#Because we love to turn komphet into a narrative )
sxvethelastdance · 3 years
"Liu, we've ah... we've been through a lot, y'know... a-and it hasn't always been easy... Fuck, y'know the first time we met, you tried to kill me. I guess at that point, I was kinda tryin'a kill YOU, too, so... fair." Johnny rotates his shoulder and wiggles the fingers on that hand. "Still aches sometimes, but it just kinda reminds me of you..." He clears his throat. "Anyway... what I'm really trying to say is that I... you make me feel shit... y'know, stuff I... didn't think I COULD feel."
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“Has anyone told you that you talk too much?” He moves Johnny’s hand to his chest, swallowing around the tightness that seizes him with something fierce. It bathes him in something not quite magic- better if he has any say over the blood roaring in his ears and the telltale burn in his cheeks. It makes him nervous in ways he hasn’t been for so long, scratching away at the guarded wit that shielded him from other people, connections more than the fist to bone.
“The truth is- I like that about you… The way you fight through what you’re thinking to what you say. No rehearsals or red carpet, just. You… Fighting.” What Liu Kang feels is best expressed in the softening of his edges and the way he catalogues the laughter lines of the actor’s face, the crows feet carved into the corners of expressive blue eyes.
“I spent so long afraid of clarity- it meant I was alive you know? That I wasn’t a dead man who didn’t catch up with it yet. Then some asshole with one arm free decided that fighting me was the better option than going out quick in the dirt. And even after dislocating one of his ribs he decided to drag me and my strung out ass around an island for which he had no geography. He was brave, and he made me want to… Try it. See if I could do that again… I find I’m okay to be afraid. It means I can feel something, and what I feel,” The former champion takes one of those hands and brings it to his lips, locking gazes with the other man in active retaliation of all the instincts that tell him to do the opposite.
“It’s scary, and grounding, because it’s real. ” Mouth pressed to the knuckle of Johnny’s hand, he feels something that can’t be quantified so easily, something for which time has no remedy.
“Most importantly: That it’s right. This, us, all of it.”
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