#ALSO...i wanted Damian's pets back but a whole DC pets special is not where i expected to see them again sdfgh BUT BATCOW!! šŸ„ŗ
batbabydamian Ā· 22 days
DC August 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! šŸ¦‡
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Written by Juni Ba
Art and Cover by Juni Ba
Variant Cover: Valentina Napolitano
Damian Wayne may have been struggling to live up to his fatherā€™s legacyā€¦but the last thing he ever wanted was to be returned to the clutches of his grandfather, the Demon King. But when his worst nightmare comes true, can he rely on his mother to defend him? Or has he lost her forever to the same horrific legacy heā€™s tried to escape?
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Juan Ferreyra
Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant covers: Juan Ferreyra, Vasco Georgiev (1:25), Simone Di Meo (Batman 85th Anniversary)
Years ago, Bane killed Alfred Pennyworth right in front of Damian. And now, on Dinosaur Island, there is nothing stopping Robin from getting his revenge! Except his father, Batman! And the giant dinosaurs, of course.
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Written by Matthew Rosenburg
Art and cover by Otto Schmidt
Variant Covers: Jae Lee, Steve Beach, Homare, Riley Rossmo (1:25), Nikola Cizmesija (1:50)
The smash-hit series returns! Itā€™s the dead of winter, and any hope for a fragile truce between the Green Arrow-led human heroes and vampire queen Barbara Gordonā€™s army has been dashed by Damian Wayne and his guerrilla fighters. Heā€™s the only one fighting back against the bloodthirsty hordes, leaving Green Arrow with a choice: Does he stand and fight or sacrifice the boy in the name of peace?
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Written by Tom King
Art by Tony S. Daniel and Belen Ortega
Cover by Daniel Sampere
Variant Covers: Tony S. Daniel, Jorge Fornes, Julian Totino Tedesco, Guillem March
Meet the new dynamic duo! Wonder Woman teams up with the unlikeliest of allies, Robin, on a top secret mission to save their fellow heroes. Will Damian and Dianaā€™s quest to break into Wallerā€™s Gamorra supermax prison be a successful one? Or is it all part of a more elaborate trap for Wonder Woman and her new sidekick?
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*Damian mentioned in summary
Written by Tony Fleecs, Alexis Quasarano, Michael Conrad, Dan Watters, and Kyle Starks
Art by Mike Norton, PJ Holden, Sami Basri, Chris Mitten, and Kyle Starks
The Super-Pets are backā€”and this time, theyā€™re all BITE! Haley, the beloved bark-out star of NIGHTWING, finds herself to be a fish out of water when she arrives on Kent Farm. As our big-city mutt tries to adjust to country living, sheā€™s shocked to discover a kennel of courageous critters is already waiting for her! Bitewing, meet the SUPER-PETSā€”and you might want to hold on tight because things are about to get hairy! Also featuringā€”stories of misch-woof and mutt-hem! The dark side of the dog bed! The many pets of Damian Wayne! Youā€™ll have to squeak it to believe it!
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bigskydreaming Ā· 5 years
What do you feel about Tim and Damian becoming the closest brothers? I read a fic where Tim is the bio son of Bruce but he finds out much later when Talia abducts him n wants little Dames to kill him. He bonds with Dames and they run with Jason in tow. It started well, Dick was in character in the beginning but later it became apparent that the author hated him, hates him. Even though Dick spent a year raising Dames Tim is still his "lifeline". Anyways, what do you feel about it?
Iā€™m not familiar with that story so canā€™t comment on that specifically, but just in regards to Tim and Damian ending up with a close connection - my general stance with each and all of the siblings is I donā€™t mind any dynamic between any of them....as long as its not at any other siblingā€™s expense.
Like, tbh I donā€™t even particularly care for the idea that Dick and Damian are each otherā€™sĀ ā€˜favoritesā€™ per se....because I come from a big family, and tbh, any discussion or even implication of individual favorites is doomed to end in toxicity. Its one thing to have specific areas or contexts in which one sibling is closer with another than the rest in general......but I feel like ideally, that should be true of all of them, yā€™know? Like....they should each all of have their own special, unique dynamics with each other siblings where its not about ranking them....its about contexts.
So yeah, I adore how close Dick and Damian grew because of the year Dick spent raising him, and them always having a special, unique bond because of that....but I donā€™t like the tendency to kinda have that cut off potential bonds Damian might then go on to form later with Jason, Tim, Cass or Duke, that could legitimately be equally strong in their own ways.
Because otherwise, thatā€™s how you end up taking at face value things likeĀ ā€œwell Dick is obviously Bruceā€™s favorite because Bruce raised him the longestā€ and I just donā€™t think things like that are true. It doesnā€™t work that way IMO, thereā€™s not a set time limit or relationship or dynamic that establishes ranks within a family.
Now, in canon, do I think any writers have really made a case of showing Damian having as strong of ties with the rest of his siblings as he does with Dick? No. But I just view that as a wasted opportunity and a failing on canonā€™s part.
*Shrugs* So to get back to your original question, Iā€™m totally okay with Tim and Damian developing an extremely close bond of their own, so long as a narrative actually shows that or clearly demonstrates the presence of one.....that fic would only lose me, it sounds like, due more to their rendition of Dickā€™s character in specific, rather than just the mere existence of a close relationship between Tim and Dames. Because the second you have to throw someone under the bus in order to make another relationship work or to justify having itĀ ā€˜instead,ā€™ like there can only be like one really good sibling relationship and the others are forever doomed to be inferior...thatā€™s when I check out and have no real interest in continuing.
And I mean, that goes for all of them. For myself, I view Dickā€™sĀ ā€˜nicheā€™ with his siblings, the thing that cements his particular bond with each sibling and is unique to their dynamic, is with each and every one of them, Dick made the effort to bond with Jason, with Tim, with Cass, with Damian....he reached out, he made himself available, he worked to build ties. That makes for fairly strong and obvious bonds, that are easier to build upon or more readily apparent than other dynamics....but its not the only way or opportunity to make that happen.
So for instance, I tend to write Dick and Jason as having been a lot closer before Jasonā€™s death than most people tend to go with, and so my preference is to have Dick be the one to reach out to him upon his return, because IMO thatā€™s how the dynamics most organically play out and the only reason that didnā€™t happen when Jason came back is for years and years DC wanted him estranged from the family. But without that editorial mandate, I think Dick just makes more sense to re-cement an already preexisting bond with Jason than Tim, given how Jason felt about being replaced at first.....but just like I donā€™t like Dick being thrown under the bus, I wouldnā€™t be in favor of a story thatā€™s Dick and Jason against the world and Jason never ever bonds with Tim and treats this like thereā€™s no need for him to have ties with anyone else, heā€™s all good, he and Dick are set.
Because ultimately, one of my biggest grievances with the Batfandom is how often personal preferences donā€™t just make petty feuds....but they also get in the way of developing a fully interactive and healthy Batfamily over all....when thatā€™s really the best of all possible worlds for ALL the members of the family. Its to ALL the charactersā€™ benefits for them to get along and be close and have their own unique dynamics with each and every other member.....divisions based around only liking one or two characters and having no interest in making those characters be equally good and positive and nurturing for even the characters an author isnā€™t as much a fan of....ultimately I find that detrimental to all characters across the board. It stunts their growth, puts a ceiling on how far or healthily you can develop them....because without them all being good for each other, youā€™re still inevitably doomed to a permanently imbalanced family dynamic.
And thatā€™s just....not the goal. Ever. Or at least it shouldnā€™t be, IMO.
Anyway, that basically covers everything you were asking I think, let me know if not, and just one other quick remark about the fic in question, based on your summary - not gonna lie, I am always, always gonna raise an eyebrow and squint skeptically at any fic that makes one of the other kids Bruceā€™s biological child as well, because Iā€™m always gonna wanna know WHY THO, and thereā€™s very little rationale that Iā€™ve ever seen, that doesnā€™t ultimately circle back to some bullshit about biological ties being superior to adopted....and that to me is against the entire spirit and premise of the Batfamily as a whole, not to mention a personal pet peeve as someone from a large blended family whose issues had nothing to do with adoption orĀ ā€˜lesser than biologicalā€™ ties, and honestly, that shit is just offensive and annoying.
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midnightluck Ā· 7 years
QUESTION WHO IS YOUR FAV ROBIN if you r interested in batman and the CO
if i am interested in batman
if i am interested in batman
*cracks knuckles* pull up a chair, darlin, and let me tell you about my interest in batman.
The short answer is Dick. Always and ever Dick. Richard Grayson, the last of the Flying Graysons, the aerialist and acrobat whoā€™d rather dance than walk, this lovely manchild for whom gravity is optional.
The long answer is still Dick, and hereā€™s why:
Hello have you seen his face
that time in the Nightwing run where he was a cop in Bludhaven
And everyone knew he was Nightwing because he cannot keep a secret identity from his friends to save his life
he actually got kicked out because his boss called him and was like ā€œlol nope leave we canā€™t have a vigilante on the forceā€ lmao
He rented the empty apartment next door under the name Professor Fledermausbecause he is a dork
his favorite thing is cereal
like he eats so much cereal?
catch him hanging out at home and heā€™s always eating cereal
that time he stopped being a cop to become a model because he was dating a fashion designer and lol why not
Heā€™s the original male Strong Female Character. I rebageled a whole post of his typical-girl poses on my main blog a bit ago, itā€™s amazing
He has a pet elephant
her name is Zitka, he loves her so much, theyā€™re so cute together i canā€™t
she used to babysit him and i love it
do you know why Robin is even a thing? Itā€™s because Dick.
he stepped up to be Robin becauseĀ  he could not actually do otherwise
Tim is only Robin next because he stalked both Dick and Robin and then decided to do it
literally he is both the progenitor and propagator of Robin because if Tim hadnā€™t shown up to blackmail his way into being Robin it would have died with Jason
His entire run with Damian where itā€™s the original Batman and Robin dynamic again finally only itā€™s reversed and itā€™s so fun
Even Damian loves him
He shamelessly goes by Dick and no one even teases him over it
He is the literal heart of the DC hero community.
Thereā€™s an actual quote somewhere, gah I wish I could find it, but vaguely paraphrasing, ā€œIf you want to declare war on the Justice League, you aim for Superman; heā€™s the symbol. If you want to cripple the League, you go for the Batman; heā€™s the brain. But if you want to crush them? You go for the heart. You go for Nightwing.ā€
dat ass
escrima fighting???? so cool
Romani heritage and rocking it
like basically everything he ever does???
And heā€™s incapable of not being upbeat. Heā€™s always smiling and hugging everyone and telling them how great theyā€™re doing
and i mean cā€™mon, figerstripes. i just feel like this is important to mention
Which isnā€™t to say I donā€™t like others, though. I love the ball of anger and issues and murder that is Jason, and the quiet constantly-impending breakdown that is Tim and hell, even Stephanie has a special place in my heart because she said ā€œlmao fuck itā€ and made her own costume to do it anyway. I love Damian for how much he hates everything. About the only Robin Iā€™m even impartial to was that one red-haired girl from Frank Millerā€™s Dark Knight.
A few years back when I was hardcore into Young Justice, that was all I wrote, was Dick Grayson being a dork. I also just love the trope of Tim leaving Robin and growing up to be someone else, itā€™s my favorite thing. (Thereā€™s like, one where heā€™s House? Itā€™s great.) I like the new Marvel movies and I love what theyā€™re doing and Tony Snark is fabulous and everyone there is great but. I mean. Nightwing.Ā 
so haha yeah
yeah, to answer your question, itā€™s Dick. Itā€™s always Dick.
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