docholligay · 3 years
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I love so much that we have a character that’s a dropout! And, so far, isn’t shown as being a derelict, or being particularly stupid, or anything like that, she just, probably, I assume, I hope, has a bunch fucking going on with her life that necessitates her having a steady job, because we see her in the 7-11 type thing ALL THE TIME, so I assume she works full time because she’s got shit going on. YOu don’t see a lot of that in media with teenagers at all, and certainly NEVER in anime where “They are all rich or we act like they are” seems to play a major role. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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I’m trying not to kill my photo limit with what is basically a chase scene, but I admit to being charmed by the fact that they have Hinata sit down with actual strangers and almost get away with it ahaha. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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Oh my god, I love that the answer is just to run from them like they’re running from the cops, like this ENTIRE THING hasn’t been utterly borked from the word go, and that we can just get it back on track by channeling the power of running. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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AHAHHA I’M HOWLING< theya re all so terrible at this, oh my god, that pose Kimari struck, what the actual fuck is she doing, she looks like she saw a 40s cartoon and was like, “YES THIS IS WHAT SEXY IS. NAILED IT.” 
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docholligay · 3 years
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Honestly, this isn’t the stupidest idea anyone’s ever had. But I will say, if this was your plan from the beginning, Shirase, it might have been wise to clue Kimari and HInata into that a bit before, because neither of them are really dressed for seduction, like, at all. HInatana is wearing a loose shirt with some octopus sausage on it, she is not exactly ready to play with the big kids, here. NOT EVERYTHING CAN BE A SURPRISE TO YOUR TEAM IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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“Just act like you belong here” is basically my go-to advice for any time people are worried they’re going to get caught doing something, or going somewhere they don’t belong. I wouldn’t say it’s a CATCH ALL, but I will say that it’ll cover a lot of sins, to just act like it’s the most natural thing in the world to be there, especially in a crowd situation like this, where someone only has a moment to assess you. WHAT I’M SAYING IS SHE’S NOT WRONG. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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This was absolutely me when we were in Times Square, just like, losing my goddamn mind over the sheer overwhelming, pulsing, ridiculous SENSORY OVERLOAD OF IT ALL. It wasn’t even really fun, I don’t know that I’d be compelled to go to Shinjuku if I was in Tokyo based on that experience, it would be just, COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED: JAPAN. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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I love how this doesn’t even fucking PAUSE Shirase, she’s just like, “Okay I just need a little more money and then we’ll be good to go it’ll all be fine if I can just get the money and then--’ 
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docholligay · 3 years
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AMAZING. Iconic. Bless and thank. 
I love that Shirase tries this, this fucking hail mary which is basically jkust THROWING MONEY AT THEM, and I love that Kanae plays along for 2.5 seconds before going, “You’re shitting me, right, Shirase?” (I am beginning to very much like both of these two) because DID Shirase serisouly think they would take a A TEENAGE GIRL as a sponsor? I think she did! I think she is in this wild ass tangle of a delusion about the whole thing, and about her mother, and I am LOVING it, and how she keeps getting put in her place. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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So I wonder how many times Shirase has tried this, and all the different ways she’s tried this. I really am curious here, because I think she’s been through a lot and I get it, but also I understand why these two gals are like, “Fucking seriously, Shirase” 
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docholligay · 3 years
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It’s inevitable that they were going to get caught, because they need to get caught for us to actually further the story here, but I lvoe that we had a good time at least. 
Also, from the tags before, this is exactly how I see the Lena/Fareeha conversation going on in front of the New Overwatch Recruit They Have Caught.
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docholligay · 3 years
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docholligay · 3 years
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WHAT I’M ALSO SAYING IS SHE CAN’T MANAGE HER OWN BLUFF though I suppose there are plenty of college age girls that would also get flustered if a guy from one of the host bars was trying to talk her into coming in and spending awhile there. But I LOVE that they are taking pictures of this to mock her later, because she totally deserves it and I am thrilled. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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Hm, I don’t know if I agree with the exact PHRASING of this, but translation being an art and not a science, I’ll say I agree wholeheartedly with the basic idea of it. Everything is different when you can no longer turn back. Your mind changes, your soul changes, once you’ve gone into something you can’t turn back from, once you let go of the trapeze, that’s when you really start living, and seeing what you’re made of. I APPLAUD HER. 
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docholligay · 3 years
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Okay, this made me laugh out loud, the “NOT THAT I WOULD DRINK EVER OF COURSE” See? Teenagers are alike all over, and isn’t that beautiful. 
Poor fucking Shirase just like, “What is happening to my beautiful plan” 
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docholligay · 3 years
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Again, I LOVE HER. She’s got two years to study for this exam whose ass she is already kicking, and she’s thinking, “Okay, I have a limited amount of time before trying to do something BUCKWILD is going to be really limited” and so she overhears these amazing idiots and is like, “WHY THE FUCK NOT ANTARCTICA” I took a similar tack to going to Europe and the road trip before trying to have a baby, just like, “I won’t be able to just go like this for along time after, so I am may as well LIVE” and THANK YOU. 
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