#Ashlyn Harrs
incorrectnwsl · 1 year
Ali Krieger : *hangs up the phone*
Allie Long: Huh,
Midge Purce: Uh oh, what's going on?
Allie: Ali usually says, "Love you, bye," when we hang up the phone, and then she sings it, and then she whispers it. This time she just said, "got to go, bye."
Kelley O'Hara: Well maybe... she gotta go?
Allie: Yeah, well maybe. It just feels like Ali hasn't been around as much lately. Last week she only hung out on 4 of 7 girls nights, she missed playing FIFA for, and I quote, "hanging out with Ash." She didn't even come to watch that unrelated Long family on Family Feud.
Lynn Williams: Their performance was, survey says, disgraceful.
Allie: I don't want to throw the "D word" around.
Midge: Dracula?
Allie: Drifting, as in we're all drifting apart. This was my worry when Ash retired, that we'd all spend less and less time together. And then from there who knows what will happen.
Kristie Mewis: Oh my god, is it me driving Ali away? I'm always pestering her with annoying questions like "How much do you think your arms way? Like if you took them off your body and weighed them separately?"
Midge: It could be me. The other day, when Ali and I went to watch game footage, I got a small popcorn to share and she said, "I wish you'd gotten a medium."
Kelley: Well I know it's not me. I'm amazing.
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candash22 · 7 years
@ Ashlyn Harr*s, control your stans.
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onceuponacaskett · 8 years
I’m torn between wanting the Dash to win, but not wanting them to score on Ashlyn
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