#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH screams into the voide the things these two make me think about
What if Ghost wears his mask because, after all the torment his father rained on him... he got the nervous tic of smiling AND laughing...
He starts getting nervous and his lips start to twitch up into a smile.... He can't stop it. It just... happens
Someone can be brutality killed in front of him but because of his father, his lips just twitch into a smile instead of a frown or grimace. It doesn't reach his eyes so no one really knows it, but he feels disgusted with himself anyway. Smiling and laughing at someone suffering? "What kind of monster are you Simon?"
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thefalserift-d · 7 years
ok let’s gradually go back in time because I’m better at going from present to past than the other way around
shifter, you did an okay job. you had a fuck ton of weird ass urges in the cafeteria. And why the fuck were you looking at lewd places at girls. God. Keep your sight on the goddamned horizon.
She.. had a nice butt. and she was tall so like,, butt was higher.. yoga pants bro...
no.. excuses...... so fucking sick. and you wanted to kiss aidan? what is wrong with you??!?
Hell man, you had a ton of urges to punch something and scratch yourself.
Well... I guess it was more like mutual controlling.
Heh. true.
Okay, now to during class. So many thoughts.
Are you prepared to say it here?
Yeah, sure, why not. I don’t care. I can’t care. Most of it’s paranoia. I’m glad the Third spoke to me.
Not calling him the Void?
While that’s what he feels like.. I feel like I’m copying from Aaron so no. Not nice.
“I’m just going to be substituted it” “I’m worthless I can’t even help them I can’t even help myself” “I shouldn’t lean on them they’ve got enough things to deal with I need to be better than this” “What a mess what a mess what a mess what a mess” “Look how Maddi does so much better than me what’s sort of fp am I” “favorite person more like fucking fake piss I can’t do anything” “they’re ignoring me see there’s evidence that I suck and they don’t need my shit” “Why isn’t Marz here I need her snarky comments to keep me awake and slightly grounded in this class” “I don’t know how to feel about last night” “It brings back memories of way back when kik was a thing” “I want to die, dig dig dig in the palm crush the feeling it’s wrong wrong wrong” “What if I never existed in their lives” “I deserve nothing” “What if I never had a tumblr” “damn I get so turned on when memories of last night happens” “Why am I in such pieces and Shifter is whole” “I’ll never see them I’ll never see them I shouldn’t think of fantasies” “hungry damned hungry or is it just that it’s empty” “Our core is fractured” “do I have a favorite person..(s)?” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” “I want to go play on the piano I haven’t done so in such a long time”
hmm that encompasses a lot of it. I’m sure I left out some by accident.
Hmm yeah. The screams were like from angry to wailing sad sounds.. painful.. From male voice to female. You always relate weakness to female, don’t you? That’s when your voice changes too. Inside your mind.
Yeah.. unconsciously. I don’t make this assumption for people. I just have it for myself.
I’m gonna kinda analyze all this. Okay?
A lot of your social anxiety right now stems from Aidan and Avery. And you’re trying to deal with it by just disregarding that you have feelings for any of them beyond best friend. For different reasons for either of them of course. For Avery, you’re afraid your dreams are just going to get crushed again. Which it has, multiple times. So, it seems to be a reasonable fear. For Aidan, well.. we talked about it earlier, and the fact that he makes you happy whenever you see him, and that you guys share good jokes and just get it lol. And for different reasons, you decide to go on automatic shredding mode with pain and distraction, trying to make yourself associate bad with those dreams and fantasies. But sometimes you hold yourself back, because you hope. There’s that inkling of hope that just drives you insane, and it makes you want to scream because you’re caught in between these two very conflicting feelings with no resolve in sight. There’s more.. but.. I’m sorry dear.
looks like you followed the post on point.
I didn’t mean to make you cry.
It’s okay. I think we managed to sort some of this out, even if the screams don’t stop after this..
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