. "Free folk and kneelers are more alike than not, Jon Snow. Men are men and women women, no matter which side of the Wall we were born on. Good men and bad, heroes and villains, men of honor, liars, cravens, brutes … we have plenty, as do you."
She was not wrong. The trick was telling one from the other, parting the sheep from the goats.
Love how the show turned Jon's basic empathy into him wanting to be a wildling.
There were three women for every man, many with children—pale skinny things clutching at their skirts. Jon saw very few babes in arms. The babes in arms died during the march, he realized, and those who survived the battle died in the king's stockade.
That's fucked.
The tumult and the shoving died. Heads turned. A child began to cry. Mormont's raven walked from Jon's left shoulder to his right, bobbing its head and muttering, "Snow, snow, snow."
It's Mormont's raven? Why is Mormont's raven near Mole's Town instead of in Jon's room?
"You crows eat good enough." Halleck shoved forward.
For now. "We hold the Wall. The Wall protects the realm … and you now. You know the foe we face. You know what's coming down on us. Some of you have faced them before. Wights and white walkers, dead things with blue eyes and black hands. I've seen them too, fought them, sent one to hell. They kill, then they send your dead against you. The giants were not able to stand against them, nor you Thenns, the ice-river clans, the Hornfoots, the free folk … and as the days grow shorter and the nights colder, they are growing stronger. You left your homes and came south in your hundreds and your thousands … why, but to escape them? To be safe. Well, it's the Wall that keeps you safe. It's us that keeps you safe, the black crows you despise."
"Safe and starved," said a squat woman with a windburned face, a spearwife by the look of her.
"You want more food?" asked Jon. "The food's for fighters. Help us hold the Wall, and you'll eat as well as any crow." Or as poorly, when the food runs short.
An old man with a turnip cradled against his chest said, "You kill us, you starve us, now you want t' make us slaves."
"You have to pick," Jon Snow repeated. "All of you. No one is asking you to take our vows, and I do not care what gods you worship. My own gods are the old gods, the gods of the North, but you can keep the red god, or the Seven, or any other god who hears your prayers. It's spears we need. Bows. Eyes along the Wall."
"The choice is yours," Jon Snow told them. "Those who want to help us hold the Wall, return to Castle Black with me and I'll see you armed and fed. The rest of you, get your turnips and your onions and crawl back inside your holes."
The word slave was not a mistake.
Notice how they're given a choice? Notice how they'll still receive food and land in the Gift if they don't assist the Night's Watch?
Daenerys Stannis didn't offer them true freedom, but Jon does.
Sigorn's father, the old Magnar, had been crushed beneath the falling stair during his attack on Castle Black. I would feel the same if someone asked me to make common cause with the Lannisters, Jon told himself.
I will take any boy above the age of twelve who knows how to hold a spear or string a bow. I will take your old men, your wounded, and your cripples, even those who can no longer fight. There are other tasks they may be able to perform. Fletching arrows, milking goats, gathering firewood, mucking out our stables … the work is endless.
Those too old or young to be of use had been cast into the streets, along with the infirm and the crippled. - Daenerys I, ADWD
Both will be stabbed, but only one earns a ticket back.
And yes, I will take your women too. I have no need of blushing maidens looking to be protected, but I will take as many spearwives as will come.
Oh my god, the death of my ship. We'll never recover from this.
"And girls?" a girl asked. She looked as young as Arya had, the last time Jon had seen her.
"Sixteen and older."
"You're taking boys as young as twelve."
Down in the Seven Kingdoms boys of twelve were often pages or squires; many had been training at arms for years. Girls of twelve were children. These are wildlings, though.
You better get over that quick, I'm told you'll be falling in love with an 11-year-old.
A pair of striplings followed her, boys no older than fourteen. Next a scarred man with a missing eye. "I seen them too, the dead ones. Even crows are better'n that." A tall spearwife, an old man on crutches, a moonfaced boy with a withered arm, a young man whose red hair reminded Jon of Ygritte.
The dam broke then. Halleck was a man of note. Mance was not wrong. "Free folk don't follow names, or little cloth animals sewn on a tunic," the King-Beyond-the-Wall had told him. "They won't dance for coins, they don't care how you style yourself or what that chain of office means or who your grandsire was. They follow strength. They follow the man."
And they don't follow Stannis.
By the time the last withered apple had been handed out, the wagons were crowded with wildlings, and they were sixty-three stronger than when the column had set out from Castle Black that morning. "What will you do with them?" Bowen Marsh asked Jon on the ride back up the kingsroad.
Hilarious. Three Jon foils.
Reek II -> Jon V
In the previous chapter, Theon convinces 63 ironborn to surrender, and escorts them to their death.
Along the rotting-plank road, wooden stakes were driven deep into the boggy ground; there the corpses festered, red and dripping. Sixty-three, he knew, there are sixty-three of them. One was short half an arm. Another had a parchment shoved between its teeth, its wax seal still unbroken. - Reek II, ADWD
Then Ramsay displays those 63 corpses on wooden stakes, which is a nod to Daenerys crucifying 163 Meereenese nobles.
Meanwhile, Jon recruits 63 wildlings to fight with him.
One of these things is not like the others.
The Lord Steward glanced back. "Women too? Our brothers are not accustomed to having women amongst them, my lord. Their vows … there will be fights, rapes …"
"These women have knives and know how to use them."
"And the first time one of these spearwives slits the throat of one of our brothers, what then?"
"We will have lost a man," said Jon, "but we have just gained sixty-three. You're good at counting, my lord. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my reckoning leaves us sixty-two ahead."
Marsh was unconvinced. "You've added sixty-three more mouths, my lord … but how many are fighters, and whose side will they fight on? If it's the Others at the gates, most like they'll stand with us, I grant you … but if it's Tormund Giantsbane or the Weeping Man come calling with ten thousand howling killers, what then?"
"Then we'll know. So let us hope it never comes to that."
Update: pomegranate still unhappy.
I don't envy Jon's position at all.
Final thoughts:
Sure, Jon's chapters may be agonizing, but think about how much fun it will be when it's Daenerys narrating her own downfall.
It's our reward after Ned, Robb, and now this.
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cocoalover1956 · 1 year
I made a list of 200 potential Valyrian steel weapon names for various houses, listed by region. * indicates a canon name. Brackets indicate previous owners according to my headcanons.
Crownlands (32)
Targaryen: Blackfyre (bastard sword)*, Dark Sister (longsword)*, Ash Heart (longsword), Nightingale (dagger)
Bar Emmon: Judgement (longsword)
Blount: Safeguard (sword)
Brune: Misfortune (sword)
Buckwell: Able Might (sword)
Bywater: Bereaver (sword)
Cargyll: Satisfaction (sword)
Celtigar: Scarlet Hold (battle axe)
Chelsted: Glory (mace), Honor (dagger)
Farring: Nemesis (longsword)
Follard: Bright Sage (sword)
Harte: Fortitude (sword)
Hogg: Battle Hunger (sword)
Landward: Despair (sword)
Mallery: Due Trust (sword)
Manning: Pride's Protector (sword)
Massey: Diligence (longsword)
Rambtom: Dominion (sword)
Rollingford: Red Spring (sword)
Rosby: Stranger's Touch (sword)
Ryyker: Grievance (sword) [House Darklyn]
Staunton: Soaring Virtue (sword)
Stokeworth: Good Faith (broadsword)
Sunglass: Starlight (greatsword)
Thorne: Torment (sword)
Wendwater: Resilience (sword)
Velaryon: Maelstrom (longsword), Riptide (longsword)
Dorne: (19)
Martell: Heaven's Eye (spear),
Allyrion: Omen (sword)
Blackmont: Vengeance (sword)
Dalt: Sour Edge (sword)
Dayne: Dawn (great sword)*, Dusk (longsword)
Fowler: Ascension (sword)
Gargalen: Mother's Tears (sword)
Jordayne: Fate (sword)
Ladybright: Brilliance (sword)
Manwoody: Eternity (sword)
Qorgyle: Venom (sword)
Santagar: Constancy (battle axe)
Toland: Spiritcaller (sword)
Uller: Hellfire (longsword)
Vaith: Desolation (sword)
Yronwood: Black Guardian (sword)
Wells: Paradise (sword)
Wyl: Bonecutter (sword)
Iron Islands (18)
Greyjoy: Sea Devil (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Blacktyde: Challenger (sword) [House Charlton, Riverlands]
Botley: Anguish (sword) [House Payne, Westerlands]
Codd: Infamy (sword) [House Deddings, Riverlands]
Drumm: Red Rain (bastard sword)* [House Reyne, Westerlands]
Farwynd: Wayfarer (sword) [House Vance, Riverlands]
Goodbrother: Screamer (sword) [Essosi sailor]
Harlaw: Nightfall (longsword)* [Dalton Greyjoy <- Essosi sailor]
Ironmaker: Bloodsurge (sword) [House Osgrey, Reach]
Kenning: Nagga's Daughter (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Merlyn: Torrent (sword) [House Waterman, North]
Myre: Battlelover (arakh) [Essosi sailor <- Dothraki khal]
Orkwood: Fishfeeder (battle axe) [House Shawney, Riverlands]
Saltcliffe: Upsurge (sword) [House Goodbrook, Riverlands]
Sunderly: Seawhisper (cutlass) [Essosi sailor]
Tawney: Blight (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Volmark: Valor (sword) [House Oakheart, Reach]
Wynch: Moonshard (sword) [Essosi sailor]
North (20)
Stark: Ice (great sword)*, Thought (dagger), Memory (dagger)
Ashwood: Glad of War (sword)
Bolton: Honesty (flaying knife)
Cassel: Perseverance (sword)
Cerwyn: Fine Point (sword)
Condon: Resistance (sword)
Dustin: Barrowkeeper (sword)
Glover: Fidelity (sword)
Hornwood: Frostbite (sword)
Ironsmith: Deathforger (sword)
Karstark: Cold Glory (claymore)
Lightfoot: Steady Foe (sword)
Locke: Hoarguard (sword)
Manderly: Merling's Wrath (trident)
Mormont: Longclaw (bastard sword)*
Ryswell: Nightmare (sword)
Tallhart: Evergreen (sword)
Umber: Giant's Tooth (great sword)
Reach (40):
Tyrell: Rose Thorn (longsword) [House Gardener]
Ambrose: Endurance (sword)
Ashford: Clarity (sword)
Beesbury: Stinger (sword)
Bridges: Unity (sword)
Bulwer: Red Kiss (sword)
Caswell: Father's Justice (bastard Sword)
Chester: Malice (sword)
Cockshow: Remembrance (sword)
Cordwayner: Principle (sword)
Costayne: Last Love (sword)
Crane: Sentry (sword)
Cuy: Joy (sword)
Dunn: Sacrifice (sword)
Florent: Cunning (sword)
Footly: Solitude (sword)
Fossoway: Pleasure (sword)
Graceford: Piety (sword)
Grimm: Misery (sword)
Hewett: Melancholy (sword)
Hightower: Vigilance (longsword)*
Hunt: Mastery (sword)
Hutcheson: Splendor (sword)
Kidwell: Eternal Bond (sword)
Leygood: Intuition (sword)
Lowther: Legacy (sword)
Meadows: Poppy Blossom (sword)
Merryweather: Plenitude (sword)
Mullendore: Revival (sword)
Pommingham: Perdition (sword)
Redding: Fortune (sword)
Redwyne: Bloodthirst (sword)
Rhysling: Warden (sword)
Rowan: Passion (bastard sword)
Roxton: Orphan Maker (longsword)*
Serry: Massacre (sword)
Shermer: Proven Will (longsword)
Tarly: Heartsbane (great sword)*
Webber: Spiderbite (sword)
Wythers: Vitality (sword)
Riverlands (18):
Tully: Devotion (longsword)
Lord of Harrenhal: Lifedrinker (scimitar) [House Hoare <- Essosi sailor]
Blackwood: Peacekeeper (sabre)
Blanetree: Amber Charm (longsword)
Bracken: Willbreaker (sabre)
Butterwell: Rumination (sword)
Cox: Riverguard (sword)
Darry: Mourning (bastard sword)
Frey: Toll Taker (sword)
Mallister: Mercy (broadsword)
Mooton: Champion (broadsword)
Paege: Bloodbond (sword)
Piper: Maiden's Kiss (sword)
Roote: Liberty (sword)
Ryger: Remorse (sword)
Smallwood: Harmony (sword)
Terrick: Steel Screech (sword)
Vypren: Prudence (sword)
Stormlands (24):
Baratheon: Fury (great sword) [House Durrandon]
Bolling: Defiance (bastard sword)
Buckler: Security (sword)
Cafferen: Bloom (sword)
Caron: Silencer (sword)
Connington: Griffin's Bite (sword)
Dondarrion: Sure Strike (bastard sword)
Estermont: Wisdom (sword)
Kellington: Influence (sword)
Fell: Moonshadow (sword)
Grandison: Long Sleep (sword)
Gower: Undoing (sword)
Horpe: Blessed Memory (longsword)
Lonmouth: Wraith Lover (longsword)
Mertyns: Seer (sword)
Morrigen: Phantom Queen (bastard sword)
Penrose: Achievement (bastard Sword)
Rogers: Mystery (sword)
Selmy: Warrior's Triumph (longsword)
Staedmon: Heavy Heart (dagger)
Swann: Swansong (great sword)
Tarth: Twilight (bastard sword)
Trant: Hatred (sword) [House Toyne]
Wylde: Raindancer (sword)
Vale (22):
Arryn: Talon (broadsword)
Belmore: Deathtoll (sword)
Coldwater: Vigor (sword)
Corbray: Lady Forlorn (longsword)*
Donniger: First Blush (sword)
Egen: Expanse (sword)
Grafton: Crone's Light (sword)
Hersy: Overflow (sword)
Hunter: Decimation (sword)
Lipps: Praise (sword)
Lynderly: Snakebite (sword)
Melcolm: Balance (sword)
Moore: Humility (spear)
Pryor: Eclipse (sword)
Redfort: Ruby Rage (bastard sword)
Royce: Lamentation (longsword)*
Ruthermont: Shadowsteel (sword)
Sunderland: Fang (sword)
Templeton: Reverence (sword)
Upcliff: Sorcery (bastard sword)
Waxley: Beacon (sword)
Waynwood: Threadcutter (bastard sword)
Westerlands (20):
Lannister: Brightroar (great sword)*
Algood: Justifier (sword)
Banefort: Corpsemaker (sword)
Brax: Silver Promise (longsword)
Broom: Loyalty (sword)
Crakehall: Tusk (broadsword)
Estren: True Majesty (sword)
Farman: Sunset's Call (sword)
Hawthorne: Ruination (sword)
Lefford: Golden Grace (sword)
Lydden: Deepgrave (sword)
Marbrand: Cinder (bastard sword)
Plumm: Gilded Trust (sword)
Prester: Willpower (bastard sword)
Serrett: Smith's Pride (sword)
Turnberry: Sweet Victory (sword)
Vikary: Crimson Courage (sword)
Westerling: Purity (sword)
Yarwyck: Reckoning (bastard sword)
Yew: Conviction (longsword)
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The Royal House Targaryen; Queen Caerella Targaryen, King Consort Daeron Dondarrion, Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, and Princess Jaehaera Targaryen. The Great Houses of The Crownlands: House Velaryon of Driftmark, House Sunglass of Sweetport Sound, House Cargyll, and House Celtigar The Queen’s Council; Hand of the Queen Lord Deimos Velaryon, Master of Coin Open Lord Celtigar, Master of Laws Lord Wylliam Swann, Master of Ships Open Second-Born Velayron, Mistress of Whispers Lady Lyra Celtigar, and the Open Commander of the Kingsguard. Religion; The Faith of the Seven, The Faith of Old Valyria (Royal Family, very prominent on Dragonstone because of it being the first landing of the Targaryens and the many, many Targaryen bastards), are Rhllorists are welcomed though they have no temples.
Based around Blackwater Bay, with the capital of King’s Landing built where the Blackwater Rush meets the bay. King’s Landing is the largest city in Westeros containing the Great Sept of Baelor and the Red Keep.
The Settlements north of King’s Land include Antlers ( Seat of House Buckwell ), Rosby, ( Seat of House Rosby ), Stokeworth ( Seat of House Stokeworth ), and Duskendale ( Seat of House Darklyn ) the region’s secondary port. North of Duskendale are hills, fields, and woods. Near Duskendale are the lands and keep of House Hollard. Father north of Rook’s Rest ( Seat of House Brune ), Brownhollow (Seat of House Brune ) and the Whispers. The Bay of Crabs and the Vale of Arryn are North of Crackclaw Point.
With the Riverlands bordering the Northwest and West, a stream forms part of the boundary between the two regions. And unnamed river flowers south from the Gods Eye into the Blackwater Rush in the western Crownlands. Southwest of King’s Landing are hills around Tumbleton in the Reach.
To the South of King’s Landing is the kingswood, the royal hunting forest, and the Stormlands. The Wendwater flows the kingswood into the back. To the East is Massey’s Hook joining Crackclaw in forming the inlet of Blackwater Bay. Stonedance (Seat of House Massey) and Sharp Point ( Seat of House Bar Emmon )
Islands within Blackwater Bay include Dragonstone, Driftmark, Sweetport Sound, Massey’s Hook and Claw Isle.
The Kingsroad connects King’s Landing with Storm’s End to the South, and the crossroads to the north, while the capital is connected to Lannisport by the goldroad and Highgarden by the roseroad. The Rosby Road runs from King’s Landing toward Duskendale while Duskendale road heads north to Maidenpool in the Riverlands.
The Metropolis of King’s Landing is the driving force of the region with the largest population and harbor in the realm. While there has been a hit with the drastic changes in tax revenue upon the realms separating from the Crownlands there have been efforts to make this work with the use of trade from the close lands of the East including Braavos, Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh, and Lys. There is a goal to Volantis and perhaps use parts of the Northern trade agreements.
Many foreign vessels ply their wares as well arriving on their ships and staying for many weeks before returning to the East. Virtually every craft and trade is practiced here, from metal smithing, shipbuilding, alchemy, and much more. Elsewhere, farming and fishing are the norm with a handful of the common professions to meet the needs of the towns and fisherfolk.
Along the kingsroad north of the capital, a traveler goes past woods and orchards and neatly tended fields, through small villages, crowded market towns, and stout holdfasts.
When the dust cleared from warm and the land settled, the process of rebuilding began utilizing what they could from the surrounding woods and trade agreements. With a renewal in trade and alliance with the North, the building process picked up with working starting on Summerhall, the rebuilding of the wall around King’s Landing, and putting the land and sea to work the Crownlands hopes to be seen as a place of prosperity.
For two centuries, before the Doom of Valyria, Valyrians settled Dragonstone and built a citadel as the westernmost outpost of the Valyrian Freehold. During this time the Targaryens came to control the island and is often considered the last piece of Valyria.
A volcanic island at the mouth of Blackwater Bay, Dragonstone is the second largest after Driftmark, created by the active volcano, Dragonmont. Damp and dreary, it smells of sulfur and brimstone. The island often suffers strong winds and storms in autumn. The castle is a small fortress located on the face of the volcano.
Within the tunnels of Dragonmont are rich chunks of dragonglass, often in bouldes and ledges. Most of the obsidian is black, but there are also deposits of green, purple, and red.
Farmers and fishermen live in the villages below the Dragonmont, the islanders depend on the sea for sustenance. Its nearby port contains taverns, inns, and whorehouses, including a weathered little inn at the end of a stone pier.
Among the numerous changes taking place in King’s Landing, one of them is an addition to the Holy Road going up Viseny’s Hill to the Great Sept is a building of marble that will house the many statues of the Gods. The Seven and, slowly, the introduction of Valyrian Gods as it is on Dragonstone.
The Great Wall
As the wall is rebuilt to secure the safety of its people, more images at being carved into thick walls. Images of dragons, war, and gods. Closer to the Keep, you see more gods of Valyria.
The Shipyard
With the building of new ports to increase trade, there is a focus on building a better shipyard to increase production, so their royal fleet continues to grow. Along with warships there is a plan to start the process of more merchant ships.
Much like the rest of the realm, the Crownlands is in a period of rebuilding and growth. While there have been many changes implemented and building projects completed.  
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westaeros · 9 months
MUSE LIST ( as of September 7th, 2023 ) :
Aemma Arryn
Cersei Lannister
Daenara Targaryen ( OC )
Elspeth Buckwell ( OC )
Jeyne Westerling
Joanna Baratheon ( OC )
Lyanna Stark
Myrielle Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
Tybalt Baratheon ( child of Tommen OC )
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xrealmofmanymusesx · 2 years
Alessia (Hotd verse)
Alessia is one of the children of the lord of the House Buckwell from the Antlers, from the Crownlands, with the words ' Pride and Purpose'.
She has three older brothers but she only likes one. She is quite good with and bow and arrow and daggers.
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aifolksongs101 · 7 months
Rhaenys I Targaryen
Titles: Queen
Lady Rhaenys
Alias: Bloody Rhaenys
The Faith of The Seven Militant
Predecessor: Viserys III Targaryen
Jeyne Buckwell (disputed)
Successor: Daenerys II Targaryen
Spouse: Lord Quintyn Martell
Issue: Jaehaerys IV Targaryen (stillborn)
Father: Jaehaerys III Targaryen
Mother: Dyanna Martell
Full name: Rhaenys Daenerys Loreza
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444names · 8 months
Names generated from American surnames and French forenames, excluding the letter "Ç"
Ackene Adenney Adsony Aguiz Alarry Alauders Albean Alhope Allowel Altoungue Alvan Amass Anaria Andrette Angton Anmirdne Artzge Ascoy Aughayon Aughigh Aulde Avark Avidde...
Baine Bales Baley Ballmer Baniferrez Baranle Barrette Barritz Baton Baughles Baxtord Beadott Beall Beanfox Belle Bellyna Bennez Benrossals Blande Boliettson Boton Boyalds Boydiams Bradon Bradongste Branfrand Breller Briddle Brieck Brilber Bucarvé Bucer Bucerry Buciert Buckwel Buridge Burkes Burleth Burne Burts Camerrice Camptonnie Cannez Cardie Cardy Carette Carretton Carzankle Casquez Casquison Castrand Catte Chana Chepp Chmiley Cholder Chria Chritle Chèlez Clainn Clard Cleton Clistia Cobinn Cohns Coliel Colson Connichèle Connyde Coodwatt Coord Corader Cormarlson Cotterce Crampson Cranton Crayerson Cummitt Cyritler Célinson Darleon Davermse Davicard Davin Davirdill Dermay Derree Dicton Dilendrans Dillo Dodgeorre Domaney Domicert Duderson Duken Dukerry Dunlebs Dunnie Durhay Durne Durnet Durntorton Eaniggill Emard Espergen Evings Farke Faurna Fienthre Fincier Fises Fitardne Flodod Florich Flort Forre Fradley Fradran Fratkimes Frayne Frélis Fulles Gabirès Gaird Gamber Ganer Garks Geensone Gibbarkson Gilen Giste Glaurhands Glettes Goffie Gomitfison Grandred Grayerile Gricoy Gussey Gérès Halakee Halis Halison Hallez Hambervan Hamson Hantgorrer Hariff Haris Harnaley Haversoney Hayne Heannie Hebbs Hentson Herrinett Hewson Hichrawfos Hiellis Hitton Hoande Hoges Holey Holforges Holine Holonney Hoopetiste Hopelagne Hopkinett Hored Howencor Huffite Hught Hurey Hurpencin Hutledgenn Inglaurion Jachams Jachell Janes Jeadeate Jeading Jeane Jeanergus Jeang Jearse Jefferman Jence Jochriddez Joredené Jorgadon Josby Joydears Joëllowen Jusoley Jusse Justin Jérannewer Jérène Keman Keterrites Kineyne Klenzo Klinguer Knady Kocox Kocéatros Krale Laing Laker Lanmarrez Lastiter Lauster Leenne Levermatte Lives Lothing Louiz Lowers Lucarmant Luckars Ludia Machway Mackenson Madletchoa Maind Maine Malferce Maliens Mancine Mangton Manks Mannery Mantgom Manton Marez Markeeks Marre Marrense Mauderen Maxwe Mayestier Mcbrer Mccadoza Mccard Mccompber Mccur Mcfard Mckelan Mckmarges Mckneints Mcknisen Mclane Mclart Mcmardson Melle Mermon Merryaned Micia Micks Mickson Millaino Miney Mirent Mires Mitlistord Monas Moninstes Moolt Morey Morrichan Mosabra Murez Muris Muste Nason Nicks Nicoyler Niddez Niquez Nisteltows Noring Normory Nowebson Obbararn Odalmarte Odrader Odwelan Odwerge Onasey Ortiney Osaber Ownsonez Pachand Paray Parke Parsh Pategon Pateroce Pathopenn Paugh Pauling Payton Pethery Petter Porry Poteins Power Praymone Priss Prutley Pucia Pughamice Radine Raing Rayton Rhoff Rickeve Rimmaugh Rinevin Rioth Ristinney Roanson Robin Rocela Rodge Rodrintra Rogarick Rolez Rombsonis Rosaws Roste Rotterne Rownin Ruirreeley Rujilder Réginein Sampberson Sampsone Santins Santon Scaste Scham Scheben Schel Schriter Selersey Senney Senson Sexanicker Shane Shants Shaël Sheleyer Shellesse Shers Shicholey Simedger Simstrez Skine Skingto Smuez Soned Sopeane Sottels Spechellin Sping Spitt Stald Stande Sterix Sternan Stosby Stretes Strice Sylortin Sylvan Tegomart Terrole Thersell Thine Thitley Trigilliss Tuarmayatt Turid Unciamman Valinix Vallard Varne Vellinson Vester Wadian Waghewson Walanton Wardank Warres Wates Webbard Weedez Welless Werce Wermon Wheld Wherrevell Which Whilmon Willanne Winsey Witchars Woleodidt Woodger Woodie Woopher Wootton Wrixon Yantins Yvert Zanney Zielles Élinley Émennielly
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starlightspoken · 1 year
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FULL NAME:  Lady Elspeth of House Buckwell
NICKNAMES/ALIASES:  El, Elsie, Elsling
AGE:  15 as of 300 A.C
BIRTHDATE: November 10, 285 A.C.
EYES:  Brown
HAIR:  Black
HEIGHT:  5’1"
FACECLAIM: Mariya Andreeva
PARENTS:  Lord Byran Buckwell and Lady Marya Lychester  
SIBLINGS:  Elaena, younger (twin) sister  
SPOUSE:  Rolan Staunton ( default verse, open to ships )
CHILDREN:  Marya, Jarron, Catrin ( default verse )
0 notes
stuartaken · 1 year
The Bridge and the Butterflies Vol 1 (The Filey Chronicles) by Janet Buckwell: #BookReview.
A YA Contemporary Fantasy novel packed with adventure, relationships, humour, tension and family matters. There’s some magic and alien science along the way, too. Meg, Mirabel and Will are characters easy to empathize with. We come across courage, angst, youthful certainty and doubt, and that wonderful teenage willingness to take risks. This bunch of kids come across as readers’ friends. The…
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v-raovatcom · 2 years
Pemilik usaha kecil negara bagian New York Molly Bakewell-Chamberlain diangkat kembali ke Dewan Kepemimpinan dan Teknologi Asosiasi Usaha Kecil Nasional
Pemilik usaha kecil negara bagian New York Molly Bakewell-Chamberlain diangkat kembali ke Dewan Kepemimpinan dan Teknologi Asosiasi Usaha Kecil Nasional
Buffalo, New YorkDan 23 September 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Embassy Global, LLC yang disetujui WBE, sebuah perusahaan virtual di seluruh dunia untuk pemasaran teknis strategis, hubungan masyarakat, pengembangan bisnis dan konsultasi manajemen, mengumumkan bahwa presiden perusahaan, Molly Buckwell Chamberlainuntuk tahun ketiga berturut-turut dan di antara sekelompok pemimpin bisnis kecil terpilih di…
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game-of-style · 5 years
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Gown for a Lady of House Buckwell of the Antlers, sworn to the Iron Throne - Steven Khalil Haute Couture Fall 2019
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