#Brontide's potions
leebrontide · 3 months
Ok, trying more perfumery.
Got some coffee grounds in the little crock pot with some distilled water, and a jar of coffee grounds in everclear in the cupboard. We'll see what gives me better results.
I've also got 6 mandarin orange peels drying the bamboo steamer basket in the other cupboard.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 months
So I always envisioned Ginny and Sirius being really close.
Like I have this vision and not sure if it would go with the next chapter since Harry has his procedure or if this a future thing when Harry gets hurt on a mission. But I see Ginny and Sirius being nervous and stressed. Sirius will wonder out of the family room to sit alone and brooding. Ginny is the only one that notices he’s gone goes and finds him and just sits with him. They might swap stories about Harry or just sit next to each other. Or talk about random things to comfort.
I also envision them being sassy with each other and poking at each other and a little bickering. But all in all family loving way that both annoys Harry and makes him happy.
I too picture Ginny and Sirius being close. There’s just something about Ginny saying in OOTP that she cares about Sirius too and demands to go to the DOM with Harry that always struck me. I’ve always put in all my different universes how Ginny and Sirius grew close that summer at Grimmauld Place. I think Sirius can be an extremely good listener and he treats the kids with respect. He knows they’re far more mature than they should be given everything they’ve been through. I think Ginny really connected to him and felt as ease.
As for your scenario, I don’t see a teenage Ginny picking up on Sirius’ gloom or being able to comfort him. I could totally see an adult Ginny being able to find comfort in Sirius over Harry being severely injured or sick. Could you imagine if Sirius had been alive in Brontide?!?? Sirius would have been by the Potters every single night, basically living there, when Harry was in rehab.
I may or may not have a post-war severely sick Harry story idea that I’ve been developing. Hopefully, Harry can catch up on all his childhood preventative potions before the war escalates. 😈😈😈😈
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morebedsidebooks · 17 days
Seven Books for Agender Pride Day
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To mark this Agender Pride Day here are seven titles for young adult to older readers across genres. (For content notes please check my account on StoryGraph.)
With Ending the Pursuit: Asexuality, Aromanticism and Agender Identity Michael Paramo, the creator of literary magazine AZE, offers a collection of nonfiction essays with poetry sprinkled throughout embracing decolonial thought in exploring concepts of sexuality, romance, attraction, and gender. As the title reflects, challenging how these are commonly understood under Western, Christian, and cisheteropatriarchy worldviews, moreover the possibilities once the end to the pursuit of such expectations is recognised.
In the Ghost Punch paranormal series by A. Lawrence best friends Shay (asexual biromantic) and Max (agender/nonbinary bisexual) discover the latter’s ghost hunting hobby around their hometown in Idaho is more than harmless fun.
The Heartbreak Bakery by A.R. Capetta is a contemporary young adult novel with a dash of magical realism as Texas teenage baker Syd (agender bisexual) realizes crafting food is more about feelings than one might expect. A bonus, the chapters also include recipes.
The decopunk Hep Cats of Boise series by Al Hess set near the end of 2065 presents the US as more a bland conformist dystopia. Yet in an exploitative tech weary world a subculture looking to the 1930s survives. Among these decoists is Em (agender pansexual) owner of a speakeasy and love interest to the sentient AI Mazarin. Em also have their own prequel short story Em’s Gator Club.
Outside the Lines by Caitlin Ricci is contemporary romance novella with a story not just pointing to one of the main character’s relationship with gender, Trin (genderless/agender bisexual), but, as adults the association between them and Alex (gay), who was an intern at a Denver LGBTQ+ youth shelter where Trin found help years ago.
The Potion Gardener by Arden Powell is a soothing cozy novella in the Flos Magicae series with a trans masc agender lead who after suddenly running away spends the summer with a butch garden witch in a fantasy 1920s England.
Secondhand Origin Stories by Lee Brontide primarily set around Chicago features four teenagers Opal (lesbian), Issac (asexual), Jamie (queer), and Yael (pan agender) the children of superheroes with abilities (super or not) whose adversaries are less outright comic book villains and more the systems, fears, and struggles faced in hope of a more just world.
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breaniebree · 3 years
Hi! Loved the chapter❤️❤️
I had a couple of questions, is the Apothecary in apricity lane is where Harry goes to get lucky in Brontide?
And Tonks said Harry to meet his godson, so do Remus and Tonks know that the baby is a boy?
Hi, @notthatchhavi!
Not officially, but they think it's a boy. Which it is.
Yes, @seriouslysam8 was kind enough to let me use her amazing magical village of Apricity Lane, which is where Harry gets his potion from in Brontide (amazing story for anyone who hasn't read it)
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lichfucker · 3 years
1, 3, 21, 42 for cirrus!
aaaa ty blue 💛💛
1. What does your character typically keep in their pockets?
sdkfls jd and I actually talked abt this the other day, brontide is the packmule and carries all of cirrus' things (he's got a 14 strength vs her 7 strength lmao). she typically doesn't wear things with pockets. what she does carry on her person is pretty much just a tasteful coin purse, her flute, a deck of marked cards, a gilded rapier that's more fashionable than functional, and MAYBE she's got her thieves' tools hidden somewhere, like in the aforementioned coin purse or like. in her hair or something lmao. she carries the bare minimum she needs to get work done
3. How do they carry themselves around strangers? Friends/Lovers? Family?
around strangers cirrus is constantly making herself seem small and unassuming, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. just the sweetest little doll who'll kill you with kindness and rob you blind. she's suspicious of everyone but does her best never to behave like that
around brontide-- her only friend, her only family-- she is sharp and decisive and confident. she has a vicious temper. she's a rattlesnake. she'd NEVER bite brontide, but he's the only one allowed to see her fangs
21. If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)
she'd be an iridescent shimmering liquid in a crystalline perfume bottle, mostly cloudy white, but then the light hits it at an angle and reveals a dazzling rainbow. it would smell like roses and rain, and it would taste like cotton candy
42. Is there something your character isn’t very good at, but enjoys doing nonetheless?
cirrus doesn't do anything she's not good at :^)
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asidewalksymphony · 5 years
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|| bold what applies / italicize occasional || Neamhain Brontide
╳   FLAWS.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling  | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | self-degrading
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny | loyal
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leatherworking | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling| writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
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leebrontide · 5 months
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Splashed out for a slightly bougie couple of spices. Partly for cooking but mostly for experimenting with the tiny crockpot my mom found for me, to make scented oils for perfumery.
Fancy Cardamom really is one of those things where like $2 extra gets you something amazing.
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leebrontide · 2 days
Took one of those little risks today that has very little potential negative repercussions but that a lot of people seem to balk at.
Maybe a couple of you remember that I'm dinking around with perfume making on a tiny, personal scale. And that my favorite scent- the flowers of Russian Olive trees, is like..basically not available at all anywhere. At all. It's just not a thing. I don't know why, because it's an amazing scent.
And the bank by my old highschool seems to have removed them- they are considered a noxious invasive weed where I live, so I can't fault them for that.
But a neighbor a couple blocks away has one. I can glimpse it's silver leaves, and for years, in June, I've caught whiffs of that spectacular scent.
So I've left a letter in a plastic bag, taped to their fence, explaining what I'm trying to do, and asking them to call or text me if I can come over some time and fill a basket with the flowers. They aren't much to look at- you'd barely notice them by sight.
But just maybe they'll let me come gather some flowers and try out a bit of crock pot distillery.
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leebrontide · 3 months
My perfume-making adventures continue, and I have to say, I'm really enjoying how much Starling loves helping/playing with the ingredients. Kindergartners just like moving liquids around and combining ingredients.
Today I got to watch her studiously trying to separate the liquids from the grounds we've been crock-poting them with. She had so much fun figuring out the best techniques.
I wouldn't let her play around with purchased scent essential oils both due to potency and cost reasons. But right now, when we're mucking around in the kitchen with trying to concentrate regular food items in our own janky way?
She is loving this and loving the feeling that the whole family is experimenting on making potions together.
I can't wait for flowers this summer to let us start to play with scents she really likes, instead of the bitter or spicy scents I'm drawn to.
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seriouslysam8 · 10 months
I have always been interested in pursuing mental health after medical school. Your potrayal of drug/potions addiction in Brontide is amazing. Never have I ever seen such raw potrayal of emotions of a withdrawal so accurately. I made up my mind then to pursue psychiatry after reading it. You have inspired me. More power to you, Sam
Oh wow! That’s so amazing to hear that I inspired you! Good luck in all your endeavors!!!
I have always been interested in psychology. I did a double major and one of my majors was psychology because I was so fascinated by the topic. So it was a lot of fun for me to research and write Brontide. While I never experienced it firsthand, I did a lot of deep dives into the subject matter to write it as accurately as I could.
I know I got a lot of flack while writing the story. A lot of people told me that Harry wouldn’t develop an addiction because he was “too strong” of a person or that Harry was OOC because of his addiction. Honestly, I think those people totally missed the entire point of the story.
Addiction can literally happen to anyone. Look at the opioid epidemic. It can happen to anyone under the right circumstance. An injury, a traumatic event, whatever it may be.
Brontide had such a long and perhaps boring beginning because that’s what I was aiming for. I didn’t want to dive right in to Harry being an addict. He was badly hurt on the job by a legit nobody and nearly died. His recovery was rough. His confidence was shaken. He turned to a potion and didn’t think about the ramifications of it. He never set out to be an addict. Never thought he’d take Felix more than once. But he did. It just happened.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 days
Thanks for this synodic universe sam thanks for showing this version of Sirius and for Marlene mckinon i stared to follow your works after reading this one shot a potter and lupin from there i have read your moments in time universe stories tbh the way you write and describe I can just visualize that world and characters from that story u r one of the few authors i came across in fanfiction to write a story which is closer to reality hinny rather than silly lovey dove hinny which I always wanted to read and also thanks for the MIT universe which is so far my favorite in ur works thanks for entertaining us with ur works ❤️ u sam
I’m so glad you have enjoyed my writing!
I got a lot of flak while writing Brontide and was told over and over again how OOC Harry was. I think people just wanted a happy Harry with Ginny and his kids. But our boy had trauma. He went through it. Developing an unhealthy coping mechanism during a crisis isn’t far-fetched. It was really important to me to have the first half of that story be a little… well, boring. How Harry’s near-death experience and recovery from some random potions smuggler really affected his confidence. The idea that he was now not invincible bothered him. It was really the first time he didn’t come out on top in a battle. He couldn’t even fumble his way through it like he did as a kid. So, the entire addiction storyline and Harry’s gripping fear of fucking up so bad he’d lose everything he has always wanted and Ginny dismissing the signs because he’s Harry was entertaining to me. I liked that they had conflict and, in the end, it made their relationship stronger than ever. I enjoyed writing them as a real couple with real problems but who also would fight tooth and nail for each other.
I often think about Synodic and how different everyone would be. Sirius wouldn’t be nearly as damaged. He’d be able to function in a way that post-Azkaban Sirius struggled with. Sirius has something to focus all his attention on: protecting his last remaining family members. For him, that’s enough. He’s free and he has Harry and he has support where canon Sirius never did. Canon Sirius couldn’t do the one thing he wanted: have custody of Harry and protect him. Meanwhile, Harry would have a healthy trust in adults and his guardians. He would be more confident and happy. When things started to go to shit at Hogwarts, Harry would be communicating with Sirius and Marlene about what was going on. He would trust them to help. They would. They always show up.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Do H&G take potions or did Harry get a vasectomy?
Uh… that’s not in my character notes. I feel like I said potion in Brontide but I’m not 100% sure. I like the idea of Harry getting a vasectomy though.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
I know this sounds like a weird question, but in your opinion, what are ron’s biggest flaws? Flaws make me connect with characters more. For example, harry is a ptsd/anxiety filled basket case who gets run over with emotional hogwarts expresses on a yearly basis and can’t function as regular a human being and kinda hates himself and thinks everyone hates him and spirals into unhealthy obsessions, along with not taking care of himself and not considering how it affects people around him and is tremendously stubborn and is low key dramatic.
I love him.
Sometimes I have trouble connecting with your Ron because he’s portrayed as perfect. So what do you think his biggest flaws are?
Ron’s flaws are definitely more subtle unlike Harry. But they are there and he’s far from perfect.
Ron can get very defensive. I believe his tendency to become jealous has evolved into becoming defensive. He couldn’t take the joke from George about him not getting it up and how they make potions for that. Not only did he deny it, but he denied it in a very big way by saying he’s a dragon in bed.
This also plays in how Ron can’t take criticism. He can’t stand when Ginny criticizes his cooking. It also ruffles his feathers when he shoots back criticism at her and it rolls right off.
He also craves to be liked. He makes sure to go out of his way to know everybody’s name in the DMLE, he makes sure he’s a little social butterfly, because he wants to be liked. While Harry doesn’t give two shits if anyone likes him and prefers if people are intimidated just to leave him alone, Ron wants the attention. He wants to know people, wants people to like him.
This definitely plays into Ron’s response to Harry’s addiction in Brontide. Instead of forcing Harry to get the help he actually needs, he folds immediately when Harry resists then Ron takes him to Muggle substance abuse meetings. He doesn’t want to upset Harry or fight with him. Ron hates that. He’s been there and done that a few times when they were younger and he doesn’t want to fight with him as adults. So instead of getting worthwhile help, he sort of enables Harry in a way.
Ron also can’t deal with stress. Ron’s under an extreme amount of stress in Legerdemain, everyone is. Have you noticed Ron’s way more snappy lately? He can’t deal with the stress and it’s making him grumpy. I like to think Ron walking out in DH wasn’t 100% the necklace but partly a stress response. The necklace just heavily magnified his stress and insecurities.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Legit question, do you think harry is a smart person? I don’t think he’s dumb but I’m a newer reader of your stories and I can’t really get a read on how you perceive him. Because sometimes it seems like he is naturally a genius and doesn’t know it, but sometimes he seems extremely oblivious and dense and little slow. Idk, but like do you think he’s intelligent? I mean, he was head auror for 10+ years and now head of the dmle, he has to be damn good at strategy at the least, right? I can’t imagine he’d still be alive if he wasn’t fairly clever and quick thinking. I’m not talking hermione smart, although I always thought harry was more practical smart and she book smart, but do you think he’s a smart person in general?
Huh, well, that’s not at all what I was going for. Like everyone, I think it depends on the area of intelligence.
Harry’s emotional and social intelligence is lacking because of his traumatic childhood. He often doesn’t pick up on social cues and he doesn’t always know how to respond in highly emotional situations. He has no interest in making friends outside of his little Weasley bubble although a few Aurors were able to penetrate his bubble and earn Harry’s respect and, dare I say, his friendship.
Now onto a more traditional intelligence. I would say Harry has more street smarts than book smarts. I’ve always said Harry could work a case in his head and figure it out but not necessarily know why. Ninety percent of the time, Harry is right. He has amazing instincts and he knows to trust his gut. He can get himself out of sticky situations more often than not as well.
An exception is in Kalopsia, Harry gets distracted by a hurt girl in the field. All reason and rationale leaves his mind because there’s someone who needs his help. He slips up in that moment, not hearing Zephyr come up behind him. That’s Harry’s biggest weakness: his need to help people.
You see in Brontide, a hectic battle on the wharf had Harry hit and lost his confidence because he wasn’t used to losing and losing so massively. He struggled to find himself after that, becoming stubborn and withdrawn and going down an awful path.
So while Harry is very street smart, he can make mistakes like everyone. I don’t think Harry is dumb when it comes to book smarts either but he’s not a scholar like Hermione.
It’s often stated his work office usually has a big pile of haphazardly stacked defensive books. Harry knows he needs to study the newest and best defensive magic because it’s literally a matter of life and death for him. He’s good at it. When Harry puts his mind to something in a topic he likes, he excels. When Harry doesn’t care about something for whatever reason, a la potions, he can crash and burn.
So, in short, no, I don’t think Harry is dumb at all. I do think he can be oblivious to social interactions and social cues, but I do think he’s smart and has amazing instincts. Harry, who is very passionate, can lose his head sometimes and make mistakes, but that doesn’t make him dumb at all.
I hope that explained my thought process. I feel like I rambled.
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seriouslysam8 · 3 years
Hello, Sam. I’m afraid I only read the first three chapters of Kalopsia so far. I am hoping to read more tomorrow, but with work you know. Anyway, I won’t post my reviews again because that seems silly but I hope you will still take a moment to answer my questions.
1) What is the house in Cornwood? I thought Harry fixed up Grimmauld Place so he and Ginny could live there?
2) What made you choose Cho to be Harry’s partner in this alternate reality?
3) In chapter two, you mentioned violent crimes being the department Harry and Ron worked in. I thought Aurors were dark wizard catchers. Can you please explain what you meant?
4) I love your attention to detail. In Aurora you mentioned Teddy’s obsession with eating toad in the hole and now in Kalopsia, James loves bangers and mash. Do you have charts for all of these things?
5) How old are Teddy, James, and Albus in Kalopsia?
6) Do you think there was a special charm that had to be placed on the needle to keep the potion from escaping? I imagine potions as being very volatile and a needle not being strong enough to hold it steady. Could that be why the magical world doesn’t use needles? Are they worries it would melt or break the glass?
7) What made you decide to have Demelza be an Auror? Is she the one who was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team in HBP?
8) Who are Sutton, Ellis, and Addington? Are they original characters?
9) Cho called Harry baby, honey. I noticed Ginny doesn’t do that? Why?
10) Your Ron is quite funny. Is he very proud of his arse? You mentioned this in Brio as well. There’s a freckle pattern that looks like Merlin on his bum? That’s hilarious. I think I need more details on this side story please.
11) The locking charm being like a password and unique to everyone, did you invent that? Its such a unique thing I haven’t read before.
Again sorry to bother you, thank you.
1. It’s mentioned in another story that Harry and Ginny didn’t live long at Grimmauld Place. They built a house in Cornwood so they could have a nicer outdoor space for the kids and have a more private area where their kids could attend to Muggle primary school before Hogwarts.
2. @breaniebree wanted Cho. What Brie wants, she gets!!
3. So, like real life, there are different departments in law enforcement. The same is true for the magical world. Some Aurors focus on different types of crimes. Harry and Ron, working in violent crimes, deal with the murder cases, assaults, kidnappings, etc. So, yes Aurors are dark wizard catchers (aka criminal wizards in my mind) and there are different categories of crimes. Some Aurors specialize in certain types of cases.
4. Yes, I have massive character charts for the main characters and you’ll see certain things weaved in throughout the stories. Even when Teddy’s an adult in Legerdemain, it’s mentioned he still loves toad-in-the-hole. If preferences change, I have it noted when and to what in my charts. They are a lifesaver.
5. Teddy is 8, James is 2, Albus is 2 months. I try to remember to put ages of the kids at the beginning of every new chaptered story.
6. I honestly didn’t think too deep into the needle aspect of the story. I’m sure there are spells to make needles shatterproof and to withstand the temperatures needed.
7. Yes, it’s the same Demelza that was on the Quidditch team. I just liked the idea of having one Auror who the reader knew and who had a history with Harry and Ron. Demelza’s character just grew into my favorite side Auror. I use her a lot.
8. They are original Auror characters. I have a whole spreadsheet of who is in the department, their jobs, what stories they appear in, and other notes. I try to reuse the same few original Aurors so readers can recognize them.
9. Harry doesn’t like pet names. It reminds him of his Aunt Petunia. You’ll notice he never calls Ginny or the kids pet names. He only shortens their first names like Ginny to Gin, Teddy to Ted, James to Jamie, Albus to Al l, and Lily to Lils. Those are the only nick names he uses and he has told Ginny he doesn’t like pet names. It’s explored more in Brontide.
10. Ron has a great arse. I can’t remember what story I mentioned it in, but Hermione once commented on it and then it took a life of its own. Ron likes to talk about his arse a lot. He claims to have the best Weasley arse. He definitely does. Yes, he claims to have a pattern of freckles that look like Merlin.
11. I did invent the unlocking patterns for the door. I apologize if someone else did something similar and I didn’t read your story. I thought a simple unlocking charm wasn’t very secure and anyone could unlock anything. So having a specialized pattern made sense to me.
Don’t apologize! You’re fine. Ask as any questions as you like, and I’ll try to answer them.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Forgive me Sam, I’m blanking on where we’ve seen Sutton. Do we like him? Or is he an arse?
-Daniel Craig
Sutton appeared in Entombed, Kalopsia, Brontide, and Legerdemain. We like him. He’s a good guy. In Kalopsia, he ran the information session about Muggle drugs and illicit potions with Harry while Ron and Demelza were horrified about the needles. Besides Demelza, Sutton is the Auror that Harry and Ron trust and respect the most.
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