#And I think he would still favor middle eastern languages and archaic memes
lurkerjenmish · 11 months
I’m going to get back to posting again soon… but right now all I’m thinking about is how my favorite term of endearment people choose for Cas to call Dean is “my beloved”
it’s perfect yes that is 100% what an Angel would call his favorite. He would be saying it like Arabic men use habibi because of course he would, he’s an Angel
And we just so happen to have a very similar word in America that men use but I never see it, so allow me to now make a suggestion for what Dean would call Cas… Beau.
it’s perfect. It’s so cowboy and everything. It’s culturally acceptable for straight men to call each other so it’s believable for Dean who I can’t every really buy being able to comfortably use “Babe”/“Baby”(no, that’s the car)/“honey” for another man, and “sweetheart” and “Angel” are only believable in private. Beau? None would be the wiser, he can get away with it scot-free! And Cas, ever so literal, gets to be called Dean’s beauty on a whim. By the one person we know Cas considers so beautiful. Likewise, I really like “sunshine” for being another culturally acceptable endearment. I mean, obviously, since that’s the one Dean actually called Cas in the show a couple of times. But it’s also in perfect harmony with beloved, because in Arabic ‘light’ (Nūr) is used affectionately so often; I imagine Cas interpreting Dean calling him sunshine to mean that he basks in his presence. As it happens, “Nora” is the feminized version Nur, and I like to think Cas saw some symbolism in that when he met Nora and entertained a relationship with her, before being confronted with seeing Dean again
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Now, following this theme- I think I’m on board with “honey” as an endearment for Cas, too, but not in public. Where Dean might think it’s embarrassingly corny, Cas might think it’s vulgar lol. However poetic
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