kogglyuffs · 2 months
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im having visions
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Spamvil - 5, 12, 15
5. Who does what chores?
Bold of you to assume either does chores. But if I had to say Spamton would be do a lot of the cleaning; vacuuming, mopping, laundry and just a lot of the stuff revolving around keeping the house clean. I feel like Spamton likes having absolute control of the environment he'd be in due to the lack of control he had in his life previously. Organizing and having things his way and by his standard would be relieving, more so that it is directly by his hands and actions. Also, after living in the trash for years I feel like he'd be a bit of a neat freak after knowing he isn't forced to accept the filth he lives around. By extension he does a lot of the decorating in his and Jevil's shared space because he likes to make himself feel established in a place. Jevil can recommend stuff and add things but he finds Spam's unique decorating style amusing.
Jevil on the other hand would be like in charge of cooking and lawn stuff. If they had a pet of some kind, maybe walking and training it. Jevil was locked away for years, isolated without many outlets other than occasional bouts of violence for overzealous visitors. He does not need to be around chemicals to mix them into mustard gas but I feel like cooking would be fun for him. He can be experimental and wild with it as there's really no rules in cooking besides having fun and enjoying what you make (and not starting a fire). Spamton wouldn't care at all cause eating whatever Jevil makes would be infinitely better than the garbage he's been eating for years. Same rules apply for lawn stuff as I feel as if Jevil would fuck up a hedge and a pet gives him a reason to play and work off all his energy.
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Ok as much as I like sleepy Jevil headcanons I like the idea the guy has to be tired out and then he sleeps like a log, like I feel like he rarely slept during their years in captivity due to understimulation. Too much pent up energy and just running around the cell in hopes to quell it. As such, he has objectively the worst sleep schedule as I feel like they won't sleep for days and then crash and sleep for a week. Sometimes they nap, but in like really light sleeper way where it's likely they are just waiting for you to get close so they can bite you.
Spamton is the sleepiest but more in the sense of constantly being tired due to everything he's been through and it weighing on his mind and body. He wakes up early and tries to set good habits but he's kinda over it but still wants to feel normal. I feel like he takes a lot of naps and Jevil just hovers around him in this state, they don't want to sleep but they like how the tension seems to melt off of Spamton when the puppet allows himself these moments of rest. I also like to think Spam likes to wake up early due to businessman standards.
15. Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favorite place to visit?
Spamton likes to travel, Jevil does not. I feel like Jevil doesn't care fro the idea of having to learn the rules and manners of a new place, preferring to cause havoc in what he considers his own domain. You'd think after being locked up Jevil would like to see a lot more but I feel it's the opposite. Jevil wants to regain a familiarity because all in all, Jevil's mindset is heavily surrounded by convention despite actively trying to defy it. Spamton on the other hand loves the idea of traveling. The guy has a weird dependence of proving purpose and life outside himself and moving around and seeing how he exists and is real in new environments would provide an odd comfort. Plus, it reminds him of how he got to travel as a big shot.
Seeing this conflict, and how they probably can't visit each of their home dark worlds anymore (answering this as if its after the fungang) they are limited to castle kingdom or maybe if they could get to the light world, hometown. So everything is probably just a staycation. I feel like if they could Spamton would just like sight seeing, looking around and just taking in how things are existing. I feel like he'd like parks or busy streets where he can both be a spec and in his own world. Jevil also likes this because these places are effectively blank canvases to him to goof off in. Another good contender is
I feel as every date staycation activities goes as Spamton trying to be normal about things and failing but in a way that won't get them kicked out, like listing horribly inaccurate facts about fish as an aquairim, while Jevil decides to get him a gift from the shop but the shop he went to was just the great white's tank.
My goal is to slightly subvert every ship cause I feel like we have not seen ever angle these fuckers are making out hard at.
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kogglyuffs · 4 months
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normal, just a normal guy
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