#Argued with an eco fascist and they are so selfish
grandmasterbitch · 3 years
What's with the weird sudden rise of eco fascism on the internet? Especially by white ""leftists"".
Calling humans a virus and saying they deserve to die is a problem. Remember back when corona virus was in its early days? Peoole acted like it was doing good by killing humans while ignoring that this virus was spread by the wealthy who were able to get quick and easy treatments and spread to poorer people, vulnerable people, minorities. People who can't afford health care. Who can't afford a day off. Poor black and brown minorities. Y'all are happy they are the ones dying??
Overpopulation is a myth. It is an issue wirh over consumption. Overpopulation was an idea used to blame poor individuals in black and brown populated countries vs the mass over production of products that ends up in landfills. We have a problem with lack of distribution. We have enough food and resources to provide to all. We just can't distribute it properly. Which can be fixed.
The idea of overpopulation is what fueled ideas of eugenics. It's what fueled ideas for the holocaust. Its why black and brown folks are targeted for sterilization. ICE right now is sterlizing illegal immigrants. Canada still sterilize immigrant women and natives. Even in Canada there was an ad for anti natalism and used the face of a black baby.
Companies try their best to shift the blame on individuals. Making it seem like if they don't thrift, buy second hand, take 10 minute showers then it's your fault the planet is dying while turning a blind eye on all things the companies are responsible for. Scientists even agree. The 1% is responsible for majority of the pollution. Unless we hold them accountable then the planet will only continue to suffer.
And to say humans have only caused the earth to die is a big fat racist myth. The natives who lived on this land took care of the land. They didn't hunt too much. They used their resources carefully. That only science now is acknowledging. These people were removed from their lands. Forced to loose their culture and way of living. They are poor and suffering. Slaves under this current capitalist system put in place by colonizers then we blame them for existing and using the only resources available for them?
They displace millions of people in the world for their selfish needs and force them to adopt an unstable system for living and then you blame them?
Colonizers always want to act enlightened. Now crying how the earth is dying and its all the poor black and brown folks faults. Having the audacity to exist without paying every step for their very existence. How evil are they??
This is why I have no sympathy to white leftists who fall into the eco fascist mindset. They don't even bother to take a step back and recognize how racist the idea is.
You might say "oh humans are the one who are colonizing and created capitalism" bruh that's a nice way of avoiding which humans were doing that and shifting the blame from yourself.
Humans exist. They chose how they want to live and most people are just trying to survive. Oh the audacity they have to do so. Saying they are all terrible doesn't fix the problem and only supports innocent people's suffering.
While you fetishize animals and cry about them because they are sweet innocent babies who can't talk back and are cute faces that have no opinions and thoughts that you would really consider doesn't make you a good person.
Children in the foster care system are treated so much worse than dogs in foster care. And even bringing this up, some people say the kids deserve it. For being human.
I remember some vegan lady saying she stopped being an organ donor (which is fine on its own) because humans are so bad and that if a child was dying and in need of organs then just tell them that humans are so awful that they don't deserve it. And this lady preys on minors a lot yet she feels so high and mighty to even act think this way.
You like to act enlightened by hating people but loving animals but you just like obedient pets that can't have any opposing opinions, thoughts, or feelings that you have to deeply care about.
Instead of supporting eco fascist ideas actually try to not do that?? And support harmful ideologies that will only make minorities suffer??
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