#A Sicilian version of Hiraeth would be great right now
Does anyone have any articles about indigenous Sicilian Mythology they can recommend? Because I’m tired of trying to find anything on Sicilian Myths and finding everything Greek. I want to know about my ancestors from before the Greeks.
I can’t escape the feeling that Sicilians have never really belonged to themselves. We were Greek and Phoenician and Roman and Carthaginian and Mycenaean and All other things, not necessarily in that order.
I don’t know what to say. I don’t mean to be a downer, but we never belonged to ourselves. Being under the control of the Italians is just the latest in a long run of conquerors and colonists. They call and treat us the way the English treat the Welsh.
Im just really ———— upset and I want to learn more about my heritage from before the Greeks, from before anyone took over us. If anyone has anything or can recommend anything, lemme know by reblogs.
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