mrwyx · 3 years
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You also get Botessa's components in higher quality, too! And now, in Transparent form!
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mrwyx · 3 years
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Decided to tweak Botessa a bit. Change a few colors, have her retain the beauty mark from one of the bots she fused with, thicken the outlines a bit and have her have 4 legs. Also, now her head arms come together and become a helicopter type mechanism so she can fly. I hope you like her.
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mrwyx · 4 years
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Ladies and Gentlemen, meet a character in my cartoon universe. Lady Botessa. A 600+ Year Old (Remember, other planets may be more advanced than us. Including over 600 years ago.) Multi Robot and AI Fusion Lady Who founded and leads a space pirate vigilante gang going around the universe, planet to planet taking things into their own hands wreaking havoc on bad guys. She started out as a curious worker bot who at some point had an Advanced AI uploaded into her. the digital minds ended up interacting with each other and merging into a personality. Botessa is a robot with 8 AI's merged together interacting with each other into their own personality. Part of them were other robots Botessa encountered and fused with.
She likes being a protector and having fun and upgrading and modifying herself. She'd be described as an Antiheroine and wild Card. She also has tons of nanobots inside her helping her upgrade, help keep her multiple AIs under control interacting with each other and not going haywire and other things.  She's kind of a spunky, wise and eccentric woman. She'd save people from evil and corrupt, she'd wreak havoc upon those who deserve it. And of course she'd also grab loot and do it for the thrill. She'd rob loot from her victims and she'd share it with both her crew and others. And get some thrills doing so.
Having 8 AIs, it's like having multiple personalities working together as one. It's like a hive of knowledge in there. Her personality develops over 600+ years of experience and the additional AIs downloaded into her. Having each AI downloaded into her would feel both like becoming a new person and kind of like inviting someone else into your house, them getting comfortable, and starting to live there. Then, over time, they start doing more stuff around the house, like cleaning, cooking, etc. Being in close proximity to one another means you both start influencing each others choices and making each other better as a result. Then, at one point, you realize that there's no longer two people in the house, but that person has left enough of an impact on you that it seems like they're still there. Like that, but a lot faster. Though another thing that happens upon fusing is that the fusion feels weird. Like watching 2 TVs of the same show outside through a window. How long it takes to adjust depends on cooperation. 
She started out as Yes 07 Worker Bot #7F33K1. A curious worker bot with a simple AI (Still sentient) who's still trying to develop a personality. 7F33K1 stumbles upon an advanced AI's AI core room over in wherever she was built and works. They hit if off and get to know each other, and one day, 7F33K1 decides to download the AI Matrix into her. She does it and was not the same anymore after that. 
After that, she finds a bunch of nanobots and puts them inside her. She got bored of working, so she decided to turn to piracy and vigilantism to fill her emptiness she was filling.  It was simple for her go around doing things universe, but her true desire is something only she knows and wants. I imagine one of the things that changed was that when they became one, she got a little more mischievous, rebellious, geinus and scheming. Please note that her body changes every time she has an AI downloaded. Wether the AI is in a robot body or not. 
Botessa at one point met and befriended an assassin bot named Essa. They got to know each other, fell in love, and decided to merge into one. Her AI was downloaded into her and her former shell was absorbed into her. 
After they fused, Botessa became slightly more caring and more independent. Although Essa was less caring at 1st, getting to know 7F33K1 warmed her heart up, and would gradually become more so after fusing. So, basically, kind of a Tsundere bot. Or something. It is then she became known as Botessa. 
Next, she finds an AI that turned out to be a dummy account be a hacker bot named Eyera, who's described a cross between Ed from Cowboy Bebop, and Futaba from Persona 5. They get to know each other, she recruits her as her 4th AI, download and absorb body. This would make her a bit aggressive of a hacker. And would also increase her determination. 
Next, she encounters rogue robot named Ryxt who was made by an evil dictator of a planet and ended up switching to the side of good. Ryxt could start out controlling herself too much. If she works under the rule of an evil dictator at first, maybe she forces herself to not step out of line, show any negative emotions, or do anything that may showcase her independent thoughts. It's only after Botessa shows up that she decides to take the first step in expressing herself, by rebelling against the dictator and joining her. She's reluctant to fuse her AI at first, as she sees her habit of restricting herself as something that could be a detriment if added to a greater collective. But over time, she figures out how to express and control herself in moderation, and ultimately everything works out with her. They got to know each other, fought for the planet's freedom and decided to merge together. AI downloaded, body absorbed. 
She gained more self control. #6 was Poli, a police AI computer tired of being cooped up inside a computer. She wanted to explore the universe. Any Authority who hasn't warmed up to Botessa is on the hunt for her. So she needed a Police AI. Lady Botessa almost caught by the A.I.'s clever trap, but Lady Botessa convinces her to not only let her go, but join her as well. I guess they talk to each other and she realizes, she isn't evil, just a wild Card still trying to do good. She should find herself her own Commissioner Gordon Sometime. 
AI uploaded to the club, and Botessa's personality addition becomes something that says supportive and help, but keeps her authority figure persona. Her next one would be a journey to find the smartest, greatest, most advanced and sophisticated AI Computer in the universe. She finds exactly that. Zita, a carefree, hopeful, peaceful and super intelligent AI who calculates and comes up with ways to fix things and stuff. She is surprised, but Lady Botessa can be very persuasive. They bond over shared desires, like desires to protect, save things punish evil, do things when the law won't help, etc. 
And then she's downloaded into Botessa and that makes her more carefree and hopeful. Her most recent is a Tortessa Tessa AI prototype that evolved into a more perfect form. She visits the the Tessa and eventually, Tessa became part of Botessa and she is now where she is today. The Tessa A.I. would make Lady Botessa more smart or able to locate better thanks to Tortessa Tech.
Botessa speaks with a hot southern accent that's also a bit tough. And she's like 8 feet tall or so. I personally imagine Cristina Vee voicing her. What do you think of her? I hope you like her! Special thanks to my awesome friends for helping me. Including @vincentaaronstauffer @azurath-alex and @astridzircon1528.
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mrwyx · 4 years
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Lady Botessa's forms and Robots she fuses with, Part 1.
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