flyingspicerack · 11 months
Random Mao Questions!
Have you ever just wanted to know more about my s/i Mao? No? TOO BAD! Under the cut are just a random amalgam of questions, answered about Mao from this OC questions generator!
What is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink? OK so Mao tries not to drink all that much because when they DO, they get carried away so they've tried to stay away from it. They like the sweet fruity stuff tho. (I know however when i was in japan i drank little canned sangria that was only like 3% alcohol and can see them liking to drink those!!)
Does your oc get a nice tan in the sun or do they burn easily? Yeah, I think Mao gets a little tan when they're in the sun, but they're not out in the sun often, or try not to be, tooooo hot. BUT YES.
What is your oc’s favorite color? Does this color have any special meaning to them? Mao's favorite color is is like a periwinkle blue (same as their sweater and also my fav color) They just like how it looks, no special reason.
Is your oc allergic to anything? Do they have an intolerance? Mmmmm I don't think so... not an allergy at least... I'm personally lactose intolerant and it would make sense if they were too... but I don't want to torture them like that... If anything, maybeeee... actually, you know what? I think red bean/azuki makes their mouth a little tingly, not enough to warrant a TRUE allergic reaction, but they just think its normal for it to make ur mouth a little bit numb
Does your oc prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving, doing something? Mao is VERY sedentary. They love to be SITTING and SEATED!!!!!
Does your oc like milk? They like milk! Especially strawberry milk!!!!!!! They also like soy milk too and drink it out of those little boxes!!
What are your oc's eating habits like? Oh Mao is a MESS! They make crumbs out of food that physically cant create crumbs. They get shit and sauce on their face all the time, not matter how neatly they try to eat theres always a LITTLE bit of mess, but more often than not, its kinda sizeable. They also, unfortunately, have some disordered eating in that they don't particularly mean to, but binge eat. They end up doing the whole like, only light snacking during the days they're working and when they go home just gorge themself.... Wehhhhh
What motivates your oc in their job? THE KITTIES!! Oh of course it's the kitties, they want all of them to get adopted so so bad <3
What does your oc do when they can’t fall asleep? Mmmm... Depends on WHY they cant fall asleep. If it's cause theyre scared or paranoid, they'll get fresh air or go on a walk, if it's just restlessness, they'll just stay up until they cant keep their eyes open anymore... maybe charge their jo crystal idk
What is your oc’s favorite season? Winter, hands down. They love the cold, the snow, bundling up, the snow, winter seasonal foods, the snow <3
Does your oc notice it when others are lying to them? Usually. One thing Mao is very perceptive of is changes in people's moods and behaviors as they're happening, so I think they can typically tell when a lie is being told.
What is your oc's go-to ice cream flavor? Mao doesn't go for one flavor all the time, they like to try the weird or uncommon ones, so it's always something different, truly.
What does home mean to your oc? Is it a place or people? Home is a person, or people to them, an arbitrary feeling and not a place. That being said, they've been feeling homeless for quite some time now </3
What are some places your oc really wants to visit one day, but hasn’t had the chance to do so yet? I think Mao would like to visit Hawaii maybe? Or somewhere in the continental US just to say they did? But they don't really have a desire to travel, i don't think.
How does your oc take their coffee? They prefer tea over coffee, but if they have to have coffee, it'll be with a fair amount of cream and sweetener, usually some type of flavor shot i think... PROBABLY A LATTE
Is your oc more dominant or submissive in bed? Ok... so Mao is naturally more submissive but is also a virgin, so like... has never done anything before so they would 100% be willing to try anything... SO when Mao and Ichi eventually DO get saucy together, it'll end up more of a 70/30 split of Mao being more sub vs dom with him >3
Who is your oc's faceclaim? M.... me.... as of right now i guess....
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