#And theres def more stories in anime i cherish deeply
superchat · 2 years
more of a reader, or a watcher? wonderin
hmmhmhmh. it really depends on my mood i think. its weird one to answer cuz........i kinda dont do either one that much anymore... most days i put on a vod of some vtuber or streamer i like while i fuck around on tumblr/discord. n-not the best way to use my time...
For a few years now ive had a really really hard time watching anime or playing video games. and i really hate it cuz theres lots of shows and games i love dearly but cant find the motivation to play. i also love reading too tho, id say i read way less than watching things but i still like to read. for a few years now ive been chipping away at the Spice & Wolf novels (only on like book 7 or 8 i think?). i go months without ever reading then ill pick it up again and read for a few weeks.
I dont care for many tv shows tbh. i watched some of the witcher, i liked it a good bit actually. uhhhmm. mostly i like anime cuz there tends to be more stories that actually END. i like a solid 12-24 ep story vs. an 8 season series with 45 minute episodes. its why i generally dont like long-running shonens either. i havent watched new animes really, cuz its hard to watch shows but id like to finish jahy, pretty boys detective club, and a few others. not to mention shows i wanna rewatch (ive been really missing kemurikusa)
I really want to get over whatever the heck issue i have with sitting down and enjoying a good show/game/book. my friend recently started giving me pressure to do something abt it and i really appreciate that so, hopefully i actually do look into it and make progess on it
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