#ALSO. sorrynotsorry for my mini piarles essay here
singsweetmelodies ยท 1 year
ive read all three of your ts/f1 reblogs and i have 3 things to say
1. Youre insane
2. I know all these songs and i wanna shoot myself
3. King of my heart is a sebchal song
akira i fucking adore you and i have 3 things to say back:
1) yes ๐Ÿ˜˜ and i still have one more to do whoops lmao. fuck me.
3) sorry babe but i will have to fight you for that one. i think king of my heart is one of those songs that everyone wants for their own dearest otp. so i will make my case for piarles.
king of my heart... i love the way it's all about "i have been waiting, body and soul." no other pairing has waited for each other like these two. they grew up together. dreamed an impossible dream together. achieved that dream together. and stayed together every step of the way. no matter what, they never fell apart. that makes years and years and years of waiting, for their dream but also for each other.
because. all the best friends to lovers stories - and songs! - are about that moment it all changes. (the say you fancy me not fancy stuff.) the crippling uncertainty for ruining everything but also the thrill of taking the step from friends to more. (the up on the roof with a schoolgirl crush.) the way nothing afterwards can ever compare to a first love, the way nobody can really know you or hurt you or love you like your lifelong best friend. (the is this the end of all the endings.) the way it's all worthwhile when they love you too, because they mean everything in a way nobody else ever truly can. (the king of my heart, body and soul.)
in short. they are the kings of each other's hearts, to me. and they always will be. โค๏ธ
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