#Andy Grammer is there because I went to one of his concerts and it was so good…like I didn’t really like his music before but now I listen
whimseee · 6 months
dudeeeee (first of all, your pfp is so cute???? ur whole theme is immaculate) i wanted to ask about your spotify wrapped!! what are your top artists and songs? i need to expand my knowledge and music taste.. <3
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🫥 my wrapped is less aesthetic-intellectual and more hehe-music-is-fun, which honestly isn’t that bad lol :)
I’d love to see your wrapped too!!! you may have already posted it but I can’t find it in your blog :’) I literally LOVE your music taste so much
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
for the three songs thing: 7, 19, 30? 😊 yeah... 9 songs is a lot... but you introduced me to Andy Grammar (top lad, banging tunes, 10/10) and now I need more recs bc you have the best taste 👌
Sidenote because I love that Andy Grammer comment: Listen I had a giant ass friendship ending fight with my best friend in 2017 and “Miss Me” ended up being my anthem for that year because of it. Like I finally get the “music saved my life” thing because of it now. Andy Grammer’s love, Andy Grammer’s life. 7) three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
Uptown Funk. I mean I think it was the same for everybody but I HATED it so much at first and thought it was kinda catchy but so dumb the first time I heard it but like… two weeks later I was scream-singing to it in my car. 
The most recent one is the song “Ready as I’ll Ever Be.” It came on my Spotify for some reason a couple of weeks ago and I went to see wtf it was and was all “Ew why is a modern Disney channel song on my recs- (the opening riff comes on, villain has that “I’m the bad guy, that’s fINe” moment) hOLY SHIT IT’S AMAZING. And a grey morality villain song by the sound of it SO THIS IS MY NEW CRACK”
Kind of going off of the last one’s logic, my parents and I went to go see Al Stewart in concert and there was an opening act The Empty Pockets. Al Stewart is … easily in his 70s so I expected the opening act to be in the same age bracket and I was not feeling it before they came on. Turns out they’re millennials (I should’ve known with that band name lbr, the three of us were the youngest people in that theater by at least twenty years) and they did this one song Find Or Fail where the female vocalist does this thing with her voice where she like… loops notes is the closest thing I can think to call it.It went straight to my heart. I’ve only ever heard one other person do it ten years ago and I almost cried on the spot because it’s just… so beautiful. If you listen to it here,  she does it like…. nonstop in the first twenty seconds.  They also have that very Deputy or Jacob-esque song “I Am Strong” so that’s like….#3b. 
19)  three songs that are your guilty pleasure
I’m so angry because I just did the paragraph for this one and labelled it as a guilty pleasure only to see that you asked for guilty pleasure songs so now I had to go pick another one. But anyway: Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” like…. bitch needs to just accept the fact she got caught in a lie and move on and the “the old Taylor is dead” bit is the most pathetic thing in the world but GOD it is the best earworm and it’s catchy and I hate-love it for it. 
Can I just name Nickelback’s entire discography?? Like I think the whole “it’s cool to hate Nickelback” thing isn’t really that popular anymore but listen I LOVE MY BOYS OKAY, THEY HAD GOOD MUSIC … until like… half of the last album that was garbage. Also they know people hate them and make fun of themselves for it and I appreciate that. 
 Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins is a really fucking fun, ridiculous, catchy song and y’all can fight me on this.  
30)  three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
It’s basically a meme now but Genghis Khan by Miike Snow. It’s catchy and the music video is amazing. Also has a hero/villain ship as the protags/plot. 
I’ve mentioned this song a number of times but oh well. Harry Chapin’s Corey’s Coming. It’s essentially just a story just sung, but the song’s so beautiful and the ‘punchline’ at the song gave me happy chills the first time I heard it even if you know exactly what’s about to be said. 
Also because Owl City is my instant mood lifter music and we’ve all been sad on main lately: To The Sky. I stg this one note in the beginning in particular sends out some note that makes my seratonin skyrocket and I HOPE IT DOES THE SAME FOR Y’ALL. 
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scoops-stevie · 7 years
First 15 emoticons :)
😍 celebrity crushKathryn Newton / Katherine Ramdeen / Emma Watson etc etc 
😘 irl crushCAILTIN, My wife 
😖 something that makes you anxiousEverything?? Hahaha anxiety disorder wassup. Examples: I have anxiety attacks if I’m asked to call someone / someone calls me without giving me a heads up. I will pack a bag with the only thing needed is a pencil- and check my bag 70+ times before leaving because I cry thinking I’ll forget it. Or, i can not eat in public places or I end up throwing up. Those are a few 
😑 pet peeveWhen people yell a lot (happy yells can be okay but mad ones pls no) it’s pretty scary and also annoying to me 
😒 person you hateMe myself and I 
😱 biggest fearSpiders and or clowns prob. 
🤐 tell us a secretI love caitlin, shhhhh 
😡 something that makes you madMean people …. 
😈 turn on: answered 
👿 turn offOkay so this is real specific only towards people I actually have crushes on & have dated- but if someone ever tells me we need a “break” I lose all my respect for them. Even if I thought I loved them before they end up being someone I see in no way romantic / sexually after that :) Other than that? Not much is a turn off. It kinda depends on the person / relationship
🙌🏽 something you can’t live withoutMy phone. Cailtin. Dogs 
👽 ever seen a ufo?I believe so. Could’ve been a plane. But also, the aliens probably wanted me to think that. 
👄 first kiss storyHo ha. Okay so I’ll share three here bc reasons … 1. My first first kiss was with a boy I dated. 6th grade. He tried to lean in for a kiss and I went to move (I didn’t like boys- still don’t, obviously) and he pecked half of my lips and then tripped over his orchestra instrument2. My first real kiss with a GIRL was in 8th grade. I dated her for maybe 2 weeks ? She bit my tongue. It was very unpleasant. And hey :)) she’s straight so I dodged a giant bullet there. 3. THE ONLY KISS THAT REALLY MATTERS !!!! I KISSED CAITLIN WHILE SHE WAS SITTING IN THE CART RETURN OUTSIDE OF A TARGET WHILE THE MOON WAS OUT LOOKING GREAT AF :’) SHE WAS WEARING MY HOODIE. She asked me if I could kiss her and I was really excited because I don’t typically kiss the person first- because I always feel out of place if they don’t do it / ask about it. So it was nice to hear she wanted me to (I really wanted to kiss her) so I had enough bravery to do it :) it was actually the cutest thing and the fact that she was sitting in a target kids cart was the best and fits us too well. 
🤘 first concert you went toI was in third grade (or 4th? Can’t remember for sure) and I saw Natasha Bedingfield and Andy Grammer 
👀 eye colorDark brown
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