#72h slow cooked jesus corpse
melody-chii · 1 month
i don’t want to be insane but istg jesus was meant to be dead for three days. 3 days = 72 hours and he gets ganked on a friday at an unknown time but presumably when the sun was up because electrical lighting didn’t exist yet so doing anything at night that required eyeballs was impractical. this means anywhere from 7am to 6pm (approximately because idk the longitude/latitude).
as such, it would be:
die friday 7am-6pm + 24h
= saturday 7am-6pm + 24h
= sunday 7am-6pm + 24h
= monday 7am-6pm
boom 72hour slowcook achieved
resurrection ascend to heaven etc
hence there is good friday and easter monday.
today, everyone at work insisted that he resurrected on sunday and that easter monday only exists so we could have an extra public holiday. this makes sense but also does not and i’m starting to feel like i’m failing maths.
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