#ALSO??? first part is almost entirely based on the lov and Dabi's time withing the castle while part two shows us the town! and the city!
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I planned two parts of Up On The Cliff*¹ and my favorite scene isn't even in the first half 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
An AU Idea I’ll Be Working On
The members (and their hero/villain names) are:
Watasaeki Kurogiri aka The Warp Hero: Blackmist
Shimura Tenko aka Tomura
Yukimura Touya (Dabi (formerly Todoroki Touya) aka Smokescreen
Toga Himiko aka Shifter
Iguchi Shuichi aka Shield
Bubaigawara Jin aka Twice
Hikiishi Tamijiki (formerly Hikiishi Kenji) aka Magne
Sako Atsuhiro aka Mr. Compress
Chisaki Kai aka Annihilation
Kurono Hari aka Chrono
Shinōkanri Eri aka Morningstar
Suji Ken aka Muscular
Gin Kuchi aka Moonfish
Koku Dokuna aka Mustard
The League of Villains are all fifteen besides Kurogiri, Muscular, Mustard, and Moonfish.
Kurogiri is thirty and he's the Responsible Mom Friend™
Muscular is fourty someone please save these fifteen year olds from the pervy old guy whos killed a lot of kids and teenagers
Moonfish is twenty five and he has already mentally scarred ten fifteen year olds beyond repair like holy shit help them.
Mustard is eleven (vine: so shut the f*ck up) also WHO GAVE THIS ELEVEN YEAR OLD A GUN!?
I changed some aspects of their Quirks as well (but it couldn't be helped!)
In addition to being able to decay what he touches, Shimura can also reverse decomposition. (e.g. decaying an apple after touching it with all 5 fingers or keeping a building from falling by restoring it).
Yukimura's is entirely different. He can generate snow from his left and smoke from his right (like Todoroki with his fire and ice.)
Toga doesn't need to ingest someone's blood, she needs to have touched them within thirty minutes of transforming into them. It does have a time limit though. At the moment, it has a time limit of one minute per second she touched them (she's working on it).
Kurono's had to change completely, mostly because he can't move when he uses his Quirk and that's kind of limiting him. *shakes head at myself in disappointment* He can still slow down and speed up objects, and people, so long as he touches it or them with his bare hand, or hands. *I'm sorry I know his hair was cool looking but I had to take his limit off so he has room to improve and become the hero he would be in this AU*
Eri. Well...*scratches hair* I um...I couldn't leave the poor girl with a super destructive possibly traumatizing Quirk so I figured to still give her a Quirk that was a 'Mutation' of her family's (which I based around telekinesis) and I gave her a Quirk where she can transform into pure energy. Will explain more below. ↓↓↓↓
That being said, some of their Quirk's names are different. (aka me shamelessly wanting to go over the LoV's Quirks now that they're young and have less control over them)
Shimura Tenko. Quirk: Decay and Restore. Anything he touches with all five fingers can be decayed or restored, depending on which he's intending.
Yukimura Touya. Quirk: Snow and Smoke. From his left half of his body, he can create snow and control it too. From his right half, he can generate non-lethal smoke that serves well as a smoke screen.
Toga Himiko. Quirk: Transform. For up to thirty minutes, at the moment, after she touches someone she can transform into them.
Iguchi Shuichi. Quick: Force Fields. Iguchi can create force fields both for protection and as weapons. At the moment, his Quirk is limited to a five foot area around him, which unfortunately means he needs to be a close range fighter until he expands his range, and a ten minute limit of keeping them up until they fall down whether willing or not.
Bubaigawara Jin. Quirk: Double. He can create clones of people and even perfect copies, so long as he has their measurements. These copies will disintegrate into a mud-like substance after around four hours.
Hikiishi Tamijiki. Quirk: Magnetism. She can magnetize people within a 1 meter radius of her, she's still expanding her range. Men are polarized south and women polarize north.
Sako Atsuhiro. Quirk: Compress. He can compress anything into a marble without damaging it. He has an affinity for compressing Yukimura's smoke into a marble and using them for very effective smoke bombs. It works on people too, however he's been too hesitant to actually try, even on a willing volunteer. He can also decompress them on will so watch out for marbles flying at you, they may be filled with Yukimura's smoke.
Chisaki Kai. Quirk: Destruction and Recreation. He can destroy and recreate things by touching them with his bare hands. Unfortunately this has led to a lot of things being accidentally destroyed if he gets too anxious, so make sure you don't let him touch things if he's been stressed out.
Kurono Hari. Quirk: Molecular Control. With his left hand, he can speed up molecules to the extent that they can catch fire or melt. With his right hand, he can slow down molecules to where the object can be rendered motionless or freeze. If he touched something with both hands, it will cause it to explode from the combined acceleration and deceleration.
Shinōkanri Eri. Quirk: Energy Body. She can transform her body into energy, which makes her intangible if she wants and lets her move at very high speeds and fly. She can also, to a lesser extent, can heal mild wounds on people, with the side effect of making herself tired from the excessive energy it takes to do so.
Suji Ken. Quirk: Muscle Augmentation. He can augment the muscle fibers beneath his skin, increasing the power and speed of his movements.
Gin Kuchi. Quirk: Blade-Tooth. He can enlarge and manipulate his teeth into powerful blades.
Koku Dokuna. Quirk: Poison Gas. He can generate and control a vast amount of poisonous gas that can, over time, deteriorate his victim's lungs and throat if it's breathed in for too long. He can generate enough gas to create a typhoon and cover a large area and is able to detect movement from withing the gas by reading its fluctiation.
None of them, save Muscular, Moonfish, and Mustard, actually wanted to be a part of the League of Villains.
Kurogiri, a UA hero teacher and pro hero Blackmist, was the first to be forcibly inducted at All For One's discretion, aka AFO is an asshole and threatened Kurogiri's family (his wife and kids) dying if he didn't.
Kurogiri, blackmailed into doing AFO's dirty work, is ordered directly from AFO to scout the streets for potentially dangerous Quirk holders.
He ends up finding Toga, Yukimura, Shinōkanri, Chisaki, Kurono, and Shimura, six homeless kids that he ends up taking back to the bar (because his wife would freak out if he randomly brought home six homeless pre-teens (aka the first six Kurono, Eri, Shimura, Yukimura, Toga, and Chisaki)) and whoops now they're a part of the League of Villains but at least they're relatively safe.
AFO dubs them Chrono (Kurono), Morningstar (Eri), Tomura (Shimura), Smokescreen (Yukimura), Shifter (Toga), and Annihiation (Chisaki) and as their Villain identities.
After Kurogiri catches them, AFO keeps them under constant inhibitor use because he can't have them getting out of line and ruining his plans, plus they are kids and not even they really know what they're capable of. (this also infuriates Toga because she's used her Quirk almost constantly since she's been on the streets ya know to steal food and stuff).
He slowly gathers the others (Sako aka Mr. Compress, Hikiishi aka Magne, Iguchi aka Spinner, Bubaigawara aka Twice (in that order)
So now Kurogiri is basically the foster dad to ten teenagers
After the Stain Incident, Mustard, Muscular, and Moonfish join like they did in canon
None of these fifteen year olds are as 'useful in battle' as their elder selves so, when it comes to the Training Camp battle, it's just like...well, it's chaos.
Well, first Shimura’s not there because he’s having the tail-end of a cold and still has a pretty high fever.
Kurogiri isn’t with them because he’s caring for Shimura.
But he’s given them a meeting point and he’ll warp them home from there.
Over here we have Smokescreen and Twice distracting Eraserhead, and rather horribly at that.
This guy's way smarter than two fifteen year olds and it gets to where he's actually gotten to the real Smokescreen and knocks him out, which makes Twice unable to make copies of him and nOPE I don’t make copies of myself NOPE we don’t need that in this world ONE OF ME IS DEPRESSING ENOUGH.
Twice, at this point, just picks him up and VWOOPS to their meet up spot.
Sako a concerned bean. His boyfriend is in danger and he's off his game because of it.
He still manages to compress and capture Bakugo though and Yukimura is unimaginably proud of his smart boyfriend.
Mandalay and Tiger are fighting two teenagers. (FUCKING TEENAGERS!)
They came here to train future heroes not fight teenagers!
Weirdo cannibal is actually noming Shouji's dismembered hand (instead of thinking about it) when Todoroki and Bakugo come across him and they are scared as hell.
Toga actually very resentful of having to do this and just immediately takes off her gear and seeks out someone (anyone) to listen to her.
She ends up finding Uraraka and Asui and she explains to them why the League of Villains is doing this and what exactly is going on behind the scenes of this group of teenagers being villains.
She's adamant that she needs to pass on the knowledge than none of them are truly there of their own volition (even the members that came with Stain's capture are being forced to stay with threats upon their life or the lives of those they care about).
Which is the right call btw because Uraraka and Asui make sure to keep her with them when the rest of the Vanguard retreats. 
They're both very protective of this girl.
It's a trainwreck. But they do kidnap Bakugo and they do somehow manage to (without trying) kidnap Todoroki by proxy.
TodorOKI DO NOT JUMP THROUGH THE WARP GA-GODAMMIT (he manages to accidentally jump through the warp gate and is livid about it and mad at himself but hey, it's better than going home right now, plus now he's the inside man).
Todoroki accidentally becomes Shimura's friend because he complains about his suppressor 99% of the time he's there and Shimura is just like ‘dude, same’.
The Kamino Ward Incident goes very differently.
Toga begs the pros not to hurt the other members of the League because they're just teenagers and they're all being blackmailed into doing these things. (her blackmail was that AFO would personally kill all her friends in front of her, other examples for later)
Even before the pros came to save Bakugo, they were already talking about sending him back because holy shit they are not about this life of stealing children.
Kurogiri was fine with taking in ten homeless kids but stealing a kid who has a family and a life and friends and people concerned about him? hell no
Shimura finds out his grandmother was the seventh holder of One For All and basically snaps and and tries to kill AFO for killing the only family he had left.
He’s still got a pretty high fever so he’s also pretty delirious even when he snaps.
Yukimura just straight up is borderline having a anxiety attack after the goop warp shit because it reminds him of when he was younger and Endeavor's training and HOLY SHIT HIS DAD IS A HERO TOO HE'LL BE HERE AND HE'LL RECOGNIZE HIM
Yukimura is busy during the hideout raid fearing his existence
The minute he sees Endeavor it's over, he's having a full anxiety attack.
Chisaki has been having one since they kidnapped two kids and he can't stop panicking so he's just being dragged around by his elbow away from the action while Eri is apologizing for touching him repeatedly but’ you need to move Kai it's DANGEROUS!’
Cue Protect Boyfriend mode Sako forcing the others (besides the stubborn-ass scary powerful feversnap Shimura) and Kurogiri (he's a peacekeeper he wouldn't attack anyone) to all hide and whoops that's where all the UA students who came to save Bakugo and Todoroki are.
Hikiishi and Iguchi have to physically drag Todoroki (who's trying to scream at Shimura to hide while he proceeds not to hide himself) and Bakugo (who's snark is going to get him killed) into hiding with the others.
Then the Bakugo and Todoroki Rescue Squad witness just how young and vulnerable the League members are when they witness Chisaki and Yukimura having equally bad panic attacks.
Todoroki is ‘brothering’ Chisaki and Yukimura because he knows how bad panic attacks are and he'll be damned if someone his age has one this bad.
It honestly doesn't really help much because neither Chisaki nor Yukimura are capable of calming down right now and it really doesn't help that Chisaki has asthma and Yukimura is effectively mute.
AFO is still captured though.
Kurogiri is busy trying to warp a sick Shimura away from the fight because ‘GOD DAMMIT KID HE'S GONNA HURT YOU’
Shimura ends up decaying AFO's hands and having a mental breakdown.
Thank god because now Kurogiri's warp finally works now that Shimura is done fighting and he gets the boy to safety.
None of the BakuTodo Rescue Squad get in trouble for the event since they didn't need to save Bakugo or Todoroki, the 'villains' had already done it.
Kurogiri is awesome and he warps them all from Kamino District just before AllMight begins fighting AFO and they still all end up at that giant screen, watching.
Sadly, the majority of the former League members still have their villain costumes and inhibitors on so people notice them pretty easily but they've got UA students protecting them from the people in the crowd who try to pull them to the nearest police station.
AllMight still has trouble fighting AFO despite him being newly handless because AFO just won't give up!
So he still loses his muscley form and is outed.
But he saved Shimura's grandson so he doesn't care.
AllMight adopts Tenko shortly after the incident. Like the next morning he has the papers all written up and Tenko is an emotional mess signing them but he's just really happy he gets to have a real dad who knew his grandma.
Who knew but now 45 yo AllMight suddenly has a fifteen year old and nobody is surprised.
The LoV members are given another chance.
UA enrolls them to the hero courses and they have special training that brings them up to par with the other hero course students (which, of course, is a bit easier given that they've had practice using them curtosy of Kurogiri training them)
Everything is shaky but Aizawa trusts these kids. How could he not? He literally fought them and saw up close just how scared they were
Honenuki is the first student outside of Uraraka, Asui, Bakugo, Todoroki, and the BakuTodo Rescue Squad to warm up to them
He sees Sako sneaking to the 1-A dorms to cuddle Yukimura after a nightmare
He ends up joining Sako much to EVERYONE'S dismay
Skeleton Boi is just worried about everyone okay? He wants everyone to be happy and succeed and Yukimura is definitely not happy so he'll work extra hard to make him happy.
BFFs Honenuki and Yukimura
By proxy friends Sako and Shihai since their boyfriends hang out so much
The Classes And Seating Arrangements Are Now:
Row 1
Aoyama Yuuga
Ashido Mina
Asui Tsuyu
Iida Tenya
Uraraka Ochako
Row 2
Ojiro Mashirao
Kaminari Denki
Kirishima Eijiro
Koda Koji
Sato Ridiko
Row 3
Shoji Mezo
Jiro Kyoka
Sero Hanta
Tokoyami Fumikage
Todoroki Shoto
Row 4
Hagakure Toru
Bakugo Katsuki
Midoriya Izuku
Shinsou Hitoshi
Yaoyorozu Momo
Row 5
Kurono Hari
Chisaki Kai
Yukimura Touya
Bubaigawara Jin
Shimura Tenko
Row 1
Awase Yoyetsu
Kaibara Sen
Kamakiri Togaru
Kuroiro Shihai
Kendo Itsuka
Row 2
Kodai Yui
Komori Kinoko
Shiozaki Ibara
Shishida Jurota
Shoda Nirengeki
Row 3
Tsunotori Pony
Tsuburaba Kosei
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Tokage Setsuna
Fukidashi Manga
Row 4
Honenuki Juzo
Bondo Kojiro
Monoma Neito
Yanagi Reiko
Rin Hiryu
Row 5
Toga Himiko
Sako Atsuhiro
Hikiishi Tamijiki
Iguchi Shuichi
Shinōkanri Eri
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