#And Mafia Boss is a whole nother bridge to burn
children-of-subcon · 3 years
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I realized that even though this blog is meant to focus on Nessa and Captor, I haven’t actually said all that much about our resident ghost. So, here we have her backstory, in storybook-ish form because I’m lazy! The backgrounds are in brownscale btw, in reality the town was vibrant as per usual. It’s also unclear because they all wear masks, but the Subconites and original inhabitants of Mafia Town have been swapped :)
This thing has been sitting on my computer 75% finished for like 2 months... and then a few days ago I decided to completely redo it -_- You can see the background degrade as my patience did lol, although I’m proud I managed to do one at all. A more detailed version of the story under the cut!
Meet Muriel and Lilly, the two princesses of Subcon! When their mother died, Mu, as the oldest (though still too young), was forced to take up the “crown”, and although much of the work was taken up by advisers, the stress led to more irritability and paranoia than usual.
Lilly, being the good sister she was, decided to host a surprise party to help Mu relax. A group of wandering traders gave her the perfect opportunity to gather everything she needed, all while she assumed Mu would be distracted.
Mu was instantly suspicious of the newcomers, and went out to investigate; only to find her sister seemingly making a deal with these strange men! Taking a comment about her needing to get off the throne out of context, Mu ran back to the manor, betrayed. Lilly, disappointed about the ruined surprise and not realizing the greater issue, quickly followed.
She was locked away for treason for months, never once understanding what “treason” exactly she had committed. During that time, the sisters’ emotions and Subcon’s magic gradually corrupted them.
Mu’s paranoia grew exponentially, only fueled by the corruption, and at some point she ran out of jail cells for all those bad guys. So it was announced: Lilly was to be executed first, as an example. Her hair was tied up last minute, so it wouldn’t get in the way.
But when someone is so thoroughly corrupted, they don’t just stay dead.
Anyways, I hope you liked this version of Subcon! My next post on Captor, whenever it comes out, will focus more on her role during Prince’s adventure.
(I’ve been posting surprisingly often lately... I’ll be trying to stop so I can focus on other stuff, but I have no self control so)
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