#Behind The Sims Summit
mosneakers · 2 years
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EA announces babies 2023
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peacemaker-ic · 2 years
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So if you caught the stream and saw my content, you may have put two and two together. I am one of the creators chosen to as an official Mod Squad member for the launch of Curse Forge on November 14th. 
I feel that having an easy, free, moderated and endorsed location for sims 4 content is an important step for the modding community, and given how long it has been around, overdue. So I was happy to join. I have been answering questions over on my twitter if you are interested, but I also recommend checking out Overwolf’s announcement video that can give you a bit of an insight into what Curse forge hopes to offer the community.
It will be optional to use, and you will be able to manually install mods and use curse forge at the same time, so it will just be another option in your arsenal for managing and downloading mods and CC.
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ivyandink · 2 years
behind the sims summit had big “this meeting could’ve been an email” energy
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simnostalgia · 2 years
"Hi, we decided that the community isn't under enough corporate control. We're going to make sure that you use our platform so the things you make are closer to our corporate vision"
God, wow. So they're gonna fully DESTROY the franchise then? Like we've fully lost the plot?
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tomatomagica · 2 years
the huge but about Sims 4 [full stream]
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nightlet · 2 years
Recap and thoughts.
TS4 base game is free-to-play as of today. Personally not too pressed about this, though it would’ve been nice to get more than just a kit as compensation for long-time players. But if it gives people who’ve been holding back or couldn’t otherwise get the game a chance, cool.
Upcoming content, including two expansions. Tbh I don’t know the frequency of the deliveries up until now, but hopefully they uphold their claim of monthly updates because that’d be nice. Don’t care about upcoming kits, but Phil mentions two expansions in the works.
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If these images are any indication as to what’s coming, I’m guessing a proper generations-style EP? Something to expand on the groundwork laid with Parenthood and focus on other life stages would be fantastic. Basing this idea more off of the right image with the kid on the bike and the baby backpack thing.
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NEW. WHAT. 300 new kits? Knowing EA, probably. And then we hear a little baby cry, which is expanded on later.
Insert segment where someone asks strangers on the street what they think of the sims.
Steam-workshop-esque platform for mods. Bit of a love/hate feeling with this. It does kinda feel like an attempt to control the modding community. Because it’s going to be ultimately be controlled by the devs, there’s going to be plenty of mods that won’t be welcome on the platform. HOWEVER. If they can make it to be console-friendly, that’d be a great move. Odds are it won’t be, but a girl can dream.
“Maxis invented the life simulation genre.” Sounding a little insecure there. Cities:Skylines shake ya guys? Not feeling threatened by Paralives, are ya? Lol. “We’re not content to sit still.” LMAO. Ok, ok. sure.
Insert segment with a singer and then some dancers with a simlish cover. Chat replay is just “tomato tomato tomato” yikes.
Insert segment with sim gurus using freeplay sims as avatars. Freeplay sims are getting a facelift, also yachts? And a seasonal quest coming later this year.
Mobile is getting balconies.
Insert segment highlighting various creators. YES that is happening. Coulda used some Jim Pickens though.
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Could it be? Is it TS5? Is it a spinoff?
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The modular editing is something that Paralives had shown off very early on too, and was probably what really got me interested in their project. It’s something that, along with CASt, really gives some much needed freedom with the game and, let’s face it, would let devs get away with a lot less assets while still offering SO many more customizing choices.
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So CASt will be making a return in their new game, both my dream and nightmare because I suck at it lol.
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It does kinda sound like they’re hinting at a multiplayer option, which does scare me a little. I’ve said it before, but single player should come first in a game like this. I don’t hate on the idea of adding in multiplayer, but I’d hate if it ends up feeling like a game that’s MEANT to be played with others.
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The cross-compatibility aspect is kinda interesting. Don’t hate it, but also unsure of how well it’ll work or if it’ll end up limiting the game to the capabilities of mobiles.
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TS4 is getting real babies in 2023. Personally, babies are not high on my list. Toddlers have been anxiety-inducing enough and at the rate I’m going on my 100 baby challenge, I’m gonna have to deal with these for a good final portion of it which is scary. But I know it’s been a huge deal for a big part of the community, so congrats guys. Looks like the babies are finally being freed from their teeny tiny prisons. Though really this looks like a toddler to me so hopefully there’s enough of a difference.
And finally,
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applesaucesims · 2 years
Most important announcement is that babies will no longer be objects 🙏
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hyawehb · 2 years
Behind The Sims Summit
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Je vous vois. 
Les sims qui tiennent la main de leur enfant, le porte-bébé et le bambin/enfant sur un vélo... J’ai tout vu et tout noté. Je les attends en jeu maintenant !
Sinon hâte de voir les nouveautés pour les Sims 4 :
- Mise à jour bébé (ou bambin on ne sait pas trop). C’est noté “infant” donc peut être une nouvelle tranche d’âge nourrisson ? A voir. Il faudra attendre 2023 (encore quelques mois) pour les voir arriver ;
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- De nouveaux mondes, des nouveaux objets (amélioration pour les personnes âgées ?) ;
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- Nouveaux styles ;
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- Ils ont annoncé des livraisons tous les mois par leur système Livraison Express, implanté depuis quelques mois maintenant.
Sinon ils ont créé une nouvelle plateforme CurseForge pour mettre en ligne les CC avec des créateurs de la Official Mod Squad. Ca offre une plateforme plus “safe” pour ceux qui ne savent pas trop comment faire, mais les CC resteront disponibles à d’autres endroits comme Patreon. 
Elle sera disponible le 14 Novembre et on a déjà quelques noms de créateur comme Harrie, Sixam, Felixandre, LittleDica, Peacemaker IC, ou encore fernando.
Pour les Sims 5, qui sont pour l’instant nommé sous le nom “Projet Rene” serait un jeu cross plateforme, avec un mode solo et un mode multi. 
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On ne sait pas encore grand chose, juste qu’ils font des tests et notamment le fait que l’on pourra partager dans la galerie des ensembles d’objets (à placer où on veut). 
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Pas très emballée mais on verra dans quelques années, c’est vraiment le tout tout début du projet. Ils l’ont bien précisé. 
On notera une petite inspiration Paralives hein. Les sims ont bien gardé à l’oeil ce que font les potentiels concurrents pour bien montrer qu’ils sont là. 
On pourra bouger les objets visiblement dans plusieurs axes, on pourra personnaliser les formes, les tailles, les motifs. Surement un retour de la roue des couleurs...
Je vais être honnête avec vous, trop de personnalisation tue la personnalisation à mon goût. Donc je pense que c’est trop et que du coup pour jouer simplement ça devient vite relou (ce que j’aimais pas avec les Sims 3).
Bon globalement, beaucoup de tintouin pour pas grand chose je trouve. Mais de bonnes annonces pour les Sims 4. La future génération des sims, j’attendrai quelques années, et l’avancée pour me faire une vrai opinion !
Et vous, votre ressenti ?
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thewalkingplumbob · 2 years
I’m excited for Actual Babies in the sims 4 game but I can’t believe how long it took? Like the game will be nearly 10 years old when the EP is released! 😭
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sunflower-petals · 2 years
I didn’t watch the livestream yet, but from what I gathered, the cc/mod marketplace worries me the most. We have or used to have such an amazing community online, & I don’t think it’ll continue.
I do think though, that this is partially the result of the paywall discourse. I think it contributed to it.
I can’t help but feel a little betrayed by the creators who said yes to participate first. I’m not jealous or anything lol (obviously I’m a nobody) but I would’ve said no. I like our little community here, however dysfunctional it can be. I like sharing cc with you guys. What I wouldn’t like is EA owning my cc, or this cross forge thing. With the way things are now, I can post things where I want, when I want, or even if I want.
All of it really just breaks my heart over the direction the franchise is going. TS5 is really going to tear my heart up. I sound dramatic, I know, but Like many of you, it’s been a part of my life since I was 9. I guess I should expect things to change.
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mimamongbusowg · 2 years
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shitshowsims · 2 years
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the-novice-simmer · 2 years
How is it the one time I @ a celebrity on my Twitter and I get Greg Cipes, fucking Beast Boy and Michaelangelo, following me??
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ivyandink · 2 years
if they dont announce sims 5 or say theyre going to fix ltierally everything wrong with sims 4 im gonna scream
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simnostalgia · 2 years
It really pisses me off that they're really going to try and force users to switch to a corporate owned platform for mods.
Really? THIS is what you thought was gonna work?
Absolutely not, burn that shit down. I hope they get absolutely NAILED to the wall over this. Corporate deciding what mods can be on the platoform??
Fuck off.
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ericahoney · 1 year
Nice livestream. Babies are coming March 14th! They look so cute. They are also customizable which means tons of adorable cc!! 
I also really enjoyed Mersea as the host. 
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