#ALSO I am sharing my table with an artist friend who I can't announce just yet
critter-of-habit · 7 years
Some exciting news! I’ve been accepted to have an artists’ table at next years Clexacon! 
I’ve never sold art at a con before, so I’m both thrilled and super nervous.  I’ll be selling prints and stickers (maybe some buttons too), but will be deciding what art/ships/fandoms exactly closer to the date. 
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dreamingofmilk · 4 years
Poetic Justice
This was a joy to write. Shout out to @chaneajoyyy and @shaekingshitup for doing this challenge.
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Synopsis: You meet Erik at an open mic night and it changes everything
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2597
Coming to open mic night at your favorite cafe was worth it. You only just found out about the elusive and secretive gathering of college individuals. But you made it your goal to go at least once a week. Sometimes it was hard, school work piles up quickly when you are having fun. 
But tonight, you had to get out no matter how many essays and online homework you needed to complete. And you regretted nothing once he took the stage. Tall dark and handsome, Erik Stevens, the poet had you entranced. His poetic stories about black struggle and black love pushed you further down the rabbit hole than you could ever imagine. 
This man seemed to be everything you could ever imagine. And you were so happy to have a seat up close and to the far right of the stage where you could fangirl in peace. 
You’d seen this beauty around campus a few times, but never once did you imagine that he had such a way with words and his voice was that smooth. And the way he strummed the guitar… You only hoped he could strum your clit that delicately. 
You watched his set intensely, his every move an imprint in your mind. You wanted to record it to play it back later, but you knew that would be wildly inappropriate. Snaps filled the room as he finished up and he smiled and bowed his head in acknowledgment. The man knew he was fine. 
Erik Stevens stepped off the stage and packed away his guitar as another talented student took the stage to share her beautiful voice. You watched his broad back shuffle around until he went behind the curtains and came around. The exit for the stage right in front of your high table. 
Erik’s eyes watched you closely, you bit your lips gently when his eyes raked over your body with lust. Damn. How can Just one look from this man have you ready to risk it all? You smiled shyly at Erik when you made eye contact again. Erik sent you a wink and a smile so genuine it made your thighs clench. He then quietly made his way through the crowd to join his friends. 
You smiled softly to yourself then settled in to enjoy the rest of the night with your friend. 
Early morning classes were not your thing. But when one of your major classes is only offered at 8 am on Tuesday’s, you had no choice. Hence why you were in the juice line in your increasingly crowded dining hall. You desperately wanted some freshly juice fruits and were willing to wait in a long line to get it. That or you were looking for any excuse to be late for class. 
“Excuse me. Do you know what juices they have today?” A deep voice from behind you asked. 
“No but it looks so good. Soo… goood…” your voice trailed off when you turned around to talk to the stranger. Erik again. You smiled a polite smile and turned back forward, your heart racing in your chest. Fuck. He was even more attractive up close and in the light. And he smelled so good too. 
Erik smiled and held out his hand for you to shake. You gently put your hand in his. 
“I’m Erik.” His voice washed over you. “You were at the show the other night. You look good in blue.” He complimented your dress from the other night. 
“Thanks.” You told him your name. “You’re a great artist.” You were up in line to order your juice. 
“Thank you babygirl.” His eyes dropped to your lips before flitting back up to meet your eyes. 
“You sitting down to eat? Maybe I could join you?” His voice was hopeful as you stepped up to order. 
Your heart sunk. “Erik I really wish I could but I have to get to class, I'm already late enough waiting for this drink. Next time though. I promise.” Instinctually you held out your pinky finger for him to seal in the promise. You blushed and went to remove yourself. 
“Wait. A promise is a promise and has to be sealed in some way.” He wraps his pinky finger around yours and brings both your hands up so that you can both kiss your fist. The two of you break away, eyes intense and your heart beating out of your chest. 
“Next time.” You smile and step back over to the juice counter. 
He smiles as you leaned forward to accept your drink. “Have a good day.” His eyes watched you as you walked past him to the exit of the dining hall, a smirk on his lips as his eyes fell to your ass. 
Laundry day was one of your faves on campus. Usually you did it so late at night that you had the laundry room to yourself so you would sit on one of the machines, playing games on your phone. 
You’d just beaten a really difficult level and you were up out of your seat cheering in circles for yourself. 
“Damn, if I knew this is the type of introduction I would get, I would ask you to announce at poetry nights.” Erik smiled at you. You turned around quickly, a heat creeping up your body as you saw him leaning against one of the machines. A smirk sat on his full lips and his arms crossed tightly on his chest. 
“Don’t stop now, the only thing I would change is you screaming my name.” Erik’s smirk grew bigger as your ears burned. 
“Shut up.” You smiled bashfully and climbed back on top of the washing machine. Erik approached slowly coming to stand in front of your legs. 
“What’s got you so excited anyway?” Erik took your phone from his hand and started dying of laughter. 
“Candy Crush!” He laughed loudly, you smiled in a daze watching his beautiful smile. “Well I guess I should take it as a win.” He handed you back your phone. “At least it’s not no guy in your phone making you smile like that. I wanna make you smile like that.” Erik stared up at you. 
You looked away, he just didn’t know what he was doing to you. Or he did and he was determined to make you become a massive puddle. Well he succeeded at least halfway, there’s a massive puddle in your shorts right now. 
“Tell me… what do I have to do to make you smile like that?” Erik’s soft hand found its way on the top of your knee. Very gently, his eyes asking for permission. 
You shrugged and nodded at the same time. Erik laughed. “What does that mean?” 
It means that you can eat me out on this washing machine! You screamed in your head. 
“It means that I don’t know what you have to do.” Erik stepped closer bracing his hands on either side of you. 
“You know, I’ve seen you around a lot before. You’re so pretty that I can always pick you out of a crowd. But I never had the courage to speak to you. That is until I saw you at my set.” Erik spoke softly, a small smile found its way onto your lips. 
“There we go. Got something. So I just gotta compliment your fine ass and your face will shine brighter than the sun.”
“Erik if you don’t take your poetic ass somewhere. Don’t you have clothes to wash?” You say smartly. 
“Nah. I just saw you in here and I had to come speak. You see now that we are friends you ain’t never getting rid of me.” Erik gently rubbed the outside of your thigh. “Besides, you owe me company for a meal.”
You rolled your eyes remembering your pinky promise in the dining hall. 
“After your clothes are finished you are coming with me for a midnight meal.” Erik’s eyes twinkled once you agreed and you wondered what his idea of a midnight meal was. 
You sighed and rubbed your face. Fuck this paper! You figured if you went to the library really early you'd be able to focus and get it done, but you were struggling. Coffee wouldn't even help. You'd been at it for 4 hours and barely had 2 pages finished. It was time to cut your losses and try again later. You were putting your last book in your bag when you heard that all too familiar voice.
"What are you doing here so early Y/N?" Erik looked down at you, a smirk on his face. 
Why did you always run into this man? Ever since the open mic night it seemed like you saw him all the time. 
You frowned, "I was trying to get a ten page paper done, but I can't focus."
He scoffed, "You took Mandrake didn't you? That's where you fucked up. Everyone knows she assigns a big paper at the beginning of the semester."
You couldn't help the pout that formed on your lips, "I didn't know!"
"Let me help you. I have some work I need to finish too. Maybe we can help each other focus and get out of here sooner." He smiled sympathetically. 
He sat down across from you and pulled out his materials. He also pulled out a pair of gold rimmed glasses that made him look sexy as fuck. Who the hell makes glasses look that good? 
You couldn't help but be nosy and when he pulled out a book with Freud's name on it. You had to ask.
"Are you a psych major?"
Erik followed your eyes to the book and smiled. "I'm a double major. Psychology and African American Studies."
You whistled "Oh so he's woke and smart."
"I want to be a psychologist for at risk black kids. I went through a lot of shit when I was a kid and it fucked me up for years. I want to prevent that from happening to anyone else." Erik shrugged. 
"That's amazing, Erik." And you meant it. What a great way to make an impact on the community. You already really liked Erik, but this took the cake. He really was a great guy.
He shrugged, his embarrassment clear. "I wish there was someone that could have helped me back then. It would have saved me from making a lot of dumb decisions."
You grabbed his hands, "Seriously Erik. That's really cool. You should be proud of it. You're going to do great things."
Erik's thumb rubbed over your hand and he smiled softly before raising your hand to kiss it. "Thank you, babygirl. I really appreciate that."
You felt like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. You've never felt chemistry like this with a guy, and you had a feeling you never would again. Erik was someone special.
Erik smirked at you. "Now stop ogling me and get moving on that paper."
Your ears burned as you focused on your laptop, his laugh wrapping around you like a warm blanket. 
You did peep him sneaking glances at you while you both worked though, so you considered it a win regardless.
You rushed out of class. The professor held everyone an extra 10 minutes, and you were running late for your next class. Once you got closer to the quad you noticed there was a crowd. You didn't really care what was going on, you didn't have time to see what had everyone so fascinated. You had just got to where the crowd was but you heard the most beautiful music and you couldn't help but move closer to see where it was coming from. 
And to your surprise standing there, looking more gorgeous than anyone had the right to, was Erik Stevens. The sun lit his profile perfectly, his brown skin glowing in the light. His fingers glided across the guitar, the music lulling you into a state of peace you've never experienced. You couldn't look away from him. He was so captivating. Before you realized it you moved across the quad and stood in the front of the crowd, but off to the side. Erik closed his eyes and his body began swaying to the music. The notes sounded very familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on where you recognized it from. After a few seconds of strumming Erik opened his mouth and started singing India Arie 'Ready for Love'.
You were absolutely sure your jaw was on the ground. You had no idea he could sing! His voice was beautiful, smooth and rich, like the most expensive Hennessy. He glided through the notes effortlessly, adding a few of his own runs and techniques to make it his own. You believed every word he was saying, his voice was so honest. He really sounded like he was in love with someone and it just made his performance that much better.
Someone next to you walked closer to him and dropped a few bills in his guitar case. As they walked back to their spot Erik opened his eyes, instinctually following them. When his eyes met yours you felt your heart rate pick up and your breath catch in your throat. Erik looked right into your eyes and kept singing, a slight smile on his lips. This man was LETHAL. It felt like he was serenading you. You couldn't help but smile back, you were pretty sure there were actual hearts in your eyes. 
I am ready for Y/N
The two of you couldn't look away from each other. You could actually feel a force pulling you to him. The crowd erupted in shocked chatter when he slipped up and sang your name. Erik just smiled and kept going, but you could hardly breathe. You've never heard your name sound so beautiful before. You had a big dopey smile on your face but you couldn't get rid of it if you wanted to.
He strummed the guitar, the notes tapering into silence. As soon as he finished the crowd erupted into loud cheers and applause. As everyone dispersed you made your way over to him. 
"That was amazing Erik. I had no idea you could sing."
He smiled softly, "Yeah, it's not something I do often."
"It was beautiful. You really should sing more often." It'd be a shame for him to hide his talent. 
He smirked. "Sing more in general or sing to you more?"
You looked away in embarrassment, your ears burning. "Why did you say my name?"
"It was an accident. When I saw you I got nervous and made a freudian slip I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile sheepish.
You pouted, "So you didn't mean it?" 
He smirked, "Of course I meant it. I did say a Freudian slip. You were on my mind so I said your name."
You rolled your eyes, but your tone was teasing. "There's my psychology nerd. I was starting to get worried."
He chuckled and moved in closer, until his chest brushed up against you. He reached out a hand and fixed a piece of your hair before cupping your face. "Be my girl and there's a lot more where that came from."
You smiled, looking into his eyes. "Yes."
His smile was bright. Erik grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you. You may have made a Freudian slip of your own when he sucked your soul out of your mouth.
Taglist: @aislinnsilver @wawakanda-btch @chaneajoyyy @marvelmaree
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