#Adam is a terrifying and credible villain even though his entire life - and death - have been nothing but one long shit show
starleska · 2 months
By the way one type of character that I think slays hard as all hell is the bastard loser whom you can't laugh at because somehow, they have won, and are now a serious threat. I mean like,,,,characters who, for example, manage to overtake a place only after about 400 years of constant attempts at overtaking the place (and after getting their ass kicked by the population of the place so hard for so long that they had to change their name). Like that's such a losr thing, this character has lost over and over and over, really badly, but they're on the top now, somehow, so you can't really laugh.
Just,,,characters who are losers but only when you see past the surface facade of their success
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Adam's got you down bad, huh? 😉
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