#Berry Cross QAL
inquiringquilter · 7 years
Berry Cross Quilt Along Show and Tell Linky Party!
Hey everyone! Regular readers of my blog know that recently hosted a quilt along for my pattern Berry Cross. If you missed out, you can click the tab above to get all the steps to make a lap-sized quilt.
For everyone who’s been participating in the quilt along, it’s finally time for the big reveal! I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had. Thanks so much for quilting along with me.
Let's look at my quilts in detail. Here is my Christmas version which I call “Christmas Cross.” I used Colorway 2 to create it.
This version was quilted with an eight pointed poinsettia design. In the inner border, I did a simple rolling wave, and for the outer border, I traced the poinsettia shapes.
Details 32” x 32” Fabrics: Various Christmas fabrics pulled from my stash. Batting: Quilters Dream Quilting Thread: Sulky 40 wt #1169 Bayberry Red and #1051 Christmas Green Quilted by: Me
My second version of Berry Cross uses Colorway 1 and is called simply Berry Cross. Clever, aren’t I? <grin> Berry Cross is quilted with circles in a cross pattern within each block. The circles (berries) also appear in the outer squares of the berry blocks within a curved frame. The inner border has a simple rolling scroll; a berry leaf appears in the outer border.
Details 58” x 69” Fabrics: Grunge by Moda in New Saxony (#343), Jade (#305), New Boysenberry (#335), and Rose (#249) Batting: Warm and White Quilting Thread: Signature 40 wt, #555 Berry Wine Quilted by: Theresa Cantwell, Designs by Theresa
So it’s time now for you to link up your Berry Cross quilts in our Grand Finale Show and Tell! To make it interesting, you can vote for your favorites. The owner of the quilt receiving the most votes will get a surprise handmade by yours truly. In addition, I will randomly pick a winner to receive a $25 gift certificate from our quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches.
The linky will remain open until Monday, February 27th at midnight EST so be sure to link up before then. After the linkup part closes on Monday at midnight, the voting will begin. You can vote three times. Voting will remain open until Thursday, March 2nd at midnight EST. I'll post the winners on Friday, March 3rd so be sure to come back and see who won!
I really appreciate everyone who helped make this quilt along be so successful. In fact, I have a gift for each of you! Everyone who links up a finished quilt will receive a coupon for 20% off all patterns in my store. Just be sure to leave your email address in the linkup.
I will have Berry Cross available soon in a multi-sized pattern, so make sure you are following my blog! I have tons of ways to do that. If you want to follow me on social media, see the buttons at the top of my sidebar under Come and Follow Me! You can also subscribe to my posts through my email newsletter, Bloglovin’, Feedburner, or Quilter Blogs. Just look in my sidebar under Other Ways to Follow Me.
One final reminder...I'm hosting another linky here. Link up any WIP before midnight Friday, February 24th for a chance to win a lovely charm pack from Windham Fabrics. If you missed the deadline, don't despair...you can enter every Wednesday for the next few weeks for extra chances to win.
I share my blog posts with these awesome linky parties!
An InLinkz Link-up
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Tell me...what did you like best about this quilt along?
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Wednesday Wait Loss 5
Wednesday Wait Loss 5
Welcome back to Wednesday Wait Loss! This week I struggled to get something done to show. My daughter is home this week for Spring Break, so frankly I’ve spent most of my time with her. My husband is still trying to get over the flu so I’ve been picking up the slack and making all the dinners and lunches and doing the laundry and so on (normally we share those duties which is awesome!) At the same time, I think I’ve finally caught his flu and so my energy level is way down.
As you can see, I have finished the quilting on Besties! Whoop, whoop! Of course, now I've got to trim, add a hanger, and apply the binding, but hey--I made some real progress!
Please keep all the encouraging comments coming. They really help. As a goal, I want to finish Besties this week and quilt my quilt for Kate. Whatever happens though, I promise I'll show something new next week and not just the same old, same old.
This week I want to feature my beemate Mary. Mary is a prolific finisher, and so she always has tons of WIPs and tons of finishes. She is also extremely generous, making tons of charity quilts every year.  Last week, Mary shared two charity quilts she’s working on.
Mary is also extremely artistic and I’m sure she’ll be sharing one of her art pieces here soon. Thanks Mary for linking up!
Last week I mentioned the Berry Cross QAL Show it Off Party, and encouraged you all to look at the finished Berry Cross quilts and to vote for your favorites. If you didn’t see the results, click here.
I thought we could try voting during Wednesday Wait Loss, just for fun. The linky will be open until Friday at midnight EST. After the linky closes, you can return here to vote. I’ll keep the voting open until Tuesday at midnight EST. To vote, you click on the heart that appears in the upper left corner of an image. Let's all use the voting to send hearts of encouragement! Maybe you want to give a heart to someone whose work you love and really want to see finished. Maybe you want to give a heart to someone who can really use a hug because they haven’t been making any progress. Whatever the reason, you’ve got six votes (six hearts) to give.
Make sure though, that you also visit the links in the linky and leave a comment on at least a few. And please comment here too--remember that some of our participants don't have a blog to link to, so leaving a comment here for them will be your only want to applaud their progress. Although the little hearts might be nice to get, it’s really your thoughts and words of encouragement that mean so much.
I’m really happy to see all those WIPs and finishes! Let’s make Wednesday Wait Loss our mid-week habit. To encourage you, I’m having a giveaway—a beautiful Lilla charm pack from Windham Fabrics.
To enter for a chance to win Lilla, simply link up! I’ll announce the winner on March 15th. You can link up more than one project if you want, up to three chances a week for a total of nine chances! If you link up multiple times though, please be kind and increase the number of people you visit and comment on so we can spread our love and encouragement around.
Time to link up! If you need help, click here for detailed steps. If you run into problems linking up, just email me your photo and a link to your blog/Instagram and I’ll enter the link manually. Here are the rules for the linky:
Link up a photo of a quilty WIP (work in progress). If you’ve made progress or have finished a project you’ve linked up previously, feel free to link that up as well.
You can link up a photo from a blog post, Instagram, Flickr, or upload one directly from your computer if you don’t happen to be a blogger or Instagram/Flickr user.
If you upload a photo, please explain your project by leaving a comment.
After linking up, encourage the other participants by visiting a few of the linkable photos and also by commenting on a few of the comments below from people who upload directly from their computers (You can identify the non-bloggers easily because their photos won’t be linkable, or will link right back here to this page.)
Please link back to my post somewhere in your blog post or use @inquiringquilter to tag me in your Instagram/Flickr post.
By linking up, you are giving me permission to grab a photo from your post and to feature you next week. Featured photos are linked to your original post.
The linky will be open until Friday, March 10th at midnight EST. On Saturday, the voting will open and will remain open until midnight EST on Tuesday, March 14th. Please join us and let’s finish those WIPs!
An InLinkz Link-up
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Tell me about your WIP this week. What's holding you back from getting your project done?
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
My Best of 2016 and What I Hope to Accomplish in 2016
You've probably noticed that I haven't been blogging much. Here's the reason.
Who can resist that cute face? <grin>
I know I can't so I've granted myself permission to take some time off work while my daughter is home from college. Still, now that the new year has started I wanted to recap 2016 and think about my goals for 2017.
New Quilt Bloggers
I’m oh so glad I participated in the New Quilt Bloggers group last year, and I highly recommend the experience for new quilt bloggers like myself. With the New Quilt Bloggers I found much needed support, an incredible exchange of ideas to improve my blog, and best of all, great new friendships.
In fact, the connections we made through the New Quilt Bloggers group were so strong that some of us have formed an online bee. I couldn’t be more excited! Expect to hear more about this special bee in the weeks to come.
Blog Hops
I’m not surprised that the blog hops I’ve participated in are popular—they offer you a chance to jump quickly from blog to blog, viewing a lot of related content quickly. I participated in several blog hops last year. Besides the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, these were the most popular blog hops I participated in:
Mini Shadow Quilt Blog Hop
Participants all made the same mini shadow quilt. It was so much fun to see the different fabrics everyone used. Here’s my version.
I loved making my shadow quilt so much I made one for my best friend Alice. I call it “Besties.”
Eerie Nights Blog Hop
For this hop, participants need to make something new for Halloween. I made Dark Shadows, my version of a mini shadow quilt.
Art with Fabric Blog Hop
Participants in the Art with Fabric Blog Hop needed to make an art quilt inspired by a piece of art. I participated in the blog hop both twice.
My first quilt was inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s painting, Wheatfield with Crows. Alas, it still languishes in my WIP pile.
My second quilt was inspired by Georgia O’Keefe and a photo of an iris in my garden. I finished this one and I think it's wonderful!
Quilt Alongs
I offered two quilt alongs this year, and both of them were very popular. My first ever quilt along was for Stepping Stones. I offered two options-Stepping Stones and Charming Stepping Stones.
The Stepping Stones Quilt Along is over, but you can find the patterns for Stepping Stones and Charming Stepping Stones in my shop.
I just finished up my second quilt along for Berry Cross, but you can still participate! Just click the Berry Cross QAL tab above for more info. For the quilt along, I offered the pattern in three different colorways. We're going to have a parade of our finished quilts later this month so be sure to come back and check it out. I hope to have the Berry Cross pattern available then as well.
My Quilt Shop
I started 2016 with only a couple of quilt patterns in my shop and decided to make it a goal In 2016 to add more. I’m pretty excited because I was able to add three additional quilt patterns and two block patterns in 2016! I also added digital download options for all my patterns.
I’m super excited for the new year! Recently I’ve been working with several fabric manufacturers to create quilt designs that feature their new fabric collections. Many of my designs have been picked up and will be released throughout 2017. Isn’t that cool?
In addition, I’m the featured designer for January in the International Association of Quilters, a members-only online quilt group! I’ll be posting more about that later this week so stay tuned!
Here are my most popular Instagram posts
A Review of My Goals
In 2016, I had three goals:
Develop more patterns
Add more tutorials
Find and connect to the blogging community
I think I did pretty good although I didn’t add many new tutorials. For 2017, here are my new goals:
Build my pattern inventory by adding new quilt patterns
Continue to make connections throughout the quilt blogging community
Increase my presence within the quilting industry
Host an ongoing linky party
Host another quilt along!
I want to thank Cheryl from Meadow Mist Designs for the extra push I needed to write this post. Visit her linky party to see what everyone else accomplished in 2016!
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Tell me..what did you accomplish in 2016? What are your dreams for 2017?
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Week 6 Berry Cross Quilt Along: Quilting, Binding, and Final Thoughts
Congrats fellow quilt alongers! We don’t have a linky this week. Instead we have some final instructions. We’ll meet back here in January with our finished quilts for one last linky and a final giveaway.
One thing I decided after looking at the tops that have been completed—this quilt could use some borders! So I’ve added two borders to the pattern: an inner 1/2” finished border and an outer 3” finished border. If you decide to add these borders, here’s the yardage you’ll need:
Border 1: 1/4 yard
Border 2: 3/4 yard
If you add these borders, the quilt top will finish at 55” x 67”. If you decide to go borderless, the quilt top finishes at 48” x 60”.
After you get your quilt top sewn together, it’s time to prepare the quilt back. When I figure the yardage for my quilt backs, I allow for a 4” overage on all sides. If you don’t add borders, you’ll need 3 1/8 yards for your backing. If you add borders, purchase 3 1/2 yards instead. Cut the backing yardage in half lengthwise to create two pieces and sew them together using a 1/2” seam, backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam. Press the seam open or to the side—whichever you prefer. Press the rest of the backing nice and flat, press your quilt top clipping any long or loose threads, then layer and baste your quilt to prep it for quilting at home or hang your quilt top and back on hangers to keep it from getting wrinkled until you can get it to your favorite longarmer.
The next step of course is to quilt your quilt. Even if you take your quilt to a longarmer to have it professionally quilted, you’ll need to have some idea as to what type of quilting you want.
Ugh. Quilt as desired. Pretty intimidating, because what that phrase means is you’re the one in charge. The Big Decider. The Person With All the Answers.
Here’s my approach to the quilting dilemma.
You might start with how the quilt will be used. Berry Cross is lap size, so it might see a lot of use and therefore a lot of washing. In order to extend the life of my quilts, I don’t wash them until absolutely necessary. But others have a different view. Anyway, if the quilt is going to see daily use, you want to go with some kind of allover pattern that will take less time (or cost less, if you’re having the quilt professionally finished). Since Berry Cross has a lot of pointy shapes, I recommend a curvy allover pattern to soften and compliment it. Here are two of my quilts that use an allover curvy pattern.
For a special quilt, you might want to choose custom quilting. To emphasize the central motif, you might want to use something like this...
or maybe this...
Test out your quilting patterns like I do: just draw them using an erasable marker onto a piece of upholstery vinyl.
After quilting your quilt, you’ll need to trim and square it up, then bind it. If you did not add borders, you’ll need 1/2 yard for binding; for a quilt with borders, you’ll need 5/8 yard instead. Cut your binding strips 2-1/4 to 2-1/2” wide as you prefer. Use a diagonal seam to join the strips, then press the binding in half. Attach the binding to the quilt and don’t forget to add a label!
Thank you everyone for participating in the quilt along. I wish you and yours a happy holiday! Please finish your quilt tops and get them quilted. We’ll meet back here on January 27th for a linky party to showcase our finished quilts. And of course, there’ll be a giveaway!
In the meantime, please share photos of your progress in our special Facebook and Flickr groups, or on Instagram with the tags #BerryCrossQAL and @inquiringquilter. Let’s encourage each other to get these quilts finished!
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Tell me...how do you think you might quilt your Berry Cross quilt?
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Week 5 Berry Cross Quilt Along: Assembling the Quilt Top (Flimsy)
Welcome back to the Berry Cross Quilt Along! Looks like fun but you’ve just tuned in? Click the Berry Cross QAL tab above for the complete low-down.
Hugs all around for completing those blocks! It’s been a lot of fun looking at everyone’s color combinations.
Now that we’ve got our blocks sewn, it’s time to sew them together. There are three possible colorways, but the arrangement is simple—just alternate your blocks.
I use my design wall whenever I lay out a quilt. In my book, I show you how to build one. If you don’t own my book, it makes a terrific Christmas present <grin> or you can check the internet for a good tutorial on building your own design wall.
After laying out my blocks, I sew the rows together pressing the seams between blocks in the same direction. I reverse this direction for Row 2, then again for Row 3, and so on. This helps in assembling the rows.
Fons and Porter sell directional pins that are helpful in keeping track of which way you need to press.
After you sew up each row, sew the rows together. I typically press my row seams down, but sometimes I press them open. Because you pressed the seams in each row in different directions, they should nest up nicely as you sew the rows together.
Here’s my Christmas quilt top all done! Woot! Your quilt top will soon be done too, I know it! Party time!
Speaking of party, let's talk last week's giveaway. As usual, I assigned a random number to everyone who posted a new photo last week (I didn't count my photos). Using Random.org, I identified a winner.
Congratulations Kimberly I've sent you an email with the digital gift certificate to Always in Stitches attached. You can print it out and use it in the store, or use it online without printing!
Even if you didn't win, I still encourage you to visit Always in Stitches either online or in-store. They are an amazing store and the staff is so wonderful. If you have last minute gifts to get, you'll find it here. I guarantee it! I'm so grateful for their sponsorship of our quilt along! Aren't they great?
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Tell me...do you have a design wall? Did you make it yourself?
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inquiringquilter · 7 years
Week 4 Berry Cross Quilt Along: Building the Blocks
Hi quilt alongers! I saw Charlie Brown’s Christmas last night, so for me it’s officially the holiday season!
If you’re like me, then you’re up to your eyebrows in holiday parties, holiday baking, and holiday gift giving. The fact that you are even here reading this blog post means a lot to me.
Some of you have been simply heroic in your efforts to keep up with the quilt along and I really appreciate it! And yes, I’m talking about you, Pamela! <grin>
Seeing how hard you are all working, I was really encouraged to keep up too! Thanks for the extra push. It really helped me!
Here are my Christmas blocks. For this wall hanging, I'm using Colorway 2.
And here are two of my berry colored blocks. For my lap quilt I'm using Colorway 1. I am really loving these colors!
Today is our block linky party. To enter the giveaway, link up a photo of two blocks…one of each colorway. If you need details on how to link, click here. If you run into trouble--don't sweat it--just email me your photo before the Thursday deadline.
Don’t be shy! Please share your photo to the Facebook and Flickr groups too. Although that does not enter you in the giveaway (you must link up using the linky to officially enter the giveaway) it does allow all of us to ooh and ahhh your glorious color choices and to applaud the progress you’re making. If you’re on Instagram, please share your photo there too. It’s so awesome to see them there, and to show you some love with a little “heart”. Just be sure to use the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL so everyone can find the photos on Instagram easily.
So here are the rules! Post a photo of your Berry Cross blocks by midnight Thursday to win a $25 gift certificate from my quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches. 
I encourage you all to stop by the store or browse online. They've added lots of new fabrics, fresh from market! In the store, you'll be overwhelmed by all the cute Christmas displays. If you're looking for a last minute gift for a quilter friend, you'll find it here!
If you’re here in Indianapolis, the store is still collecting mittens for Good Samaritan, so be sure to bring a pair—purchased, knitted, crocheted or sewn—when you visit the shop.
Again, the linkup will be open through midnight EST Thursday, December 8th. Good luck everyone! I'll see you here next Friday to announce the winner and to show you how to put your blocks together. If you want to work ahead, you're welcome to!
An InLinkz Link-up
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inquiringquilter · 8 years
Week 5 Berry Cross Quilt Along: Building the Blocks
It’s quilt along time again! Some of you are just joining us but even so, you’re catching up fast! If you haven’t joined our quilt along you might want to because Berry Cross is not only beautiful but it’s versatile too! There are three different colorways, and each one is striking. Think of the endless possibilities!
Click here or click the Berry Cross QAL tab above to learn how to join us and make a Berry Cross quilt!
Well, it’s time to make those blocks and If you haven’t been measuring your block units, you might want to do that before assembling your blocks so you can correct any errors in sewing or cutting.
Lay out the units like this. Sew each row, pressing away from Unit 3/4.
Sew the rows together and press the seams open.
Make 20 blocks total. The blocks should measure 12-1/2” square. To help make my blocks, I like to lay them out on this handy tool—it’s basically a piece of plexiglass covered in batting so the block units easily stick to it.
Don’t be afraid to take your time and have fun! Next week we’ll sew these blocks together into a finished quilt top. If you want to work ahead that's fine, but don't forget to take photos of your blocks before you sew them together so you can enter next week's giveaway.
Time for the giveaway! As before I assigned a number in the order in which the photos were posted to the linky and then used Random.org to generate a winning number. (I did not assign a number to moi.)
Congratulations, Mary! I’ve sent you and email with the digital gift certificate attached. Have fun shopping at Always in Stitches! For those of you who haven't visited the shop in person or online, please do and don't forget to thank them for sponsoring our quilt along!
As you work along this week, don’t forget to show off the progress you’re making. Share a photo of your next step (even if you’re behind right now) to the Quilting with the Inquiring Quilter Flckr or Facebook groups and/or on Instagram. Seeing the photos is so encouraging! Don’t forget the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL on Instagram so we can find your photo.
If you have questions or you need some support to get going, don’t forget to use the Facebook group. We're here for you.
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3 notes · View notes
inquiringquilter · 8 years
Berry Cross QAL: Block Units Linky
Hi quilt alongers! It’s been very exciting to see the block units appear on Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram! You must be excited too because you’re closer to a finished top!
Today our third linky party! By now I think most of you are pretty comfortable with linky parties, but if you feel like you need some detailed help on how to upload or link your photo, check out my last linky post. And remember, I’m here for you. If you get frustrated, just email me your photo before the Thursday deadline.
Before we get to that, listen up! I’m a-changin’ the rules a bit.
For me, the fun in hosting a quilt along is to feel the community of people all quilting together. Some of you have gotten behind. Heck, so have I! Although I’m doing well for my Christmas wall hanging, I’m behind on my larger lap quilt in berry colors. I have the fabrics cut, but that's all. Sigh.
To enter this week’s giveaway, you need to upload a photo of your block units, like usual.
….but that photo does not have to include all the block units. Nope, if you’ve fallen behind, cut just enough fabric to make one Unit 1/2, and one Unit 3/4. That’s just two units so baby you can do this!
My hope is of course that once you start cutting/sewing, you’ll just keep going and be the little train that could. For more encouragement, check out the Facebook group.
If you haven’t shared your progress photos on Instagram, please do! I love seeing them. Remember to use the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL so everyone can find your progress photos easily.
So join linky party! Post a photo of your Berry Cross block units to win a $25 gift certificate from my quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches. They are collecting mittens for Good Samaritan, so be sure to bring a pair—purchased, knitted, crocheted or sewn—when you visit the shop.
The linkup will be open through midnight EST Thursday, November 10th.
An InLinkz Link-up
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2 notes · View notes
inquiringquilter · 8 years
Berry Cross QAL Fabric Cutting Linky
Hi there Berry Cross quilt alongers! I've been caressing my Christmas fabric pull in anticipation of cutting it up for a small Berry Cross wallhanging!
Today we're having our second linky party. I know some of you weren't at all sure what that linky party was a few weeks ago and let's see if I can help. First--in our linky is just a photo gallery. So to enter our giveaway this week, you need to upload a photo to the photo gallery here on my blog. The linky is what helps you do that.
"OK, but how do I do upload a photo?" you ask. Well, you can do one of three things:
You can take a photo of your cut fabric with your phone, and upload it to Instagram using the Instagram app. Then you can use the linky to link directly to it.
If you're not on Instagram, you can simply upload the photo directly to my blog from your computer.
If you have a blog and you've written a post about the quilt along, you can link directly to that post (and the fabric cutting photo).
Here are the basic steps for using the linky:
Click the Add Your Link button.
If you're linking to a blog post or an Instagram image, copy the URL to the post/image in the URL box. Otherwise, skip the box.
Type your name in the Link Title box.
Type your email in the Email box.
If you've linked to a blog post or an Instagram image, select your photo by clicking its Select button. To upload a photo from your computer, click the Upload tab. Upload the image and then click the Select button to choose it.
Click Done.
Some of you have already shared your cut fabric photos on Facebook, and I want to thank you for that! Personally, I find other people's progress encouraging so I love to see the photos of what everyone's up to! Makes me feel like I can do it too. And looky here, I did! I've cut up my Christmas fabric. I've still got to cut up my berry fabric for a larger quilt though. Ugh. Guess I need more encouragement! <grin>
If you don't find such photos encouraging, then maybe you can use them as a kind of kick in the umptyump to get motivated to cut your fabric. In any case, the Facebook group is all about encouraging and sharing, and I love to see you guys already using it! Keep it up gang!
I also encourage you to share your progress photos on Instagram as well. Not only is it cool to see what you're doing, but others get to see it too and hey, maybe they'll want to join us. Just be sure to use the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL so we can find your progress photos easily.
Now, onto the linky party! Post a photo of your Berry Cross fabric all cut for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from my quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches. The linkup will be open through midnight EST Thursday, November 3rd so be careful not to miss the deadline.
If you get their newsletter, Always in Stitches has a coupon good through the end of the month that gives you 20% off fall, Halloween, and Christmas fabric on the bolt. They are also participating in the Wooly Block Adventure, so be sure to stop in an pick up your free pattern. Did I mention that Always in Stitches carries wool too? <grin> For other sales and events, please visit their website.
Check back frequently throughout the week to see all the lovely cut fabric. I don't know about you, but there's something about cut fabric all laid out nice and neat that really gets me pumped to sew something! We'll start doing just that next Friday, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel. <wink>
An InLinkz Link-up
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inquiringquilter · 8 years
Week 2 Stepping Stones Quilt Along: Fabric Cutting
Hi and welcome back to the Berry Cross quilt along! It’s been so much fun seeing everyone’s fabric choices on Facebook and in the linky photo gallery. If you haven’t checked them out, click here to visit the linky and view all the uploaded photos. So many beautiful fabric choices!
If you uploaded a photo to last week’s linky, then you had a chance to win last week’s giveaway! I compiled a list of all the participants and assigned a number to everyone. Then I used Random.com to pick a winner. And the winner is…..
Alice! Congratulations. I’ve sent you an email with the digital gift certificate to Always in Stitches. I know you’ll have fun shopping!
Well, it’s time to get out your rotary cutter! The cutting for this quilt is pretty easy. Let’s get started.
Colorway 1
Fabric A (dark blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” x 2” rectangles
(40) 4-1/2” squares
(80) 1-3/4” x 4-1/2” rectangles
(10) 2” squares
Fabric B (light blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” squares
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
Fabric C (dark burgundy)
(80) 1-3/4” x 4-1/2” rectangles
(10) 2” squares
(40) 1-3/4” x 2” rectangles
Fabric D (light burgundy)
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
(40) 1-3/4” squares
Fabric E (background)
(160) 2-1/2” squares
(40) 4-1/2” squares
Colorway 2
Fabric A (dark blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” x 2” rectangles
(40) 4-1/2” squares
(80) 1-3/4" x 4-1/2" rectangles
(10) 2" squares
Fabric B (light blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” squares
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
Fabric C (dark burgundy)
(80) 1-3/4” x 4-1/2” rectangles
(10) 2” squares
(40) 1-3/4” x 2" rectangles
(40) 4-1/2”squares
Fabric D (light burgundy)
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
(40) 1-3/4” squares
Fabric E (background)
(160) 2-1/2” squares
Colorway 3
Fabric A (dark blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” x 2” rectangles
(80) 1-3/4" x 4-1/2" rectangles
(10) 2" squares
Fabric B (light blue-green)
(40) 1-3/4” squares
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
Fabric C (dark burgundy)
(80) 1-3/4” x 4-1/2” rectangles
(10) 2” squares
(40) 1-3/4” x 2" rectangles
Fabric D (light burgundy)
(40) 4-1/2” x 2” rectangles
(40) 1-3/4” squares
Fabric E (background)
(160) 2-1/2” squares
(80) 4-1/2" squares
In two weeks, I’ll post instructions for making the block units. Until then, remember to share your photos in the special Flickr group, Facebook group, or on Instagram with the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL.
On Friday, October 28th, I will host a linky party for you to formally share photos of your cut block pieces. The linkup will be open through Thursday, November 3rd. By linking up, you’ll be eligible for a $25 gift certificate from my quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches. Remember that the gift certificate can be used online or in-store, Even if you’re not the lucky winner, please show your visit quilt love and visit their shop soon. You’ll be amazed at the huge selection!
So sharpen your rotary cutter and get a’cuttin’! As you get done, share your progress on Facebook and Instagram. Let’s enjoy this experience together…post photos, ask questions, and applaud our progress.
I can’t wait to all those cut squares and rectangles! See you next week!
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inquiringquilter · 8 years
Week 1 Berry Cross Quilt Along: Fabric Requirements and Color Options
Hi everyone and welcome to the Berry Cross quilt along! I hope you’re all ready to play!
Berry Cross finishes at 48” x 60” (lap size) and contains 20 blocks. During the quilt along, we’ll be sewing up the individual block units first, then assembling the blocks and finally, sewing the quilt top together. This quilt is definitely fast and easy! This week, we’ll talk about fabric selection and requirements.
Let’s start by taking a closer look at Berry Cross. The Berry Cross pattern features two different blocks that allow you to build the quilt you want. Block A has colored corners, and Block B uses the background fabric in the corners. The difference is striking, isn’t it?
Using these two blocks, you can build Berry Cross in three different colorways.
Here’s how it works:
In Colorway 1, you use both Block A and Block B. You make 10 Block As, and 10 Block Bs.
In Colorway 2, you make 20 Block As, but you make them in opposite colors—in this case, 10 blocks with burgundy in the center and 10 with blue-green in the center.
In Colorway 3, you make 20 Block Bs, again in opposite colors—10 blocks with burgundy in the center and 10 with blue-green in the center but with the background filling the rest of the block.
Color Options
Although you can use any colors you like to make Berry Cross, you might want to follow what I did and limit your color palette by choosing a light and a dark version of two different colors, plus a background color. In my original example, I chose a light/dark blue-green and a light/dark burgundy and white.
In this example, I chose a light/dark blue-green and a light/dark orange and used white again. I love how white makes bright colors pop! A friend of mine says this version reminds her of hibiscus.
If you’re looking for a Christmas quilt, you could choose a light/dark red and a light/dark green and use white or off-white depending on what looks best with the actual fabrics you choose. For example, bright reds and greens might look best with white, while toned reds and greens (slightly gray) might look better with off-white or beige.
To help you choose your colors, here’s a coloring page you can download.
Fabric Requirements
After you decide on a color scheme, you're ready to purchase your fabric! Here’s what you’ll need to make Berry Cross in Lap size--48” x 60”. First the easy stuff—binding and backing.
1/2 yard
3-1/8 yards
Now for the blocks. Choose a colorway and purchase the listed amounts. In Colorway 1, you are making 10 Block As and 10 Block Bs.
Colorway 1
Fabric A (dark blue-green) 1 1/8 yards
Fabric B (light blue-green) 1/2 yard
Fabric C (dark burgundy) 3/4 yard
Fabric D (light burgundy) 1/2 yard
Fabric E (background) 1 7/8 yards
       For Colorway 2, you are making 20 Block As, but in opposite color pairings.
Colorway 2
Fabric A (dark blue-green) 1 1/8 yards
Fabric B (light blue-green) 1/2 yard
Fabric C (dark burgundy) 1 1/8 yards
Fabric D (light burgundy) 1/2 yard
Fabric E (background) 1 yard
     For Colorway 3, you are making 20 Block Bs, but again in opposite color pairings.
Colorway 3
Fabric A (dark blue-green) 3/4 yards
Fabric B (light blue-green) 1/2 yard
Fabric C (dark burgundy) 3/4 yards
Fabric D (light burgundy) 1/2 yard
Fabric E (background) 2 2/3 yards
     Giveaways and Linky Party
I bet you thought I forgot! The winner of the free downloadable pattern from my shop and the Berry Cross pattern when it’s ready is Laura! Congratulations! I have already sent you an email with directions on how to choose your prize!
Well, that’s it! It’s time to make your fabric selections and to prep them for cutting. To inspire the rest of us during this time off from quilting, please share your fabric selections in the Inquiring Quilter Facebook group and/or on Instagram with the tags @inquiringquilter #BerryCrossQAL.
As an extra inspiration to invite you to share photos and encourage each other, I’m hosting my very first linky party! I’m pretty psyched to up the ante here on my blog and embrace this blogging tradition.
On Friday, October 14th, I will host a linky party for you to share your fabric selections here on the blog where everyone will be able to see them together in a nice grouping. The linkup will be open from October 14th to Thursday, October 20th. By linking up, you’ll be eligible for a giveaway! The prize will be a $25 gift certificate from my quilt along sponsor, Always in Stitches. The gift certificate can be used online or in-store, so this giveaway is open to all! Isn’t that awesome? Please visit their shop soon and return the quilt love!
If you don’t have a blog, you can link up by linking to an Instagram photo of your fabric choices. If you don’t use Instagram, you can email me a photo during the linkup period. I’ll be showing off my fabric selections as well, so be sure to check back next Friday and join in on the fun!
So….to recap: as soon as you make your fabric selections, please share them on Facebook and Instagram. Seeing those photos online will encourage the rest of us to make our selections and it’ll also get the party started! During my first quilt along, I can't tell you how much fun it was to share our quilting experience online as we worked together to finish the same quilt in so many different ways so I really, really want that to happen again. So I encourage you to use Facebook and Instagram to share your thoughts, ask questions, and get some help if needed in making that all important fabric choice. Then next Friday, we’ll parade our selections in my spankin’ new linky party where we can all oooh and aaah at our clever creativity!
I can’t wait to see the fabrics you choose! See you next week!
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