#Biana and the downsides of being pretty
ahoyimlosingmymind · 22 days
Biana headcannons?
she used to dislike her appearance. Not because she was ugly, or because she was made fun of. But because it was all people saw of her if she wasn't literally invisible.
Guys saw her as arm candy and an ego boost to parade around, who- upon finding out she was complex individual with needs and wants and dreams, would drop her with the claim that she was 'too high maintenance'
She wasn't real to people.
She was prissy and standoffish and judgmental as a way to keep herself safe for so long. During the middle school years of wretched insecurity and jealousy, she had to deal with a lot of girls hating her for the attention she got from guys, and guys hating her for the attention she got from other guys.
It was lonely and hard. On top of having to deal with girls only wanting to be her friend to get to her brother(s)
she was reduced down to her appearance by so many, that before she even manifested as a vanisher, she felt invisible to the world. Nobody knew who she was beneath the surface, and not a soul would give her the time of day to share it
She didn't know how to feel about her scars when she first got them. She, in part resented them, because the world she lived in was so appearance focused. But they were also like a blanket, a shield that proved she was more than pretty porcelain. She just wished it didn't take all this blood before she was taken seriously.
many people accredited her confidence to her appearance. But Biana learned at a young age that that power comes from within. Confidence doesn't come built in with symmetrical features. It was about knowing who you were, and what you would put up with
and those scars? for the first time- proved that she was every bit confident and worthy of love beyond her looks. Because they didn't ruin her. They didn't rip who she was away from her. The 'retraction' from her beauty did not prove the people who told her she was nothing without her looks right.
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*rises slowly up out of the sink* what was your favorite setting from the wings au?
*vibrating a normal amount* oh there are so many settings which one to pick...okay not the big main facility because I got totally turned around on the interior and was fudging my way through the last chapters despite trying to work it out on paper
I'd say...either the abandoned facility (because I love the being <3) or the gnome village they all live in.
I love that facility because it's alive--for those who haven't read it, I mean that pretty literally. The being has become the facility, and it's such a desolate, lonely thing I can't help adoring it. But also there's something not quite real about the place, it's got secrets and infinite hallways and unexplained things going on there. Like why doors opened for certain people and not others (which does have a logic to it!), and the mystery of the hidden tunnels where Biana disappeared without warning and reappeared unconscious but Off. I get to mess around with things and its so fun
Then there's the gnomish village, which I got to think about more than anywhere else because it was the most consistent location. It does have the downside of I didn't keep track of the layout so I'm not quite sure where everything is there, but like. I got to give everyone their own little personalized house how could you hate that! Wylie's got big windows and Fitz has a second story and Biana's house is covered in flowers and Dex has zebra floors and Tam's is hidden between the trees and like!! It's so fun! And indulgent!
But also! The village in itself is such a big part of the story, it holds so much more importance than just being a location. The evidence of what happened there before them just beneath the surface, the broken pieces they patch together and the meaning that holds. Finding the little stuffed bee and the crystal and the diary that gave context. The village was empty of people but so rich in storytelling potential. I hope I did it at least some justice
So it's probably one of those two, they stand out immediately. They're probably obvious answers but I just like them so much--I mean, the story kept coming back to them, so. anyway I'm sooo normal about the wings au I'm totally not thinking of rereading the whole thing and talking about every single chapter as I do so
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