#Amateur frame-by-frame takes the cake like no other on song ruination...
codeinetylenol · 27 days
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back to AE out of laziness; at about 2 out of 3 min through most of the basic keyframing to the song's lyrics (utter tedium)
more text keyframing and adjustments tmr. then adding some images to fill the instrumental bits and probably gonna mask some parts better...the price paid for being lazy about exporting. I like the din fonts but they're really very blocky...
thinking about adding more effects and prob will but also have realised the reality of a 3+min vid means horrible render times. I don't know if my pc can handle all the previews that well as is—not without spending half my time lagging anyhow lol. Rendering promo vids for fan projects was irksome enough and those were mostly under 15 seconds long. To be fair, this is not exactly a program designed for long content...but, well, it's nothing too complicated either, so here's hoping.
+ gave Salazar a makeover up there so now he kinda matches the basilisk:
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I wanted to animate the Tom-church-window still but I'm going to save my sanity and go back to writing after this. This time for real...at least another complete chapter of hfic. Really like that still, however. It's nice. I still want to draw for Glimpse of Us but keyframing is a miserable affair.
Notes to self in am:
-Consider animating diary flip intro sequence?maybe etxra
-flip shots in alive 1 instrumental: Norris. Diary. My name is hp. Hello Harry. My name is Tr. Etc. Maybe a chromab or static fuzz on Harry, snapshots, back to Harry > the rest? Maybe more transition rewind effects.
^if I test VHS-type rewinds now I can recycle it with mild changes for hfic. Although this lyricstuck is very diary. Page flip effects look a little tacky often, however. Photo card flips?or perhaps page flips instead of the sliding masks.
^increase in cool text effects? But what fits? Convert to outlines and animate the trace? But that's very modern-feeling. Ink splashes, maybe?
^instead of VHS, ink spill across Harry? Should be easy to reverse the cc burn. > flip through scattered tomarry pages during the instrumental. >
Really want to animate something for this... L2d it? Or save it for hfic. Do simple blink w masking on Harry alive. But what else? Probably not feasible^. My layer splitting isn't suitable.
^if ink is too garish: out of camera focus into new screen transition. Other moving parts wizard themed book 2? Hmm.. Thematically, probably more dark blob people blinking. It's a long instrumental section so there's probably room. Ink splashes also prob will work, but the text effect I used on my last lyricstuck applied here will probably look good. The only problem is that I wonder if it'll work with my strip-style images. Perhaps see about chopping it up.
^instead, just do this in a more generic MEP syle and then do a separate rigged/video-focused animated MV thing later in the summer? haven't ever made a MEP but anyway closer in feel for a lyricstuck, perhaps...
^do a blur out of Tom in that above with that text effect. Cut Harry out to do the same.
^zoom in on Tom head after > Zoom blur shit > diary
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