#BMB’s 400 follower birthday sleepover
emerald-chaos · 3 years
Bemine-Bucky’s 400 500?!? Follower/Birthday Weekend Sleepover!
Thank you so incredibly much for being a follower of mine. When I started this blog and began writing again, I never expected to have so many people interested in what I post. Some of you have genuinely become such good friends of mine, I’ve found new writers whom I absolutely adore and look up to, and I’ve found something that feels fun to do again.
For this sleepover I simply couldn’t help myself and I decided to make it Vine themed. Some of these work well together and others I made fit for the sake of the things I wanted to do lmao so don’t come for me too hard! Vine was such a power house back in its day, and while there are some very iconic tik toks, I wanted to pay homage to our fallen hero. I’ve linked each vine to its respective emoji, that way if you haven’t heard of the vine or just want a refresher you can enjoy it!
Anyone can participate! Anons are welcomed as well. All I ask is that you send me either the corresponding emoji or vine that goes with which game/conversation you’d like to participate in! If none of these tickle your fancy, feel free to simply talk about whatever the hell you want or send in some requests and I’ll try to get to what I can 😊 (because it’s my show, not yours).
This sleepover will begin on midnight Central Standard Time of Friday July 9th and carry over until Monday July 12th at 11:59pm Central Standard Time. But more than likely I’ll still continue to answer if people still want to send stuff in
Feel free to send multiple asks - you won’t be a bother at all! I hope you all enjoy my stupid little idea and please know I love you all so incredibly much and am so fuckin grateful for you 💖. Under the read more are the things we can chat about!
⛓Don’t kinkshame me. Kinkshaming is my kink. - Interested to know what I think about a kink? Send it in and I’ll rate it using this scale! (I won’t actually kimkshame you, no worries!)
go away | no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know | right here, right now
⚠️Road work ahead? Uh, yeah. I sure hope it does. - Curious about what I have cooked up in my wips? Now is your time to ask! I will post a blurb, quote, portion, or working title of something I’ve got cooking up!
🐓Look at all those chickens! - Ask me for a picture of my dog, or better yet, share a picture of your pet with me!
🛹So no head? - FMK (anything goes…I know I will regret saying that)
👬And they were roommates! Oh my god they were roommates. - Pick an AU and a character to go along with it and I’ll write you a drabble! Now is your time to send in any request you’ve been itching to see. (I will try my hand at basically any AU/trope and I write for most C Evans & Seb Stan characters, but I’d be willing to branch out to other marvel characters!)
Here are a few prompt lists if you need help
📖I’m Jared I’m 19 and I never fuckin learned how to read - Send me a fic you want me to read! It can be yours or just one you’re a fan of. You could also ask me for a fic rec and I’ll send you one from my list!
🎭When there’s too much drama at school all you gotta do is walk awayeyayye - Having problems you wanna talk about? Lay it on me and I’ll be here to listen or I can give you some advice if you want it❤️
💞I love you bitch. I ain’t gon never stop loving you, bitch. - Need some positivity today? Let me HYPE YOU UP.
🚔This is the comedy police, the jokes too funny! - Send a meme or request a meme! I will also share jokes, videos, tik toks, or suggestions of things I like/find funny!
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨I really do love working here, it’s just, we all have a lot of laughs. - Since we get along so well, ask me to cast my mutuals! Anything goes - characters, shows, vines, tik toks, foods, and more. You can also use this one for would you rather, ships, and other fun games!
💁🏻‍♂️What the fuck is up Kyle? - What did you say dude?? Tell me about yourself and I’ll ship you with a character. Or if you want, tell me who you ship me with!
⛪️I want a church girl who go to church, and read her bible - Interested in a curated playlist? Give me an idea and i'll try to come up with a mini playlist for you! Whether it’s a character or tell me about yourself and I’ll try to come up with something maybe you would like.
Tagging some mutuals who may be interested 🥰
@sunshinebuckybarnes @thanksforallthesushi @wastingmylifeonbritishtv @coffeebucko @babycap @blackberrybucky @belladonnabarnes @clints-lucky-arrow @electricbarnes @mischievous-barnes @buckybarneschokeme @buckys-blue-eyes @vanillanaps @lokiscollar @babyboibucky @fvryroads @xxindiglow @suchababie @divine-mistake @theyoutubedork @ritesofreverie @sableseb @buckycuddlebuddy @bibbidibobbidibucky @darlingsteve @lookiamtrying @sweeterthanthis @msmarvelwrites @navybrat817 @animehearteyes
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
I have a friend coming to stay the weekend of the sleepover so if I wanted to send stuff in early is that okay? So so excited for you!! Congrats bby you deserve all the love in the universe 🥰😭❤️
Of course that’s okay!! 💖
Ive already been getting some asks pertaining to it. I may not answer it until later as I am trying to have a semblance of self control (if I didn’t I would answer everything literally right now LMAO) but I will be taking everything with #sav’s 400 follower birthday sleepover or #bmb’s 400 follower birthday sleepover so if you want to catch up on anything you can find it there!! 💖💖
Also thank you for saying such a nice thing to me??? I am so incredibly lucky and grateful for people like you 🥺💖
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