logwire · 11 months
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Midday Construction
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yamasakiko---ji · 1 year
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fomapan400 x 100ft. i’ll take picture again.
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serotinesart · 6 months
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keldermans · 1 year
Feel like shit I just want Konstrakta back
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wonsolsoon · 1 year
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Vernon via gpark_radio Instagram post | 12/05/2023
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memoriofagoldfish · 25 days
On this day, one year ago...
Today I was back in Kyoto and ready to do some sightseeing. However, I didn't account for how awful the heat was. Honestly, it was miserably hot... I could barely take it.
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My first stop was the Imperial Palace as I'd missed it when my friend visited back in March, since I was ill at the time. However, I just couldn't bring myself to really enjoy it. The heat was really affecting me.
Walking around was not an option. So, I decided to rent a bike. I'd wanted to rent a bike for a while - my friend and I discussed it, but never followed through. However, out of desperation to not trudge along in this heat, I finally figured out one of the apps for bike rentals, and oh my gosh, I was so happy. Just to have that breeze while cycling along. Japan is really bike friendly, so it was a safe and comfortable ride around.
This newfound energy and happiness spurred me to go to up to Kiyomizu-dera. I cycled most of the way, though I had to push my bike up the steep hill that was full of walking tourists 😅
I didn't know how to park the bike with a lock, and there were no stations around to return it, so I ended up leaving it just down a side street, very anxious that it would be taken and I would get charged a lot for the theft. Fortunately, I needn't worry - it was exactly where I left it when I returned. I know Japan has a very low crime rate, but bike thefts are one of the things that aren't unheard of. Still, it's NOTHING like the theft rate in England.
Kiyomizu-dera was... incredible. Just incredible. I was arriving late, so I was one of the last admissions, but even with the later hour, it was still very busy, and I could see why. It was such an amazing place. I was so happy I called my mum to talk. With the time difference, I knew she was at work, but I couldn't help myself.
Here's a bunch of pictures I took...
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I wish I had arrived earlier and spent more time exploring the streets leading up the the temple.
Afterwards, I cycled back towards the hotel, leaving my bike at a nearby station. Here are a couple of nice random pics I took...
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Look at that heron gazing longingly into the restaurant :D
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theheadlesshearseman · 11 months
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7704426145 · 1 year
2023/05/14 06:36:14
#奈良クラブ #母の日 #mothersday
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19921227 · 1 year
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logwire · 11 months
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The Break Time
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24hoursentences · 1 year
Why would summer be so early already?
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濵田満🦌奈良クラブ @hamada_naraclub 2023/05/12 23:52:50 奈良クラブも登場する映画GONZAが6月30日より上映されます。
@wataruk_ekkono さんも俳優デビュー。😂
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wonsolsoon · 1 year
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Vernon via dj_gpark Instagram story | 12/05/2023
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memoriofagoldfish · 1 year
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life-will-change · 1 year
“I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do.”
― Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
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12477035327661513 · 1 year
2023/05/12 (金) 23:38:24
さて、日課のゲームですね🍵🎣🎮 #211【DBD】『明日はお茶会🍵🎮🎣』 ドラムの神宮司です(レミオロメン)デッドバイデイライト🎮 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G15mu7yG-f4 @YouTube より #神宮司治 #ドラム #レミオロメン #ゲーム配信 #DBD #デッドバイデイライト #YouTube
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