#Au where touya grows up to be an athletic trainer lmao
thyandrawrites · 2 years
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Something I find ironic is that Dabi and Hawks have the same exact body type. Both are lean, have narrow waists, and have more meat in the upper part of their torso, around their shoulderblades / neck area, with a hint of solid pecs. For Hawks it makes sense since his training must've favored his back muscles because of his wings. For Dabi, I reckon it might be genetics...? He doesn't take much after his father's physique, particularly not in terms of build, but Enji has wide shoulders too, a trait that he passed down to Natsuo, and as it's shown here, partly to Touya as well.
One thing Hawks does have on Dabi is muscle definition because he obviously keeps in shape for the job, but he still remains quite... Compact. Small. His arms aren't more muscled than Dabi's, and his shoulders width isn't any wider. Their height difference is minimal, at 4 cm.
So I guess what I'm saying is that they could one hundred percent borrow or steal each other's clothes and they would be a perfect fit. With maybe the exception of pants because Hawks' would be slightly short on Dabi. And I guess the wing holes problem, but with how low-necked and loose Dabi normally wear his shirts, I doubt that would actually be an issue.
An actual issue they would definitely run into, though? Their styles horrifically clash with each other, lmao
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