#Anything that causes dehydration/high fevers/autoimmune response
chicago-geniza · 8 months
Fever woke me up this morning but at least it's not making me hallucinate like last time I had COVID. Symptoms pretty similar--my joints and guts are Compromised, keep having mast cell reactions--but I'm not delirious and my fever isn't running at 103+ for days. I should be getting paxlovid today, the allergy nurse recommends it just because my immune system is suppressed and I already have lung and kidney damage lol
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nash31349536 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2IAzfzf https://ift.tt/2IBt0v0 October 08, 2019 at 01:53PM
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salcido97476557 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
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mclamb10011636 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
0 notes
iranstew41-blog · 5 years
What your headaches can tell you about your health
Having a headache is a pain—literally and figuratively. And it’s even worse when your headaches feel constant and as if pain is nagging you all the damn time. You might be surprised to learn that there’s a fairly lengthy list of causes of constant headaches. Some reasons behind chronic headaches are not serious, while other causes can signify a deeper health issue is at play.
What causes a headache?
Experts don't completely understand what's happening in our skulls when a headache hits, but the most likely explanation is that something causes the blood vessels to swell, subsequently stretching the nerves around them and firing off pain signals.
There are three primary types of headaches: migraines, tension, and cluster, Susan Hutchinson, M.D., director of Orange County Migraine & Headache Center, tells SELF. Here’s a quick summary of each type:
Cluster headaches: This type occurs usually on one side of the head, causes one eye to tear, and leaves you feeling extremely agitated. They are not very common and seem to run in families, Dr. Hutchinson says. An “attack” may last weeks or months, according to the Mayo Clinic.
The cause is unknown, but cluster headaches may occur if something with the body’s biological clock is off, per the Mayo Clinic. Also, cluster headaches generally aren’t triggered by certain factors, like stress or hormonal changes, the way tension headaches and migraines can be. (The exceptions: Certain medications and alcohol may trigger cluster headaches, per the Mayo Clinic.)
Migraines: Migraines typically cause pain (sometimes so intense that it affects a person’s ability to function) on one side of the head and possibly nausea and/or sensitivity to light, the Mayo Clinic explains.
It’s not totally clear what causes migraines, but it’s possible that they have to do with “changes in the brainstem and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve,” the Mayo Clinic says. (Changes in serotonin levels in the brain may also play a role, but more research is needed to determine how and why.) Experts believe migraines are primarily genetic.
Tension headaches: Anyone can get a tension headache, which is caused by muscle tightness in the head, neck, or scalp, according to MedlinePlus. "Unlike migraines, which we think are genetically predisposed, tension headaches are pretty universal," Dr. Hutchinson says.
Tension headaches can be caused by everything from dehydration and workplace stress to undiagnosed diabetes or an autoimmune disease. A tension headache feels tight, like your head is in a vice, and can occur on both sides and commonly hits later in the day as tension builds. "It's a tight, oppressing feeling," Dr. Hutchinson explains.
If you're experiencing constant headaches, chances are they're either tension or migraines.
So what does it mean if your headaches are constant or chronic?
Technically, for your headaches to be considered chronic, they need to go on for 15 days or longer per month, for at least three consecutive months, SELF reported previously. That being said, if you have recurring headaches for, say, two weeks, that doesn’t mean you should discount your pain—you should still see your doctor.
The causes of constant, headaches—whether tension or migraine—range from totally minor to pretty major. Here are 10 things your headaches could reveal about your health.
1. You're stressed.
"Unresolved stress can really contribute to headache," Dr. Hutchinson says. As mentioned, tension headaches happen when the muscles of the neck and scalp tense up, and this can be a physical response that your body has to stress and anxiety, MedlinePlus explains.
If you're suffering from headaches, stop and think about what's going on in your life. How stressed are you? And are you just pushing your stress under the rug instead of dealing with it?
Fix it: This is where stress management and self-care techniques become crucial—and possibly therapy. Psychotherapeutic interventions like cognitive behavioral therapy can help you better cope with anxious thoughts. Everyone’s stress and anxiety management methods are different, as SELF reported previously; but oftentimes a mix of techniques that you can do on your own and/or with a mental health professional is best.
2. You're dehydrated.
"With any kind of headache, a person needs to look at their health habits," Dr. Hutchinson says. One important thing to look at is water intake, as dehydration can cause headaches. The exact connection is unknown, but experts believe it has to do with the way blood volume drops when you're not getting enough water. Lower blood volume means less oxygen is getting to the brain.
Fix it: Keep an eye out for obvious signs of dehydration, including having yellow pee, feeling thirsty, and having a dry mouth. Then, drink more water (of course). You can also up the amount of foods with high-water content in your diet (think: celery, watermelon, and tomatoes).
The amount of fluids you need to consume depends on different factors, like your age and physical activity levels. But as a general rule of thumb, women should consume about 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of water (from drinks and food) each day, and roughly 3.7 liters (125 ounces) of water daily for men, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
3. You're anemic.
Anemia is a condition where you lack enough red blood cells to properly transport oxygen to tissues throughout your body, the Mayo Clinic explains. It can bring on symptoms including fatigue, feeling weak, shortness of breath, and others. "More severe anemia can cause headache," Dr. Hutchinson says.
There are different causes of anemia, including having an iron deficiency, having lower-than-normal levels of B-12 and/or folic acid, or having a chronic health condition that leads to anemia.
Fix it: If you’re having symptoms of anemia, bring them up with your doctor. From there, they may decide to test your red blood cell levels to determine whether you are anemic (or they may choose to do other tests or examinations to rule out other possible underlying health conditions).
Luckily, if you suffer from iron- or vitamin-deficiency anemia, it's reversible by upping iron or vitamin intake. Your doctor will guide this course of treatment.
4. You have a chronic disease.
Headache is a common side effect of many chronic health conditions like fibromyalgia, lupus, and diabetes.
Fix it: If you have chronic headaches, it's always worth talking to your doctor if anything feels off with your body to figure out if an underlying condition could be causing your issues. Even if you’re unsure and think it may be something minor, don’t delay seeking medical attention and be your own health advocate.
5. You’re dealing with hormonal issues, like menstruation.
Thanks to the drop in estrogen right before menstruation, many women experience PMS-related headaches. In fact, menstruation is one of the biggest migraine triggers for women.
But it's not the only time a change in estrogen levels can cause a headache—both perimenopause and postpartum periods are marked by a significant drop in estrogen, and as a result, often come with headaches. Pregnancy, too, affects estrogen levels, so you may notice that your headaches worsen (or disappear in some cases) during this time, the Mayo Clinic says. "Any time of hormonal change is a vulnerable time for headaches," Dr. Hutchinson says.
Fix it: If you notice that your headaches appear to be cyclical and coincide with your period, it’s worth bringing this up with your doctor, who may suggest going on hormonal birth control or switching your current birth control.
As the Mayo Clinic explains, hormonal birth control can have an effect on your headache patterns; and for some people, hormonal contraception may make headaches less frequent and intense because they reduce the drop in estrogen that happens during your menstrual cycle.
For short-term headache relief around your period, typical headache remedies can help, like using ice or a cold compress, practicing relaxation techniques, or taking an over-the-counter pain relief medication.
It’s worth noting that if you’re dealing with chronic headaches during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor first about what solutions make sense for you, as some headache medications are not safe for pregnant people, the Mayo Clinic says.
6. You have a sinus problem.
Sinus headaches are not that common, Dr. Hutchinson notes. "Most sinus headaches are just migraines with sinus symptoms," she says. So if you have recurrent headaches in your sinus or facial area, chances are it's a migraine. In fact, studies have shown that approximately 90 percent of people who see a doctor for sinus headaches are found to actually have migraines, according to the Mayo Clinic.
But if your headache is paired with fever, phlegm, or any other indication you might be sick, an underlying sinus infection may be to blame.
Fix it: If you do have a sinus infection, the headache should go away after taking antibiotics to knock out the infection—so pay a visit to your physician.
7. Your body clock is off.
Ever wake up for a super early flight and notice a nagging pain in your head? Disrupting your body's schedule can trigger headaches, Dr. Hutchinson says.
Getting up earlier (or later) than usual can throw off your circadian rhythm. "Travel in general is a trigger," she adds. The stress of traveling, change in barometric pressure, change in time zones, and just being at an airport can all trigger a headache.
Fix it: While sometimes it’s just not possible to maintain the exact same sleep-wake schedule (say, if you’re traveling abroad), it’s important to try to keep as close to your typical routine as possible. This way, you’ll limit the disruption to your body clock, and in turn, keep headaches away, or at least more infrequent.
Also, stress relief practices are especially important in hectic travel settings—like loud, crowded airports—to keep nagging head pain under control.
8. You drink too much caffeine.
Caffeine causes vasoconstriction in your blood vessels, meaning they get a little narrower. If you drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks every day, your body gets used to it, Dr. Hutchinson explains. So when you skip it one day, your blood vessels don't become constricted and can make your head hurt. It becomes a vicious cycle, slugging back a mug to find relief, and just further deepening your need for caffeine.
Fix it: "It's unrealistic to tell all headache patients to avoid caffeine," Dr. Hutchinson says. She recommends moderation—a maximum of two caffeinated drinks in one day—to avoid that withdrawal headache when you go without. (Keep in mind, that means two small-size coffees, not jumbo cups.)
9. You're taking too many headache meds.
Headache treatments can potentially backfire. "Sometimes, the thing you’re taking for headache starts working against you," Dr. Hutchinson says. Overdoing it on painkillers can actually make the pain worse—and the caffeine in some medications like Excedrin can cause withdrawal headaches, compounding the effects. Overuse of any pain medication to treat headaches can cause what's called a rebound headache.
Fix it: If you've been taking a lot of OTC medications, try stopping for a day or drastically limiting your intake. "If you're able to then have a day without a headache and don’t need to take anything, then you can say you’re out of the rebound," says Dr. Hutchinson.
10. In rare cases, constant headaches could be a sign of a brain tumor.
Googling your headache symptoms may result in a self-diagnosis of brain tumor. Rest assured: They're rare, so chances are you don't have one. But it’s a possibility, and something you don't want to miss, Dr. Hutchinson says. "If a patient’s had a regular headache pattern [for months] and it hasn’t changed, it's usually not a red flag," she says.
If headaches are a new thing for you, are the most severe you've ever experienced, or are changing or worsening over time, these are signs your doctor may order a brain scan. But if you're ever worried about what's causing your headaches, it's worth discussing with your doctor.
Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/what-your-headaches-can-tell-you-about-your-health/ar-BBRyCVu?srcref=rss
0 notes
nash31349536 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2VqXfde https://ift.tt/2IBt0v0 October 08, 2019 at 01:43PM
0 notes
nash31349536 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
0 notes
nash31349536 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
0 notes
nash31349536 · 5 years
The HLA-DR Gene and Mold Sensitivity
Why is it that mold affects each person differently? How come some people present no symptoms at all or they tend to recover from symptoms as soon as the source of the mold is eradicated, while others develop chronic health problems from a single encounter with mold? The answer lies in a person’s genetic predisposition toward mold illness, which stems from the HLA-DR gene.
Note to readers: The particulars behind HLA-DR’s problematic effect on the immune system require delving into expansive details of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in humans, as well as the definition and functions of various molecules and proteins—such as antigens, peptides, and T-cell receptors, to name a few—in relation to the pituitary and hypothalamic axis, and the immune system as a whole. For those of you who are biology buffs, I apologize for oversimplifying things. And, for those of you who dreaded every day of high school biology, well, you’re welcome. Without further ado, let’s jump right in and butcher a very complex problem with a very modest explanation.
What is the HLA-DR Gene?
The Human Leukocyte Antigen is a protein—or marker—that is found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in your body and which cells do not. When an antigen is presented correctly to a T-cell receptor, for example, the appropriate immune response is given and foreign threats can be destroyed or removed from the body. This is an imperative function in the defense against biotoxins—toxic substances that have an organic origin, such as mycotoxins (fungi—yeast and mold), zootoxins (animals), and phytotoxins (plants).
When a person carries the HLA-DR gene, however, they are genetically susceptible to biotoxic illnesses because the HLA-DR causes a misprocessing of antigens, which inhibits the immune system from reacting correctly to infection and toxins.
HLA-DR and Mold Illness
Fungal triggers of the HLA-DR are often the most devastating to health. Over 36 different diseases can result from an HLA-DR carrier’s exposure to mold. This is because HLA-DR(BQ) inhibits the immune system from recognizing mycotoxins as a threat, thus impeding it from producing antibodies that are needed for deactivating and removing mold toxins. Because of this, mycotoxins and aflatoxins are stored throughout the body (namely in the “fatty” regions, such as the brain) while their negative effects go undiagnosed or incorrectly treated by the immune system for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime.
Because the mycotoxins are misprocessed and stored, the immune system will overreact to toxic and non-toxic materials. It can lose its ability to correctly differentiate between “self” and “foreigner,” often misfiring and wreaking more havoc on the body than the mycotoxins would have done on their own. In short, HLA-DR and mold illness are synonymous with autoimmune disease and disorder.
When a group is exposed to mold, the HLA-DR carriers will be the first to experience an immune response and the last to recover—if they recover at all. Rarely does the HLA-DR victim suffer only the first line of defense markers for mold sickness, such as:
watering, irritated eyes
red eyes
runny nose
burning sensations in airways
a tightening in the chest
nuances of asthma
a long, painful headache
Instead, they’re more likely to experience many of those symptoms long term and more intensely than non-carriers who were exposed to the same mold for the same duration of time. In addition, they’re now more susceptible to other chronic and seemingly-unrelated illnesses, disorders, and diseases (because HLA-DR permits the storing of mold toxins that eventually destroy neurons in the brain and disrupt hormone production):
Acne (cystic, as well)
Autoimmune diseases
Balkan nephropathy (a type of kidney disease)
Brain disorders
Bronchitis (repeat occurrences)
Celiac disease (severe gluten intolerance that puts the small intestine at risk)
Chronic sinus congestion
Colitis (inflammation of the colon lining)
Dry skin (dull, ashy-looking skin, cracked heels, chapped lips)
Epstein-Barr Virus (“Mono”)
Gastrointestinal issues
Graves Disease (i.e. hyperthyroidism)
Gum disease
Hashimoto’s Disease (autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland)
Heart Disease
Hepatocellular carcinoma (primary type of liver cancer)
Histamine intolerance
Insulin resistance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Joint-connective tissue disorders
Kashin-Beck disease (death of bone and joint cartilage growth plates, resulting in disruption of normal growth in children and adolescents)
Lupus (inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s healthy tissues and organs)
Lyme’s disease
Memory problems (short term)
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Respiratory infections
Reye’s syndrome (swelling in the liver and brain—mostly occurs in children and teenagers)
Rheumatological disorders (r. arthritis)
Scalp issues (lesions, rashes, acne, abscesses, cysts)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
“Static shock” occurrences more frequent (caused by higher salt content due to dehydration)
Thirst (unquenchable)
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain (sudden)
Worsening vision
And so much more…
What Are the Chances That You Are a Carrier of the HLA-DR Gene?
So far, it’s been established that roughly 25% of the population is a carrier (and sufferer) of the HLA-DR gene. That’s over 80 million people in the United States alone! New research, however, is emerging that indicates that the initial assessment could be drastically inaccurate. Genetic studies on certain populations now suggest that the true number could be anywhere between 40% and 60% worldwide!
In one study conducted on four different populations, including an isolated Hutterite population, it was determined that, while those working regularly in agriculture showed mildly increased cases of mold sensitivity and asthmatic symptoms, the predisposition toward mold sensitivity and related allergens/illnesses, certainly appears to be genetic and estimated to affect around 60% of the population. It was originally assumed that isolated “inbred” groups (closely and distantly related) were more likely to pass on these susceptibility genes, but after expanding their research to include several “outbred” groups from large, multi-racial cities, they discovered that cases of genetic mold sensitivity only dropped by 10 to 20% (due to gene variance). In other words, this alarmingly high percentage of genetic mold sensitivities is not dependent on tight-knit communities of distant cousins, nor is it dependent on whether or not the lifestyle centers on agriculture. Even the most genetically-diverse populations teeter between 40% and 60% (as mentioned before).
Is There Anything Good About Having the HLA-DR Gene?
Several health professionals and genetics experts would argue that carriers of the HLA-DR mold-sensitivity gene act as canaries for the health and safety of the population at large.
Mold affects everyone, even those who aren’t genetically vulnerable to it. Some mold victims seem to be asymptomatic, but given enough exposure time to a toxic mold, they’ll eventually succumb to a mold-related illness or disorder. Mold is not always growing where it is visible to the naked eye, especially in older buildings. Centuries-old homes, apartments, and municipal buildings, for instance, often have deep rot and mold infestation within the inner structures. This is why, in a sense, it is good to have HLA-DR carriers because their immediate immune response to mold could act as a warning sign to others in a home or workspace that mold is present. (Of course, this is assuming the carrier and others are able to diagnose the symptoms correctly.)
What Can Be Done if You are a Carrier of HLA-DR?
While it does leave the immune system vulnerable to biotoxins, it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. The most important point to take home, regarding HLA-DR, is that it is genetic, which means that, if you are a carrier, the effects of the HLA-DR gene will permanently govern the way you live your life. While your spouse, friends, or coworkers may experience a restoration of full health once mold exposure is diminished, you will have to actively encourage your body to heal from mold illness with lifestyle choices, such as an anti-fungal diet or an anti-fungal supplement routine, in addition to detoxing exercise and adequate sleep.
In other words, HLA-DR carriers, unlike non-carriers, will have to actively pursue a course of treatment and live a specific lifestyle that promotes biotoxin shedding.
Testing for the HLA-DR Gene
WARNING: If you believe you are a carrier of the HLA-DR gene, please do NOT pursue testing through commercial DNA testing agencies, such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, National Geographic Geno 2.0, or any other like service. These agencies are not required by law to follow HIPAA guidelines, which means they have the right to sell your genetic panel to insurance companies. This could result in a denial of insurance coverage or a rise in the cost of insurance should you prove to have pre-existing conditions or medical predispositions.
For the most part, testing for the HLA-DR gene is not necessary when determining treatment options for the various illnesses and disorders encouraged by it. However, it might be helpful to a potential carrier if they obtain proof of their genetic susceptibility to mold sickness for the purpose of cautiously planning their lifestyle and living conditions, as well as establishing medical or legal recourse in the case of inept diagnoses and property negligence.
Unless you are able to convince your doctor to see the HLA-DR genetic panel as a necessity in their diagnosis and treatment, be aware that insurance will not cover the blood tests or the reading of the test results. In general, prices range between $300 and $400 if you must order the testing yourself.
Blood testing for HLA-DR is available through the LabCorp and Life Extension laboratories.
Important Note: Those familiar with the Quest Diagnostics laboratory should not confuse their HLA blood test for the HLA-DR mold illness susceptibility panel. A standard HLA blood test will only yield results in terms of tissue donor matching. Quest Diagnostics does offer the C3A and C4A tests that determine whether a person has been exposed to mold recently or long term, but those tests will not shed light on underlying genetic susceptibilities and are only useful in certain scenarios.
Unbeknownst to many, the HLA-DR gene affects between 40% and 60% of the world’s population. It accounts for a greater susceptibility to yeast and mold illnesses, as well as autoimmune diseases.
Carriers of the HLA-DR gene are prone to develop chronic health issues involving systemic inflammation, whether the cause is mold, Lyme’s, gluten, or countless other catalysts. Not only does HLA-DR make a carrier vulnerable to chronic biotoxin disease, it also makes detoxification and healing extremely difficult. Thankfully, there is hope with a strict adherence to preventative and detoxifying protocols.
For more information regarding mold, mold prevention, and mold solutions, please check out the rest of MoldBlogger.com.
Article by Amanda Demsky from the MoldBlogger team.
0 notes