#AND i had a muffin for breakfast which was so delicious and soul healing
kaddos · 1 year
sorry i pspsps'ed you that was weird im sorry. hi :)
never apologize that is the correct way to approach me
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sarkastically · 6 years
40. "I laugh along but inside I know that it’s true: Being in love is totally punk rock. (quiet kisses are so hardcore)" but! I challenge you to write it in Chirrut's POV >:3c bc there is a *huge* deficit of it
(I’m so glad you asked for this one. I totally wanted to do it and had always been planning to use Chirrut for the pov because it fit him better in my mind. Anyway, modernish AU. Slightly nsfw. Slight homophobia mentions, nothing major. Sexual situations. Mostly fluff.)
They have a tradition for Valentine’s Day:
They both take the day off and spend at least two extra hours in bed, waking languidly and at their own pace, which mostly means that Chirrut wakes as early as normal but lets Baze sleep and Baze, who often sleeps so little, gets a bit of a lie in while Chirrut traces his fingers over his husband’s features and just enjoys the peace and warmth of him in their bed together. Eventually, Baze will stir, and they will cuddle and kiss and whisper hundreds of sappy, flowery things because Chirrut married a romantic, after all, and still has not been able to cure him of the habit. (And he wouldn’t want to, no matter how much he sometimes rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue and chides Baze when he starts fretting about the fact that the table isn’t set right because it’s not like Chirrut can see it. Baze could simply tell him that it’s fine, and he would believe him. But this is Baze, and Baze steadfastly does not lie. He just fusses and worries and waxes poetic all day long.)
Once they manage to pry themselves out of the warmth of their bed and each other, they settle into the kitchen where Chirrut prattles and makes the tea while Baze fixes whatever insanely complicated but delicious thing he has planned for breakfast. From brioche to French Toast to strange muffins to bagels to beignets, Chirrut has tasted everything his husband bakes, and it is all good, to varying degrees. He likes some things more than others. And some dishes require a more strenuous exercise routine in order to keep them from sticking to places that Chirrut does not want. Baze fusses about that, too, about how slim and toned and perfect Chirrut remains while he has a layer of fat stretched over his own muscles that will not shift or move and seems to get worse with each passing year. Chirrut only runs his hands across the expanse of Baze’s chest and thighs and ass (especially his ass, Chirrut is fine with every single bite of brioche going right there) and tells him, over and over, how much he loves it, how attractive it makes him until Baze is flustered in an entirely different way that typically ends with one of them giving the other a blowjob in the middle of the kitchen behind the island but still in front of the full-length glass windows, though they face the sea so Baze only needs to worry about nosy mermaids and birds spying on them. Chirrut has no such qualms and would happily blow his husband in front of windows facing their neighbors if Baze would concede to it. But he won’t. Not even on Chirrut’s birthday. He’s asked.
After breakfast, they shower together, fingers running through the water and over bodies that have changed with time but so gradually that they know each other as well now as they ever have. And Chirrut washes Baze’s hair, which makes him moan and sigh in the way that always leads to more kissing and lingering touches and then if Baze’s knees are cooperating, sex in the shower. This has gotten progressively less common as they age and, admittedly, a little harder, but still good. Just as everything they have together is good.
Sometimes, when Baze’s knees are not cooperating, like today, they tumble out of the shower in a flurry of wet skin and barely thoroughly conditioned hair to take the petting and lovemaking to the bed where Baze is as gentle as always, and Chirrut is all smiles and slow, tantalizing thrusts until he can get Baze wound up enough to be as vocal as he wants him. Baze has a voice that echoes through his body like an earthquake, and Chirrut loves to hear the house filled up with his shouts of pleasure when he hits just the right spot. Nothing makes him harder, nothing makes him come quicker than hearing how much Baze enjoys it when they are intertwined.
Sprawled on the bed, which is wet now so the sheets will need to be changed and then Baze will fuss and swap out the duvet as well and probably open the curtains to let the light in and make sure the mattress dries thoroughly, Chirrut catches his husband’s hand and places a kiss on the inside of his wrist, right over where he can feel his pulse, the strong, firm reminder of that heart that beats, each lubdub of it another moment they have together. The best way to keep Baze from fretting over something is to keep him occupied. So Chirrut kisses and laps and runs his teeth over the inside of Baze’s wrist until he thinks that he could come again from the sighs and moans Baze makes alone, the way his husband runs a hand through his short hair, curls his fingers around his neck, insistent but never a threat. Baze has enough strength to crack cups in two in his hands but is the gentlest soul that Chirrut has ever known. He’s heard Baze cry over flowers that will not grow no matter how tenderly he takes care of them. He’s known Baze to weep about how beautiful he thinks Chirrut is when the sun hits him just right. He’s held his hand while he came undone when his mother died even though she refused to speak to him after they married, a blow that Baze has still never quite healed from.
His love gives people pause on the street, but cups insects in his great palms to ferry them outside rather than squash them. It’s Chirrut people should be wary of and then they never are. Fools, the lot of them.
“Love,” he murmurs, lifting his mouth from Baze’s wrist, and tilting his head in the general direction of where he knows he is based on the sound of his breathing and where he can feel his warmth.
Baze hums in response and the hand on Chirrut’s neck tightens just a little, enough to make him close his eyes and sigh.
“Do you remember our first Valentine’s Day together?”
This time Baze laughs and Chirrut could sprawl out in that warm sound and sleep, like a cat in the sunshine. “That punk rock show, yes?”
“I hated that. It was too loud and there were too many people. And I couldn’t talk to you.”
“You hate talking.”
Baze does not rise to the bait, and Chirrut is teasing anyway. Baze does not like talking, but Baze likes talking to him. Baze will talk for hours, and Chirrut likes nothing more than to settle his head on his chest and listen to him and feel him talk. The more animated about something Baze gets, the better it is because it changes the vibrations of his voice, makes something flow inside of his chest like a lantern. When Baze talks about him, his endless flowery poetry voice, he always glows.
“I couldn’t hear you. I love listening to you,” Baze says instead of protesting.
Chirrut laughs, and he can feel Baze turn more toward him, his other hand coming to rest on his hip, thumb tracing idle circles against the skin. “We remember it differently. I loved it.”
Baze hums again and the thumb presses into his skin slightly, a signal for Chirrut to continue talking.
“It was our fourth date, I think. And it was strange because I loved you. I had loved you for so long, but it was. I knew your mother wouldn’t approve so I was always hesitant about it, about loving you, about wanting you and letting you know because I was not going to be that for you, I was not going to make you choose.”
Baze’s silence has changed, grown more somber, and Chirrut presses another kiss to his wrist to try and staunch the sadness before it grows. That is something he has to watch with Baze, the man is as full of emotions as the sea is flush with water, adding more just causes problems, people drown.
“There, there, my love. There, there,” he croons, and Baze’s thumb goes back to tracing idly over his skin.
“So I thought I would ask you to accompany me to a place that would make you the most uncomfortable because that would give you a good reason to let me go if you wanted to if you needed to. I know you. You hate to disappoint, but you hate even more to be uncomfortable.” Chirrut stops, smiles, and he knows that Baze is watching him. There is a weighty quality to Baze’s stares. It is like being surveyed by an otherworldly creature; an otherworldly creature that adores you.
“But you said yes. I didn’t think you would. You came. And when the moshing started, you stood behind me, and you wrapped your arms around my shoulders to hold me steady, to make sure that I was alright.”
Baze presses a kiss to his shoulder, a silent urging on.
“I considered decking you for that because I was capable of taking care of myself, and I was used to the punk shows. And then I thought, ah me, this man wants to take care of me. This man is willing to be uncomfortable for me because I enjoy this thing.” Chirrut reaches up to find Baze’s face, fingers tracing over his lips and into his hair. “And that was when I knew that not only did I love you but that I was not going to love anyone else other than you.”
Baze’s voice sounds thick and strained when he speaks, and Chirrut does not need to touch his cheeks to know that he is crying. “Do you remember after the show?”
“Yes,” Chirrut leans forward to kiss him. “I remember. All your soft kisses. So quiet. So shy. Peppered across my skin like you thought I was fragile when I finally managed to seduce you enough to undress me.”
“I was scared that I would do it wrong. Or that you wouldn’t like it.”
“No, no. Never.”
“Do you remember what you said to calm me?”
Chirrut laughs again, slides closer, one leg slipping between Baze’s to apply firm but gentle pressure to his already hardening length. Maybe they will not get around to the rest of the tradition today, after all. Chirrut would not mind. “I do,” he whispers into Baze’s ear before his teeth tug gently at the lobe and Baze’s hands slide around his waist. “I told you not to worry. That you were hardcore. That we were punk rock. You were so startled I thought you were going to shake apart.”
Baze’s finger skates across Chirrut’s lip and then lower, spreading out over his chest. “It was your fishnets that shook me. Not being called punk rock. I was in a cardigan. I was the least punk rock thing about that night.”
“No, dear, our being in love in and of itself is punk rock.” Before Baze can protest, Chirrut slots their lips together, loses his tongue in Baze’s mouth, lets all their sense rush out in the tangling of limbs, the new crescendo of sighs and gasps and moans, the slow building to cries of pleasure loud enough to make him grin the smile that Baze always calls shark-faced.
Afterwards, instead of getting dressed up for a fancy dinner, they order pizza and spend the rest of the night in bed, trading quiet kisses. It is still just as punk rock as it was all those years ago even without the addition of a mosh pit or loud music or fishnets.
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nsschaintale · 5 years
Hiro stepped out of the elevator, finding himself on a long pathway. Up ahead, he spotted two monsters, a six-armed lavender one with short black hair and two short ponytails, five dark purple eyes, and wearing a shortsleeved jumper with a maroon top and a dark pink bottom and black boots behind a long table covered with a pink-and-white checker tablecloth and the green cat monster wearing a longsleeved top, blue shorts, and kneehigh yellow boots reclining on the floor. On the table is a croissant and a purple glazed donut. By the voice of the lavender monster, Hiro figured this was a girl. He also noticed spider webs everywhere and the girl's physique is reminding him of a spider as well...
Spider Girl: Welcome to our parlor, dearie~. Interested in some spider pastries? All proceeds go to real spiders~.
Hiro: Spider pastries. Oh, so she had the ones in the Ruins, too? (checks out the spider donut; notices it looks more rubbery than usual) Huh, it's not real? (looks at the croissant; it reminds him of a power bracelet from a game he saw someone play before) I want one... (walks up to the cat monster)
Cat Monster (hesitant): I...I...I ended up buying donut...
Hiro: You did?
CM: Yeah.. I...I...I didn't want to, but that girl... even though I told her no, she...kept staring at me in this creepy way and licking her lips. N....Now I'm outta cash...
Hiro (glances back at the girl and catches her staring at them): Eeep..
Hiro continued past the area and found himself in a room with more of the steam arrow platforms.
Hiro: Not this again... (hears his phone ring and answers it) Hello?
Alphys: Hi, Alphys here!
Hiro: Hi. It's that dumb arrow room again...
Alphys: Yeah, this room's like the room we saw before. There are two puzzles to the north and the south. You'll have to solve them both to proceed!
Hiro: Okay.
Alphys: ...A-Also... I'd like to say! I don't really...like giving away puzzle solutions.
Hiro: Aww, not even a little one?
Alphys: Nope! But if you need help, just call me, ok? Actually, wait, I have an idea!
Hiro: What?
Alphys: Let's be friends on UnderNet! Then you can ping me when you need help!
Hiro: Okay, but I thought we're already friends on there.
Alphys: ...Huh? …..Wait, we're friends already? ...I signed you up, didn't I?
Hiro: Yeah, you  signed me up when you fixed my phone.
Alphys: Ah...  (nervous) You've been reading my posts the whole time...
Hiro: Oh, the things popping up when you said something? Yeah, I saw them.
Alphys: …..Well! I hope! You agree with me! About Mew Mew 2!
Hiro: I've never- (gets hung up on) -seen it... Ack.
Hiro pocketed his phone and proceeded to solve the puzzle ahead. He found this arrow area to be a lot easier than the one before and he headed south first. The laser-conveyor belt area was not so fun, though. Moving through three blue lasers on the belt and thrown into three soul-rending quick laser actions left him at 5 hp as he tried to stop and move when needed. Once he made it, he heard his phone ring and answered it angrily.
Alphys: Hey! Ah, s-something up?
Hiro: I hate lasers.
Alphys: O-Oh... This, um, doesn't have anything to do with guiding you...but...... (silent) ...would you like to watch a human TV show together??? Sometime??
Hiro: Huh? Yeah? What's it called?
Alphys: It's called, um, M...Mew Mew Kissy Cutie...
Hiro: That show she likes.... Sure!
Alphys: R-Really!? It's so good! It's um, my favorite show! It's about- (goes on a tangent about the show and almost spoils stuff) Uhh, I think you'd really like it!!! We should watch it! After you get through all this!
Hiro: Um...Okay. (hangs up) I don't think I caught that. But it sounds neat. (heads inside the room; sees it's the block shot room) Oh, it's that room that you gotta move the blocks and stuff. (reads the note) …..Just one shot..? Hmm..
It took him a short while, but he figured it out and took the shot.
Hiro: Yes! (leaves the room) Now for the other room. (goes on the conveyor belt and notices a cactus; manages to stop and smell a flower on it being moved away) Nice.
Hiro returned to steam-hopping in the area and headed north. He arrived in a plus-shaped area where nothing seemed strange and entered the room, seeing the block shot puzzle again.
Hiro: Here we go! (shifts the boxes and clears the area on the first try; shoots the ship) I'm getting good at this! (leaves the room and sees a pair of diamond-head monsters, one pink with a red backward cap, sleeveless striped shirt, blue jeans and black shoes, and one yellow wearing a V-neck longsleeved shirt, blue shorts and black boots; overhears them discussing Mettaton)
Pink Diamond-head: My fave Mettaton Moment(TM)? Right when everything looks the baddest, he poses dramatically. Like when he's on a cooking show and the eggs don't turn out right. But then he says! Even if you suck at cooking, you can always buy an MTT-brand Glamburger! Then he eats one! Everyone loves it!
Hiro: How? He doesn't have a mouth.
PD: ….How does he eat it without a mouth? Uhh, well... Watch the show!
Hiro: Ah. (walks over to the other monster)
Yellow Diamond-head: My fave Mettaton Moment(TM) is when he beats up the heel-turning villains! Even when it's during what's supposed to be a quiz show. Oh! And I like when he tries all kinds of different fashionable outfits! Even if it's during what's supposed to be a newscast.
After listening to the two monsters, he continued onward. He messed up the direction at first, but he managed to make to the eastern part of the area and walked up the long path. He faced a large pair of glowing double-doors with green lights flashing. They slowly opened to allow him passage and he moved on. Once through, he caught the scent of old cobwebs, which then brought his attention to the threads of spider webs that decorate the area as he saved his progress.
Hiro: Uh oh... (reads the location name on the screen) “Spider Entrance”? That's not good...
The area soon turned purple as he continued on towards the archway ahead. Once through, he was greeted with a dark area covered in cobwebs and spider threads. He could hear the skittering and faint twang of thread being stepped on and the titter and chatter of the resident beings nearby as he maneuvers past the webs on the ground.
???: Ahuhuhuhuhu.... Did you hear what they just said? They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through.
Hiro: …..
???: I heard they hate spiders...
Hiro: Not...really...
???: I heard they love to stomp on them.
Hiro: I don't get close to- (feels his movement slow down) Eh?
???: I heard that they like to tear their legs off.
Hiro: Gah, why am I slow..? (looks down at himself)
???: I heard...
Hiro (sees himself waist deep in spider silk): Ah? What is this!? (struggles to pull himself out while getting his arms stuck) Geh, can't...pull it off! (faces forward; sees the girl from the parlor standing on a large spiderweb with a few purple spiders hanging around her; spots some spiders blocking his way out) Uuh...
Girl: ...That they're awfully stingy with their money.
Hiro: Eeh!? You!?
Girl: Ahuhuhuhuhu.... You think your taste is too refined for my pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhuhu... I disagree to that notion. I think your taste..is exactly what this next batch needs!
Hiro: I don't think I taste that good!
With a giggle, the area fell into grayscale as Muffet, Hiro finds out, faces him. With a pair of teacups in her top two hands and a pair of teapots in her middle hands, she managed to trap Hiro. His options were to pay her 10g or Struggle, so he struggled to break free. Muffet giggled at his futile effort to escape.
Hiro: Ngh, gotta....
Muffet: Don't look so blue, my deary~ (pours purple liquid into the area) ...I think purple is a better look for you! Ahuhuhu~
Hiro: Agh! (covers his mouth as the liquid filled the box and dissolve most of the webs on him besides the ones tied to his soul, hands, and feet; reemerges with his soul being purple and attached to string as the liquid evaporated) Agh, wait... (notices a spider holding a sign showing “Up next” and a spider on it) What...is that?
Muffet: Why so pale? You should be proud~.
As Hiro asked about what he should be proud of, he climbed the web up and down to avoid the spiders. He then sees the sign again as Muffet tidies the web around him.  When the option to pay 40g showed up, he chooses it, watching the coins land on the web.
Muffet: Proud that you're going to make a delicious cake~. Ahuhuhuhuhu~
Hiro: I think I'd make a bad cake...
Hiro dodged more spiders, but gets hit once. The little spider shows a sign with double spiders as Muffet does a synchronized dance with the other spiders. Hiro noticed the pay option was at 80g, and then struggles. Muffet saw this then laughs and claps her hands.
Hiro: Let me....go!
Muffet (giggles): Let you go? Don't be silly~
Hiro saw the incoming spiders and dodges them. He saw some that are on two lines and gets hit by one of them, seeing a sign with a spider and a circle that could be a donut as the spiders dance and clap to the cheerful music playing. He saw that his health was getting low, so he went to his Item menu for something to eat. To his surprise, Hiro soon realized he forgot to get more out of his dimensional boxes. He only has a pack of Astronaut Food and a can of Sea Tea. Thinking it would help him move faster, he drinks the Sea Tea to heal. He hoped his SPEED would increase, but realized he was restricted by web.
Muffet: Your SOUL is going to make every spider very happy~~~
Hiro: …. (dodges the spiders; gets hit but manages to dodge three donuts that bounced at him; sees a sign with a muffin and pays 80g) Is she gonna throw muffins at me?
Muffet: Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce you to my pet~ It's breakfast time isn't it? Have fun you two~
Hiro tries to dodge the spiders as they rushed by. He expected muffins to be flying at him. What he didn't expect was a giant spider-legged muffin monster.
Hiro: AAAH!! (frantically climbs the web while trying to dodge spiders) That was close... (sees the spider donut sign) Gaah. (catches the scent of freshly baked cobwebs) That smells.... (eats the astrofood to heal) Nothing left...
Muffet: The person who warned us about you...
Hiro: About me? (dodges the  spiders and donuts, gets hit; checks the Pay option and sees it at 150g; currently has 156g) I only have that much left.. (struggles) I don't wanna!!
Muffet (is amused by Hiro's antics, she gave him a discount): …..Offered us a lot of money for your SOUL.
Hiro: Someone wanted to buy my SOUL? (dodges spiders, but gets hit; sees the Pay option is at 75g, pays it) I still got enough...
Muffet: They had such a sweet smile~ And.... ahuhu~
Hiro tried to dodge the spiders and donuts coming at, but he dies in the process when a spider hit his soul. He returned to the save star and decided to be more prepared with more items from his phone, including the items he ate. When he checked his phone, he noticed his 268g was back to normal.
Hiro: Huh? My money's back. (goes back into the area) I wonder who the person who told Muffet about me is. Who wants to get my soul? ….It couldn't be- (gets stuck in the web again) Aww, no...
Muffet: I heard...a certain stingy human hates spiders.
Hiro had a tough time going through the battle against Muffet and her spiders friends. Dodging spiders and donuts, climbing in a panic from Muffet's pet. He had some hits dealt to him, but he managed to get through to where Muffet mentioned about the person who offered her money for his soul. The only person he knew who would have wanted to get his soul for a reason was Asgore. At one point, Muffet pours Hiro a cup of spiders. He kindly refuses and continues dodging until he dies again.
Hiro (grabbing his head): Ack, why did I run into that spider!?
Hiro returned to the spider webbed area and tries again. He sees the spider donut sign again, dodges the spiders  while getting a hit on him and sees something flying at him. He managed to dodge it, but sees it coming back and dodges it again, noticing it was a random croissant that flew and out like a boomerang.
Hiro: Was that a croissant thing? (sees the spider's sign showing the croissant) There's more...?
Muffet: It's strange, but I swore I saw them in the shadows... Changing shape..?
Hiro: Changing shape? Does Asgore do that? (dodges the croissants and gets hit by one; sees the muffin monster on the sign) Oh no, not that muffin thing...
Muffet: Oh, it's lunch time, isn't it? And I forgot to feed my pet~
Hiro: You forgot?!
Again, Hiro tries to dodge spiders and donuts and struggles to climb the web to escape the muffin monster, and again, he dies. He soon began to feel tired and that familiar voice crept into his mind in the darkness.
???: Come on...just kill her already. You're only wasting your time. It'll be easier to take that pan and-
Hiro (shakes his head): NO! (finds himself before the star; stares at it for a while) …..
Hiro pushed himself through the battle again. He had to prove that he can get through it without resorting to violence. As Hiro tried to figure out why the spider girl would want to get the money for his soul, it was made apparent when Muffet mentioned the reason for her acceptance of the exchange.
Muffet: With that money, the spider clans can finally be reunited~
Hiro: Reunited? (dodges spiders and gets hit)
Muffet: You haven't heard? Spiders have been trapped in the Ruins for generations!
Hiro (tries to dodge donuts): Oh, those spiders! Hey, can't they just go under the door?
Muffet (shakes her head): Even if they go under the door, Snowdin's fatal cold is impassable alone.
Hiro (dodges the croissants, but gets hit): Ouch! Oh yeah, it was really cold there...
Muffet: But with the money from your SOUL, we'll be able to rent them a heated limo~
Hiro: I want a heated limo... Whatever a limo is.
Hiro was struggling with this battle as he used up his items and got his soul shattered. He didn't have much of a way to make it end quicker, but he was determined to get past the spider girl. He decided to switch up his armor from glasses to apron and try again. He finally managed to reach the point where all three symbols (spider, donut, croissant) were on the sign the little spider was holding.
Hiro: Yes, I gotta be close!!
Muffet: And with all of the leftovers...? We could have a nice vacation~ Or even build a spider baseball field~
Hiro: That sounds fun! (dodges the spiders, donuts, and croissants; gets hit by a spider) Ack!
Muffet: But enough of that... It's time for dinner, isn't it? Ahuhuhu~
Hiro: Not again!
More spiders rushed out across the web, overwhelming him as he tries to climb faster from the muffin monster but dies in the progress again.
Hiro: So cloooose!!
He felt like getting close to the end and pushed himself through the battle as he tries again. He soon faced off against the spider and muffin monster onslaught and manages to survive it.
Hiro: Gaaah!! Finally!!
Muffet (amused): You're still alive? Ahuhuhu~ Oh my pet, it's time for dessert~
Hiro: N-No... (notices a little spider crawl up to Muffet with a paper) No sign..?
Muffet: Huh? A telegram from the spiders in the ruins? (takes and reads it) What? They're saying that they saw you and...you helped donated to their cause!
Hiro: Yeah! I bought a donut from them!
Muffet: Oh my, this has all been a big misunderstanding~ I thought you were someone who hated spiders.
Hiro: I mean, not really.
Muffet: The person who asked for that soul... They must have meant a DIFFERENT  human in a striped shirt~
Hiro: There's another person here? (sees a flicker of the other kid)
Muffet: Sorry for all the trouble. Ahuhuhu~ I'll make it up to you~ You can come back here any time... And, for no charge at all...
Hiro: Thanks!
Muffet: I'll wrap you up and let you play with my pet again!
Hiro: Uh, t-thanks... NO THANK YOU!!
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhuhuhu~ Just kidding~ I'll spare you now~
After what felt like hours of a grueling dodge fest and a flickering scene of her getting killed, Hiro and Muffet finally spared each other. All but one spider left the area as Muffet spoke to Hiro while removing the webs off of him with ease.
Muffet: Ahuhuhuhu.... That was fun! See you again, dearie!
With a giggle and ascension of the last spider, Muffet retreated back into the darkness. Hiro made a mad dash back to the save star and saved his progress.
Hiro: Never...never again....
Once done, Hiro dashed his way out of the cobwebbed area, but not without Muffet being present in the room and him being told to be on his best behavior when visiting her parlor. When he exited the area, he found himself in another purple area where the wall is made of brick and he found a poster that looked like the one in Alphys's lab. It was a new stage play by Mettaton about a tragic tale of two star-crossed lovers, kept apart by the tides of fate.
Hiro: I remember doing something like that at school. I was a mouse in the Nutcracker play before Christmas. Oh, it's almost time for the performance! I think? I should find a seat! (walks out onto the stage)
The background has silhouettes of lit houses and the stage building was a castle with stairs and vines. A full moon and three stars are hanging by more silhouetted houses. As Hiro spotted the seats below him and made his way to find the stairs to them, a familiar robotic voice is heard above him.
???: OH? THAT HUMAN...
Hiro (looks up to see Mettaton peeking out the square window by the balcony area): Oh no...
Mettaton: COULD IT BE? (comes out in a blue dress, dressed somewhat like Cinderella) MY ONE TRUE LOVE?
Hiro: I...what- (hears music playing starting with a harp) Uh....
Mettaton descended down the stairs while holding his dress to avoid tripping. He soon began to sing once his screen turned red.
Mettaton (sings off cue):
Oh my love~
Please run away~
Monster King~
Forbids your stay~
Humans must~
Live far apart~
Even if~
It breaks my heart~
They'll put you~
Hiro (sees rose petals falling around them): Eh?
In the dungeon~
It'll suck~
And then you'll die a lot~
Hiro: I-
Really sad~
You're gonna die~
Cry cry cry~
(puts his hand on Hiro's head) So sad it's happening~.
(shooting star falls in the background)
Hiro (claps nervously): Errm, that was...nice?
Hiro: Wait, me!?
Mettaton (has a control button): WELL, TOODLES! (presses it)
Hiro (drops when a trap door opens under him): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!! (lands in a room; sees Mettaton hovering nearby) Ooww...
Hiro: What's a paramo-uhhhh.... That's...
Hiro: That's that maze Papyrus had....
Hiro (nervous): Um........no..?
Hiro: Uh-
Hiro: Ah...
Hiro (feels something warm behind him getting hotter): Why does it feel hot- (sees a wall of fire behind him)
Hiro: Aaah!!
Hiro had sort of remembered the rules, but that didn't keep him from running into electric tiles, red tiles, and piranha tiles in a panic, and in doing so, he didn't make it in time.
Hiro: Oh no...
Hiro (panicking): What do I do!?
Hiro: Ngh...Alphys, help!
Mettaton: ANY MINUTE NOW!!
Mettaton: …... (robotic cough)
Hiro: Too hot.... (hears his phone ring and answers) Alphys, help! Mettaton got me trapped in fire!
Alphys: Watch out! I'll save you! I'm hacking into the firewall right now!
Hiro: Hurry! (sees the fire extinguished quickly) Phew...
(awkward pause)
Hiro: Uh...
Mettaton: THAT-
Alphys: That's right! Come on, Mettaton! Give up already! You'll never be able to defeat us...not as long as we work together!
Hiro: Y-Yah! What she said!
Alphys: Your puzzle's over... now go home and leave us alone!
Hiro: Yeah!
Hiro: Wait, isn't that new-
(greyscale battlefield)
Hiro: H-Hello?! Alphys!
Alphys: H-Hey!! Th-This seems bad, but don't worry!! There's one last thing I installed on your phone..! You see that yellow button...?
Hiro (looks on his phone and sees a yellow button above JETPACK): Yeah?
Alphys: Go to the phone's [[ACT]] menu and press it!
Hiro: Okay! (sees the [[ACT]] panel glowing, sees the option Yellow in yellow color) Here! (sees his phone resonating with Mettaton's presence) Huh?
Mettaton: OH!!! THAT YELLOW GLOW....!
Hiro (soul turns the pointed end to the robot and flashed yellow): Whoa!
Alphys: Now press it!
Aiming his soul like a gun, Hiro shot energy bullets at Mettaton.
Hiro (soul returned to normal and he answered his phone): Alphys, he left!
Alphys: L-Looks like you beat him!
Hiro: Yeah, and that was so cool! I didn't my soul could do that!
Alphys: You did a really great job out there!
Hiro: All thanks to you, Alphys!
Alphys: What? Oh no, I mean... You were the one doing everything cool! I just wrote some silly programs for your phone.
Hiro: you still helped me out with them, so you're cool, too!
Alphys: ….umm, h-hey, this might sound strange, but...c-can I tell you something?
Hiro: Yeah?
Alphys: …..
Hiro: ?
Alphys: B-before I met you, I d-didn't really... I didn't like myself very much.
Hiro: Why not?
Alphys: For a long time, I felt like a total screw-up. L-Like I couldn't do a-anything w-without...without ending up letting everyone down. B-But...! Guiding you has made me feel... a lot better about myself. So... thanks for letting me help you.
Hiro: Welcome!
Alphys: ….Uhhh, anyway, we're almost to the CORE. It's just past MTT Resort. Come on! Let's finish this!
Hiro: Yeah! (hangs up) All right.
Hiro moved on and realized how far he was from the end (nowhere near) and headed up. He arrived at an area where he saw the nice cream guy and the guards flanking the stairs ahead with paths to the left and right.
Hiro: Ah! I can get more ice cream!
Nice Cream Guy: Hey! It's you again! Business is excellent here! These two fellas bought all my ice cream! I've actually sold out of everything!!
Hiro: Oh what...
NCG: ...Sorry... Wait! I've still got something for you!
Hiro: Really?! What is it?
NCG: A big smile! How about that!
Hiro: Aaaw...
NCG: I'm so happy! Nice cream is really changing the world!
Disappointed at not getting more Nice Cream, Hiro went over to the guards, noticing that RG02 seems happy.
RG01: Oh hey, we're, like, taking a rain check on that killing-you thing. Like, don't tell Undyne about this, ok?
Hiro: Um, okay...
He checked the right path and saw the R3 elevator and Heats Flamesman. Which Hiro got right according to the monster's reaction of being easily defeated. He'll always remember that Hiro remembered. He checked the left path and found the stage he fell from with Mettaton, so the only way is up. Hiro found himself between a pair of red rope barriers before the building at the area Alphys mentioned: MMT Resort. A large building with the windows and double glass doors having light shining through, the windows having a burgundy plant ledge under them, a red carpet rolled out in front of the doors that has T's on the sides and M's on the end, and a gold sign showing MTT and a pair of rectangular robots with wings on the ends hanging above a white and yellow checkered awning. The right side of the building has red spray paint graffiti and an arrow on the ground pointing into the alleyway. In awe of the building before, he soon noticed Sans leaning against the plant ledge. He had a really worried look on his face as he stared at the double glass doors, not noticing Hiro approaching him.
Hiro: Sans?
Sans: ….
Hiro (taps his arm): Sans!
Sans (jolts): Huh?! (sees Hiro) Oh, were you calling, uh, me?
Hiro: Yeah. Something wrong?
Sans (shakes his head then smiles): Nah, I'm all right. (looks at the door) It looks like you're going to the Core.
Hiro: How'd you know?
Sans: I...heard about it. How about grabbing some dinner with me first?
Hiro: Yeah, I am hungry.
Sans: Great, thanks for treating me.
Hiro: Wait, what?
Sans: Hahaha, just kidding. (walks toward the left alleyway) Follow me. I know a shortcut. (leads Hiro to a wall; he touched it and several purple rings pulsed from his palm, creating a chain ring on the wall)
Hiro: Whoa! That's so cool!
Sans: Cool, huh? Let's go. (leads Hiro through it and they both end up appearing on the opposite sides of a dining table)
Hiro looked around in surprise and noticed he and Sans were in a fancy restaurant. Candle lit tables shaped like Mettaton, a platoon of ficus plants lining the walls, a few TVs showing Mettaton's shows, and two celebrity bulletin boards showing the latest reviews- courtesy of Mettaton. There's a small stage near the lobby entrance and reservation counter where a few monsters are at.
Sans: Well, here we are. (sits down in the chair)
Hiro: Eh? How did we...? (sits in his chair with his feet dangling off the floor a little)
Sans: So, your journey's almost over, huh?
Hiro: Looks like it. I have to go to the Core next.
Sans: ...The Core, huh...? You really must want to go home.
Hiro: Yeah...
Sans (shifts his eyes away while lightly squeezing the chain decal on his sleeve): Yeah... I know the feeling, kiddo.
Hiro: You do? Is that why you look sad sometimes?
Sans (looks at Hiro in surprise): Eh? (shakes hi head) Not really. Though...I guess it's better to take what you're given, y'know? You got everything down here; food, drink, friends... Is what you have to do really worth it?
Hiro: Hmmm, I don't know. Is it?
Sans (leans back in his chair as he looks away): …. (looks at Hiro as he waves the thought away) Eh, forget it. I feel like I should be rooting for you. You're....different..somehow.
Hiro: Eh? Different? (sees Sans look away before looking back at him)
Sans: Hey. You wanna hear a story?
Hiro: Yeah!
Sans: Right. This is something that I once told somebody I knew. So you know I'm a sentry in Snowdin Forest, right?
Hiro: Yeah? With Papyrus.
Sans (the corner of his mouth twitched): Yeah. I sit out there, watching out for humans. Pretty boring, if you ask me. So one day, I was walking into the forest and found a huge door, and I thought it'd be great for trying out knock-knock jokes.
Hiro: Huge door in the forest, that's to the Ruins...
Sans: I'm knocking them out like usual, and I knocked on the door saying, “Knock knock!”. I then heard a woman's voice from the other side replying “Who is there?”
Hiro: A woman? Ah, Toriel!
Sans: Yeah. I was surprised at first, then decided to say, hmm, “Dishes”. “Dishes who?” “Dishes a very bad joke!”
Hiro (laughs): That's a good one!
Sans: Hahahaha! Yeah, just like that! She just laughed like it was the best thing she heard in a hundred years. So I kept going and she kept laughing. It was great.
Hiro: It was a funny joke!
Sans: Yeah and you know what? After a while, she knocks and says (imitates Toriel's voice, but slightly higher) “Knock knock!”. I go “Who's there?” “Old lady.” “Old lady who?” “Oh, I did not know you could yodel!”
Hiro (laughs): That was funny!
Sans: Heh, sure was. What a classic. She was really good. We kept going at it for hours. Things weren't looking so boring after all when I kept coming back to joke with her everyday. It's really fun. Of course, I had to leave because Ca-uh, Papyrus gets cranky without his bedtime story.
Hiro: You read bedtime stories to him? Ca...?
Sans: Pretty much. Done so for a long time. (looks away for a moment before looking at Hiro) …. One day, though, she wasn't laughing as much as she used to.
Hiro: Really? What was wrong?
Sans: I asked her the same thing, and you know what she asked of me?
Hiro: What?
Sans: She asked me, “If a human ever comes through this door, could you please....please promise me something? Watch over them, and protect them, will you not...?”
Hiro: Oh. Wait, so you were watching over me all those times?
Sans: Pretty much.
Hiro: Oh. Thanks for that!
Sans: No problem. ...Well, maybe one problem...
Hiro: Huh?
Sans: You see, the thing about promises is that I'm not good with them, and I don't even know this woman's name. But for someone who genuinely likes bad jokes, she has an integrity that you couldn't say no to. (turns his head away sighing)
Hiro: Huh, I thought she told you her name.
Sans: I never really asked her. But you know what...
Hiro: What? (feels a slight eerie feeling growing)
Sans: That promise I made to her... (looks at Hiro) It's been a lot easier to maintain with ya than it was with the person I told the story to. But you understand, right...?
Hiro (feels a growing chill crawling down his spine): I...N-No..?
Sans: Really..? Well, be glad dat ye're not like de person from 'efore... Bucko....
Hiro (becoming filled with terror): Wh....Why...?
Sans: Why..? Why ask? (blinks and his eye sockets are completely black; slightly growling) You're not dead...are you?
Hiro had a horrible vision of his other self holding a knife, being controlled by some strange entity and facing a different Sans. Bones were flying everywhere and skulls were blasting lasers at him. There was a strange twinge of pain in his left thigh like something sharp stabbed it and he saw a red slash on Sans's chest.
Do skeletons even bleed...?
Hiro (tries to keep his screams inside and shakes his head): Agggh, no...
Sans: H-Hey, you all right there?
Hiro: I....No...I've been...having these really scary things come up in my head. And I hate them.
Sans: Like what?
Hiro: Like...monsters getting hurt and... someone who looks like me hurting them...and someone who doesn't look like me hurting them..and voices telling me to do bad things..and you look different, too.
Sans: …...Different how?
Hiro: You're not wearing the outfit you have on. You got a blue jacket on, and none of that stuff on your clothes.
Sans (looks at himself then points at his chains): ….Huh..the chains? Really?
Hiro: Yeah. But! I didn't listen to the bad stuff and did good! I didn't want to hurt anyone like the voice wanted me to!! Because I'm determined!
Sans: … (grin widens) That's good, buddy. You must've done such a great job with that determination, you probably haven't died once, huh?
Hiro: …..Uh....
Sans: ..Am I wrong?
Hiro: Ah... I lost count at Muffet...
Sans: Muffet?
Hiro: Yeah, the spider girl who has a bakery parlor.
Sans (has a flicker of a flashback where a bespectacled human child was wrapped in spider silk as a spider girl watched and the sound of something snapping makes him flinch): Oh...her.  ….heh. (stands up with Hiro doing the same) Well, that's all I wanted to discuss. Take care of yourself, and keep on staying determined.
Hiro: Okay. (watches Sans leave the way they came in through the wall) Hmn....Wait, we didn't get to eat yet!
With that realization, Hiro explored the area in search of food. He was going to try and go through the portal Sans made, but instead saw an orange humanoid monster by the plant. The monster forgot to make a reservation before entering the dining area, so he kept on to not look like he screwed up and ended up licking dew off a ficus plant. He met a hulking red demon who said to the puzzles were originally made to stop human attacks, but they soon became a tradition that you couldn't go (ugh) two feet without being up to the armpits in puzzles. He also met a small mole monster wearing a hard hardhat and turned out to be an employee of the core. The interior is a maze made of swappable parts that can be shuffled at will. He seemed to enjoy it as he loves puzzle. Hiro moved on to see a giant fish manning the reservation service counter, saying that one must reserve a table to eat, as well as other things like chairs, silverware, food, etc. Hiro went to the next area and was greeted by a blinding yellow floor, and a Mettaton statue fountain with water being sprayed out from the mouth to the floor and carpet. As strange as it was, it was a relaxing atmosphere in the hotel, giving Hiro plenty of determination as he saved his progress. As he does this, Tether had just calmed his nerves from wanting to throw a bone at Hiro. He's beginning to realize that the child may not be like the Frisk from his world. He was cautious about it since the last time something like this happened, it went downhill after a time. But he felt like it was definitely different, but he'll have to wait and see once he meets up with Hiro again.
Tether (pulls out his pen and purple notebook from his jacket; starts to write): Bad visions....strange voices...someone who looks like me....someone who looks like him.... (taps his pen against his chin) This is getting really strange. I may need to get more info from him about those visions and voices. (stops in front of the hotel doors) He's going to the Core... It might not be the one from my world....but it feels just as uncomfortable.... No choice, huh.... (shakes his head) Come on, Tether. Just like you said. Keep on staying determined.
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