#Apo Nattawin giving Hollywood actors a run for their money yet again
acacia-luna-royal · 2 years
Okay, so I want to talk about this scene, or to be more precise, Apo’s portrayal of Porsche’s facial expressions in this last scene of Ep8:
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It’s where Porsche and Kinn are just about to pour the dedication water and give it to the monk. Here, at this very bit, is when they’ve all noticed Tawan fall over and collapse behind Porsche and Kinn.
But, I want to talk about this scene and the progression of Porsche’s emotions through these last couple of seconds.
First, we have the fact that Porsche believes that Tawan is haunting him; with Porsche having phasmophobia of the slight extreme, he’s not going to take it lightly when he believes he’s being haunted by Kinn’s supposedly-deceased-ex. But, we all already knew that, so I’ll move on to my point.
When Porsche is holding the glass that Kinn is pouring the dedication water into, the Buddhist monk is chanting but his eyes are more focused on the figure who seems to stumble into view behind the couple who have their backs to the new comer:
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The Buddhist monk tilts his head to the side, following the direction of which Tawan fell and the sight of the monk looking so intently over their head draws Kinn and Porsche to also look back to see what the monk is staring at.
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It’s a natural reaction to look in the same direction of where someone, someone that you’re interacting with yourself, looks so intently and distractingly towards, so both Kinn and Porsche turn to look. Kinn and Porsche turn around to face the direction that the monk is staring at, but look at Porsche... when he sees Tawan, he doesn’t really pay too much mind to it because he knows that the Buddhist monk is able to either see or sense the person that’s been haunting stalking him, so Porsche doesn’t pay too much mind to seeing Tawan again. And that’s why Porsche turns around to continue pouring the dedication water into the glass:
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Porsche turns his attention back to the task that he and Kinn came to the temple to do, most likely expecting Kinn to turn around with him and continue alongside him, as Porsche isn’t expecting Kinn to actually be able to see Tawan there. Porsche must have just brushed it off as just himself seeing Tawan’s ghost, as Kinn wasn’t able to see Tawan when they were out on their date and the fact that Tawan disappeared within a second of Porsche turning away for only a second, not just once but twice; the second time being with him about to take a selfie to send to Kinn and Pete calling his name to let him know that their break was over.
But then Kinn remains staring in the direction of where Tawan is. And then Kinn says Tawan’s name:
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And then, Porsche turns back to look at Kinn, who’s eyes are fixed on the prone form of Tawan behind them. Porsche himself then turns back to look at Tawan, and the realisation hits him and you can see the expressional growth in his face (Apo, you’re fucking amazing with your ability of performing flexible portrayal of expressions and emotions with just your eyes alone but this is just phenomenal) of when Porsche realises that Tawan is actually there, that Tawan is actually being seen by others other than him and the monk, that Tawan is actually, finally, being seen by Kinn and that Tawan is actually alive.
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Porsche looks incredibly shaken to the core. It’s a tiny micro-expressional change, but it’s there and you can see it if you really stare at his face and you see how his facial expression morphs into haunted cognisance.
The thing is, all that Porsche has heard about Tawan is that he was shot by Kinn. The first time he was explained to about it in more then minute detail was when he asked Vegas about Kinn being hurt and that being the reason he can never trust again. Porsche then asked about Kinn’s ex and found it immature that Kinn would turn cold because he broke up with his boyfriend. But, the answer he got from Vegas was this:
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So, with this declaration from Vegas, and then the time when Porsche antagonised Kinn to shoot him, just like Kinn did with his ex, something that Porsche obviously did to get a reaction from Kinn; being sick of Kinn being the way he is as if Porsche would really betray him and break the trust that they worked so hard to form together so easily, Porsche is made to believe that Tawan is dead.
And then, we have the scene in episode 8 where Kinn comforts Porsche after he gets scared from Tankhun’s horror movie night, where Kinn tells Porsche that there was no way that Tawan was the jealous ghost that was haunting Porsche:
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With all of the information that Porsche has been given about Tawan, it all leads to the declaration or insinuation that Tawan is dead. Vegas literally said that Kinn shot him to death, though he did this to really unsettle Porsche, which worked wonders (thanks Vegas, Porsche really fucking needed that, ya dick). So, if Vegas actually believes that Tawan is dead or not is an entirely different matter, but he made Porsche believe that he was.
And then, with Kinn. Kinn didn’t say the words “he’s dead.” Or, “I killed him.” He just told Porsche that he shot him after Tawan betrayed his family and sold his family secrets to the Italians. But, the implantation of the idea of Tawan being killed by Kinn’s hand is there.
So, of course, with everything that he has been told about Tawan, Porsche believes that he’s dead. And for Porsche to see Tawan again, thinking for a second that he’s just seeing his ghost again and that the monk can most likely see him too, and then for Kinn to also see him and call out his name in recognition and surprise, the revelation of Tawan being alive and actually being there hits Porsche so damn hard, he can barely believe it. And that’s the reason why Porsche looks the way he does at the very end of Ep8, staring at Tawan with fear and daunting realisation. Kinn’s ex, his horrible traitor non-loving ex is alive, and he’s there with them.
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And Apo managed to portray that in Porsche’s expression, and yet again, Apo Nattawin never ceases to amaze me with his acting skills
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