#Angie yonage
eafee-drawsstuff 4 years
Some Danganronpa v3 Pregame Headcannons
Warning: Brief mentions/inferences of abuse + drugs
Keep in mind this is all my own speculation/headcannons based on what little we can pick up on from the in game canon. If you disagree, that's fine.
-Her mother was overbaring-- the type who would force her to act and audition for shows, trying to make her a child star. Making her hate performing.
-Because of this lack of control she takes her anger out on other people--she's a snappy little shit.
-In contrast to how apathetic she is in the game, beforehand Himiko was very emotional, her main one being the anger she takes out on other people.
-Despite hating being a performer, Himiko does take an interest in stories/ideas--she'd basically rather write the ideas then star in them.
-She would probably have a bunch of ideas for characters/plot lines in danganronpa, which would be the only reason for her having any interest.
-I imagine, since she's probably appeared in a couple of commercials/minor characters in shows (nothing too amazing) she would be quite popular, and have a friendship group she'd most likely boss around. And subsequently they only really like her for her clout (bad way of phrasing it I know).
-I imagine she's aware of this, and in reality quite insecure about the fact people don't like her and find her intimidating/off putting, not that she would ever say anything.
-I like to think the whole magician thing-performing tricks--is perhaps stemming from the fact she was a kleptomainiac/pick pocket. Which is why a slight of hand was the best fitting talent for her.
-Because of this, she probably has collections of strange and random things. I also think she might have stolen a pocket knife one time, and keeps it on her as self defence.
-I think she'd actually have applied to Danganronpa as a way to spite her mother. Perhaps it was the one thing she didn't push Himiko to do, recognising how stupid it would be. But that's why Himiko did it anyway, in addition to being a way for her to escape home.
-I imagine maybe she suggested that the ultimate magician would be an interesting killer--hence why team Danganronpa didn't take that approach.
-Grew up in a strictly religious household, and went to a private religious school.
-However, she is a sworn atheist herself, despite how she may act around her parents.
-She was probably pretty repressed because of this, however whenever became a seriously rebellious because of it.
-I imagine religious groups aren't the biggest fans of danganronpa, which probably led her interest towards it furthermore.
-I imagine she was looked down on by her family/ people around her who were religious for a reputation in the community of being trouble (in contrast to how they seem to have worshipped her in her fabricated past.)
-Tenko's mother wasn't in the picture, and her father was an alcoholic.
-Because of this, Tenko looked after him more than he did her. I imagine their relationship wasn't exactly a good one.
-Due to growing up with in such an unpredictable environment, she became very jumpy and distrusting of others. And frightened of her own shadow.
-She was friends with Shuichi growing up, and his uncle would come over to the household and often look after Tenko if her dad was in a particularly bad way or being aggressive.
-Because of this, her and Shuichi have somewhat of a brother/sister relationship, and spend a majority of there time together.
-This is how Tenko got sucked in the Danganronpa--she wasn't nearly as into it as Shuichi at first, but over time began to enjoy it too.
-Tenko liked girls, and was on edge that people suspected it. There were probably rumours going round that she denied profusely, scared that she would be mocked if anybody found out.
-Because of her jumpyness, and said rumours, she would get picked on a lot, however grew up able to fight back. Sometimes resorting to violence a little too quickly-a virtue she learned from her dad.
-She would often let her emotions get the better of her, and end up considered a brute. This also meant when she turned up bruised up, people would put it down to her fighting.
-I imagine she was somewhat of a romantic (really into shipping culture) and often fantasised about being in the killing game. She probably wanted to have some sort of romantic subplot/ love interest, as there usually was in the games.
-This was a point she butted head on with Shuichi, who was far more into the murder and death side of things.
-However, these were all fantasies, and it wasn't as if she was going to actually go through with it.
-That was until Shuichi applied, and Tenko actually considered that she could. Especially considering without him she would be pretty much alone.
-All she really needed was a fucking hug 馃槶.
-Her and Kaede were sisters. And Kaede was clearly there parents favourite.
-With her sister getting a scholarship to a prep school, Miu found herself always being compared to her in a negative way. Because of this, she began to spite her.
-Kaede got a majority of their parents money, since 'she needed it more'. Meaning Miu didn't get money for the bus/ extra tutorage like Kaede
-As well as that, she began to stop caring what her parents thought of her, realising she couldn't live up to their expectations.
-She suffered with unrecognised dyslexia, but because of her poor attitude people assumed that she was just not putting any effort into school.
-Eventually, she ended up giving up on any prospect of a future... And stopped caring all together.
-After getting in with the wrong crowds, she probably ended up making money by... Running her own little pharmacy, if you catch my drift.
-Her parents inevitably gave up on her, focusing their attention on Kaede- the golden child (who was actually a mega bitch.)
-Iruma probably joined Danganronpa for the money--assuming their was a cash prize/payment. Seeing it as her chance out of her shitty neighbourhood and perhaps getting a somewhat decent life.
-When Kaede gets in along side her, Miu goes ballistic.
-Isn't a perfect as her parents think.
-In reality, after getting her scholarship, she became somewhat of a snob, thinking she was better than everyone else.
-She was quick to snitch on her sister with any given opportunity, as well as mock her behind their parents backs. Whilst in front of them, playing to sweet, worried sister.
-She went to the same school as Maki, who's a sheltered rich kid.
-They both share an interest in Danganronpa, though its better described as a full on obsession. Though Kaede tends to keep it to herself at home. If her parents do ask, she just claims that her reasons for liking it are a lot more innocent than in actuality.
-She used to go to the same school as Miu, in there own neighbourhood, however after going to prep a majority of people cut her out, as she changed, becoming more protentious.
-The money Kaede needs for things like textbooks and instruments from their parents, does not go towards those things at all, she lies to get more money out of them. Miu knows this, but their parents obviously believe their perfect daughter over her.
-Kaede didn't appreciate art at all, unable to see any deeper meaning or message to anything-including music. She was very nihilistic, believing the worst of people.
-She applied for Danganronpa every year that she possibly could, wanting nothing more but to participate.
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dangan-kin-bs 4 years
angie playlist with kkb songs for @transmascjfk
Tumblr media
- flyaway- kkb
- forever summer holiday- kkb
-there鈥檚 something happening- jack stauber
- paintbrush- kkb
- one true path- kkb
- so divine- AFTRHR
- try me- kkb
-聽flamingo- kkb
- sometimes- kkb
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mizuno-marmalade 3 years
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sorry ik i鈥檓 posting a lot聽
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