#Also in all seriousness Sailom’s character truly makes me appreciate how many things in life I take for granted
My happy place today is how radiantly happy Sailom was at several points in the last episode (leaving aside his heartbreak at the end because he is hopefully going to get thoroughly kissed next ep):
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His big, soft bed!!
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A fancy meal just for him!! And we know fish is his favorite from Saifah, right? So it seems like Grandma Ging asked him what he would most want!!
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His nicely repaired bag with its cute dog!!
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Learning Kang specifically asked for him to come back!!
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Leaving aside the cute sing-along, how many times in his life do we think he’s gotten to ride in a car? How fancy must that feel, having a nice air conditioned ride to school like he’s seen so many of his peers do over the years?
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Getting doted on by a motherly figure!!
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Feeling safe!!
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Feeling cute in this nice shirt (shhh I know what happens next)
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Getting a free shirt!
I could have watched three hours of this. Petition to have none of the future plot stuff happen and Grandma Ging just adopt Sailom as her other grandson and take care of him for the rest of his life. Kanghan can stay, I GUESS, if he gets his shit together (SMDH)
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