mathknots · 2 years
ACSL Elementary
Our ACSL books contain notes on each topic and practice questions with detailed step-by-step solutions on the below topics Computer Number Systems Recursive Functions What Does This Program Do? - Branching Prefix/Infix/Postfix Notation Bit-String Flicking What Does This Program Do? - Looping Boolean Algebra Data Structures What Does This Program Do? - Arrays Graph Theory Digital Electronics What Does This Program Do? - Strings Video explanations are available along with sample downloadables We also provide online tutoring classes through MK Academy.
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kennak · 3 months
3月4日から10日までに起こった不景気な出来事を総括する「週刊不景気ニュース」。倒産の話題が多い1週間となりました。 破産申請(準備含む)により倒産したのは、新潟の酒類卸「大和飲料」、新潟の建築業「北信越住宅」、栃木の自転車ロードレースチーム運営「NASPO」、宮城の印刷業「ハヤシ印刷」、広島の環境衛生機器製造「テックコーポレーション」、長野のキノコ生産「悦和産業」、長崎の剣道具製造「永武堂」となりました。 一方、事業撤退などでは、菓子大手の「明治」がキャンディー「チェルシー」の販売を終了し、建設機械メーカーの「加藤製作所」が中国子会社における油圧ショベルの生産を一時停止、化学品メーカーの「日本曹達」が水島工場を閉鎖すると発表しました。 また、人員削減では、製薬会社の「住友ファーマ」が米子会社で400名を削減するほか、ドローンメーカーの「ACSL」が公表していた希望退職者の募集に24名が応募しました。
週刊不景気ニュース3/10、破産申請の話題が多く 不景気ニュース - 不景気.com
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masquedrones · 10 days
Drones ACSL japoneses emplearán la tecnología Elsight Halo para actividades más allá de la línea de visión visual.
El experto en tecnología de conectividad de largo alcance, Elsight, ha incursionado en el emergente mercado de UAV en Japón formando una asociación con el principal fabricante de drones del país, ACSL. Elsight, con sede en Israel, reveló que el acuerdo implica equipar los drones de ACSL con su tecnología de conectividad Halo. Esta solución, impulsada por inteligencia artificial y compatible con…
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y2fear · 4 months
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ACSL Unveils NDAA-Compliant New SOTEN Drone in the U.S.
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niconiconwo · 9 months
I s2g if it lets me import music to play I am sticking the AC3 + ACSL ACTA album in it.
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baycodingclub · 1 year
come and join us!
Summer Coding Camp for K-12 @BayCodingClub 2023 Summer Camp Online and In Person Coding Camp Early Bird Ticket Ends on 4/30/2023 www.baycodingclub.com
🎈 SPECIALIZED Half-Day CAMPS online: 3D Unity / C++ For/ Mobile APP/ACSL/A R/USACO /NFT Design/AMC8/10/12 AIME BootCamp
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Coding Competitions For Kids & Teenagers
Computer Science has literally changed the world forever in the last 30 years. And coding for kids has actually become as essential as mathematics for kids in today’s world. It is probably appreciated a bit more because it enforces kids to learn mathematics practically, while mathematics itself sometimes most of us don’t learn practically at school. Today, kids all across the world are learning coding and there are many kids coding competitions running all round the calendar year.
Here is a list of a few coding competitions for primary and secondary grade children around the world.
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) doesn’t need any new introduction as it is the ultimate coding and computer-science competition for children. This Olympiad is conducted along with other olympiads such as the Mathematics Olympiad and the Physics Olympiad. Details of this competition and the syllabus covered for this contest are mentioned in this post.
Zonal Informatics Olympiad (ZIO) and Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI) level 1 and level 2 exams for India Coding Olympiad and for the final selections of IOI from India. More information on these exams are mentioned in this post.
International Kids Coding Competition (IKCC) conducts a range of kids coding competitions in various programming languages and platforms and across both world-wide and regional levels.
Canadian Computing Summer Contest (CCSC – Grades 3-12) The CCSC is a competition for students across the globe to provide an opportunity to showcase their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. There is a focus on Python in this competition but the languages accepted could change every year.
The American Computer Science League (ACSL)  is an international coding competition among over 300 schools in the US for grades K-12. Competitions occur online throughout the year and consist of four contests. Each contest consists of a written section to analyse code and a programming section.
UnicMinds Coding Competition is our own coding competition in Scratch and Python block based coding. Children of ages 8-14 across the world can participate in this online coding competition and win prizes and certificates. A series of 20-25 questions to be answered under one hour by kids attending the respective competing categories.
Bebras Computing Challenge tests students of 6-18 years age group on various computational problems and puzzles and with grade based questioning. Students from 6 to 18 years old work through a set of tasks that focus on different topics and skills within informatics and computational thinking. They will have 45 minutes to complete as many tasks as they can, they are not expected to finish them all. The challenge has six different age categories with each their own set of tasks to keep things exciting and challenging for all students:
Scratch Olympiad is a coding competition for kids all around the world. Students from 7 years old and adults from any corner of the planet can become participants in the Scratch Olympiad.
NASA’s App Development Challenge is a coding challenge in which NASA presents technical problems to middle and high school students seeking student contributions to deep space exploration missions. By responding to the ADC, students take a part directly in the Artemis Generation endeavours to land American astronauts, including the first woman and first person of colour on the Moon. Grades: 9-12
The Congressional App Challenge is a prestigious competition designed to encourage creativity. Students create and submit an app using any programming language and about any theme or topic they choose. To get ready for the challenge, we recommend your child completes app development, game development and web development courses ( HTML/CSS/Javascript). Then they can join our Congressional App Challenge Mentoring Classes to build their project for the challenge from end to end, guided by our experienced teachers. Grades: 6-12
The Young Coders Competition is a coding contest in Scratch for young children attending school in certain parts of Europe such as Scotland and Ireland. 
Hong Kong International Coding Olympiad (HKICO) is a regional coding in South Asia. It tests on problem solving skills and algorithmic skills in informatics and computer science.
Design Championship Online is a coding competition in India for kids 6-16 years old. The competitions are held regionally first  in many age-group and programming categories such as App Design, Game Design, Web Design, Movie Making, and others. Then the national level selections happen for the finals.
There could be many kids coding challenges and competitions in individual countries that we probably couldn’t cover. But, you get the idea that today there are many coding competitions for children to prepare for and make a mark for themselves and learn from these opportunities.
Hope this is useful, thank you.
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riverbendercom · 1 year
Bruce Wickenhauser Captures First Place In ACSL Aeries Raffle
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rochemohr20 · 1 year
this crazy cloud over Bursa
Check this amazing cloud seen over Bursa, Turkiye
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Lenticular Cloud. They usually form downwind from mountains or very large hills. There are three main types of lenticular clouds: altocumulus standing lenticular (ACSL), stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL), and cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL), varying in altitude above the ground. They're associated with strong gusts of wind and pilots don't like them, though after some reading I've learned that gliders do! They are very cool looking indeed! Personally, i like the ones that have multiples almost stacked ontop of each other like plates - mesmerizing.
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lassiterlaursen61 · 1 year
this crazy cloud over Bursa
Check this amazing cloud seen over Bursa, Turkiye Lenticular Cloud. They usually form downwind from mountains or very large hills. There are three main types of lenticular clouds: altocumulus standing lenticular (ACSL), stratocumulus standing lenticular (SCSL), and cirrocumulus standing lenticular (CCSL), varying in altitude above the ground. They're associated with strong gusts of wind and pilots don't like them, though after some reading I've learned that gliders do!
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They are very cool looking indeed! Personally, i like the ones that have multiples almost stacked ontop of each other like plates - mesmerizing.
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kanekopj2022 · 1 year
パワポはgoogle で編集するとレイアウトがこわれることがあるので、印刷前に一度正規のpower pointで確認すること。一回PDFにしておくとより安全かもしれないが、PDFにしてから印刷するとぼやけた印刷になることもあるので、以下3通りくらい印刷方法を用意しておくとより安全。
pptx (パワポで印刷)
PDF (pdfを印刷)
JPEG(jpegのビューアから印刷 - ただし若干ノイズがのるのであまりお勧めではない)
最終報告書の下書きは早めに作っておきましょう。A4 2ページ程度だったと思います。
ソリューション - 国産産業用ドローンのACSL | 株式会社ACSL
金子格、佐川湧樹、石田啓人、眞下純和、湯田恵美、岡田 仁志
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shintani22 · 2 years
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日本郵便、配達用ドローンの概要公開。機体開発はACSLが手掛ける(DRONE ドローン専門メディア)
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新型コロナ 県内で3960人感染 死亡4人(NHKニュース)
新型コロナ 県内の病床使用率 49.6% (6日分)(NHKニュース)
【新型コロナ 厚労省まとめ】211人死亡 14万9383人感染 (7日)(NHKニュース)
東京都 新型コロナ 10人死亡 1万4946人感染確認 前週比547人増(NHKニュース)
大阪府 新型コロナ 10人死亡 新たに7815人感染確認(NHKニュース)大阪府内の感染者の累計は232万8167人となりました。府内で感染して亡くなった人は合わせて6793人となっています。
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kennak · 3 months
東証グロース上場のドローン専業メーカー「ACSL」は、2月14日付で公表していた希望退職者の募集に24名が応募したことを明らかにしました。 対象となったのは正社員で、退職日は3月31日の予定です。当初の募集人員40名に対して、約4割少ない応募者数となりました。なお、この施策に伴う特別退職金などの費用として6500万円の特別損失を計上する予定です。 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響による経済活動の停滞や、半導体をはじめとする部材の高騰など外部環境が変化するなか、小型空撮ドローン「SOTEN」の販売が伸び悩んでいることから、人員体制の再構築が必要と判断し今回の施策に至ったようです。 希望退職者募集の結果に関するお知らせ:ACSL
ACSLの希望退職者募集に24名が応募、想定の4割少ない 国内リストラ - 不景気.com
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fauxzone · 5 years
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armoredcorelegacy · 5 years
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Armored Core community content and updates #6 for March 17th to March 31st 2019, brought to you by PIO. See links below for more details on content.
MARCH 2019 - TYTO ALBA _________________________________
PIO is pleased to announce our March Content Creator of the month, @ttyto-alba! An independent artist with a trove of unique works under his belt - including Heavy Cream and Check Six - Tyto has a soft spot for Armored Core, a series that he has grown up with. We’ve featured him before with his AC Character Design Challenge and excellent sketches of various characters and Armored Cores, and are delighted that he agreed to be featured in PIO!
Keep your eyes on his Tumblr and Twitter accounts for the March of the Armored Cores, as he plans to do one illustration of an Armored Core, or any Mecha from the series each week! Check out links to his accounts below.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Tyto_Alba Tumblr: http://ttyto-alba.tumblr.com/ Website: https://www.tytoalba.net/
Past/Current Works:
March of the Armored Cores:
AC Character Design Challenge (Feb 2018): http://ttyto-alba.tumblr.com/post/156672144710/its-the-first-day-of-the-armored-core-character Illustrations:
https://twitter.com/_Tyto_Alba/status/1104365259207323648 https://twitter.com/_Tyto_Alba/status/1109588850102300672
COMMUNITY CONTENT _________________________________
User: @Hellhound13th [Artwork] Link: https://twitter.com/Hellhound13th/status/1112449713444257792 Game: Armored Core 1 Channel: https://twitter.com/Hellhound13th _________________________________ User: @Raptorial_Eve [My Aaliyah Build] Link: https://twitter.com/Raptorial_Eve/status/1111847384005279746 Game: Armored Core 4 Channel: https://twitter.com/Raptorial_Eve _________________________________ User: Claes Angelo [ACVD] Claes Angelo doing something on JP #59 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KXIdn5GCk8 Game: Armored Core: Verdict Day Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/rainonfriday13 _________________________________ User: Naddys Beta Armored Core 3 Silent Line RTA Any% (No Aborts) 1h16m14s Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9r59JuuPk0 Game: Armored Core: Silent Line Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCASl34TGOTpK0C8P-C4ncyw _________________________________
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cremedecereja · 2 years
Tinha você e tinha eu
e tinha uma quase nós que sequer existiu,
mas esse quase doeu tanto.
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