#Balso wood
i-imade-a-thing · 3 years
The Second Temple & Barrel's Warhammer Breakdown!
Ok those episodes are AWESOME! I didn't expect those events to happen at all. SO MUCH HYPE! I don't wanna spoil too much here, but DAMN IT IS A GREAT EPISODES! As always I'll be listing out details I notice down below(and other stuff), don't click read more if u haven't watch the episodes yet!
The Second Temple
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Hop Pop having a place to "sit" after being hold by Joe Sparrow last temple
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Weird-shark creature being frozen
Marcy have a cute pencil case :D
The arc is a statue of a frog about to eat a fly
Anne and Sprig wearing the clothes seen in "Snow day"
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This part of a tent's pattern remind me of a gem charging station
Pretty sure breakfast is the most important meal of the day
The stick turns into staff
Also: the staff have glowing blue axolotl eyes
A blue shell can be seen in the background
Anne doesn't trust giving other people music box due to "after the rain"
Wonder what happen to other Ancient Order...
Marcy seems to have a small panic moment under pressure
"You frog will turn to ice without protection," referring to the episode "Snow Day"
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Is that a T-rex?
"Out to Lunch" sign, foreshadowing(?) Valeriana setting this up
"Disobedient, Foolish, Impulsive," seems like traits that ss1 Anne has
Valeriana's teleport magic is blue
"I'm not that selfish," Anne realized that she is still a little selfish
A LOT of Callback to Season 1:
"Didn't you lie to the Plantars to get off a day of work?"-> Contagi-Anne
"Didn't you drive family's snail even though you were told not to?"-> Anne Theft Auto
"Didn't you steal Hoppidiah's wallet for a girl's day out at town"-> Girl Time (she didn't steal it though, she just ask for HP's wallet and he just gave it to her, that's why Anne said "That is definitely not how it happened")
"But you did steal the music box, did you not?"-> Best Fronds
Anne's theme played when Anne save Valeriana
"You were right, I did lie and steal. If that make me unworthy, fine. Those bad choices were mine and I own them. But making them taught me that it's always better to do the right thing. So that's what I did. Regardless of how much I didn't want to"...this really reflect how far Anne came since season 1
Valeriana's necklace change from red to blue
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Anne's eye have been drained only halfway, she still got 50% of her power left!
The gem look like it's 65%-ish charged
The gem's flicker....it send chills down my spine
This episode is a really good reflection to see how far Anne has come, and I LOVE IT! It is so satisfying to see Anne's growth, plus the quote Anne made! Sooo good. Also the blue gem flickers at the end....oh boy this gonna come back later and Andrias is not gonna like it.
Barrel's Warhammer
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Captain Bufo's armor look like a samurai (east tower)
Captain Beatrix clothes look like old European army (west tower)
Captain Aldo literary don't have eyes, also his legs look like chicken's legs lol
This tower is probably the North Tower, since there are vines growing around Captain Aldo
Percy dabbed.
The banner in the background said "Toad Summit"
Seems like Beatrix received some kind of medal
Grimity is Grime's real name
Sasha really have anger outburst, she felt like Anne and Marcy "betrayed" her
A frog died here where warhammer is
The boat have 2 fly craved from wood
Matt said the creature is based from Naga(Nak)
"What a great way to go!" Grime is legit ready to die
Sasha seems a little hesitate when deciding between Percy's wish to bail and warhammer
Toad Summit seems to give a chance for toads around Amphibia to show case their stuff to toad lords
Sasha is really determined to get what she want, and doesn't care how it affect people around her
"I am NOT gonna bail, not while Anne and Marcy getting by without me," she really felt left behind
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"We trusted you and you didn't care one bit about what happen to us, as long as you got what you wanted"
Braddock and Percy leaving Sasha after learning Anne and Marcy is gonna sting Sasha so much...
Percy give Sasha a smile, that mean they're willing to forgive her when she redeem herself
Grime accepted Braddock and Percy leaving
Holy frog, this episode. I kinda feel bad for Sasha, learning that her friend is doing fine without her, plus Percy and Braddock leaving her in the same day, that gotta hurt a lot. Someone please give Sasha a hug.
Both of these episodes really setup for future events. Anne having some of her power left and Sasha starting to learn that you should look out for people around you. Next week is the third temple, and the reunion between Anne and Sasha will be very very interesting.
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mayratuncel · 3 years
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In Bloom
Balso Wood sculpture decorated with beading, crochet, and knitwear :)
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andrea-par · 4 years
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Made the timber parts of my design using balsa wood. Quite difficult to cut since the structural support was curved and the balso wood was a bit thick.
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vesselsofmercy · 7 years
I was beginning to understand how it's possible to be in one place. And someplace else to.
Raymond Carver, Balso Wood
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funguy-productions · 11 years
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Finished building another model house.
This is my own design 
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