#Beatrice’s character development is her going from a Wukong main to a Teemo main and joining the shenanigans
wixhing0nastar · 1 year
I’ve had this weirdly specific AU for Warrior Nun spinning around my head where the main girls are part of a League of Legends team.
Like, imagine. It's right before a huge tournament and something happens to Shannon so she can't play and the rest of the OCS (their guild/team) has to scramble to recruit a new fifth player for the tournament.
Enter Ava, a newer player who rapidly climbed the ranks after appearing out of nowhere like a year before. Naturally, she ends up taking Shannon's place in the tournament.
And for fun, everyone’s main position/champion(s):
Ava: Mid Laner, main champions are Kayle and Kennen so she can also play Top Lane
Beatrice: Primary Top Laner, main champions are Wukong and Teemo, secondary Jungler, mains Wukong and Master Yi
Mary: Primary Jungler, mains Graves, secondary Mid Laner, mains Twisted Fate and Kennen
Camila: ADC/Bot Laner, mains Vayne and Tristana
Lilith: Support, mains Pyke and Thresh
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