#BUT YEAH thats that story glad yall are interested in my goofy shit :)
What’s the kid not catching the other kid long story, if you don’t mind me asking?
Also, as an emo loner when I was in high school myself, I RELATE to you my dude
heh :) ok i lied it's only semi long but i'll still throw it under a read more but yah id love to tell the story
as i said in my last story, our school got a new obstacle course. a part of that obstacle course was this large pole (think like mulan except there were little hooks to put your feet on and to grab onto), a giant rope at the top in front of that pole (imagine a zipline above the pole ig), and a log with a hole in front of the pole. for this particular exercise, there was this yoga-ball-esque-but-slightly-smaller-and-denser ball attached to the long rope at the top, and the objective was we had to jump off the pole (you were able to stand on it at the very top) and grab onto the ball
now OBVIOUSLY we weren't just free jumping this shit: we had harnesses and the point of the log-with-a-hole in front was that the safety rope was fed through it, so the friction would ultimately stop the kid mid jump if they fell (obviously the harness was also attached to the large rope at the top, so basically if done right the jumper would be perfectly safe)
a couple kids- myself included- did the whole jump-off-the-pole thing while our gym teacher spotted us and held onto the rope and we were all ok. idk what possessed him to decide one of the other kids should spot, but tbf he was a really cool teacher and we all had a great relationship with him, so ig he just wanted the other kids to get more involved.
in any case, he gives the rope to one of the kids and reaffirms he has to be paying attention. he watches him for a couple kids then leaves him be
and that was his mistake cause as soon as he did, the next kid that went up, the spotting kid wasnt paying attention and instead of being suspended mid air the jumper just fell flat right onto the ground
we ended class pretty quick after that and thus, the obstacle course at school was never used again for the next some years i was there
and if you wanna know how the kid was, he was perfectly fine somehow: no fractures, no breaks, no nothing
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