#And again Junko as a mastermind manipulstoe she knows exactly how to sink the claws in
hajihiko · 8 months
How did Junko convince Class 77th to join her? (I know she brainwashed them but yours is different)
a combination of them already being at-risk youth and many of them needing something in their life (money, power, freedom, agency, company), being incredibly good at manipulation, and a case of "once you've done one wrong thing, you're stuck with these people in this lifestyle for life, BC if you try to leave we'll expose you and ruin your life". Surprisingly soon, they just go WELP I'm doomed and this is easier than facing reality so whatever.
(Also, they're *teenagers*. Scared and under tons of pressure and not quite mature enough to make giant decisions yet. There's a reason "edgy" media with Breaking Away From Society themes is so popular especially for teens)
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