#And because England is a silly nonsense kingdom I know that the future Duke of Norfolk is a 35 year old racecar driver 😆
arethouyetliving · 7 months
Okay getting a regency era edition of Debrett’s Peerage has been a terrific decision. They really did read you for filth for everyone to see.
Are you the 12th Duke of Norfolk? You bet you are buddy. Did you get married at 24? Did have your marriage dissolved by parliament two years after your heir was born? You bet. She sure did get remarried like IMMEDIATLY didn’t she. Weird! But look at the name and title of her new husband and the date of her second marriage. So quick.
And you haven’t gotten remarried. Not even for a spare for your one male child? Weird. *cough* gay *cough*
It’s like a two volume regency romance writing prompt generator and I love it.
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