#24 hour emergency Nottingham
in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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24 Hour Party People
Things are getting messy on the Stone Sour/Murderdolls UK tour. Welcome inside their world of drunken orgies, comedy pissing and pickled cow’s hearts…
(google docs link)
Photos: Tina Korhonen
If you ever find yourself in the same building as Corey Taylor, the frontman with the most Tourettes-like speech patterns in rock (no mean feat in an arena where swearing is both big and clever), the chances are you’ll hear him long before you see him. A couple of hours after his band Stone Sour’s first UK show with fellow Slipknot-affiliates the Murderdolls, the singer is drunkenly ping-ponging off the walls of a corridor backstage at Nottingham’s Rock City, beaming and gleefully bellowing Electric Six’s ‘Gay Bar’ at top volume before tumbling into his dressing room for the umpteenth shot of Jack Daniel’s this evening.
The backstage area is teeming with young women who have miraculously acquired passes along the way. More incongruously and to Taylor’s obvious confusion, there are also random semi-naked men flitting about. In the next room, Murderdolls’ Nikki Sixx-coiffed bass player Eric Griffin is entertaining two ladies — one of them, dressed as a sexy nurse, currently occupied with snapping on a pair of surgical gloves. Tonight is clearly going to get messy. If everyone involved in this tour comes out of this thing unscathed, it’ll be a miracle.
“I like the fact that we’re just five fucking guys who stink and love music. I love it, that’s real, fuck that dumb shit.”
    Rewind a few hours, and an infinitely more coherent, if chronically hungover Corey Taylor is fumbling his way into a minibus to join his bandmates on their way to an in-store signing. While, along with guitarist Jim Root, he spends his time worrying America’s parents and poncing around in a mask in Slipknot, it’s quickly obvious that Stone Sour offers the chance to show his often-gurning, surprisingly clumsy human side. The side that has dumped all attempts at being enigmatic for the person whose big ambition in life is to appear in a cartoon (“I can picture Bart Simpson going to a Slipknot concert,” says Jim. “It’d be great, you’d hear, like, a note between bleeps.”), who has been terrified of sharks since his mother took him to see ‘Jaws’ when he was three, who has an obsessive love of British comedy, and revels in tasteless, decidedly un-PC jokes. A random example: “What do you call the worthless skin around a pussy? The rest of the woman.” Classy.
    All of which is good news for the scores of fans who have turned up to meet the band today.
    “There are guys out there who would pick their eyes out with a fucking coathanger and go, ‘Aaargh! They’re for you!’,” grins the singer as one fan thrusts a giant dildo at him to be signed. “But they’re all great. Anyone that listens to us is pretty fucking cool. And little kids are really into it too. You take the time and you fucking talk to them and shit, that’s a fan or (sic) life. Get them young, like the tobacco companies say!”
    Over at the venue, the Murderdolls — all similarly hungover, bar iron-livered frontman Wednesday 13 — emerge from their bus in a flurry of red and black hair and leather to be met by fans bearing gifts of Boris Karloff action figures and teddy bears dressed in bondage gear.
    Perhaps inevitably, because of the way they look, their unashamedly cock-rock outlook, their gang mentality and the way that there’s genuinely no-one like them at the moment, the band have inspired a tribe of similarly-attired devout followers who you can spot a mile off. Many of them are female, which is curious given the off-the-scale testosterone levels that shape the band.
    “We had a group of four girls here bawling their eyes out, really shaking,” says Joey Jordison, struggling to wake up. “I don’t really think it’s too weird. We give them something to believe in, some escapism from maybe some of the hard things in their lives.”
    “It’s insane,” grins Wednesday. “You hang around us for a day you’ll be crying to get away from us.”
    It’s a strange kind of devotion the two bands create. While both are surprisingly approachable some people still go to unnecessary extremes to get their attention.
    “A girl came to an in-store signing with her arms completely slashed up, with every guy in the Murderdolls’ name cut into her arm,” says Joey. “She brought me a cow heart in a formaldehyde jar with my picture in it, and said that that was her heart and it belongs to me. And she gave me a book of a hundred poems that are all about me.’
    Is that not a little disturbing?
    “No, I just think that some of these kids need a little bit more attention. We’re a fun band, we want the kids to have fun, and I don’t want anyone taking their aggressions out on themselves. Life is really not as bad as they think it is. That’s why we come over here, because I know we’re important to these kids. I could easily be at home right now sitting out on my porch drinking a beer and not giving a shit. But I’d rather come over here and tell kids thank you for giving me a reason to live as well.”
    By the time showtime comes around, Stone Sour can be found in their dressing room “spanking the bottle of Jack”, a strange pre-show ritual that seems to achieve little more than earning Corey a new blood blister on his finger.
    One set of anthemic rock and one set of fantastically ludicrous glam-rock stomping later, and it’s time to get the alcohol flowing, bring the prettiest girls backstage, and for certain members of this touring circus to behave very badly indeed…
“Oh Jesus.”
    Corey Taylor is suffering. The last anyone saw of him last night was when he was taken to support band Elviss’ bus for a little drink. Today, he’s paying the price, big time.
    I remember getting onstage,” he says, trying to piece the previous evening together. “I remember doing a great show, coming offstage, drinking about 12 Jack and Cokes being pulled onto Elviss’ bus and them pumping fucking absinthe down my goddamn throat trying to kill me. Fuckers. After that it’s a blur. I remember eating an ignorant amount of fucking lamb steak, just shoving it in my face. It was fucking gross.”
“We go apeshit every night.” -Joey Jordison
    This, apparently, has nothing on what went on in the Murderdolls’ tour bus last night, where one stunned witness hazily recalls someone attempting to use the on-board toilet, only to be met with the sight of a certain lanky member of the Murderdolls inserting “objects” into two girls.
    “We are a fun rock ‘n’ roll party band in every sense of the word,” says a wary Joey Jordison the next day as the band roll in to the Birmingham Academy. “You can draw about every conclusion you ever heard about the traditional rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle from the ‘80s, that’s pretty much us. But I don’t want to make it sound like that’s cool. I don’t endorse it in any way.”
    Joey, Corey, and Jim Root have, of course, seen and done it all before with Slipknot, so it’s fair to say that, bar the heroic alcohol consumption, they may have a certain amount of detachment from the mayhem surrounding them these days.
    “But all that crazy shit happened a long time ago,” Corey insists, grimacing through his hangover. “I don’t really recall! I’d be coming offstage, having a glass of milk and eating cookies.”
    Because the two bands are about such vastly different things — with Stone Sour it’s about bringing things down to the simple elements of their songs and connecting with the audience, while Murderdolls are on a mission to bring the biggest, trashiest, glammiest, most X-rated party to every town they hit — there’s little in the way of rivalry between the camps. The only competition seems to be with putting on the biggest, loudest live show.
    “If anything I think it’s healthy if there is,” Corey concurs. “It just makes you want to give that bit fucking more and go for it. At the end of the day it’s all about the kids, fuck us. It’s all about whether they’re having a good time or not.”
    “There’s always that little competition,” Joey says. “This is our last run before we go back to Slipknot, so I’m not worried about it too much. But we put on the same show pretty much every night anyway. We go that apeshit every night.”
The first thing you’d notice on entering the Murderdolls’ dressing room is the detritus: clothes, make-up scattered everywhere, not to mention drummer Ben ‘The Ghoul’ Graves — the cause of most of last night’s very worst behaviour — stretched out on a sofa and spilling, somewhat unpleasantly, out of his stage costume of a PVC thong while loudly “making room” in his nose. The second thing you notice, half a second later, is that it stinks in here.
    “My clothes smell like a cat litter box,” Wednesday says, wrinkling his nose. “I got my pants out of our wardrobe case, and they’re still soaked from the show because I was sweating, but I swear they smell like piss. I think someone could have pissed on my pants. Our stuff was packed up, so I’m not sure what happened, unless someone is trying to play a trick on me.”
    This, of course, is what happens when you stick a load of men on a bus together for months on end and deny them the rights to proper laundry services.
    “Most bands rely on special lights and effects,” Wednesday continues, as Joey and Corey work on new Slipknot material down the corridor. “But we come to the people in Smellovision. We bring all the senses out. Whenever you come to our show and we haven’t come onstage yet, you can go (sniffs), ‘Oh, something smells like shit! They’re getting ready to go on!’. We’ve got an intro smell instead of an intro tape.”
    Tonight’s show makes Nottingham’s insanity look like a warm-up. It’s so hot in the venue you have to wade through the air, and after Stone Sour incite a mass singalong of ‘Bother’, the Murderdolls trip down the stairs, making last minute checks on their hair, before they explode onto the stage. By the time the encore comes around, Acey has rather gruesomely lost all his clothing from his lower regions, the rest of them are running around the stage as if they’re being chased by killer mosquitoes, and Stone Sour are bellowing their approval from the wings. Nothing here is about angst. It’s all about living larger than most of our lives.
    “Rock stars should look like they’re from outer space or something,” Joey says afterwards, as they pack up their make-up kits. “When I was growing up seeing Alice Cooper and Kiss and shit, when I went to a show I could be like, ‘Okay, that’s the fucking dude in the band’. That’s the way it should be. Even with Slipknot, our image and the show goes with the music. Music and imagery go together, and it just makes it that much more fun for the live show.”
    And while Stone Sour head off to deal loudly with the latest booze-related crisis (their bus driver, who is supposed to be driving them to Scotland in an hour, is passed out drunk, so it’s time to fire him), Joey prepares himself for the long, but no doubt eventful journey ahead.
    “I intend on having a hangover tomorrow,” he says. “The plan for tonight is the same for every night. The reason bands get so fucked up and drink a lot is because all we do is the same thing every day, and it’s the best fucking lifestyle. We have no responsibilities. You’re on this bus, nothing can fucking touch you. You’re meeting cool fucking people all the time. It’s much more fun-orientated and more of a free-spirited vibe with this band than any other band I’ve been in.”
“I liked the ‘Fuck’ song!” The fans’ verdict on the Stone Sour/Murderdolls face-off…
Name: Riannan Davis Age: 19 From: Mid-Wales Well, what did you think?: “Excellent. I love Stone Sour and Murderdolls.” Which band comes out top?: “Stone Sour. I just prefer them and I get bored of Murderdolls after a while. Stone Sour are good over and over again.” Highlight? “Getting promised to go backstage in five minutes!”
Name: Andrew Gordan Age: 14 From: Oxford Well, what did you think?: “It was amazing, really good.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls, definitely. I just prefer that type of music, it’s really good.” Highlight?: “‘White Wedding’ by the Murderdolls. I love the Billy Idol version, and I love the Murderdolls version.”
Name: Natalie Reynolds Age: 15 From: Bristol Well, what did you think?: “I’ve had a fucking amazing time!” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls! They rock, because Ghoul’s in the band. He’s so fit! He’s just the drag queen of my dreams.” Highlight?: “Seeing Ghoul in a thong!”
Name: Chaz Boswell Age: 18 From: Wales Well, what did you think?: “It was fantastic tonight.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls, definitely. They’re more fun than Stone Sour, and I prefer their music. My friend lost his shoe.” Highlight?: “Finding the shoe.”
Name: Hayley Lamb Age: 14 From: Lemington What did you think?: “I had a great time.” Which band comes out top?: “Murderdolls. I just love the way they dress and I think their music’s great.” Highlight?: “I liked the ‘Fuck’ song with the umbrella, that was great.”
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thxnews · 6 days
Euclid Spacecraft Reveals Dark Universe
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A treasure trove of data from the Euclid spacecraft, including significant contributions from UK scientists, has unveiled the largest images of the Universe ever captured from space. The release marks a milestone in the quest to understand dark matter and dark energy.  
Unveiling the Dark Universe
A significant breakthrough in space exploration has emerged from the European Space Agency's Euclid mission. Launched in July 2023, the mission aims to map the ‘dark Universe’ by observing two billion galaxies to create a comprehensive 3D map. UK scientists have played a pivotal role in this mission, contributing to the release of the largest space images ever taken.  
The Significance of the Euclid Mission
The Euclid mission is dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, which comprise most of the Universe but remain poorly understood. The data released, stemming from only 24 hours of observations, offers a glimpse into the immense potential of Euclid in studying the cosmos.   Dr. Caroline Harper, Head of Space Science at the UK Space Agency, emphasized the mission's importance: "A key part of our purpose as a space agency is to understand more about the Universe, what it’s made of and how it works. The Euclid mission epitomizes this quest."   Contributions from UK Scientists UK scientists have been integral to the Euclid mission, contributing significantly to its early results. Among the notable contributions is a paper by Professor Mark Cropper from UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory. Over 16 years, he led the development of the VIS optical camera, one of the largest ever sent into space, supported by £20 million of UK Space Agency funding.   Professor Mark Cropper remarked: "These are the largest images of the Universe ever taken from space, covering large swathes of the sky in fine detail. They demonstrate Euclid’s wide-ranging potential."  
Exploring the Perseus Cluster
Another groundbreaking paper from Professor Nina Hatch at the University of Nottingham examines the Perseus Cluster, a group of galaxies 240 million light-years away. This cluster is crucial for understanding dark matter, as its formation relies on the presence of this elusive substance.   Professor Nina Hatch highlighted a surprising discovery: "Euclid’s images of the Perseus Cluster revealed a faint glow between the galaxies, known as intracluster light. This light can help us map dark matter if we understand where the intracluster stars came from."   Technological Marvel: The VIS Optical Camera The VIS optical camera is a technological marvel, requiring exquisite precision and stability to achieve Euclid's core aims. The UK’s contribution to this instrument underscores its commitment to pioneering space science. Feature Description VIS Optical Camera One of the largest cameras sent to space, developed over 16 years UK Space Agency Funding Supported by £20 million of funding Key Applications Discovering new planets, studying dark matter, mapping galaxy clusters Technological Specifications Requires high stability and precise conditions Imaging Capability Produces largest images of the Universe ever taken from space   The Role of the UK in Data Processing The UK’s involvement extends beyond instrument development. It plays a significant role in the Euclid Science Ground Segment, processing data from the telescope into science-ready products. A consortium of UK universities, led by the University of Edinburgh, provides critical data processing pipelines.   Professor Andy Taylor from the University of Edinburgh noted: "These new images from Euclid are stunning. They demonstrate both the image quality and the huge area of the sky seen by Euclid in each observation."  
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Teledyne e2v, based in Chelmsford, provided the telescope’s Charged Couple Device detectors. Photo by Teledyne e2v. Gov.uk.   Industrial Contributions and International Collaboration Teledyne e2v, based in Chelmsford, provided the telescope’s Charged Couple Device detectors, crucial for capturing high-resolution images. This collaboration highlights the synergy between industry and academia in advancing space science.   Antonio Spatola, Director of Business Development and Sales at Teledyne e2v, expressed pride in their contribution: "We are privileged to contribute enabling technology to this important science mission."   A Step Forward in Cosmic Understanding The Euclid mission represents a remarkable achievement in space exploration and a significant step forward in our understanding of the dark Universe. UK scientists and institutions have demonstrated excellence in contributing to this mission, showcasing the nation's leadership in space science and technology. As the Euclid mission continues, the data and images it provides will be instrumental in answering fundamental questions about the Universe's composition and evolution. The collaboration and dedication of scientists and engineers across the globe underscore the importance of international efforts in uncovering the secrets of the cosmos.   Sources: THX News & UK Space Agency. Read the full article
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nottinghams01 · 2 months
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Flooding Along the River Trent
Heavy rain from consecutive storms left large parts of the United Kingdom under water in early January 2024.
On January 2, a potent low-pressure system brought high winds and heavy rain to parts of the U.K. The storm, named Henk by the Met Office, delivered more than 40 millimeters of rain to parts of England and Wales in 24 hours. The rain fell on soils that were already saturated from another storm that hit the region in the last days of 2023.
Several riverside towns became swamped after rivers in central England spilled out of their banks. According to news reports, bystanders rescued two people from a car sinking in floodwater along the River Cole in Birmingham. Near Northampton, to the east, the River Nene jumped to 1.63 meters on January 3, just 1 centimeter below the record high level recorded on December 24, 2020. The storm moved east on January 3 and dumped rain and snow on France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. Rain continued to fall on saturated ground even after Storm Henk passed.
On January 4, the OLI-2 (Operational Land Imager-2) on Landsat 9 acquired this image (LOWER) of flooding along the River Trent near Newark and Nottingham in the East Midlands. The image is false color to emphasize the presence of water, which appears in shades of blue. More than 100 flooded properties were evacuated in Nottinghamshire County, where officials called for emergency support for affected communities.
Water levels continued to rise along the Trent after January 4. On January 6, Nottinghamshire County Council issued a new flood warning, as water levels on the River Trent had reached a record peak north of Newark, surpassing previous high levels set in 2000. As of January 8, multiple road closures remained in place across Nottinghamshire, including along major routes in Newark.
The winter storms came on the heels of one the U.K.’s hottest years on record. According to the Met Office, 2023 was the U.K.’s second warmest year on a record that goes back to 1884. Warmer air can hold more water, contributing to more frequent and intense rainstorms. Between October 1, 2023, and January 4, 2024, parts of the East Midlands, northeast England, and eastern Scotland received more than 150 percent of the 1991-2020 average rainfall for those months.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Emily Cassidy.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Venomous snake attacks rising in the UK
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/venomous-snake-attacks-rising-in-the-uk/
Venomous snake attacks rising in the UK
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Snake bite injuries are becoming more common in the UK due to a rise in people keeping exotic species as pets, doctors have warned.
Around one in 100 households in Britain now own a pet snake, according to estimates.
Snakes cause more injuries and deaths than any other venomous animal, including spiders, scorpions and jellyfish according to a study published in Clinical Toxicology, which said exotic snakebites “present a substantial challenge for UK healthcare professionals”.
In just over a decade, 321 cases involving 68 different species were registered by the National Poisons Information Service (NPIS).
The victims included 72 people under the age of 18, of whom 13 were just five years old or younger.
Snake venom is a white or yellow-coloured liquid produced in glands behind the snake’s eyes and can stop a person’s breathing and heartbeat.
Luke Yeomans, 47, died in June 2011 after being attacked by a king cobra, the world’s longest venomous snake, at his home in Nottingham.
The conservationist, who had been due to open a sanctuary to save snakes from extinction, was given 10 vials of antivenom from the emergency services but sadly died from a cardiac arrest.
King cobras can measure up to 13 feet long and are able to rise so they meet an adult at eye-level
Professor David Warrell, of the University of Oxford, said most of the snake bites reported to the NPIS “occur to fingers, hands and wrists” to people who own the reptiles and deliberately handle them.
At least 125,000 people worldwide are killed each year by snake bites. But due to the lack of accurate records kept by countries, this may not reflect the true number.
Prof Warrell and colleagues analysed an audit of enquiries registered by the NPIS between 2009 and 2020 by experts from leading institutions across the UK.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers more than 250 species of poisonous snake as medically important – most native to Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania.
But the possibility of encountering these dangerous species is no longer limited by geography.
Lead author Pardeep Jagpal, from the NPIS’ Birmingham Unit, said: “The prospect of being bitten by an exotic non-native snake in the UK is still remote, with bites typically occurring in those keeping such snakes as part of their occupation or hobby.
“Rapid access to expert clinical advice and the availability of appropriate anti-venom are important considerations when these accidents occur.”
Advice to NHS healthcare professionals on managing exotic snakebites is available in the UK on a 24-hour basis through the NPIS.
The RSPCA has advised that if anyone finds a snake they believe to be non-native to the UK, keep a safe distance, monitor the snake and call the charity’s helpline on 0300 1234 999 or a local reptile charity.
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criminol · 3 years
The Murder of Poppy Devey Waterhouse
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Poppy Devey Waterhouse was a 24-year-old Maths graduate. She moved to Leeds for her job as a bookmaker analyst. Poppy met Joe Atkinson at Nottingham University and the pair dated for around three years. In late 2018, Poppy ended the relationship, friends reported that Atkinson struggled to accept the separation. On 13th December, Poppy remained at the flat they shared chatting on the phone while Atkinson went on a Christmas night out with his colleagues. In the early hours of 14th December, Atkinson returned to the flat and attacked Poppy. She tried to fight him off but collapsed from blood loss in the hallway. Poppy was pronounced dead at the scene by medics, an autopsy found she had died from trauma to the head and neck. She had suffered from about 70 knife injuries. It was found that after killing Poppy, Atkinson had tried to clean the scene and dispose of his clothes. He had also delayed calling the emergency services for hours. Atkinson was found guilty of Poppy’s murder and sentenced to life in prison.
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sunlight-sins · 3 years
Broke Until Payday?
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These Fast Cash Loans are available to all types of needy credit borrowers and they can avail it easily to tackle small, but emergency financial needs of daily life. Online personal loans have revolutionized the concept of the loan processing and now you can avail personal loan from the convenience of your home/office, at the click of a mouse. Over a median repayment term of six years, with additional fees for mortgage processing and late payments, loans can shortly balloon into unmanageable debts. If you are struggling with your debts and require assistance. A short-term loan that provides assistance in covering expenses until payday is known as a cash advance. The company receives thousands of cash advance applications every day, each of which is passed through a state-of-the-art loan processing model that determines the applicant’s capability to return the money. As the name goes, these financings are actually crafted to help bad credit individuals that want quick money.
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The one that you decide to go for will depend upon your current situation. The interest rate is usually one or two points above the prime rate, which is now 3.25%. But here’s the key thing to remember: You’re paying that interest to yourself, not to a bank. Some lenders provide financing to shoppers with adverse credit, although the rate of Fast Personal Loans interest shall be higher. Royalty Exchange, who cite a long list of writers as clients that have worked with artists including Wiz Khalifa, NKTOB, Zendaya and Akon has a different model to other companies that offer short-term financing. Whether you live in Nottingham, Leeds, Liverpool or Bristol, location is really irrelevant nowadays with the massive choice of cash loans online; it really boils down to who you trust. When it comes down to getting financed, most Americans are mainly concerned with how fast can I get the money, and is my personal information secure?
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scifigeneration · 4 years
SpaceX astronaut launch: here's the rocket science it must get right
by Gareth Dorrian and Ian Whittaker
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Two NASA astronauts, Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley, will make history by travelling to the International Space Station in a privately funded spacecraft, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon capsule. But the launch, which was due to take place on May 27, has been aborted due to bad weather, and will instead take place on May 30 at 3:22 pm EDT.
The astronauts will take off lying on their backs in the seats, and facing in the direction of travel to reduce the stress of high acceleration on their bodies. Once launched from Kennedy Space Centre, the spacecraft will travel out over the Atlantic, turning to travel in a direction that matches the ISS orbit.
With the first rocket section separating at just over two minutes, the main dragon capsule is then likely to separate from the second stage burn roughly an hour later and continue on its journey. All being well, the Dragon spacecraft will rendezvous about 24 hours after launch.
Space mission launches and landings are the most critical parts. However, Space X has conducted many tests, including 27 drops of the parachute landing system. It has also managed an emergency separation of the Dragon capsule from the rocket. In the event of a failed rocket launch, eight engines would lift the capsule containing the astronauts up into the air and away from the rocket, with parachutes eventually helping it to land. The Falcon 9 rocket has made 83 successful launches.
Docking and return
The space station has an orbital velocity of 7.7km per second. The Earth’s rotation carries launch sites under a straight flight path of the ISS, with each instance providing a “launch window”.
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ISS orbit. Author provided
To intercept the ISS, the capsule must match the station’s speed, altitude and inclination, and it must do it at the correct time such that the two spacecraft find themselves in close proximity to each other. The difference in velocity between the ISS and the Dragon capsule must then be near to zero at the point where the orbits of the two spacecraft intersect.
Once these conditions are met, the Dragon capsule must manoeuvre to the ISS docking port, using a series of small control thrusters arranged around the spacecraft. This is due to be done automatically by a computer, however the astronauts can control this manoeuvre manually if needed.
As you can see in the figure below, manoeuvring involves “translation control” as indicated by green arrows – moving left/right, up/down, forward/back. The yellow arrows show “attitude control” – rolling clockwise/anti-clockwise, pitching up/down, and yawing left/right.
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How to manoeuver a spacecraft. Author provided
This is complicated by Newton’s first law of motion – that any object at rest or in motion will continue to be so unless acted upon by an external force. That means any manoeuvre, such as a roll to the right, will continue indefinitely in the absence of air resistance to provide an external force until it is counteracted by firing thrusters in the opposite direction.
So now that you have a grasp of orbital manoeuvring, why not have a go yourself? This simulator, provided by Space X, allows you to try and pilot the Dragon capsule to the ISS docking port.
The astronauts will return to Earth when a new set are ready to take their place, or at NASA’s discretion. NASA are already planning the first fully operational flight of crew Dragon, with four astronauts, although a launch date for that has not yet been announced and will undoubtedly depend on the outcome of this demonstration flight.
New era for spaceflight
The launch puts SpaceX firmly ahead of the other commercial ventures looking at providing crewed space launches. This includes both Boeing’s Starliner, which first launched last year but was uncrewed, and Sierra Nevada’s Dream Chaser which is planned to be tested with cargo during a trip to the ISS next year.
The ability of the commercial sector to send astronauts to the ISS is an important step toward further human exploration, including establishing a human presence at the Moon, and ultimately, Mars.
With companies competing, however, an open question remains whether safety could at some point be compromised to gain a commercial edge. There is no suggestion this has happened so far, but any crewed mission which failed due to a fault stemming from economic concerns would have serious legal ramifications.
In a similar way to modern aircraft legislation, a set of space safety standards and regulations will need to be put in place sooner rather than later. For commercial lunar and beyond missions we also have to ensure that any spacecraft does not contaminate the location they are visiting with germs from Earth.
With more nations and companies developing plans for lunar missions, there are obvious advantages in international cooperation and finding cost efficient launch methods. This is not least because it’s not as dependent on the whim of elected governments for direction, which can change completely from one administration to the next.
So for us scientists looking to expand our knowledge of space, it is a very exciting moment.
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About The Authors:
Gareth Dorrian is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Space Science at the University of Birmingham and Ian Whittaker is a Lecturer in Physics at Nottingham Trent University
This article is republished from our content partners over at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
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callbucket70 · 3 years
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Making use of a Activation spray on a distinctive wipe you will certainly provide your teeth a brush. This will additionally foam up which assists the gel to get in the enamel of your teeth.
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A shade will be utilized to examine the color of your teeth prior to as well as after your treatment. Lightening will be most efficient on discoloured yellow teeth however does not work if bonding has actually been made use of or on tooth-coloured fillings.
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The items and methods that are readily available all do work yet they take months to show any kind of recognizable results. In addition, you must make a habit of frequently utilizing these products. All that, and also still there is no warranty that your teeth will be as white as you desire them to be when you complete utilizing the items. Your smile is not just a fantastic expression that human beings have, it is additionally something that is one of a kind as well as irreplaceable. When you meet individuals for the first time among the very first points that they will observe is your smile. If your smile takes place to be yellowish after that it makes your general appearance boring. la teeth whitening laser teeth whitening nottingham free trial are a cozy friendly team within a mins walk from the community centre.
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Please complete the type below and one of our terrific team will be in touch to arrange your examination. the shape of the instrument itself makes sure the whole tooth surface is covered equally. This will guarantee your teeth accomplish the most effective feasible shade and also remain brilliant. We additionally supplies options for lines as well as wrinkles including facial fillers, skin mini needling and also face peels. We provide a Complimentary quote as well as UK style service, contact us today.
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Does baking soda whiten teeth?
Baking soda has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective at removing stains on your teeth and whitening your smile. That's why it's a popular ingredient in many commercial toothpastes.
The exterior layer of your tooth, referred to as enamel obtains covered by an extremely thin layer, called the pellicle coats which catches spots quickly. Nevertheless, what we consume can also have an enduring impact on our teeth. Smoking, coffee, tea, merlot and soda pop can all add to discoloring on our teeth.
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Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options.
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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After the treatment mores than, Dr Richard will certainly supply you with a guide which mentions that you need to avoid any kind of pigmented foods, merlot, black coffee and black tea. tab left and finish the on the internet type, supplying your details or those of the person hosting the session if scheduling a celebration. Once sent we will certainly call you within 24 hours to confirm your booking.
Is laser teeth whitening painful?
Reducing Pain and Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening. Teeth whitening treatments, including in-home whitening trays or strips and laser whitening treatments such as Zoom whitening, can cause high levels of teeth sensitivity or pain for some people.
One of the most common include aging as well as intake of discoloring compounds such as coffee, tea, colas, tobacco, merlot, and so on . Throughout tooth development, usage of tetracycline, certain antibiotics or extreme fluoride may also cause tooth staining. The reason our teeth show up boring is due to the fact that the teeth have grabbed stains deep inside the dentine and enamel. Discoloured teeth are the scourge of smokers, red wine, tea and coffee drinkers as well as also some people that have actually had prescription antibiotics as a youngster.
Normally bleaching will create significant enhancements in the look of a lot of stained teeth but there are some discolorations that don't react to bleaching. Spots that emerge from the medication Tetracycline may need protracted whitening, since it takes much longer for the bleach to get to the dentin layer. As we mature our adult teeth frequently darken as modifications happen in the mineral structure of the tooth as well as the enamel comes to be much less porous.
Our teeth may also be tarnished by bacterial pigments, food, drink and also tobacco. While this is not the costliest procedure on the planet, it is far from being the least pricey option. However, numerous, oral offices will certainly allow people to make installment payments which makes it extra cost effective. Sore gums from the gel-- This generally lasts only a brief while after the procedure. This procedure is a non-invasive one that triggers no blood loss or even discomfort while the therapy is being done or after it has actually been finished. Beyond that, the look of facial lines and creases is less visible when individuals's eyes are drawn to white teeth.
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Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside.
Posted: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:57:45 GMT [source]
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By sending this kind you comprehend that your data is processed in accordance with our personal privacy noticeWe never share your details with anyone. Your privacy is extremely important and we ensure its maintained 100% private. Teeth can be gradually lightened in the comfort of the home with a custom fit tray system. Although regular brushing and regular check outs to the hygienist can aid to maintain teeth clean and also eliminate surface staining, they can not remove deeply ingrained discolorations.
Even a change of just two or 3 tones will certainly make a considerable distinction; the objective being to accomplish your private optimum whiteness while still looking natural. We provide a variety of orthodontic options, including clear aligners and Invisalign dental braces. By sending this type, you understand your information gets refined in conformity to our personal privacy notice. Simply envision your wedding celebration photos, the most effective day of your life, stunning gowns and also dashing fits, and also your superstar smile in the center of everything.
To see our most recent costs and also special offers please see our charges page. Drury Lane Dental Treatment is one of the best Laser Teeth Whitening dental techniques in London, we just utilize the most up to date offered formulation of Laser Whitening items. We pride ourselves available an inviting, kicked back and friendly atmosphere that puts our customers secure. the vast majority of our clients have experienced no sensitivity.
How can I make my teeth white in a week?
Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth. For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. They should only do this occasionally.
Several of our patients have had white places on their teeth, brought on by tetracyclines or after having braces gotten rid of, that we can easily deal with to lower their appearance. Your Hygienist or Therapist will certainly recommend you on which whitening system would certainly be best for you, as well as go over the degree of whitening you want to. accomplish. Many patients may require a brief top up yearly, relying on their habits, yet a full course of whitening is more probable after about 18 months. Laser Whitening produces a glossy smile, by making teeth smoother and also shinier as well as managing sensitivity. Prepare yourself for the summertime period with an attractive white new smile. This is a minimal time deal valid only up until the 1st of October. The procedure will certainly not whiten Crowns, Caps, Vaneers or Fillings.
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ingek73 · 5 years
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8 Designers on What It’s Like to Dress Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex
8 Slides
By Gina Marinelli
August 2, 2019
Meghan Markle arrives at the Terrance Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair at Nottingham Contemporary on December 1...
Christopher Furlong
Everyone remembers their first time. They compare it to feeling like a kid on Christmas morning and recall their phones exploding with more notifications than humanly possible to respond to. Some need to take a step back in order to fully understand the significance of the moment—when Meghan Markle gave their fashion brand her personal stamp of approval.
Influencer marketing may be powerful, but these brands can attest: Not much compares to the Duchess of Sussex's being photographed wearing one of your pieces, triggering the Meghan Markle Effect. It can shift conversations entirely for those already established brands, and it can throw a little-known at-home operation onto the global stage in an instant.
“In terms of growing our business exponentially, Meghan has enabled us to do this in a very tangible, immediate way,” says James Bartle, founder and CEO of Outland Denim. The Australian brand is on a mission to create responsibly made denim while supporting ethical work conditions, especially in its facility in Cambodia. Markle wore the label repeatedly during her royal tour of Australia in 2018, and its sales skyrocketed, allowing the under-the-radar business to grow. “You cannot put a price on the brand recognition nor the credibility that the duchess is able to bestow on a small, socially oriented enterprise such as ours,” says Bartle.
Outland's success story isn't unique. Many other designers that the Duchess of Sussex has touched since her public persona shifted from actress to royalty, British Vogue guest editor, curator of her own fashion collection, and [pal to Beyoncé],(https://www.glamour.com/story/beyonce-meghan-markle-lion-king) can attest to her impact. In their own words, the designers ahead explain exactly what happened when Markle wore their creations.
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Meghan Markle was initially introduced to Sentaler when she visited the flagship showroom while living in Toronto. She had been seen wearing Sentaler coats in Toronto while out and about as well as while she was filming Suits. Before her engagement to Prince Harry, it was amazing to see her continue to wear the brand. She was seen wearing the Sentaler Royal Baby Alpaca Classic Wrap in Sand Grey, which instantly spiked global demand and we now call the Meghan Wrap.
The most significant appearance—and one of the most memorable days for me as a designer—was when Meghan once again appeared in Sentaler during her first official appearance with the queen, during the Christmas service in Sandringham in 2017. She wore the Long Wide Collar Wrap Coat in Camel, a signature style that has been in my collections from the early days. She styled it impeccably, and I was so honored that she chose to wear Sentaler on such a significant day for her.
Meghan appeared in Sentaler once again in early 2019, wearing the Long Wide Collar Wrap Coat in our fall 2019 Color of the Year, Scarlet Red. This was one of Meghan’s most memorable appearances. The bold, unconventional red and purple color combination was striking and so perfectly put together.
We've experienced the Meghan Markle Effect many times. The impact of her appearances are tremendous and always cause a major spike in our e-commerce traffic and social media channels. Every coat she has worn has immediately sold out and gone on multiple back orders, while also causing similar ripple effects throughout our entire product offerings. We received media attention and awareness from all over the world. She's an incredible style icon, and her influence is simply palpable. —Bojana Sentaler, president and creative director of Sentaler
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Karen Walker
Her royal highness’s style feels very authentic to me. It isn’t forced at all—it’s real and captures her personality. That’s what people love about her approach to fashion.
She first wore our designs in 2014 and many times since, but I think my favorite moment would have to be when she emerged from a plane, after touching down in New Zealand, wearing our Banks Trench. It was a thrill to have her first official appearance in my country wearing one of our pieces—and wearing it so well.
Obviously, anytime the right product is worn by the right person at the right time, there’s a commercial impact. We’ve been lucky enough to experience that on countless occasions with all sorts of people and from all areas of our work. However, with her royal highness, there was something even more: an interest, intrigue, and genuine curiosity about her that reaches past any other notable person we’ve ever had wear our pieces. She’s probably the person I get asked about most, and I think that that speaks to the real affection people have for her. —Karen Walker
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Charlotte Elizabeth
On March 23, 2018, the Duchess of Sussex stepped off a plane in Belfast, where she was attending a royal engagement alongside Prince Harry. This was one of their final outings before the wedding, so the Meghan Markle Effect was in full force. At the time Charlotte Elizabeth was running from my bedroom—among bags here, there, and everywhere in my parents' house!—so it felt monumental seeing the duchess happily wearing the Chestnut Bloomsbury bag so beautifully among other well-respected designers. It was the most surreal day of my life.
Within seconds of the duchess wearing the Bloomsbury, we had orders from around the world. Our Instagram pretty much broke my phone. At that moment in time, I was a one-man band, so it was a pretty crazy experience, to say the least!
Over the weekend that followed the royal engagement, I began to realize the [impact of] the Meghan Markle Effect. Because each bag was handmade, we had to extend the wait time to eight months. We worked tirelessly to fulfill every order. It was tough to go from bedroom business to a larger one overnight and sacrifice other parts of life, but I have learned so many invaluable lessons throughout this experience, which has set me up for our future at Charlotte Elizabeth. An industry expert told me that what I experienced in a year was what most start-ups would in 10 years, so I’m grateful for every lesson and challenge I learned from.
Eventually we caught up with our wait list, which was the greatest sense of relief ever. I ordered myself a big cheesy pizza and I finally got some sleep (without dreaming of packing up bags for delivery)! I'm really excited to announce that we will be launching new Charlotte Elizabeth products later this year. It really is down to each and every individual supporting us to get us to where we are and where we are going. I'm deeply grateful to have been given such a tremendous opportunity and wish to use our success to inspire other women to go after their own dreams.
If I’m totally honest, it definitely didn’t sink in for about a year…. I have loved watching the gentle transition of Meghan’s style since announcing her pregnancy through now. As women, we all experience changes throughout our life that influence how we wish to portray ourselves in the world through fashion and beauty. It must be even tougher in the scrutiny of the public eye to go through such changes, but the duchess continues to inspire through her fashion choices and ability to create a look according to the event. Meghan gives us all a sense of realness, and ability to re-create attainable looks fit for a duchess! —Charlotte Elizabeth Jones, founder of Charlotte Elizabeth
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Outland Denim
The first time the Duchess of Sussex appeared in Outland Denim was October 17, 2018, during the duke and duchess's visit to Dubbo. At the time I was in Cambodia visiting our production facility. I woke up to hundreds of notifications on my phone. Our staff couldn't quite believe a duchess was wearing our jeans! Meghan continued to wear her Harriet Black jeans several times during that visit.
Meghan's choosing to wear Outland Denim once is a reflection of alignment with our values. But the fact that she has chosen to wear the brand multiple times shows her preference for the product’s fit, comfort, and style, and perhaps a desire to help us achieve our mission as well. It's her subtle, dignified way of saying she cares about the work we are doing.
Meghan has opened doors for Outland Denim. She’s enabled us to not only create visibility for our brand globally but also to tell our story around the employment of vulnerable women and sustainability. Retailers, the media, and the public alike have been very keen to get to know Outland Denim thanks to her endorsement.
The immediate effect of the duchess's wearing the jeans was a website traffic increase of 3,000% to our home site and about 948% to our global group of sites. Sales increased 640% for the week following the first sighting of Meghan in our jeans. The black Harriet jeans she wore sold out in Australia in the first 24 hours.
Thanks to the Meghan Markle Effect, we were able to employ a further 46 seamstresses in our Cambodian production. When you think about the fact that what we try to do with Outland is imbue our staff members in Cambodia with a sense of dignity in their work and their value as human beings, a quiet, dignified royal endorsement such as this—while unofficial, in the sense that we don't have a Kensington Palace seal/badge—is incredibly helpful. —James Bartle, founder and CEO of Outland Denim
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We were simply delighted when Meghan Markle chose to carry our Strathberry Midi Tote during her first royal engagement with Prince Harry in Nottingham in 2017. Then seeing her in our hometown of Edinburgh with our East/West Mini was an absolute honor. Her outing in Dublin was a special one for me, being from the Emerald Isle.
Immediately following her first outing in Nottingham, we saw sales increase considerably (by 200% to 300%). Visitor numbers to the website were also amazing. At one stage, they were up tenfold against our daily average. We had already started to take the brand international, but the support from Markle has definitely helped elevate Strathberry further. It has been such an exciting time of growth for the brand. We now employ over 30 people in our Edinburgh headquarters, with smaller teams working in Spain, London, and China. We have also just opened our second flagship store on London’s iconic Mount Street, following the opening of our first boutique in Burlington Arcade last November.
Meghan Markle always looks elegant and effortless. She mixes high-end designers with more affordable brands, which makes her style more relatable and approachable. It's also fantastic that she has been willing to support smaller brands, which in turn helps to promote and grow these labels. —Leeanne Hundleby, founder and co-owner of Strathberry
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Meghan Markle's style today has seen an incredible evolution as she’s embraced royal standards while still honoring her personal taste. She brings a modern, contemporary approach with regal flair. More than anything, I think she radiates her personality through her clothing. She knows who she is and isn’t afraid to be herself with her personal expression in fashion.
When Markle wore the classic Sleeveless Trench in Blush as a dress to the Nelson Mandela Centenary Exhibition in July 2018, it marked a monumental moment for both myself and the brand. Her effortless approach to style radiated impeccably through photos, and I think she styled it perfectly. I was tremendously honored to have her royal stamp of approval and see her nod to her previous home in Canada by supporting Canadian designers. Her unofficial endorsement helped change the future of the brand, something I'm forever grateful for.
I still feel the effect today—it's incredible. The moment she wore the trench, we sold out immediately and had a generous wait list. Because of the demand, we had to go to the mill and produce more fabric specifically for the trench dress. To this day, we're still producing the trench! Markle's support has aided in generating international recognition and global exposure for the brand on an expedited time frame. The global reaction was immediate. —Nina Kharey, founder and creative director of Nonie
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Adina Reyter
The first time was the best. Meghan Markle wore the 3 Amigos Diamond post earrings to her first public engagement with the queen. I spotted my piece on the cover of a magazine—a profile of her face, a beautiful smile—and I felt a rush of excitement and shock. How did she get my earrings? Am I dreaming? We jumped through hoops in the office to figure out how this could have happened and figured out she had bought them on her own. Totally thrilling! Meghan has since worn two additional pieces, the Pavé Diamond Teardrop Necklace and Large Pavé Curve Wing Earrings, many times.
I loved the way she styled each piece—sometimes formal, most times casual. She seemed to have never taken them off, which is exactly how I designed them. Meghan’s style is simple, classic, chic, and most important, accessible. Fashion doesn’t have to be incredibly costly, and women are smart shoppers: They want to invest in pieces that are going to last. Meghan exemplifies the woman who trusts her own taste and doesn't chase trends. The fact that she chooses to wear us over and over is an honor and a testament to our brand identity: accessible fine jewelry that is designed for everyday wear.
Every time Meghan Markle appears in our jewelry, it immediately sells out on adinareyter.com and with our retailers. When Meghan wore our Diamond Pavé Teardrop Necklace, it sold out online within minutes and with all retailers nationwide by end of day. One of our most popular retailers reordered the necklace nine times and still can’t keep it in stock! —Adina Reyter
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It was her royal highness's visit to the island nation of Tonga, where she wore a custom Theia gown to the state dinner hosted by the king and queen at Nuku'alofa. I felt like a six-year-old on Christmas morning! I was running around the house screaming with delight at 5:25 a.m.
It was a remarkable vote of confidence in Theia, to have been chosen to be included in that all-important royal tour, knowing every outfit would be scrutinized by the entire world. Her royal highness looked absolutely radiant, and the positive reviews she received the world over in our ivory gown were thrilling. She styled the gown with a black Givenchy clutch and the Aquazzura slingbacks. The icing on the cake was the fabulous aquamarine ring that once belonged to Princess Diana and was a gift to the duchess from her husband, the Duke of Sussex. I couldn’t have wished for a greater endorsement of my work and our brand.
Our brand was instantly talked about around the world. We're still trying to determine the long-term effect it had, but we saw huge spikes in our Instagram and web traffic. The day she wore it, we saw an additional 42,000 views on our Instagram profile and an additional 13,000 visits to our website.
The effect has been remarkable. The entire nation of Ireland collectively shared in my elation. "We" had dressed the Duchess of Sussex, and a wave of national pride swept across the nation. It truly was a remarkable day for me, my family, my colleagues here at Theia, and practically everyone on Ireland.
Her royal highness is chic, elegant, and modern. She’s a marvelous role model and an intelligent woman with an all-inclusive view of the world. And I love her clean, streamlined choices. —Don O'Neill, creative director of Theia
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firestoppersuk-blog · 5 years
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We are a well-respected business specialising in one-stop service packages. These packages can be for various different services, some of these include installing fire alarms, installing emergency lighting and PAT testing. We exclusively offer these packages to landlords and business owners.
Many of the services that we provide need regular maintenance. Our clients have the option for our team to come back to inspect every 6 months, or annually.
We offer a 24/7 call out service and are readily available to assist. Contact us today for a quote on any of our services, we pride ourselves on being able to beat any genuine quote.
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 Hours open 24 Hours a day every day
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Cyberons, sexy Zygons and Mark Gatiss: the bizarre world of the unofficial Doctor Who spin-offs
An oral history of the franchise's unlicensed spin-offs with Sylvester McCoy, Nick Briggs and those at the heart of Who's fan-made films
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By Thomas Ling
Tuesday, 27th November 2018 at 1:19 pm
Colin Baker, the man who played The Sixth and arguably proudest Doctor, was next to naked. But he didn’t seem bothered by the bare front peeking through his limp dressing gown. And nor by the vision of a dying Peter Davison that had caused him to collapse while presenting a live TV weather report moments earlier.
Instead, in this semi-stripped moment, his focus belonged solely to Nicola Bryant, the actor who had played Doctor Who companion Peri – and the woman currently planting kisses down his exposed chest.
The 7 biggest contradictions in Doctor Who canon
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A surprising turn, many would think, but Baker seemed completely at ease. Yet soon there would be things he couldn’t ignore.
Soon he’d unearth a plot to replace humans with a synthetic race that could survive a poisoned atmosphere. Soon he would encounter a mysterious Michael Moore-style filmmaker who took the appearance of Sylvester McCoy. And, perhaps most worrying of all, soon he’d witness an apparition of Jon Pertwee that would vanish as unexplained as it had appeared.
Of all the directions Doctor Who could have taken, few could have predicted this. Yet the above is exactly how many fans celebrated the show’s 30th anniversary in 1993: watching a half-naked Colin Baker in The Airzone Solution, a fan-made straight-to-video multi-Doctor story.
Except this wasn’t actually a Doctor Who story. Not officially, anyway. But while Baker, Davidson, McCoy and Pertwee weren’t actually playing Time Lords, The Airzone Solution was Doctor Who in all but name. As McCoy explains to us, the film was “a kind of shadow of Who. Something different with major Whovian influences.”
And although not a licenced Doctor Who production, The Airzone Solution had more of a standing in the fandom than anything the BBC had gifted Whovians since putting the show on hiatus four years earlier in 1989.
While the amateur filmmakers behind Airzone managed to reunite four Doctors for an hour-long special, the BBC’s planned anniversary extravaganza The Dark Dimension collapsed completely mid-production. From its wreckage the Beeb merely marked three decades of the most influential British sci-fi creation with a Doctor Who/EastEnders crossover introduced by Noel Edmonds.
True, this Children in Need short saw the Tardis back on BBC1, but Romana riffing with the Mitchell brothers and the Fifth Doctor crossing paths with Pat Butcher was hardly the glorious return of the Time Lords many had imagined.
So, with fans’ appetites unsatisfied, thousands fed their hunger for Who with The Airzone Solution and the string of 24 other spin-offs films that emerged in the show’s wilderness years – the decade and a half without a regular Doctor Who TV series.
They weren’t official BBC stories, but they did heavily borrow from Doctor Who mythology and featured a mix of past actors, characters and suspiciously familiar monsters (no points for guessing what the ‘Cyberons’ were based on).
More importantly, though, these films nurtured Who’s biggest stars of the revived series. Writer and actor Mark Gatiss, voice of the Daleks Nicholas Briggs and writer Robert Shearman, alongside the likes of Alan Cumming and Reece Shearsmith: all cut their teeth on these films.
And while many of these stars might look back at them with a blush, the spin-offs may well be the reason they ended up working on the revival show.
Despite their shaky CGI, shoestring Sontarans and nymphomaniac Zygons (more on that below), these films actually silently shaped the Doctor Who we know today…
The first, the unoriginal, you might say
It all started in Wartime. All 25 spin-offs were sparked by this 35-minute one-off, a fan-made story that centred on Whovian favourite Sergeant Benton. Although not a household name for modern Who viewers, Benton was a stalwart soldier of the Pertwee era of the show, a key UNIT officer who battled against Cybermen, Daleks and even dinosaurs on Britain’s streets.
Yet it’s not the return of original actor John Levene as Benton, the character’s surreal confrontation with his soon-to-be-widowed mother or even the fantastically 1980s CGI skull that stands out about Wartime. It’s the release date: 1987, two years before Who was pulled off air.
In other words, Wartime wasn’t made in response to the cancellation, but for a very different reason.
“We made Wartime because we weren’t happy with the way that Doctor Who was going and we thought we could do better,” says Wartime producer Keith Barnfather, one of the founding members of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society and former BBC and Channel 4 employee.
“That was an absolute joke considering the funds available. The only reason that [Wartime] got made was that everyone who did it did it virtually for nothing.”
With borrowed costumes, a minuscule budget of only a few thousand pounds and a filming location they had never visited beforehand, Barnfather and his newly-formed production company ReelTime Pictures got Wartime in the can in just three days ­– about a fifth of the time it takes to film a modern Who episode.
The result: a creaky-looking drama with questionable effects and an enthusiastic but ultimately forced performance from Levene. But all these glaring flaws weren’t important. All that mattered was it had got made. A group of fans had actually put together a real self-contained show set in the world of Doctor Who.
“I was happy – it was the first time we did anything and we actually finished it!” says Barnfather. “It’s not a bad little drama. Even today I can watch it and not cringe.”
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Most importantly, however, Wartime proved that independent spin-offs were possible. It showed that Doctor Who stories didn’t require Doctor Who on BBC1. Because when the show was finally cancelled two years later in 1989, other also looked to put their own Who adventures on camera.
And this time the Doctors themselves would want in…
The Time Lords materialise  
Determined, brilliant, completely barking mad: there are many ways to describe Who filmmaker Bill Baggs. Indeed, some labelled him all three after he founded BBV Pictures in 1991, kick-starting projects with some truly out-of-this-world ambitions.
Why? Although only a young video editor at BBC Nottingham, the aspiring director/actor aimed to do more than tell Doctor Who stories about background UNIT soldiers. Baggs wanted the Doctors ­– and plenty of them.
Staggeringly, he got one in his first film. After a script was cobbled together for short drama Summoned by Shadows, Baggs approached Colin Baker to play a lead character known simply as The Stranger, a mysterious and eccentric unnamed traveller who roams time and space with a younger companion. Nothing like The Doctor, of course.
And despite not actually playing a Time Lord, or knowing virtually anything about the film, or having met the man behind it, Baker signed up.
“I could not believe it. I was wetting myself with excitement!” remembers Baggs. “As a Doctor Who fan you have little fantasies about this, but you never expect them to pan out! I was blown away and deeply honoured.”
Although we can’t be sure of Baker’s motives for coming on board – he declined to speak to us about the spin-offs – Baggs puts forward one theory: “I think from Colin’s point of view, he was doing a lot of theatre work after Doctor Who, so why not give up a few days and potentially invest in me, fool that he was,” he says with a laugh.
“From his point of view, I had no profile. He didn’t know me from Adam, apart from being this potentially up-and-coming director. But if you show passion and desire then often people will support you.”
Whatever the reason, Baker did join the project. And despite Baggs becoming cripplingly star-struck after meeting him at rehearsals (“I asked him for a cup of tea and disappeared down the corridor!”), filming soon started in true Doctor Who style: in an empty quarry – the same one, in fact, where Baker had filmed Attack of the Cybermen years earlier.
Like Wartime, this drama had a minuscule budget (just £3000 in total) and, as with the majority of Doctor Who’s 1980s episodes, it hasn’t aged well. Baker’s wonderfully understated performance, however, still shines through. He’s quiet and thoughtful throughout, showing fans exactly what his widely-criticised Doctor could have been.
As Mark Gatiss later told Doctor Who magazine (issue 332) about the films: “I remember watching them and thinking they didn’t look very flashy, but in terms of trying to portray real characters they were a massive improvement on Doctor Who!”
Gatiss wasn’t the only one taken with Summoned by Shadows and what would become ‘The Stranger series’ – thousands bought the films on VHS by post and at conventions.
Demand became too high, in fact. “I had to set up three VHS machines in my bedroom and I was duplicating videos through the night,” says Baggs, recalling how he had to call on his parents to help his videotaping “mini-factory”.
Above: a clip from The Stranger: More than a Messiah
So many copies would be sold, in fact, that by 1993 Baggs had the confidence to embark on a project bigger than anything he done before: a one-off special for Who’s 30th Birthday, The Airzone Solution, the film that would eventually feature a scantily-clad Colin Baker.
Fortunately, that scene doesn’t represent most of the film. Penned by the emerging Nicholas Briggs, Airzone was an environmental thriller set in a near-future Britain where pollution forces the government to build giant filtration plants to clean the dying planet.
And in true Doctor Who style, these centres actually serve a much more sinister agenda: kidnapping and experimenting on innocents to create a new species of human.
Baker once again signed onto the project and Baggs convinced Peter Davison to jump aboard (“that was another moment of punching the air!” Baggs recalls). This was soon followed by McCoy, a monumental achievement considering he was technically still Who’s incumbent Doctor.
Like previous spin-offs, this was by no means a major project with BBC1 exposure and a large pay-packet. But, for McCoy at least, it was a way of keeping the fandom thriving.
“We wanted to feed a hunger that was alive at that time for more Doctor Who,” he says. “I knew the BBC had made a huge mistake by putting Doctor Who into hiatus. I also knew the fans loved [the spin-offs]. For the fans I thought ‘yeah I’ll do this!’”
Bring back the Doctor Who pre-credits scene!
Former Doctor Who star Christopher Eccleston threatened to sue the BBC after quitting show
Furthermore, with a TV revival appearing absurdly unlikely in 1993, McCoy considered the project the only way Who could survive on screen.
“You might find this hard to believe, but I don’t really have a Tardis. I couldn’t really travel back in time and tell everyone ‘we’re going to make a TV film and then they’re going to bring it back again!’” he chuckles.
With these three star signings, others followed suit. Actors including Nicola Bryant, original Davros star Michael Wisher and the then-relatively-unknown Alan Cumming all joined the film.
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But then someone even the omni-ambitious Baggs thought too unattainable got in touch: Jon Pertwee, The Third Doctor. “Sylvester came to me one day and he said ‘I’ve been speaking to Jon Pertwee and he’s been asking why he’s not in it. He might get in touch!’” Baggs remembers.
Sure enough, the call came, with Baggs happily at the former Doctor’s mercy. “It was very charming to actually have an actor so connected to the show call and say ‘I’m in it, whether you like it or not!’”
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Pertwee may have been completely unfamiliar with the script when he turned up to set the next day – Peter Davidson actually had to hold up cue cards for him during scenes – but in it he was. And for two days, four Doctor Who leads were brought together for some good old-fashioned low-budget sci-fi.
“It obviously didn’t have quite the financial support that the BBC gave Doctor Who. But it was great because the fans were so involved,” recalls McCoy “We were treated very well. We all had a great time!”
McCoy’s recollections of the shoot are all positive, whether teasing Baker “for taking his job”, filming a chase scene that would fail any modern risk assessment (“I took my glasses off and would be driving around half blind!”), or simply spending time with his Doctor Who co-stars.
“I remember filming and just sharing the day with Colin, Peter and the glorious Jon Pertwee. It was great because it was still alive. When the BBC stopped it, you thought ‘well, that’s it, goodbye’. Doctor Who is one of the great jobs,” he says.
“And although this wasn’t Doctor Who, it was very like Doctor Who.”
The Pandorica opens
As suddenly as the Tardis surfacing from the time vortex, a whole series of Doctor Who spin-offs materialised after The Airzone Solution. Some good. Some bad. All brilliantly weird.
For ReelTime, the makers of Wartime, the next Who project entailed a team-up between Elisabeth Sladen’s Sarah Jane Smith and The Brigadier (a role reprised by original actor Nicholas Courtney) in a story called Downtime featuring the Great Intelligence and some gloriously low-budget Yeti monsters.
This was followed up by adventures featuring Sontarans, a Shakespeare-loving Draconian and even former Doctor Who companion Sophie Aldred, this time playing an unnamed character with, completely coincidently, the same direct way with words as Ace.
But while these characters were typically used with the BBC’s permission, other spin-offs – mostly those created by maverick Bill Baggs under BBV Pictures – simply gave a heavy nod to Who, such as the murderous robotic machines featured in Cyberon or the aforementioned interstellar traveller The Stranger.
But despite the glaring similarities, there seemed to be little fear of the BBC shutting down production. “We didn’t care!” laughs McCoy, who starred in many of Baggs’s later spin-offs. “They deserved to get annoyed because they abandoned it and the fans!”
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On other occasions the dramas blended the show’s characters and actors in ways that, simply put, just didn’t make a lot of sense – even by Doctor Who’s timey-wimey standards.
Take the Torchwood-esque PROBE series, directed by Baggs and penned by future Who and Sherlock stalwart Mark Gatiss, a writer slowly gaining success with The League of Gentlemen at the time.
This mid-1990s series centred on the Preternatural Research Bureau, a paranormal investigations unit led by classic Doctor Who companion Liz Shaw, a character Baggs had got permission to use. Original actor Caroline John even reprised the role, a casting that appeared to ground the drama firmly within the world of Who.
However, for rights reasons PROBE wasn’t permitted to mention The Doctor or most events surrounding the show – a restriction that meant Liz was forced not to recognise a non-Time Lord character played by John Pertwee, an actor she had shared adventures with during his tenure as The Doctor.
Mostly, however, the spin-offs followed new characters battling old Doctor Who baddies as they wreaked havoc over the planet. Most notable of which were the Auton films.
Featuring the likes of Reece Shearsmith and CGI that rivalled that seen in the 2005 revival show, the first two of BBV’s ‘Auton Trilogy’ of the late nineties are widely considered the best independent Who spin-offs.  
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“They are by no means perfect, in fact they’re horribly flawed. But I wrote and directed both of them under fairly impossible budgetary and time constraints, with a lovely team of actors,” says Nicholas Briggs. “I think we managed to create something that worked pretty well.”
However, Auton’s biggest impact on the Who fandom came just before the revival of the main show. Just as the BBC had to reach a deal with the Terry Nation estate to use the Daleks in the show (negotiations that fell through at one point overallegations the broadcaster wanted to make a ‘gay Dalek’ cartoon), they had to consult Bill Baggs, who still held the rights to the Autons thanks to an agreement with the estate of creator Robert Holmes.
“Before it restarted, the BBC phoned me up and asked me if was okay for me to do an Auton show,” laughs Baggs.
“I told this to my wife thinking she wouldn’t say anything, but it happened to be the weekend she was at the Gallifrey convention. And a bit later I got a phone call saying ‘why does the whole universe know that the first episode is an Auton one?!’ I had to apologise humbly.”
Furthermore, some have said characters created for these fan-made spin-offs may have actually inspired those that appear in the main show. Foremost of which: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, UNIT commander and daughter of the Brigadier.
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Kate appeared in Chris Chibnall’s The Power of Three in 2012 and the 50thanniversary special The Day of the Doctor – but a character with the same name, background and blonde hair first featured in fan-made film Downtime 17 years earlier.
“Let’s just say we came to an accommodation,” says Downtime producer Barnfather on his subsequent chats with the BBC around their use of the character. “I would never do anything that would hurt the programme or bring it into disrepute.”
Yet Kate Stewart aside, can we say these fan-made spin-offs really gave more to Doctor Who than they took? Did they really inspire the plots of modern Who? Considering the stories the show has produced since its 2005 revival: absolutely not.
However, what if you judge the impact of the spin-offs by the talent they gifted to the main show years later? Well, that’s when things get a lot more interesting…
Stars are born
However flawed these films were, they’re where the Who writers of today learned their craft. They didn’t just make talent like Mark Gatiss and Big Finish head Nick Briggs known amongst dedicated fans, they also gave them a platform to jump to the main show. And, even more importantly, they nurtured the creativity needed for their later projects.
Briggs is the prime example here. Through his extensive work in the world of unlicensed Who he perfected performing Dalek voices, mastering the equipment and vocal tics needed to make a convincing tinpot terror. And this meant when the BBC announced the Doctor Who revival, Russell T Davies was quick to get Briggs on board.
“[Davies] had me in mind from the moment he’d decided he was bringing the Daleks back – not just because he thought I was good at doing Dalek voices, but because he was aware that I had the technical know-how to recreate them,” Briggs explains. “In the absence of a BBC Radiophonic Workshop, I was the sort of total solution. Very lucky for me.”
However, the spin-offs did much more than offer Briggs a route onto the main show. “Any ‘turn around the block’ creating something, no matter how flawed, is invaluable experience for a writer or director or any kind of creative person,” he says.
“It’s one thing to dream, but it’s quite another thing to get the practical experience of actually creating and finishing something.
“[The spin-offs] gave us a real ‘go’ at bringing a dream to life, and helped us realise that we could not only create something, but create something worthy of an audience.
“Actually making things engenders a feeling of permission to create. That’s a big hurdle for any creative person. Do I have the right to create, to communicate, to entertain? Having practice at making something helps to give you that feeling of permission.”
Mark Gatiss echoed a similar sentiment in a League of Gentlemen blog, explaining that although he didn’t want it to be released on DVD, he had gained valuable experience writing The Zero Imperative, his first ever TV script.
“Christ, for all I knew, they were the only things I would ever get to make,” he said. “And I learned a frightening amount from working on them.”
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And one of the lessons Gatiss appears to have learned is how to work with some tricky characters. Namely, Bill Baggs.
“I’m a constant meddler when it comes to the scripts,” recalls Baggs. “But Mark tolerated that really well. I remember we would sit together and improvise scenes, which I loved. I’d like to get hold of his writing sometimes and give it a tweak and an edit, but I take my hat off to him. He’s been so successful. There’s nobody else who deserves more and having that experience with him is fantastic.
“But Mark probably wouldn’t have his career in Doctor Who without BBV.”
So, why didn’t Baggs end up working on Doctor Who like Gatiss? Why is it that the man at the heart of the unofficial fandom spent, as he puts it, “a lot of time wondering when the phone was going to ring”?
Rather than being asked to direct an episode, why did Baggs fail to break through to the show, instead funnelling his energy into an alternative medicine, Emotional Energy Healing, and becoming an ‘Akki energetics practitioner’?
Despite Baggs’s assertion that he could work on the main show if he wanted to but simply chooses not to, there could be another reason behind his absence. As Gatiss once told Doctor Who magazine, although he had a “great time”, Baggs “had some very strange ideas as a producer.”
And although Gatiss was referring to Baggs’s tendency to swap scenes around “arbitrarily”, this isn’t one of the strange ideas that fans eventually knew him for.
The misadventures of Doctor Screw
We should say this up front: Bill Baggs wasn’t the first to bring sex into the Whoniverse. During the show’s hiatus years, characters such as Bernice Summerfield (written as a companion of Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor) were often portrayed enjoying some, shall we say, advanced docking maneuverers on the Tardis. Summerfield even apparently had a fumble with The Eighth Doctor himself in book The Dying Days.
However, while ReelTime Pictures kept their films PG and in a similar style and ilk to the main show, stablemate BBV and Bill Baggs became ever more proactive in bringing the saucier side of Who to screen.
That image of a naked Colin Baker we brought up before? The one where he romped with Nicola Bryant, who played Peri in Who? That was thanks to Baggs, who directed the unscripted scene (from under the bed – “I had to! There was no space in that room!”) against the wishes of writer Nicholas Briggs.
“I’m credited as the writer of The Airzone Solution, but I did not write that scene,” Briggs says adamantly. “It was irrelevant to the plot. [Baggs] seemed to agree with me. But I later found out that he just gave up arguing because he could see I wouldn’t change my mind. Then he deliberately deceived me and wrote the scene in any way.”
Baggs, however, stands by it. “Everyone had an opinion about it,” he says. “People got grossed out by it and some found no problem at all.”
But that scene was nothing compared to 2008’s Zygon: When Being You Just Isn’t Enough, dubbed by one reviewer as “the only Zygon-based soft-porn film ever to have been made”. And that’s not an exaggeration. Fortunately, it doesn’t feature the red starfish-like aliens making use of their suckers, but the 18-rated film does see the Zygons at the centre of some very NSFW activities in human form.
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Although billed as a serious drama, Baggs openly says it was initially envisioned as something more titillating. “I met a guy at a convention who was into soft porn and he convinced me there was a market for it – not that I had a massive desire to produce a soft porn film, but you’re always interested as a director/producer what markets there were.”
But looking back now, Baggs concedes the project was a misstep. “It was my mistake and nobody else’s,” he adds, before quickly adding: “I’m glad I tried it, though. It was a massive learning experience.”
Zygon wasn’t quite the end of Baggs’s spin-off ideas, with BBV releasing When to Die, a PROBE drama in memory of Liz Shaw star Caroline John in 2012.
However, since then Baggs has been focused on producing theatre dramas, and although he and McCoy still enjoy times together at conventions, the sun has set on the golden time (and space) of BBV films.
A fandom regenerates
26th March 2005, 7pm. For fans across the world, this was the moment the ‘real’ Doctor Who returned to screens. After over 15 years of waiting, the universe’s foremost Time Lord returned in a regular series, captivating a whole new generation of Whovians.
But for the makers of the spin-off films, it was a bittersweet moment. Producers like Bill Baggs had spent years trying to cater for fans with nowhere else to go, fuelling the fandom with films made possible by pure passion for Who. And now it was over: the fans just didn’t need BBV.
As Baggs says, “It was frustrating on one hand and utterly delighting on the other.
“Before they announced they were reviving Who, Alan Cumming and I were actually going to do a special drama, an anniversary special for BBC South with Alan Cumming as The Doctor,” he laments. “But we ended up getting a call from a Who producer telling us we had to stop because the show was coming back – that’s when I first found out.”
Today BBV only operates a small web business and while Barnfather and ReelTime Pictures still film an occasional Who spin-off, they mostly specialise in the likes of archaeological videos in the Greek world (“We’ve got quite the reputation in Cyprus”).
Yet some still claim that fans owe a great debt to Barnfather and Baggs. “Thereason why we’ve got Doctor Who now on television is thanks to those fans who did it way back then,” says McCoy. “The fans of today should be thankful to him because he helped keep alive Doctor Who.”
But is it really true that without their work keeping the fandom alive, the BBC would have never recommissioned the show? Not everyone is convinced.
“That’s absolutely rubbish,” says Barnfather. “The programme would have come back – it’s a franchise that will never die! Even if the Doctor Who fandom didn’t exist, the BBC would have brought it back.”
“The facts just don’t support it,” agrees Briggs. “The people who made the decision to bring back Doctor Who to television had no idea that any of these things existed.”
Yet while it may not be the reason for Doctor Who’s revival, it’s undeniable that these films fostered talent that would change the Tardis forever.
Perhaps more than anything, the films represent how the fandom and the series are forever intertwined. These 25 forgotten spin-offs demonstrate that the line between dedicated fans and the show is beautifully permeable, ideas and talent forever travelling between the two.
And that’s still true to this day. Remember WhoLock, the viral video that imagined two of TV’s greatest characters together? Or the perfect fan-made trailer for Peter Capaldi’s first series? The editor of these films, who goes by the pseudonym John Smith, actually went on to work as a VFX artist for Doctor Who.
This is the real beauty of Who: its fans are constantly creating, inventing new ideas that could make their way on screen in years to come. It’s a collaboration that makes Who and its lead Time Lord arguably stronger than any other sci-fi fandom.
And sure, this symbiotic relationship might bring to light some of the stranger facets of the fandom, or a nymphomaniac Zygon or two. But, just like the Tardis, these spin-offs have often taken The Doctor where he didn’t want to go, but precisely where he needed to.
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Alan Cumming
Mark Gatiss
Reece Shearsmith
Doctor Who
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vilaelectrical · 3 years
What's the Need of Installing a Security System in Your Warehouse
Your warehouse is the source of all productivity. You cannot compromise with the safety of this place. You need to take some extra security measures when it comes to your warehouse. Therefore, call a service of security systems installation in Nottingham for a stricter security in your warehouse. It's pretty difficult to sleep peacefully when all of your products are kept far away in a warehouse without proper security. Therefore, you need to secure the place as soon as possible. Let's check out why there is an utmost need to securing your warehouse.
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How do security alarm systems protect your warehouse?
In one sentence, security alarm systems work by securing entry points such as doors or windows with sensors that communicate with a control panel. The control panel is the computer that arms or disarms the system using a touchpad. The panel can be armed manually after the last person leaves the premise or can be programmed to automatically arm at the end of the business day and disarm at the beginning. 
When a security sensor is breached, inspite of being armed, a loud and high-pitched alarm sound. The local electrician in Nottingham says, "This will then send an alert to you if you device to monitor your alarm yourself."
Most of the time these alarms are fake and nothing but a way of disturbing at night. Therefore, you should install a "verified alarm." For a very small monthly fee, your security provider will monitor your alarms. The monitoring will investigate of there is an alarm irrespective of time. It means that you need to have video surveillance cameras or audio recorders for remote monitoring agents to verify that there really is an intrusion at your property. 
How do security alarm systems make your warehouse more efficient?
Your security alarm systems can also make your operation more effective. With multiple entry or exit points and numerous staff coming and going, it is difficult to manually track is all doors have been shut properly at the end of the day. Your alarm system can do just that for you with complete accuracy. You can set up an alert to your phone if any door is left unlocked at the end of business hours. 
Some warehouses have a business office and a back-end storage area with different hours of operation. Your security alarm systems can be set up to accomodate these different operational hours. You can stay assured that no staff is entering the front office or no one is entering the storage area after operational hours. Work continues as usual in the front office. You can arrange security alarm system to accommodate such customisations easily. 
Test Security Alarm Systems Regularly
Security alarm system cost you a lump sum amount. Therefore, a regular observation and maintenance is necessary. If you observe closely, the system might develop some issues with time. Therefore, test security alarm system regularly. A continuous working process of a security alarm system is a necessity. Otherwise, there is no need to install a security system. It has to stay active 24×7. 
So, call an emergency electrician in Nottingham and install an alarm security system today. It'll increse your factory's security hundred times. Make sure that you call an expert electrician who can install the system swiftly.
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yashicat · 6 years
Homeless vending isn’t going away…and that’s great news!
Do you remember the homeless vending machine in Nottingham at the back end of last year? Set up by Action Hunger, the machine provided 24 hour access to food, clothing and hygiene products for homeless people and sounded a great idea. Unfortunately, however, it didn’t catch on. The council believed it was ‘encouraging’ people to stay on the streets, so that was that. The disappointing backtrack clearly hasn’t discouraged others, though, which is fantastic. A small charity called Gloucester City Mission has now came up with a similar initiative and they’re hoping it will prove a lot more successful.
The vending machine will be stocked with sandwiches, water, underwear, toiletries and sanitary products. Vulnerable people pick up tokens from the George Whitefield Centre in Gloucester and they can spend them on the items in the machine. The items are stocked with the help of Quedgeley company ‘Lauren’s Catering’, Sainsbury’s and Tesco and together they will make a big difference to homeless people in Gloucester.
Dave Kinhorn, of Gloucester City Mission, said: ‘As a small charity we don’t have masses of resources and this can be difficult. The idea of the machine is to give people who are rough sleeping, sofa surfing, in supported or temporary/emergency accommodation who use the centre five tokens a week and they can then use the tokens to get items they need.”
We think it’s another great scheme. We were shocked to hear that the Nottingham enterprise didn’t work out and we really think vending machines can make a valued difference to the lives of those who are most vulnerable. We’re sure we’re not alone in wishing this project every success. For those of you who need reminding of the Nottingham machine, check out the video below. It also provides a great insight into what the Gloucester machine will be like.
The post Homeless vending isn’t going away…and that’s great news! appeared first on Coinadrink.
source https://coin-a-drink.co.uk/homeless-vending-machine
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