#Bluu & Guu
shslpunkartist99 · 6 months
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OG vs Punks!
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shslpunkartist99 · 19 days
Random facts about the Punks you may not know:
- Oreo reaaaaally doesn't like confrontation. He can put a front for most cases, but if he's with the other Punks, he'll either walk away from the situation, or hide behind the others. Even Cherri, who hates confrontation most, will scare the jerk away if they're making Oreo uncomfortable.
- Cherri hates sleeping. It's the most comfortable thing, but she'll sleep half the day away if nobody wakes her up. She'll be in a worse mood if she sleeps longer than an hour.
- Pachinko hates when people yell at him. If it's playful banter or someone that he's teasing, the yelling doesn't bother him. But if he's telling you something, and you yell at him? He's slamming you against the wall and yelling even louder. Don't question his authority (mostly Symbol but Main works too)
- Keno doesn't mind being a body pillow sometimes. You can lean on his back or shoulder or lap, and as long as you're not trying to make active conversation with him or move around constantly, he'll let you lay there.
- Bluu has many fidgets gadgets. Rings that can spin, stress balls, toys that click, etc etc. Guu can be a stress ball too, but he also likes squeezing Bluu herself. Or playing with the ears on her hat.
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shslpunkartist99 · 6 months
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Ok it's still not done but it's done ENOUGH
Color tomorrow
It's the OG vs the Punks!
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
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Happy Halloweeeen~
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
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Anyway they're done
Meet Bluu and Guu
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shslpunkartist99 · 4 months
So what symbols would Bluu and Guu be if they were Symbol Leaders in the Symbol verse? /gen
If they were leaders? Not sure
Cuz currently, what I had planned for them would be similar to Xeno: being under the care of the other Leaders. The difference is that eventually, they'd become a Leader themselves, but it's still too soon to tell.
But if I could give them a Symbol, it could be ☆. Perhaps a "Lucky" factor? You're the Superstar... wait--
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shslpunkartist99 · 5 months
Adding a note:
Although Bluu & Guu aren't Leaders/Cards, their favorite games are videogames. Depending on their mood, it can be a racing game, a minigame/party type game, a puzzle game, a rhythm game, or a fighting game.
And just for shits and giggles, Gamecube is their fave
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
How about you make Bluu's natural height is shorter than Olivia's but she's capable of changing her height for a period if she wants? Also btw would she have a puyo form like the other Punks too? /gen
Yeyeye they'll have a puyo form as well, I'll draw it when I draw Punk Barry/Guu's full form
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shslpunkartist99 · 4 months
Among the Punks, who would be the ones you would say tend to get beaten up and tossed into the trashcan I mean the timeout corner often lol?
Pachinko and Keno, for sure. They can handle a beating, especially Pachinko (used him for vent art twice before, believe it or not)
Cherri would freak out and fight back as much as possible if someone tried to attack her, and Oreo... would probably accept it, but everyone would hate it
Bluu's never getting hurt. You try to hurt her, Guu is there to wreck your shit.
As for time outs, everyone but Oreo goes there. Oreo's usually the one to send them in the corner
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shslpunkartist99 · 6 months
So random question but how would it go if the Punks were to watch over Summer, Saria, and the rest of the kiddies among the Cast?
Oreo's gonna be attached to Saria, Cherri is concerned as to why Clover's staring at her so intently, Pachinko's fighting Summer, Keno is the only one trying to stop Bibi's reign of terror, and Bluu is dissociating while seeing Sunky and Guu float in the air
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shslpunkartist99 · 7 months
EVERYONE LOOKS SO GOOD IN THEIR COSTUMES! Who or what are the Punks dressed up as? Aside from Pachinko who I believe isn't so much in a "costume" than partially going into his shadow monster form.
Also I love how the one time we see Guu out of their puyo form they're mostly covered by Bluu. Looks like we'll see their true form fully another time lol.
Oreo's a witch, Cherri's a zombie/stitch monster, Pachinko's just Pachinko (but fr he's using his powers to make himself spooky. It might be hard to see but his ribs are out too), Keno's a vampire, and Bluu+ Guu are ghost.. things.
Bluu isn't really a ghost, but I'm too sleepy to think of what exactly she is
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shslpunkartist99 · 3 months
Xeno belongs to everyone
Shit that doesn't help..
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