#Bioidentical Hormones San Diego
drmelinda · 1 month
CoolSculpting: A Revolutionary Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Procedure
Today, more and more people are seeking methods to manage their weight and achieve their ideal body shape. One revolutionary procedure that is gaining popularity is known as coolsculpting near me. This non-invasive treatment offers a way to eliminate stubborn fat cells from your body safely and effectively without the need for surgery or any downtime.
What is Coolsculpting?
CoolSculpting is a cutting-edge method of fat reduction that employs controlled cooling technology to target and destroy fat cells beneath the skin's surface. The effectiveness of the procedure lies in its ability to freeze away unwanted fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues, leading to noticeable results over time as the body naturally processes and removes the treated cells. The result? A more sculpted version of you!
How does it work?
CoolSculpting works through a cooling process called cryolipolysis, which targets and cools fat cells in selected areas until they shrink and eventually die off naturally. Post-treatment, your body will gradually eliminate these dead cells, paving the way for noticeable differences within weeks following your sessions. What’s fantastic about this process is that once targeted fat cells are gone, they're gone for good.
What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?
This procedure can be employed on numerous parts of the body where excess fats are usually deposited. It's been used successfully on both men and women who have targeted spots like love handles or muffin tops (sides), lower abdomen (belly area), underneath the chin (double chin), around upper arms (bingo wings), inner thighs, back/bra lines, under buttock area (banana rolls,) among other places.
What results should I expect?
With each session of CoolSculpting, you can expect to eliminate up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area. Noticeable results are typically seen two months after treatment, and your body will continue flushing out the dead fat cells for up to six months post-treatment. It's necessary to remember that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss solution, but rather an aesthetic body sculpting procedure designed to eliminate stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise.
Complementary Services alongside Coolsculpting
While CoolSculpting has proven its sterling standard in non-surgical fat reduction, it's merely part of an entire journey to achieving overall wellness and vitality. To further enhance results, patients often opt for services like Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to optimally balance hormone levels, leading to improved metabolism and weight regulation.
In addition, Botox & fillers also offer considerable benefits when used procedurally with CoolSculpting – smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles while addressing loss of facial volume caused by age or significant weight loss, enhancing treatment success. A comprehensive Weight Management program can be established along with CoolSculpting if required. By integrating nutritional guidance and exercise plans within the program, people get a well-rounded approach toward their health goals.
Indeed, CoolSculpting offers an innovative answer—complementing dynamic lifestyles or marking fresh beginnings for anyone looking towards safe non-invasive procedures of contouring their physique confidently without taking on more rigorous operations or causing disruption from daily activities due to recovery periods associated with traditional invasive procedures.
Company Name: Melinda Silva, MD Anti-Aging & Wellness Address: 2204 Garnet Ave Suite 302, San Diego, CA, 92109 Phone: (858) 240-7097
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allurantmedical8 · 2 years
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allurantmedspa · 2 years
At Allurant Medical Spa, we are providing the best Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in San Diego at a reasonable cost to revamp your hormones and give you your life back. Schedule a free consultation now! And get rid of hormonal symptoms like weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, or a low sex drive, and re-balance your hormones, so you feel like yourself again.
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allurantmedicalspa · 2 years
The BioTE method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses pellets that contain either bioidentical testosterone or estrogen.
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himani98 · 2 years
Bioidentical hormone therapy in san diego
Hormones are special chemicals released by endocrine glands in your body. These chemicals send signals to almost every part of body. Hormones control most of the body functions like mood, growth, brain function, reproduction, sex drive, digestion and many more. If you find your body not functioning properly and have symptoms like mood swings, loss of energy, weight loss, Foggy thinking, low sex drive, sleeping problems, you might be going through hormonal imbalance. The treatment is to replace your lost body hormones with new Bioidentical hormones. 
Bioidentical hormones are synthetic hormones that are similar to the hormones produced by your body. Bioidentical replacement therapy replaces your hormones with synthetic hormones and can help your body function properly. Your body receives the hormones via pills, patches or injections. Bioidentical replacement therapy is getting so popular these days and is considered natural and safe solution to treat hormonal issues. The Bioiedntical hormones have also been approved by Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) and have shown to be safe for people to use. 
Our physician Dr. Kat at Allurant Medical Spa will treat your hormonal imbalance by providing Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as per your body requirement. Doses are adjusted according to patient’s symptoms and needs, with keeping a goal of minimum dose to achieve goals. The BioTE method of Bioidentical hormone uses pellets made of either testosterone or estrogen. These pellets will release hormone in your body for about three to six months and will make your life back to normal. The BioTE Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help in improving your immune system, increase in your sex drive, improve your memory, reduces anxiety, helps in weight loss. 
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tiffanybelluci-blog · 7 years
Dr. Mark Stengler is an expert Doctor in hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy for women in San Diego and  encinitas. Dr. Stengler is sought after for his expertise in balancing women and men’s hormones using diet, supplements, homeopathy, herbal medicine and bio-identical hormones.
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allurantmedical1 · 2 years
The most important aim of Biote is to assist stability hormones thru bioidentical hormone replacement therapy san diego usage of pellets. Hormone stability is vital to main a more healthy and extra enjoyable life. That’s why the mission of Biote is to assist humans stay better, longer.*
What Is the Goal of Hormone Optimization Therapy?
Bioidentical hormone alternative remedy (BHRT) may also provide remedy for many frequent and debilitating signs that scientific vendors regularly overlook. Some of these signs include:
Foggy thinking
Weight gain
Sleep disturbances
And so a good deal more
Often, human beings with signs and symptoms like these are struggling from hormonal imbalance. These illnesses might also be managed via getting to the root purpose of these complicated stipulations and returning the affected person to a nation of hormonal balance. BHRT might also be a easy approach for correcting these complicated troubles thru hormone optimization.*
What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy?
Bioidentical hormone substitute pellet remedy is a personalised strategy to hormone replacement. It permits a patient’s physique to take in the proper degree of hormones at the proper time the usage of a shipping approach the physique can procedure efficiently. Pellets are small drugs (about the dimension of a grain of rice) that comprise bioidentical hormones like testosterone or estrogen. A bioidentical hormone is the precise molecular shape of hormones the physique produces naturally. They are inserted beneath the skin, the place hormones enter the bloodstream as they dissolve over countless months. Our research exhibit that sufferers might also see the outcomes of hormone optimization up to 4 weeks after a pellet insertion. Everyone is special and some humans may additionally sense the results immediately, whilst others can also take up to two or greater pellet insertions earlier than they experience full effects. Hormones delivered by using pellet remedy omit the liver, do now not have an effect on clotting factors, do now not amplify the threat of thrombosis, and keep away from the fluctuations of hormone stages some sufferers may also experience.* Biote bioidentical hormone pellets are made from soy or the yam plant to create estradiol and/or testosterone molecules, not like artificial hormones, which are made from animal components or urine and have a distinct molecular shape than what the physique produces.
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jerianasmith · 3 years
The Importance of Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement
The identification of testosterone deficiency and proper supplementation and monitoring of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy by a qualified doctor may reduce the risk of several diseases while improving quality of life. We encourage men of all ages to get their testosterone levels tested right away.
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allurantmedical8 · 2 years
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy San Diego
The San Diego Dr. Kat Khorrami can assist you if you have a hormonal imbalance that is giving you problems and are thinking about getting Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This cutting-edge treatment will help you go through menopausal and andropause symptoms more easily, help you restore your young vitality, help you sleep better at night, and more.
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In essence, hormones serve as the body's chemical messengers. They circulate instructions that prompt different cells to perform a variety of tasks crucial to our existence throughout the body.
If you feel hungry or full, hormones determine that. They instruct your body on when to store fat and when to use stored fat as fuel. Oestrogen hormones in women are responsible for preparing the breasts to produce milk after giving birth. The synthesis of some hormones normally declines as we become older. For instance, a drop in Oestrogen triggers a woman's entry into menopause.
Unfortunately, a person's hormone levels can occasionally fall out of balance or start declining very quickly, which can be quite problematic. Want to know more about bioidentical hormone in San Diego. Then, this therapy corrects hormonal imbalances by giving the body hormones that are chemically comparable to those made by the body.
The molecular and chemical makeup of bioidentical hormones, which are typically derived from plant estrogens, is identical to that of the parent hormones produced by the human body. Because they are not naturally equivalent, synthetic hormones generate varying responses in the body. The adverse implications of this reaction may include a higher risk of blood clots, heart disease, breast cancer, and stroke.
As an alternative to synthetic hormone therapy, doctors are now using bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT), sometimes known as "natural hormone therapy" (HRT). Clinical studies have demonstrated that BHRT is more effective than HRT, which is one of the main causes of this. In comparison to HRT, BHRT is also linked to a lower risk of heart disease and breast cancer.
How are Bioidentical Hormones Administered?
hormone replacement using bioidentical hormones. Each patient receives a unique treatment from the doctor. While undergoing this therapy, you will require close monitoring so that your doctor can ensure you are receiving the least amount of hormones necessary to get your desired results.
There are numerous ways to provide bioidentical hormones, including patches, gels, creams, patches, injections, and implanted pellets. Which form is most suitable for you will be decided by your doctor.
Are you curious to find bioidentical hormone replacement therapy near me? Schedule a consultation with a specialist who specializes in BHRT Therapy in San Diego. Based on your unique health and wellness objectives, our therapists can address any concerns you might have and even recommend alternative treatment alternatives.
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allurantmedicalspa · 2 years
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jerianasmith · 5 years
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women in San Diego
Hormone Balance for Women is Critical for Good Health and Viability.Dr. Stengler, Dr. LaBeau and Dr. Williamson are sought after for their expertise in balancing women and men’s hormones using diet, supplements, homeopathy, herbal medicine and bio-identical hormones in San Diego and Encinitas.
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drstengler-blog · 12 years
How to Fight Depression with the Right Diet
Are you the type of person who immediately goes into panic mode for even the littlest things? People who have severe panic attacks have found themselves in the emergency rooms of hospitals because they mistakenly assumed that something was wrong with them or that they were on the brink of death. This is an unhealthy way to live life. You fear just about everything and you get depressed over the most mundane issues, and that is no way to handle the situations you are faced with. These unfounded fears can cripple you as you struggle with thoughts that just don’t seem to cease. Even when you’re faced with normal situations, you just seem to look at the worst of everything.
Some people face intense situations with such calm that you often wonder if they get frazzled at all. Some, however, react as if it were the end of the world. Are you the kind of person who immediately feels the signs of an anxiety attack for even simple things? These are the ones who have severe depression problems. You often assume that you’re weak and that you’re really incapable of living a rather normal and healthy life. Have you ever considered your diet to be the main culprit? The truth is, you can control your hormones. You just have to acknowledge the fact that you need help. There are experts out there who have made eye-opening discoveries about the relation between your diet and your hormones.
You know that you’re experiencing depression when you have dizzy spells, tightness in your chest, strong heartbeat, tingling sensations, obsessive worries, unwanted thoughts, a feeling of detachment, and an overwhelming fear of just about everything. Oftentimes, you just accept this as a constant part of your life. But you don’t have to live this way. You can definitely get over your unfounded fears. With the right diet, you can balance your hormones and feel healthier than ever.
This is a disorder that no one deserves to suffer. Drugs don’t necessarily help. In fact, you can be entirely too dependent on them. It’s time to take a step back, turn to Mother Nature for help, and find the answer that solves all your problems. After all, you deserve to live a normal life. More importantly, you owe it to yourself to be healthy. You have to know what your body needs to make up for what it lacks.
With natural hormone balancing treatments, you finally can live your life to the fullest and know that you can withstand the toughest of storms. Make a promise to yourself: don’t ever allow anything to cripple you. You deserve so much better and when you find that inner balance, you can definitely get over your depression.
Dr. Mark Stengler can help you regain your health. Check out his bioidentical hormones San Diego site. He offers San Diego hormone balancing treatment for people who finally want to live a happy life. With him and his team of experts, you have the best in the field looking out for your health.
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