#Although I myself don't use the cross as a sacred symbol (it killed Jesus)
autismmydearwatson · 2 years
The worst kinds of non-religious people are the ones who degrade Christianity for having the exact same traits MANY religions share. It's disgusting, close-minded, privileged, and complete erasure.
"The Bible is fiction" by that logic so is the Tanakh. The Torah, the story of Moses freeing his people from slavery using the wonders of G-d. The Neviyim.
That "sky daddy" you mock is the same God worshipped by Jewish ppl, Zoroastrians, and Muslims, as well as Christians.
MANY religions have sacred texts. Hinduism, the OLDEST SURVIVING RELIGION (recorded), worships multiple gods that form the many faces of greater more powerful Gods. Is that primitive? Does it shock you?
Indigenous religions know many spirits that they believe make up the forces of humanity and nature. The Navajo Holy Ones. The Australian aboriginal Dreaming.
These are their LIVES. Muslims are killed for their beliefs, while some misuse them for tyranny.
The Christians beat the culture out of the Native Americans, and now they're treated like antique humans. Ancient Central American religions paid their gods in the blood of PoWs, and now they're all dead.
Ever since Constantine hallucinated that magic cross in the sky and made Christianity mainstream, the holiness has been dying out. Crosses, SACRED SYMBOLS, are bought and worn by Goths, and Rroma culture is appropriated for the "aesthetic". They mashed Yule (a sacred pagan day to celebrate Midwinter) and Christmas (celebrating the day a refugee family bore the Son of God in a barn) into a capitalism holiday. The Bible and the hijab is twisted toward hateful causes, and now the hijab is the symbol of oppression when it was meant to show respect.
Christians in the age of Rome were hunted, chained up for gladiatorial sport, and blamed for terrorism. Now they have fallen, and have done the SAME THING TO OTHER CULTURES. it was the belief of the poor and oppressed, now its been stolen by hatred and entitlement. Homophobia, xenophobia, racism, hypocrisy, the Rich. Christianity isn't white, european, nice, clean, priveleged, pearl-clutching colonialism. It's about kindness, sympathizing with the oppressed, valuing mothers, raising your voice against injustice, and driving out the rich from holy spaces.
Muslims aren't terrorists. Jews aren't greedy. Buddhists aren't weak. Native Americans aren't primitive. While Christians are often fools, God isnt.
All religion means something. Memory, justice, spirituality. These are people's LIVES.
you hate religion? All religions? All of them are fiction? Maybe to you. But not everyone thinks we're meant to be alone in our lives.
THAT is humanity. Believing whatever takes so that we don't have to be alone. It doesn't matter if a people is the majority. They are people, culture. I don't give jack shit what you say about the assholes in my religion, but mocking the most basic framework of human spirituality is despicable and needlessly spiteful. You are shallow and have a narrow, spiteful view of humanity.
Treat religion with respect, or you'll risk repeating history.
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