teddybeartoji · 29 days
HI MICKEY!!! for the selfship asks: 8, 13 and 18 with toji <3
8. constantly bragging about dating each other or keeping the relationship relatively secretive?
i definitely boast and brag abt him bc he's mineeee!!!!!!!!!!!! i think he's perfect and so good and i'm so fucking proud of him and everybody will be hearing a thousand reasons as to why i think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he pretends that it just feeds his ego but i know it does more. it's good for his heart.
ANDDD believe it or not... he talks abt me to shiu!!!!!!!! nothing too deep but he constantly mentions me and what i've been doing. it caught shiu so off-guard at first bc ???? toji u good???????? but then he was just happy for him yk? oh.. and how do i know this? shiu himself told me. by accident. we were just waiting for him at the grocery store and he said smth in the lines of "yeah, toji told me that you're writing now? that's great." and i was just like ???????????wdym??????? i didn't know he talks abt me to you??????? and shiu just went ?????????????????????????? he does??????????????? a lot??????????????????????????????????? anyway it was super cute and we both swore to keep it between us.
13. stay at home dates or out on the town dates?
stay at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! neither of us are big fans of crowded places so staying at home is just perfect for us!!!!! we love ordering in and watching movies and binging tv shows. it's very simple but we love it a lot. andandand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've been trying to convince him that boardgames are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was incredibly unsure at first but i think he was just a little afraid to make a fool of himself (and i get it bc... man it's always so hard to learn the rules of a new board game isn't it?????)(but i am patient and also very persistent, so now here we are hehehe).
18. cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep?
yeah no i'm not even gonna lie - i would sleep under his fucking skin if i could:((((((( no space between us, not even an inch. he's my weighted blanket and i always try to burrow myself into the crook of his neck or his side bc mmmmmmmhe's so warm and soft and he really is my teddy bear okay...
he wasn't used to it at first though. he was just a little stiff under me, so the first nights were a little weird. but that's okay. he was the one to pull me back onto him after i kept my distance just for a bit!!!!! he just grumbles something at me and i didn't want to push him any further so i just did it without a comment. and now we alwaysss always always sleep together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me on top of him, him on top of me, cuddled into his side, his head on my tummy or thighs - we're always touching!!!!!!!!! no space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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