#Bonefall Stormcloud
bonefall · 1 year
Do you have any plans for Stormcloud? It's weird how he was important for one book and just faded into background, and for some reason not allowed to have babies? It's odd smh....
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[Image ID: Stormcloud, formerly known as Frankie, from Warrior Cats. He is a gray tabby with a huge, indigo scar.]
This man is getting a glow-up like you wouldn't believe
He joins during the redux of 'Bramblestar's Storm,' known in the rewrite as "ThunderClan's Tempest." The redux focuses on the entire Clan and how they've moving on from the Great Battle.
Frankie, Jessie, and Fiddles join ThunderClan, becoming Stormcloud, Sweetlight, and Fernsong. Jessie leaves after her relationship with Bramblestar goes sour, taking Alderkit in the cat-divorce.
Stormcloud's scar came from surgery he needed after being hit by a car. He used to be very self-conscious about it, but when he joined ThunderClan, they all went "AWOOGA MRREOW HUMINA-HUMINA 1-800-WILL-YOU-SPAR-WITH-ME?"
Turns out scars are very desirable in Clan culture and surviving a head-on collision with a monster means you must be a pretty strong dude. Kittypet blood be damned have you seen this guy?
The confidence boost was immediate and dramatic. He took to battle training like a fish to water and LOVES coming up with fancy moves.
Cherryfall is his sparring partner, they're besties and sort-of-courting.
In terms of personality, Stormcloud is a lot more thoughtful and calm than his appearance suggests. He's not violent, he just likes to wrestle.
He's a good dude who cares a lot about his Clanmates, checking up on them when they need help, always there to lend an ear.
Hoping one day that he can earn an Honor Title and get renamed to Carscar or Monsterscar.
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troutfur · 1 year
Hey, I saw your ask on Bonefall's blog and wanted to suggest something for the new parents for the BlossomThorn litter. Why not go with Stormcloud and Cherryfall?
Maybe! I do like them a lot in Bones' work and since she has a littermate it would be an interesting opportunity to demonstrate an outsider having to learn the intricacies of courting customs and having to persuade your partners' littermates in order to be allowed into the nest unit. Perhaps Stormcloud's (and Jessy's?) acceptance could be conditional on integrating into a pfurr? Cat immigration by marriage plot, lmao.
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mumblemoths · 4 months
Behold, a man:
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A finished redux tree! Now 100% incest free! I am not going before the first series, as i am not Insane.
A few notes on what i couldn't fit on, some fun details, and my thought process:
● Sandstorms father is no longer Redtail. This because Redtail and Spottedleaf are Rosetail's kits, and this would create incest further down the line. I might have her father be just Runningwind? Eh.
● Sorreltails mother is still Willowpelt, and her father is still Whitestorm. Meanwhile Greystripe's parent is now. Just Patchepelt. This was to avoid incest via Spotfur and Stemleaf.
● Larksong's mother is still Lilyheart! And his siblings Leafshade and Honeyfur still exist. However his father is now Stormcloud. Lilyheart and Seedpaw's origin is different. They're no longer Sorreltails, to avoif incest via Larksong and Sparkpelt. Now they're lost kits that were taken in. This is also to free up Leafshade and Honeyfur for Genetic Diversity™️
● Dovewing's kits are fatherless! This is to both prevent incest, as they're now related via goldenflower and lionheart, as well as my dislike of tigerdove as a romantic pairing, and how strongly it parellels real word grooming. However, her kits still do end up in Shadowclan, and view Tigerheart as a father.
● Speaking of Dovewing: she and Ivy and are now LionCinder kits. This is to corner off Firefam into just his direct line, make some plot beats more interesting, and also avoid some incest. Fernsong is now a former kittypet to prevent his situation from being Worse.
● A few kits go shuffled round. CloudBright's second litter is now Birch and White's only one. Iceloud and Foxleap are now their second litter.
● Blossomfall kits are now fatherless. Thornclaw was a vaguely weird choice in the first place. We also don't need anymore Frostfur descendants in the clan.
● Hollytuft and Sorrelstripe got combined into one guy. Same as Flywhisker and Snaptooth.
● Dustfern got changed. Might split Ash and Fern into two litters, one older and one younger, ala Bonefall's Better Bones AU. But no matter what, Dust doesn't interact with Fern until she's an adult, and he's no longer her brothers mentor. I elected to fix this, rather than split them, due to it not causing any excess incest [Raven and Dust are now loner kits], as well as it not requiring major rewrites/retoolings, unlike TigerDove IMO.
● Bristlfrost's mate may be Needleclaw instead of Rootspring, and i may make her a TBC protag instead of Root. Also Bristle, root/needle [depending on who gets protag rights], and Shadow will probably die together destroying ashfur.
● I may pepper in some background gay relationships. As this is an edit to the canon warriors tree, which is excusivley hetrosexual, it was very difficult to insert gay relationships, as i'm already struggling to remove incest, without adding more relationships in. I'm maybe thinking of DoveBriar as a cute background thing. BlossomIvy toxic yuri. Might hit Fernsong with The Woman Beam.
● Minnowtail and Mousewhisker had a thing too.
● This family tree was overal focused on Eliminating Incest, making Interesting Changes, and Preserving Genetic Diversity
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bonefall · 1 year
I see your Carscar and I bring you: Monsterscar
That's probably what ThunderClan had agreed his name should be lmao like
"A scar from a MONSTER??? Monsterscar!! Monsterscar!"
And they were allll just waiting for Bramblestar, but then he was like, "hm. No. Stormcloud because there were clouds and a storm."
Cherry leans over like "yeah dont get too upset buddy, he's not a super great namer. There's worse names. Squilf had to argue with him to not call that one Briarfall."
"...what would be wrong with Briarfall?"
"A tree fell on her and she did not like it"
"Ah. Yeah. Ok."
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bonefall · 1 year
Cherryfall and Stormcloud are my new favorite blorbos now! :)
Also are you going to give them any litters sense Stormcloud is clean? Personally I think they work better without kits though! :D
Only if canon does!
I don't introduces OCs or anything, and I also fixed the fact that ThunderClan is all Frostfur descendant. So I don't need to squeeze out genetic diversity in TC anymore, thank god.
So if we hit smooth sailing, Cherry and Storm are just gonna be a chill background couple. No drama, just sparring lovers.
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bonefall · 1 year
do you think human researchers would want to do TNR in the clans due to how large they’re getting? tbh I’m surprised we haven’t had any plot points regarding starvation due to the bloat… that’s a lot of hunting needed to sustain every cat, and the ecological impact would be devastating.
I toe a line when writing Clan cats, honestly. Cats are THE most invasive species on the planet and their impact is devastating. If I was following through on total realism, I would have a huge problem
In all honesty, they would need to be removed completely. I don't endorse TNR because I don't think it's ethical to allow wild colonies like that at all.
ESPECIALLY not at the lake, which is some sort of nature reserve. There's red squirrels, freshwater mussels, and wild white elms. The feral cats would need to be either relocated or brought to shelters.
But... I am writing a story where the cats in this universe are unlike real cats. These colonies in particular are even capable of culture, tool use, and land stewardship. They also don't breed like real cats do, regularly waiting past maturity to have their first litters, which average only 2 - 3 kittens and then the parents don't usually have more than 3 litters in their lives.
So, no, these researchers won't do TNR because it would interfere with their studies. It would be like TNRing chimpanzees.
The BLUE BAND effect, however... that would be VERY funny to explore.
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bonefall · 1 year
The idea of Frankie/Stormcloud being a kitty pet with a big scar from surviving getting hit by a car is so interesting honestly. And the idea that everyone is like "you survived a monster? Please. Please spar with me. Please." Makes me very happy for him. Something about being appreciated for something you previously weren't.
I am also super super fond of the idea of Stormcloud just being this total battle prodigy, y'know? No one thinks the kittypet is going to be this good, but he just completely loves training, he's always down to spar, he uses his battle moves to pull off cool stunts...
It's no wonder he took to battle so fondly, people see his scar and think "what chance do I have when a monster could only dent him?" HUGE confidence boost
Just goes from "someone's house pet" to "Stormcloud of ThunderClan"
Plus it's neat next to Fernsong, who is a total den dad. Still likes the sedentary life. Friends with the same origin and totally different paths.
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bonefall · 1 year
same anon who asked about the jay + poppy kits: thank you for clarifying!! i wasn’t able to see the dates of the posts so it’s much appreciated :)
if possible, could you do a recap of the current changes made to the family trees in thunderclan?
Sure, lemmie blitz through everything off the top of my head--
(I might miss something because my actual computer is broken, I don't have my whole blog loaded up in another tab like I usually do)
Pre-TPB stuff:
AdderSwift and FuzzyRobin NERF. Most of their children are split up to other cats.
AdderSwift's only kids are Leopardfoot and Patchpelt
FuzzyRobin's only (surviving) kids are Dustpelt and Ravenpaw
One-eye is a lot older and has Halftail in the oldest litter and Brindleface in a younger; Mousefur and Runningwind are her grandchildren. She is very old.
Dappletail and Thrushpelt are the children of Rainfur and Tawnyspots
Frostfur was raised by gay grandpaws, Weedwhisker and Stonepelt. She is the secret child of Featherwhisker.
Rosetail is the mother of Spottedleaf and Redtail
TPB Shuffles:
Redtail and Runningwind are the parents of Sandstorm and Longtail
Willowpelt is the daughter of Patchpelt, she only has one litter and it's with Whitestorm; Sorreltail, Sootfur, Rainwhisker.
Brindleface has Ferncloud and Elderberry in the oldest litter; Ashfur in a second just before she is murdered. Fern, Elder, and One-eye raise him.
Cloudtail is considered Firestar's son by Clan society. Cloudtail sees him more like an uncle/mentor.
Cinderpelt and Brackenfur are older than their siblings, Thornclaw and Brightheart.
Dappletail is the mother of Darkstripe and Cricketclaw in the first litter, Graystripe and Featherkit in the second.
Swiftpaw was the oldest son of Tigerclaw and Goldenflower, and first cousins with the Frostfour
Firestar and Sandstorm are queerplatonic, the twins are an honor-siring with coparenting. Firestar is aromantic.
THE FOLLOWING CATS ARE AXXED: Snowbush, Ambermoon, Leafshade, Honeyfur, Eaglewing. If these cats appear in the Bonefall Rewrite they will be shuffled elsewhere.
Firestar's lineage is tracked through The Three; Fully Clanborn Firekin.
Dovewing and Ivypool were born of Jayfeather and Poppyfrost, adopted by Cinderheart and Lionblaze
Spotfur and Duststripe (Prev. Sorrelstripe) are Birchfall x Whitewing kits as a trade.
Duststripe is not mates with Dewnose; Bayshine and Myrtlebloom are honor sired.
Cinderheart later becomes mates with Hollyleaf, now called Fallenleaf after Time Travel Shennanigans, and has a litter of Hollylark, Snaptooth, and Flywhisker.
They go wandering together after their kits are grown just before TBC
Fernsong is not Firekin, he is a kittypet who joins with Jessy and Stormcloud. His name was Fiddles, which he insisted was a type of fern.
Ferncloud, who did not die, thinks this is cute. Dustpelt died. Sorreltail is also here.
Jessy is the mother of Alderheart and Sparkpelt; Squirrelflight does not get back with Bramblestar after his behavior in OotS. He disowned the Three and they have never forgiven him for it.
Jessy leaves just before AVoS after improving Briarlight's mobility device to the point of independence.
Thornclaw has no children and he also dies in the Great Battle; Blossomfall's kittens were honor-sired.
Seedpaw and Lilyheart were FerncloudxDustpelt children; Brackenfur dies in Po3.
Toadstep died in the Great Battle; Spiderleg does not die of Offscreen Greencough.
Hazeltail does not die of Offscreen Greencough. She is both alive and transgender.
Rosepetal does not die in TBC. Cherryfall does instead.
Nightheart is the child of Hollylark and Sparkpelt. He is Firekin through his dead parent.
Aaaaaand there you have it, everything I can remember off the top of my head.
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bonefall · 2 years
WOW Okay I love the Father Lionblaze au that’s works super well. I love a lot of it already but in this au would LionCinder have another litter? Would FernIvy still happen? Not a fan of FernIvy anyway so it works great for Ivy not to have a litter. What if Bristle was a part of Dove’s litter and moved over or was just raised there anyway? Sorry so many down the line questions I just really like how this au sets up OOTS and TBC-
-"Would LionCinder have another litter?"
Yes! The other litter, however, is mostly for fodder kits. (because the fact that Lionblaze has three children who give him grandkids is a MASSIVE reason why the family tree is so messed up right now)
The most important child genetically that LionCinder is going to produce will be Hollytuft, who completely replaces Larksong, because I'm going with the idea that Sparkpelt is NOT Squilf's child, she's Jesse's.
Sorrelstripe and Spotfur will probably be moved to someone else's litter. It's not like it was ever plot relevant that they were Lionblaze's kids anyway.
-"What about Fernsong?"
Fernsong is a kittypet who joins the clans with Stormcloud during Bramblestar's Storm. He's no longer Lionblaze's son.
And let me tell you, I have IDEAS about this. I want to really lean into Ivypool and Blossomfall as a possible couple, but they were not good for each other and enabled a lot of each other's worst traits (Ivy needs to be validated, Blossom is possessive and jealous). Then this sweet, kind outsider cat enters the clans, and Ivy starts to really question a lot about herself, Blossom, and the nature of the WC society.
But anyway I'm realizing I could fill several paragraphs with the things I'm playing with. I actually really love romance as a character studying tool; and that's why I don't like Fernsong as he is in canon. He's kind of just... nothing. He deserves to be more, imo!
I'm really unsure about where Bristle fits into this. Like, really really unsure. The easiest answer is that she's just a FernxIvy kit like in canon and the stuff I mentioned makes that the simplest answer; and I also don't want to change TOO much with my "Bonefall Rewrite" because my goal is to just make a more thematically cohesive WC.
(i should really start calling it the Bonefall Redux tbh...)
But... I am actually very partial to the idea that Bristlefrost and Rootspring don't exist, and their roles are just filled in by Ivypool and Tree. I think it would have made a beautiful and tragic ending for Ivypool to have all these struggles with clan society, love, and loyalty, only to die taking out Ashfur, like he's a demon who would have plagued their whole family tree. A true warrior's death.
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