#And I hate that they kinda succeeded through the marketing NGL GJFKJGFDKJGKDFKGF
elbdot · 9 months
You've probably talked about it before, but what was your experience with swsh or scvi? (Positive or negative?)
Pokemon Scarlet I had a lot of fun playing! Like I mentioned in the previous ask, I thought Nemona was a really fun rival and like everyone else I bawled my eyes out at Arvens storyline. Penny I...did not really care for. I don't like her all that much, she annoyed me. Team Star has some really fun admins tho! Taking down the bases I really enjoyed, I wish they would have given you an option to replay those levels with the difficulty being highered in postgame. There were actually a LOT of minigames I wish you could play again. All in all I enjoyed my time with the game and it was definitely a HUGE improvement to the previous generation.
The Selfie-function DEFINITELY was one of my favorite features, LMAO
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... I don't really have anything nice to say about Sword and Shield. I ranted about the game a lot in the past and my opinion on it still hasn't changed. The only new thing I've learned about the game a few months back is how unbelievably troubled its production actually was, which certainly does explain the mess we received. That sTILL doesn't milden my opinion on what we got tho. It is no doubt my least favorite Pokemon game. Positive things I CAN say is that the designs for the trainers are fantastic, I love Galarian Ponyta, Snom and Frosmoth and the music slaps hard. But THAT'S ABOUT IT FOR ME
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