#Air Hostess Academy In Jaipur
infernodreamz · 6 months
Aviation is more than just a profession; it's a lifelong passion - Anonymous
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The sentiment expressed here resonates deeply with those who choose to be a part of the aviation industry, including pilots, flight attendants, and the entire cabin and ground crew. These individuals have harbored a dream of taking flight since their earliest days. While many people wish to experience the thrill of flying at least once in their lives, for pilots and flight attendants, it's a lifelong commitment. With unwavering determination, dedication, proper grooming, and the right aviation institute in Jaipur, they transform their dreams into reality.
The aviation industry is a vast and rapidly expanding field, with India aiming to serve over a billion passengers by 2025. Consequently, the demand for pilots, flight attendants, and other aviation professionals continues to soar. If your ambition is to become a flight attendant, enrolling in the best Air Hostess training program is a crucial step. For aspiring pilots, embarking on a pilot training course is the path to take. To embark on your corporate aviation journey, you require the essential skills and knowledge that only the finest aviation institutions can provide.
Here is an exhaustive guide on how to embark on a successful career in the aviation industry:
1. Explore the career options
Aviation encompasses more than just pilots and aircraft engineers. Air hostesses, cabin crew, flight attendants, and customer service managers are just a few of the diverse career paths within the industry. The first step toward establishing a career in aviation is gaining an understanding of these options. If your aspiration is to become cabin crew, Air Hostess training in Jaipur equips you with the necessary skills and prepares you to excel in this role. Therefore, explore the various career paths and identify your desired starting point.
2. Obtain a degree in aviation or a related field
 Earning a degree is a significant advantage. While you can pursue air hostess or cabin crew courses after completing high school, you can also opt for specific certification programs following undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Individuals with a passion for becoming pilots or aviation engineers can pursue degrees in aviation engineering, aviation management, or related fields. Acquiring a degree from the top aviation institute in Jaipur offers numerous benefits. It provides comprehensive knowledge of aviation, covering aspects from air traffic control to flight safety protocols, while also imparting the essential skills for securing the best opportunities in your chosen specialization. It can also serve as a gateway to roles in military aviation, charter flights, and more.
3. Explore the available courses
 Pursuing a degree or certification in aviation is a step in the right direction, but which course should you choose? The field of aviation offers a wide array of courses. For example, the air hostess academy in Jaipur not only offers air hostess courses but also provides options like cabin crew courses, customer service courses, aviation management courses, and more. Identifying your passion is the first and foremost step in selecting the course that aligns with your goals.
4. Find the right institution
 Now that you're aware of degree options, courses, and career fields in aviation, it's time to select the best aviation institute for your education. Identifying the right institution is crucial for the trajectory of your career. Consider a few key factors while making your choice:
   - Course structure: Ensure the course is well-structured, encompassing all essential aspects of your chosen field.
   - Faculty: Verify that the instructors are experts in their respective domains and assess whether the institute offers practical, on-site training.
   - Fee structure: Weigh the fees against the quality of training and placement guarantees to make an informed decision.
5. Keep learning and networking
 Even after completing your course and securing a job, the journey doesn't end. Continuous learning and networking are vital components of success in the aviation industry. As you aspire to advance in this dynamic field, staying updated on emerging trends, connecting with industry professionals and colleagues, and further enhancing your knowledge will facilitate your growth and success.
In conclusion, the dream of joining the cabin crew or becoming a pilot is a cherished ambition for many young individuals. If you are one of them, start early. Familiarize yourself with the prerequisites, identify the best aviation institute in Jaipur, and commit yourself to acquiring the requisite skills. With the necessary skills, you will unlock a world of opportunities. Remember, the horizon for opportunities in aviation is only expanding, so work diligently to turn your dream of taking flight into a reality."
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Can I become air hostess after diploma?
Air Hostess is the most desirable career option after secondary school and even after graduation. Young girls dream of a career as air hostesses and it has good earnings while traveling to different places. Of course, it is a dream job for young girls. Who would not want to work in it? Here’s for all the girls with a dream to fly high, we made efforts to collect all the information related to the Air hostess diploma course. Here are a few things about the eligibility, courses, application process, top recruiters, roles, and many more.
Courses Available for Air Hostess: Many air-hostess courses are available according to the duration of the course. Applicants can enroll in their certified, diplomas, or degree courses. These courses can help candidates teach soft skills, develop dressing sense, learn skills to cope with people from different backgrounds, prepare information after the flight, provide first aid during a medical emergency, and have skills to handle other crises. Here are clear details on different courses:
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Degree Courses These are the longest courses and are highly recommended for those who want to join them after the 12th. The degree course will help us in gaining deep knowledge and practical experience. Few institutes also provide placement with reputed airlines. Here is full details regarding how to become an air hostess after 12th.
Name of the Course                                       Duration of the Course B.Sc. in Airlines, Tourism, and Hospitality                 3 years
Institutes for Air Hostess Courses
Some of the best institutions in India which give air hostess and associated courses:
Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Aeronautics, Jaipur
Air Hostess Academy, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore
Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess, Delhi, Mumbai
Universal Airhostess Academy, Chennai
Jet Airways Training Academy, Mumbai
PTC Aviation Academy, Chennai, and Bangalore
Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics, Jaipur, Ghaziabad, and Chandigarh.
Institute for personality, Etiquette, and Grooming
Avalon Academy, Dehradun
A career in Air Hostess 2022 Eligibility
The candidate should fulfill the criteria to become an air hostess and these criteria might differ among unlike institutes. So, check out the detailed eligibility of the institute.
Requirement Criteria (Air Hostess) Criteria (Flight Steward)
Age 18 – 26 years 18 – 26 years
Educational Qualification 10+2 standard 10+2 standard
(Science, Commerce, and Arts) (Science, Commerce, and Arts)
Marital Status* Unmarried (mostly preferred) Unmarried (mostly preferred)
Languages Hindi, English, and other languages Hindi, English, and other languages
Height 5 feet and 2 inches 5 feet and 10 inches
Colour complexion Clear Complexion Clear Complexion
Eye-sight 6/6 uncorrected in both eyes 6/6 uncorrected in both eyes
A career in Air Hostess 2022 Application Process The application process differs among the institutes. We can apply for the course online through the official website of the institute we are interested in or can get the application form from the institute. Some institutes also go to school to inform the students about the course. We can communicate with the councils to know about the process of application.
Selection Process –
The selection process for the Air Hostess course has three stages there are Written Examination, Group discussion (GD), and Interview. The Written Examination includes questions to test candidates’ intelligence, reasoning, numerical skill, and general awareness. Candidates who qualified the written examination are so-called for the GD round. Communication skills, teamwork abilities, and patience levels are also tested in this round. The Interview is conducted for the final selection of the candidates. It analyses our personality and passion towards work in the Aviation industry. This is the general selection process. Some institutes might have differences in the selection process. All the familiar air hostess training institutes function as per the rules of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation. And, as per the DGCA strategies, applicants will become eligible for admission only once they qualify for the written test and interview session. Applicants who get through the selection process need to undergo training for 6 months before joining their career as air hostesses. A career in Air Hostess 2022 and Other Details
Job Profile/Responsibilities
The job profile or responsibilities of an air hostess may differ according to the requirement of the flights. Though, the basic responsibilities can be regarded as follows:
On-Grounded Responsibilities
In-Flight Responsibilities
Landing Responsibilities
On-Grounded Responsibilities
Before the passenger board, an air hostess has to guarantee the following things:
The emergency and medical kits should be available in the aircraft.
Toilets must be clean and hygienic.
Enough meals and beverages should be available on the plane.
Greet the passengers and check their tickets.
Help the passengers in loading their hand luggage in the overhead bins.
Check for the passengers’ seat belts when the seatbelt sign is on.
Explain to the passengers how to use the emergency kit and emergency exit.
Inform the pilot when the plane is ready to take off.
In Flight Responsibilities
Make sure that the passengers have secured their seatbelts
Serving the meals and beverages to the passengers
Selling duty-free goods
Making important messages on behalf of the pilot
Support during medical emergencies
Helping passengers in freeing the plane in case of emergency
Landing Responsibilities
Making the list of lost or found articles
Preparing a list of cash and stock left after the landing
Top Recruiters
Some of the recruiters for air hostesses are:
Indian Airlines
Alliance Air
Air India
Sahara India
Go Air
Jet Airways
British Airways
Gulf Air
Delta Airlines
Singapore Airlines
Airhostess Salary, Perks, and Career Scope
The salary of an air hostess depends on the type of airline they are working for, the status of the airline, the experience, etc. Still, international airlines pay well salaries related to domestic airlines. In domestic airlines, the basic salary of air-hostess varies from? 25,000 to? 40,000 per month, which later on increases to? 90, 000 to? 1,35,000 with promotion and experience. Flight stewards also get the same type of salary. The basic salary on international flights starts from? 55,000 per month and may change. Perks Some airlines deliver perks like medical insurance, additional allowance, retirement plans, and flight reductions to employees and their family members.
Career Scope
A career as an Air Hostess gives an excellent growth opportunity. After completing the course, the candidate gets a chance to work with domestic airlines. With experience, the air hostess or flight stewards can work with international airlines too. After retirement, an Air Hostess can also take up ground duties like ticketing, front desk, operations, customer care, training air hostesses, etc.
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
cabin crew job is all dolled up with hefty pays, attractive travel journeys and luxurious lifestyle. The idea of flying across the world every other day and getting paid for the same is fascinating enough to opt for cabin crew career.
Cabin crew, who are also famously known Air Hostess, Flight Stewards or Flight Attendants, put extensive efforts, hard work, dedication and exhibit professionalism to make it to that level.
Unnati offers this course to the candidates who have the passion to fly and serve the people and this course will help you to get the right set of skills and make you job ready.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Cabin Crew course training
Cabin Crew course training near me
Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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airwingaviation19 · 3 years
What are the advantages of working as a cabin crew?
+91-7231955666 +91-7231855666 [email protected]
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Working as a cabin crew is something that many people desire. The reason for this is because it is a prestigious cabin crew job in jaipur and there are many advantages to this occupation. One of these advantages includes the fact that the airline companies offer benefits such as free travel, accommodation, health care, pension plans, travel bonuses and so on.
You travel around the world and are paid for it:- If you love travelling and like to meet new people, this job is for you. You will travel as an independent contractor, and the cost of flights depends on the location. If it’s within your region, then it’s usually short. But you will still have time to sightsee and use your 72 hours for: shopping: all around the world.  to visit family: visit family and friends in different parts of the world  to catch up with old friends: there are thousands of old friends to meet with all over the world. Or  you can  connect with them via.
You get to meet new people:- It’s a big, broad world out there. And a whole bunch of people out there to meet. The cabin crew job gives you an opportunity to explore the world and meet lots of new people at the same time, who you would have normally never come across. The personal friendships that you develop in life can be very special indeed. Don’t let this unique opportunity pass by without taking advantage of it.
Job flexibility:- Cabin crew may start with a one year contract, and vote to extend it for an additional year. If they get offered a more desirable route they may swap with someone else on their crew so they can get the new route. Cabin crew do not have to work every day of the week (excluding weekends) from 9am-5pm. This allows for flexibility when booking days off with friends and family.
You improve your social skills:- Being a flight attendant is no easy job. It requires good physical fitness, mental strength, and competence in emergency situations. They can’t be afraid of heights and are able to handle the 3 years of training successfully including passing important exams and oral interviews. It is not just about service and social interactions. They have to prove that they are capable of handling dangerous situations in high altitudes and different weather conditions. There are times when they will have to walk in the plane or jump out in an emergency situation.
Pension:- As a Group Personal Pension Plan member, you have a pension plan for yourself within the group. It is a savings plan for your retirement and is created based on salary sacrifice. This makes it flexible and efficient enough to give you a stable future income. You can pay into this plan based on the contribution level that you choose for your pensionable salary.
AIRWING AVIATION ACADEMY prepares young aspirants to become cabin crew,  Airline Ticketing (Domestic/International), Air Hostess/ Flight Steward Training , Airport Ground Staff, etc.Airwing Aviation Academy is ISO Certified & Govt. registered pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.The Airwing Aviation Academy is top aviation academy in udaipur providing travel and tourism to students Airwing Aviation Academy provides cabin crew job training in jaipur.
+91-7231955666 +91-7231855666 [email protected]
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jetageaviations · 4 years
Which institute is best for air hostess?
To become an Air Hostess is one of the dreams for young girls. Flying is the dream for everyone. And what if you have the option to choose your dream as your profession?
Air hostesses are expected to be smartly dressed & well-groomed at all times. Most of the airlines don’t allow the air hostess to have visible piercings or tattoos. Air hostess are needed to work with a variety of people from various backgrounds & cultures.
 List of top institutes…
1. Jet Age Aviation 
Address: 132 - 132 A, Gurjar Ki Thadi Gopalpura Bypass Road Sultan Nagar, Santi Nagar, Narendra Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan
 2. Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training
Address: C 12, Vishal Enclave 2nd Floor, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, India.
 3. Wings Air Hostess & Hospitality Training       
Address: 1st Floor Ramkrishna Chambers, Near Neptune Towers, BPC Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara – Gujarat
 4. PTC - Aviation Academy      
Address: 1st Main Road, New Colony, Chromepet, Chennai & 
5th A Cross, 2nd Block, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore
 5. Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics (IGIA) 
Address: Panchwati Circle, Rajapark, Jaipur
SCO-112-113, 4th Floor,     Chandigarh
301, Shitiratna, Panchvati     Circle, Ahmedabad         
Nehru Nagar, Rakesh Marg,     Ghaziabad
The degree course curriculum consists the emergency management, management skills, hospitality management, basic fundamental knowledge of aircraft, navigation skills, and catering training.
There are various institutes in India offering the diploma programmes certificate programme and the degree programmes in the field of aviation leading to the air hostess & flight steward.
 1.      Certificate courses: Certificate courses are taken the time of one year after 12th in any stream. The list of certificate courses:
·        Aviation and Hospitality Services
·        Hospitality Travel and Customer Service
·        Night Rating
·        Aviation Management
·        Air Hostess/Flight Purser
·        Aviation Hospitality & Travel Management
·        International Airlines and Travel Management
·        Private Pilot Training
·        Commercial Pilot Training
·        Air Ticketing & Tourism
·        Airport Ground Management
·        Air RT / Radio Flight Officer
·        International Air Cargo
·        Certificate Course in Fare Ticketing Virgin Atlantic or GTMC Courses
·        Certificate Courses in Personality Development
·        Certificate in Aviation Security and Safety
 2.     Diploma Courses: Diploma courses are taken the time of one year after 12th in any stream. The list of diploma courses:
·        Aviation and Hospitality Management
·        Air Hostess Training
·        Aviation Hospitality and Travel Management
·        Diploma in Airlines Management
·        Diploma in Airlines & Travel Management
·        Diploma in Ground handling And Cargo Management
·        Diploma in Professional Cabin Crew Services
·        Diploma in Professional Ground Staff Services
·        Diploma in Airport Management & Customer Care
·        Diploma in Hospitality, Travel and Customer Service
·        Diploma in Air Cargo Practices & Documentation
 3.     Degree courses: Degree courses are taken the time of three years after 12th in any stream. The list of degree courses:
· BBA (Aviation )
· MBA (Aviation )
·        PG Diploma in Aviation & Hospitality Services
·        PG Diploma in Airport Ground Services
·        PG Diploma In Hospitality, Aviation, Travel and Customer Service
After completing this course, you can get the job opportunity in:
·        Indian Airlines
·        Air India
·        Go Air
·        British Airways
·        Qantas Airlines
·        Delta Airlines
·        Alliance Air.
·        Sahara India
·        Jet Airways
·        Gulf Air
·        Singapore Airlines
·        United Air
·        Lufthansa
·        Cathay Pacific
·        Tata
·        Mahindra & Mahindra
If you are looking for the best Air Hostess Institute, join Jet Age Aviation.
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jobsnhomes1 · 7 years
How to Become an Air Hostess? Qualification, Course & Training, Jobs, Salary Details
Air hostess is one of the high profile professions in India desired by many young graduates. Air hostess profession is like a dream come true for young girls.
In this profession you not only get good pay career travel lovers but you meet different people from around the world, you get to see different locations, you get chance to meet celebrities, business tycoons and also learn a lot.
Air Hostess job seems as an easy job but she has many responsibilities at the plane and it’s not an easy job. She has to greet every passenger, coordinate with security, make air travel comfortable of the passenger, to guide passenger during their seat settlement and much more. Also Air Hostess has to handle some difficult passenger and remain patient and calm.
Mostly women choose the career of air hostess but those men who choose the career are called ‘Stewards’.
An Air Hostess can be later on promoted as Senior Flight Attendant and then Head Attendant. Air Hostess has an average career span of eight to ten years, later she can move to the ground duties which include the job of a Check Hostess, training of air hostess, Ground hostess or work with the management level.
To get a job as an Air Hostess your personality is more important than the education.
Air Hostess Qualification/Eligibility Eligibility criteria for an Air Hostess can be divided into four categories.
1. Educational Qualification for Air Hostess Course
The minimum educational qualification to pursue Air Hostess course is 10+2. This is one of the exquisite course to pursue post HSC. However, if you are going for PG Air Hostess courses then the minimum qualification would be graduation.
Although there are academies which are also offering course for candidates who are just 10th passed but you should not join them because it is better to join after you have completed your 10+2.
Moreover, you must know Hindi, English and any other foreign language.
2. Age and Marital Status
Age limit usually depends upon the policy of a particular Institute. Normally academies prefer candidates within age group of 17 years and 26 years.
Marital Status also depends upon the policy of a given academy. Although they prefer unmarried girls but some institutes allow married women also.
3. Physical Standards
Air Hostess jobs are all about behavior and physical appearance. In next section we will talk about behavioral skills but here we look at some of the physical standards required by institutes.
Minimum Height required must be 5.2” or 157 cm. Weight of the candidate must be in proportion to her Height. Skin complexion does matter and it must fair to clear complexion. Physical fit and attractive physique.
4. Medical Condition
Just like physical standards Air Hostess jobs require medical standards too.
A candidate must not have a history of mental illness. Eye sight requirement is 6/9. Few airlines can give some concession. You should not be suffering from any major disease.
So these were all kinds of qualification needed for becoming an Air Hostess.
Behavioral Skills Required Just usual qualifications like educational, physical or medical is not enough for becoming an Air Hostess. You need more than that. This job expects candidates to have certain behavioral skills that reflects her personality.
Pleasing Personality: Good appearance as well as pleasant voice is must. You must be friendly to the passengers on board. A friendly outgoing personality is what makes an Air Hostess.
Good Communication Skills: You must be able to communicate with the travelers and help them out if they need anything. Improved Good communication skills are very important to convince passengers. Here language proficiency is must.
Presence of Mind: If there is an emergency landing, then Air Hostess has to use her brain and give all the required instructions to the naïve passengers on boards. They have to show great presence of mind in any such eventualities.
Team Work: You have to work with entire cabin crew. Usually a cabin crew in a domestic flight consists of over 12 – 14 members. Hence you have to work in tandem.
Ready Work for Long Hours: Flight delays are very normal and hence sometimes you have to put an extra effort. At least 3 to 4 hours extra if a flight is late due to weather or some other reasons.
Positive Attitude: Finally, a positive attitude that yes you can do the job is needed.
Examination Each Airline company conducts examination for recruiting Air Hostesses. Usually an entire selection process can be divided into 3 stages.
Written Examination: Written exam tests your aptitude and reasoning. The exam pattern is quite similar to other competitive exams where they ask multiple type objective questions.
So to clear the written exam you can prepare just like candidates prepare for other competitive exams.
Group Dynamics or GD: Second stage is Group Discussion where you will be tested for your presence of mind, communication skills, team work, leadership quality, your attitude etc.So,you should be well prepared for group discussion.
Interview: Third and final round is one on one interview. Here the company will judge you for your overall personality. If selected, then the company will train you for next six months.
Airhostess Courses If you are serious about pursuing your career as an Air Hostess, then you must join for a course depending upon your educational qualification.
There are three types of courses.
Certificate Courses: Certification courses are for 10+2 candidates. Usually the duration of a course is 6 months to 1 Year but few fast track certificate courses can be just 3 months long.
Here is the list of certificate courses.
Aviation Management and Hospitality Air Hostess Management Aviation Customer Service Air Hostess Training Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant Airlines Hospitality etc.… Diploma Courses Diploma courses can also be pursued after 10+2. PG Diploma courses can be pursued only after graduation.
The duration of the course is same as certificate course.
Diploma in Air Hostess Training Diploma in Aviation and Hospitality Management Diploma in Hospitality and Travel Management Diploma in Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant Training Certificate and Diploma course are crafted and designed by individual institutes.
Degree Courses Degree courses are the most important course out of all three. The duration of the course is 3 years long and you have to be 10+2.
B.Sc. in Air Hostess Training B.Sc. Aviation Bachelor of Hospitality and Travel Management Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management So these were list of all the courses.
I recommend you to join a 3 years long degree course.
Air hostess Training Institute/Academy If you want to materialize your dream of becoming an Airhostess one day, then you have to join any one of the following institutes for a course.
1. Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess, New Delhi and Mumbai
2. Air Hostess Academy, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai
3. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Aeronautics, Jaipur
4. Universal Aviation Academy, Chennai
5. Rai University, Ahmedabad.
There are some other institutes also but these 5 are the best.
Companies Once you have completed your course successfully you are ready to get hired by following Airline companies in the country.
1. Air India
2. Indian Airlines
3. Alliance Air
4. Go Air
5. Jet Airways
6. Indigo
7. Gulf Air
8. Singapore Airlines
9. Lufthansa
10. Jet Airways
Air Hostess Salary Salary of an Air Hostess depends upon the airline company she is working with.
Usually a company pays anything between Rs 20,000 and Rs 80,000 to their Air hostesses. Domestic airlines pay Rs 20,000 to Rs 35,000 and international airlines can pay up to Rs 80,000 depending upon the experience. However, some of the luxurious international airliners can pay anything between Rs 100,000 to Rs 200,000 per month to their senior air hostesses.
Moreover, companies also provide additional allowances like medical insurance, retirement plan and discounts on flight tickets. So the pay package is really great for air hostess jobs.
Male Air Hostess Men can also become part of the air crew just like women. This whole article applies to men in a same way as it applies to women.
The post How to Become an Air Hostess? Qualification, Course & Training, Jobs, Salary Details appeared first on Jobsnhomes.
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madhyaawartinstitute · 5 months
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madhyaawartinstitute · 7 months
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We are India's number 1 Air Hostess Training Institute. Madhyaawart is the Best Air hostess training institute in Jaipur, cabin crew course & air hostess course in Jaipur
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Air Hostess Training in Jaipur, Air Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur, Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training in Jaipur, Air Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur, Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Cabin Crew course training
Cabin Crew course training near me
Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
cabin crew job is all dolled up with hefty pays, attractive travel journeys and luxurious lifestyle. The idea of flying across the world every other day and getting paid for the same is fascinating enough to opt for cabin crew career.
Cabin crew, who are also famously known Air Hostess, Flight Stewards or Flight Attendants, put extensive efforts, hard work, dedication and exhibit professionalism to make it to that level.
Unnati offers this course to the candidates who have the passion to fly and serve the people and this course will help you to get the right set of skills and make you job ready.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Cabin Crew course training
Cabin Crew course training near me
Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur, Air Hostess Training, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
cabin crew job is all dolled up with hefty pays, attractive travel journeys and luxurious lifestyle. The idea of flying across the world every other day and getting paid for the same is fascinating enough to opt for cabin crew career.
Cabin crew, who are also famously known Air Hostess, Flight Stewards or Flight Attendants, put extensive efforts, hard work, dedication and exhibit professionalism to make it to that level.
Unnati offers this course to the candidates who have the passion to fly and serve the people and this course will help you to get the right set of skills and make you job ready.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
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Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur, Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training, Air Hostess Course, Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
cabin crew job is all dolled up with hefty pays, attractive travel journeys and luxurious lifestyle. The idea of flying across the world every other day and getting paid for the same is fascinating enough to opt for cabin crew career.
Cabin crew, who are also famously known Air Hostess, Flight Stewards or Flight Attendants, put extensive efforts, hard work, dedication and exhibit professionalism to make it to that level.
Unnati offers this course to the candidates who have the passion to fly and serve the people and this course will help you to get the right set of skills and make you job ready.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Cabin Crew course training
Cabin Crew course training near me
Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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sketchartistlokesh · 3 years
Air Hostess Training in Jaipur, Air Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur, Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Air Hostess Training in Jaipur, Air Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur, Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute in Jaipur is an institute for vocational courses to be Air Hostess, Flight Steward and ground Staff professionals. By our Training modules we are making the students live up to the expectations of current Industrial needs by our Classroom education and practical training. We are considered the best for imparting all the essential skills, confidence and make the candidates job ready by the exerts of the Industry and help the candidates realize their dreams.
Established in the year 2017, Unnati AIR Hostess Training Institute is known to be the one the best institution for Cabin and Ground Crew Training. We invite you to be the part Unnati and let us help you to make your career in Airline Industry and make your DREAMS COME TRUE.
Air Hostess Course in Jaipur
Best Air Hostess Training in Jaipur
Institute Of AIR Hostess Training
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Training
Air Hostess colleges in Jaipur
Cabin Crew Job Training in Jaipur
Unnati Careers
Air Hostess
Air Hostess Training
Air Hostess Course
Top Air Hostess Training Institutes in Jaipur
Cabin Crew course training
Cabin Crew course training near me
Air hostess training institute near me
Air Hostess Training Academy in Jaipur
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jobsnhomes1 · 7 years
How to Become an Air Hostess? Qualification, Course & Training, Jobs, Salary Details
Air hostess is one of the high profile professions in India desired by many young graduates. Air hostess profession is like a dream come true for young girls.
In this profession you not only get good pay career travel lovers but you meet different people from around the world, you get to see different locations, you get chance to meet celebrities, business tycoons and also learn a lot.
Air Hostess job seems as an easy job but she has many responsibilities at the plane and it’s not an easy job. She has to greet every passenger, coordinate with security, make air travel comfortable of the passenger, to guide passenger during their seat settlement and much more. Also Air Hostess has to handle some difficult passenger and remain patient and calm.
Mostly women choose the career of air hostess but those men who choose the career are called ‘Stewards’.
An Air Hostess can be later on promoted as Senior Flight Attendant and then Head Attendant. Air Hostess has an average career span of eight to ten years, later she can move to the ground duties which include the job of a Check Hostess, training of air hostess, Ground hostess or work with the management level.
To get a job as an Air Hostess your personality is more important than the education.
Air Hostess Qualification/Eligibility Eligibility criteria for an Air Hostess can be divided into four categories.
1. Educational Qualification for Air Hostess Course
The minimum educational qualification to pursue Air Hostess course is 10+2. This is one of the exquisite course to pursue post HSC. However, if you are going for PG Air Hostess courses then the minimum qualification would be graduation.
Although there are academies which are also offering course for candidates who are just 10th passed but you should not join them because it is better to join after you have completed your 10+2.
Moreover, you must know Hindi, English and any other foreign language.
2. Age and Marital Status
Age limit usually depends upon the policy of a particular Institute. Normally academies prefer candidates within age group of 17 years and 26 years.
Marital Status also depends upon the policy of a given academy. Although they prefer unmarried girls but some institutes allow married women also.
3. Physical Standards
Air Hostess jobs are all about behavior and physical appearance. In next section we will talk about behavioral skills but here we look at some of the physical standards required by institutes.
Minimum Height required must be 5.2” or 157 cm. Weight of the candidate must be in proportion to her Height. Skin complexion does matter and it must fair to clear complexion. Physical fit and attractive physique.
4. Medical Condition
Just like physical standards Air Hostess jobs require medical standards too.
A candidate must not have a history of mental illness. Eye sight requirement is 6/9. Few airlines can give some concession. You should not be suffering from any major disease.
So these were all kinds of qualification needed for becoming an Air Hostess.
Behavioral Skills Required Just usual qualifications like educational, physical or medical is not enough for becoming an Air Hostess. You need more than that. This job expects candidates to have certain behavioral skills that reflects her personality.
Pleasing Personality: Good appearance as well as pleasant voice is must. You must be friendly to the passengers on board. A friendly outgoing personality is what makes an Air Hostess.
Good Communication Skills: You must be able to communicate with the travelers and help them out if they need anything. Improved Good communication skills are very important to convince passengers. Here language proficiency is must.
Presence of Mind: If there is an emergency landing, then Air Hostess has to use her brain and give all the required instructions to the naïve passengers on boards. They have to show great presence of mind in any such eventualities.
Team Work: You have to work with entire cabin crew. Usually a cabin crew in a domestic flight consists of over 12 – 14 members. Hence you have to work in tandem.
Ready Work for Long Hours: Flight delays are very normal and hence sometimes you have to put an extra effort. At least 3 to 4 hours extra if a flight is late due to weather or some other reasons.
Positive Attitude: Finally, a positive attitude that yes you can do the job is needed.
Examination Each Airline company conducts examination for recruiting Air Hostesses. Usually an entire selection process can be divided into 3 stages.
Written Examination: Written exam tests your aptitude and reasoning. The exam pattern is quite similar to other competitive exams where they ask multiple type objective questions.
So to clear the written exam you can prepare just like candidates prepare for other competitive exams.
Group Dynamics or GD: Second stage is Group Discussion where you will be tested for your presence of mind, communication skills, team work, leadership quality, your attitude etc.So,you should be well prepared for group discussion.
Interview: Third and final round is one on one interview. Here the company will judge you for your overall personality. If selected, then the company will train you for next six months.
Airhostess Courses If you are serious about pursuing your career as an Air Hostess, then you must join for a course depending upon your educational qualification.
There are three types of courses.
Certificate Courses: Certification courses are for 10+2 candidates. Usually the duration of a course is 6 months to 1 Year but few fast track certificate courses can be just 3 months long.
Here is the list of certificate courses.
Aviation Management and Hospitality Air Hostess Management Aviation Customer Service Air Hostess Training Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant Airlines Hospitality etc.… Diploma Courses Diploma courses can also be pursued after 10+2. PG Diploma courses can be pursued only after graduation.
The duration of the course is same as certificate course.
Diploma in Air Hostess Training Diploma in Aviation and Hospitality Management Diploma in Hospitality and Travel Management Diploma in Cabin Crew/Flight Attendant Training Certificate and Diploma course are crafted and designed by individual institutes.
Degree Courses Degree courses are the most important course out of all three. The duration of the course is 3 years long and you have to be 10+2.
B.Sc. in Air Hostess Training B.Sc. Aviation Bachelor of Hospitality and Travel Management Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management So these were list of all the courses.
I recommend you to join a 3 years long degree course.
Air hostess Training Institute/Academy If you want to materialize your dream of becoming an Airhostess one day, then you have to join any one of the following institutes for a course.
1. Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess, New Delhi and Mumbai
2. Air Hostess Academy, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai
3. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial College of Aeronautics, Jaipur
4. Universal Aviation Academy, Chennai
5. Rai University, Ahmedabad.
There are some other institutes also but these 5 are the best.
Companies Once you have completed your course successfully you are ready to get hired by following Airline companies in the country.
1. Air India
2. Indian Airlines
3. Alliance Air
4. Go Air
5. Jet Airways
6. Indigo
7. Gulf Air
8. Singapore Airlines
9. Lufthansa
10. Jet Airways
Air Hostess Salary Salary of an Air Hostess depends upon the airline company she is working with.
Usually a company pays anything between Rs 20,000 and Rs 80,000 to their Air hostesses. Domestic airlines pay Rs 20,000 to Rs 35,000 and international airlines can pay up to Rs 80,000 depending upon the experience. However, some of the luxurious international airliners can pay anything between Rs 100,000 to Rs 200,000 per month to their senior air hostesses.
Moreover, companies also provide additional allowances like medical insurance, retirement plan and discounts on flight tickets. So the pay package is really great for air hostess jobs.
Male Air Hostess Men can also become part of the air crew just like women. This whole article applies to men in a same way as it applies to women.
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