#187 GOP
qqueenofhades · 1 year
Hi Hilary! I'm really enjoying and appreciating your US election coverage and I'm probably being an idiot foreigner here who is missing something (I've been following casually but it's not my system), but you and other Democrats seem pretty positive and I don't quite get it. On the BBC News checker the Democrats and Republicans are exactly neck and neck for the Senate and the Republicans seem way ahead (203-187) for the House. Believe me, I'd love to feel positive about something political (I'm English so...lol) but I feel like I'm missing something in the data. Totally understand if you'd rather not answer this but thought I'd ask as you seem to understand it and are good at explaining it!!
Listen, you have to understand that the narrative for MONTHS was that Republicans were going to absolutely crush us. The House was supposed to be gone by 9pm ET on election night and the Senate possibly soon after. The media water-carried for the GOP as hard as it possibly could, midterm elections for a first-term incumbent president are always bruising (Obama lost 63 seats in 2010 and we didn't get the House back until 2018), and we are dealing with high inflation, economic pain, Biden's low approval numbers, literal fascists, and so much more. This was a setup for the Republicans to roll right in and pick up where they left off in 2020. They nominated tons of crazy, dangerous, fascist election deniers openly promising to permanently fix elections in their state if they won. It was BAD.
Against that, the fact that is a razor-thin, largely uncalled race in terms of major factors, ie Congressional control, is nothing short of astonishing. The House is looking iffy, but if it slips Republican by a tiny majority, there's no claiming a triumphant red wave, and while it will absolutely waste everyone's time in performative nonsense and doing nothing and passing garbage resolutions, it won't be able to make much of that actually stick. If Democrats keep the Senate (which they are... probably likely to do, especially as Fetterman's win in Pennsylvania looms large), they can at least continue to confirm judges and shut down the rabid GOP-y House from doing too much. They need to win 2 of 3 in Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia to do this. Nevada depends on mail-in ballots. The Democrat Mark Kelly seems likely to hang on in Arizona (knock on wood). Democrat Raphael Warnock is in the lead in Georgia, but will need to win his narrow election all over again because of a horrible racist Georgia law saying that a candidate can only win outright if they get 50% in the first round, and he is just under that.
So yes: it is narrow, contingent, and scary, but the fact that we are in this position is genuinely astonishing, considering that everyone figured the Democrats were historic amounts of toast. Election deniers for governor/SOS have almost all lost (still waiting on Nevada and Arizona) and thus far, MAGA candidates have conceded. This is a good thing for democracy, as it ups the chances that control of elections will be maintained, Democrats will hold key swing state legislatures, and more. They also did especially well in several states (Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania) and made major flips of governor's mansions. Literally none of this would have happened in a red wave.
Anyway, yes. I wanted things to go better and for us to win some races we didn't win, and otherwise optimistically hope that half the country wouldn't vote for fascist forced-birtherism because wah wah gas prices. Unfortunately, they still did (mostly white people, because you know). But considering the absolute worst case scenario, where we were basically looking at the effective end of democracy in America and election denialists holding key posts in advance of the 2024 elections, yeah, a lot of people are very relieved right now.
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porterdavis · 1 year
This seems as good a time as any to re-post the link to this report authored by conservative GOP leaders after the 2020 election.
As part of his post-election attempts to retain the presidency, Donald Trump and his supporters filed 64 cases containing 187 counts in the six key battleground states, in addition to utilizing some of the recount and contest procedures available to them under state law. The former president maintains to this day that the 2020 election was stolen and the results fraudulent.
This Report takes a hard look at the very serious charges made by Trump and his supporters. The consequences of a president and a major party candidate making such charges are monumental. If true, our electoral system is in desperate need of repair. If not true, that must be said because such false charges corrode our democracy and leave a significant share of the population doubting the legitimacy of our system, seriously weakening the country. To have 30 percent of the country lack faith in election results based on unsubstantiated claims of a “stolen” election is not sustainable in a democracy, and it discredits the political party making those charges. We hope that setting out the full record in this Report will help restore faith in the reliability of our elections.
We are political conservatives who have spent most of our adult lives working to support the Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it is based: limited government, liberty, equality of opportunity, freedom of religion, a strong national defense, and the rule of law.
We have become deeply troubled by efforts to overturn or discredit the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. There is no principle of our Republic more fundamental than the right of the People to elect our leaders and for their votes to be counted accurately. Efforts to thwart the People’s choice are deeply undemocratic and unpatriotic. Claims that an election was stolen, or that the outcome resulted from fraud, are deadly serious and should be made only on the basis of real and powerful evidence.
Senator John Danforth
Benjamin Ginsberg
The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith
David Hoppe
The Honorable J. Michael Luttig
The Honorable Michael W. McConnell
The Honorable Theodore B. Olson
Senator Gordon H. Smith
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Mike Luckovich :: Con Man
* * * *
The Final Report: “The central cause of Jan 6. was one man.”  ::: December 23, 2022
Robert B. Hubbell
         Late Thursday evening, the House Select Committee released its Final Report on its investigation of Trump’s attempted coup and insurrection. The Final Report is here: Final Report: Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. It would be impossible to summarize the 845-page Report in today’s newsletter. But the table of contents provides a roadmap to the Committee’s findings. Below are the major headings in the Report:
1.                The Big Lie.
2.                “I just want to find 11,780 votes.”
3.                Fake Electors and the “President of the Senate” Strategy.
4.                “Just call it corrupt and leave the rest to me.”
5.                “A coup in search of a legal theory.”
6.                “Be there. Will be wild!”
7.                187 minutes of dereliction.
8.                Analysis of the attack.
         The Report sets out its thesis in the Executive Summary (page 8): “The central cause of Jan. 6 was one man, former President Donald Trump.”
         Among the remedial actions recommended by the Committee, one stands above all others: To create a formal mechanism for Congress to consider whether Trump should be barred from holding state or federal office under the provisions of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
         The table of contents suggests that the Report is drafted in a literary style grounded in the evidence. It will stand as the judgment of history on Trump’s effort to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. It is a prodigious effort that will serve as a resource for prosecutors and historians alike. There will be much more to discuss in the coming weeks.
         Before the Committee released its Final Report, it released the interviews of Cassidy Hutchinson. The transcript is here: Cassidy J. Hutchinson (Redacted) . Her testimony provides a sordid and sobering view into the pervasive corruption of the Trump administration, his lawyers, and the GOP dark-money infrastructure that sought to “protect the president” at all costs.
         Acting like mobsters protecting their “don,” Trump’s advisers attempted to intimidate, cajole, deceive, bribe, threaten, and use Cassidy Hutchison to conceal the truth about Trump’s criminal effort to overturn the results of the election. It is worth reviewing her story because it previews much of what is to come as special counsel Jack Smith assaults the wall of silence that has protected Trump for too long.
         The remarkable story of Cassidy Hutchinson’s ultimate refusal to commit perjury to “protect her boss” is a testament to Hutchinson’s strength of character and moral courage. Hutchinson did not have the resources to pay for a lawyer to represent her in testimony before the Committee, so she begged her estranged father for a loan so she could hire her own lawyer. She explained to her mother why she did not want to be represented by a “Trump-world” lawyer:
I’m f*****d. I was like, No, I am completely indebted to these people. . . . And they will ruin my life, Mom, if I do anything that they don’t want me to do.
         Per Hutchinson, her Trump-world attorney, Stefan Passantino, would not tell her who was paying for her defense. But he made clear that her job was to protect Trump. She testified that Passantino told her,  
We just want to focus on protecting the President. We all know you’re loyal.
         Hutchinson broke with her Passantino after he counseled her not to correct untruthful testimony in her second examination by the Committee. Hutchinson testified about the moment Passantino told her to lie by saying “I don’t recall” when she did recall the facts elicited by the Committee’s questioning:
I looked at Stefan, and I said, “Stefan, I am f*****d.”
And he was like, “Don’t freak out. You’re fine.”
I said. “No, Stefan, I’m f****d. I just lied.”
And he said, “You didn’t lie.
I said, “No, Stefan. Do you know how many times they just asked me that
question? I just lied.”
And he said, “They don’t know what you know, Cassidy. They don’t know that you can recall some of these things. So you saying ‘I don’t recall’ is an entirely acceptable response to this.”
         If Trump’s corrupt lawyers suborned perjury with Cassidy Hutchison, it is reasonable to infer they provided the same advice to other witnesses. Stefan Passantino will likely be disbarred and prosecuted. If he hopes to avoid a lengthy prison term, he should begin cooperating with special counsel Jack Smith ASAP.
         And so it begins. All it takes is one witness who tells the truth. That allows prosecutors to flip other witnesses up the chain. The walls surrounding the Mafia don are beginning to crumble and he is losing his ability to punish those who betray him. Because of one courageous 26-year-old staffer, the most corrupt president in history may finally be held to account for his crimes and be sentenced to prison.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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a-dream-of-splendor · 11 months
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하원은 수요일 밤 부채 한도를 중단하고 연방 지출을 제한하며 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 재앙적인 미국 정부 디폴트를 방지하기 위해 힘들게 협상한 법안을 통과시키기로 결정했습니다. 케빈 매카시(공화-캘리포니아) 하원의장과 바이든 대통령이 주말에 중개한 이 거래는 좁은 공화당 하원 과반수, 그들의 지도자가 자신의 정당에 대한 흔들리는 장악력, 오랫동안 타협을 거부해 온 백악관에 대한 엄청난 시험이었습니다. 부채 한도에 전혀. 때때로 회담이 풀리지 않았습니다. 다른 경우에 McCarthy와 Biden은 그들이 거래를 성사시키고 전례 없는 국가 채무 불이행을 막을 수 있다는 자신감을 내비쳤습니다. 결국, 그들은 이제 상원으로 향하는 99페이지 법안의 통과를 위해 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 314-117 초당적 투표를 얻었습니다. 청구서. 아무도 원하는 모든 것을 얻지 못했습니다. 많은 자유 민주당원들은 정부 지출에 대한 억제와 연방 식품권 및 가족 복지 혜택의 일부 수령인에 대한 새로운 근로 요건에 반대하면서 이 법안에 반대했습니다. 극우 공화당원들도 더 공격적인 지출 삭감을 확보하지 못한 것에 대해 합의를 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 강타했습니다. 그리고 일부 GOP 의원들은 McCarthy가 올해 초 15차례의 투표와 여러 양보 끝에 연사직을 차지한 이후 당 내 분열을 강조하면서 McCarthy의 지도 적합성에 의문을 제기했습니다. “워싱턴의 지출 중독은 무책임하고 잘못된 것입니다. “그럼 그만하자. 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 솔직히 말해서 오늘 밤의 법안은 그것을 멈추지 않습니다. 그러나 처음으로 배를 돌리기 시작합니다. 이것이 우리의 마지막이 되어서는 안 됩니다.” 부채 한도는 미국 정부가 빌릴 수 있는 금액의 상한선입니다. 현재 수준은 31조 4000억 달러이고 재무부는 1월부터 더 많은 부채를 떠맡을 필요가 없도록 연방 예산에서 돈을 뒤섞기 위해 소위 "특별 조치"라고 부르는 것을 사용하고 있습니다. 이 거래는 2025년 1월 2일까지 한도를 유예할 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 것입니다. 의회예산국은 이 제안이 향후 10년 동안 적자를 1조 5천억 달러 줄일 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 지출을 줄이는 부채 한도 거래는 디폴트 가능성을 제거했지만 정치적 결과를 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 가져올 수 있습니다. The Post의 Aaron Blake가 설명합니다. (동영상: JM Rieger/The Washington Post, 사진: Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post) 양측의 협상가들은 승리를 주장했습니다.
백악관과의 회담에서 GOP의 핵심 대표인 가렛 그레이브스(La.) 하원의원은 “우리는 국가적으로 신용카드 한도에 도달했다”고 말했다. “우리는 매달 지불할 능력이 없습니다. 그래서 우리는 곤경에 처해 있습니다. 우리는 신용 카드 한도를 어떻게 높일 것인지 알아내야 합니다. 그리고 자신의 가족과 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 마찬가지로 자녀와 대화를 나누고 '이봐, 어떻게 이런 상황에 처하게 되었습니까? 우리는 그것을 고쳐야 합니다.'”
하원 소수당 원내대표 하킴 제프리스(민주당-뉴욕)는 바이든과 그의 당이 지출을 통해 경제를 무너뜨리려는 공화당의 위협으로부터 경제를 구했다고 말했습니다.
제프리스는 “바이든 대통령은 불필요하게 국가를 몰아붙이는 인질극 상황에도 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 불구하고 우리에게는 파국적인 채무불이행을 피해야 할 의무와 책임이 있음을 이해했다”고 말했다. "그게 바로 바이든 대통령과 민주당이 할 수 있었던 일입니다." Biden은 수요일 늦게 성명에서 투표를 환영했습니다. “이 예산 합의는 초당적인 타협입니다. 어느 쪽도 원하는 모든 것을 얻지 못했다”고 말했다. “앞으로 나아가는 유일한 길은 양당의 지지를 얻을 수 있는 초당적 타협이라는 점을 분명히 했습니다. 이 계약은 그 테스트를 충족합니다.”
이 법안은 최종 하원 투표에서 "과반수"의 지지를 얻었으며, 주로 민주당의 지지에 힘입어 법안 통과에 반대하는 비공식적인 공화당 지침을 충족했습니다.
상원이 행동할 시기는 불분명하다. Charles E. Schumer 상원 다수당 대표(민주당-뉴욕)는 재무부가 미국이 더 이상 지불할 수 없을 것이라고 경고한 월요일 이전에 법안이 통과되기 위해서는 의원들이 주말까지 워싱턴에 있어야 할 수도 있다고 말했습니다. 모든 청구서.
Schumer는 수요일 아침 상원에서 연설하면서 통과에 "오류의 여지가 없다"고 말했습니다.
수요일 밤의 행동을 허용하는 규칙에 대한 하원의 초당적 241-187 오후 투표는 소수당이 그러한 조치를 거의 지지하지 않기 때문에 이례적이었습니다. 공화당원은 이 규칙을 승인할 218명의 의원이 없었기 때문에 민주당원은 법안이 계속 진행되도록 충분한 의원을 제공하기 위해 노력했습니다.
조율 노력에 정통한 두 사람에 따르면 소수의 민주당 하원 의원들이 하루 종일 문자 메시지를 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 통해 규칙에 투표할 가치가 있는지 논의했으며 지도부가 그들에게 신호를 준다면 그렇게 할 것이라고 결론지었습니다. 투표를 주재하고 있던 Mike D. Rogers(공화-앨라배마) 하원의원이 모든 의원이 투표했는지 물었을 때 Jeffries는 의회 우물에서 기다리고 있던 수십 명의 민주당원들에게 영주권을 보여주었고, 그들은 즉시 찬성표를 던졌습니다.
하원은 부채 한도 법안 통과, 설명 0:59 하원은 역사적인 채무 불이행 며칠 전에 부채 한도를 인상하는 법안을 통과시켰습니다. 수석 정치 특파원 Rhonda Colvin이 법안에 대해 설명합니다. (동영상: The Washington Post, 사진: AFP/Getty Images/The Washington Post) “하원 민주당원들은 국가가 채무 불이행하지 않도록 할 것입니다. 기간. 제프리스는 전당 대회 회의 후 기자들에게 말했습니다.
민주당원들은 초기 의회 투표에 대한 그들의 지지가 대가 없이 오지 않을 것이라고 강조했습니다. 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 그 대가로 민주당 지도자는 이번 여름이나 가을에 고려되는 법안에 대해 McCarthy로부터 양보를 위한 비공개 서약을 받게 될 것입니다.
McCarthy의 사무실은 논평 요청에 응답하지 않았습니다. 그러나 수요일 기자들이 민주당이 규칙에 투표하도록 하기 위해 협상을 중단해야 하느냐는 질문에 McCarthy는 "아니오, 아니오"라고 대답했습니다.
하원 의장은 동료들이 그와 주요 협상가들이 체결한 부채 거래를 계속 지지하는 동안 투표하는 동안 바닥에 앉아 악수를 하고 잡담을 나누며 미소를 지었습니다. McCarthy가 "다수의 다수" 임계값에 도달했을 때 약간의 축하가 있었습니다. 그러나 그와 다른 지도자들이 바닥에서 컴퓨터가 투표를 집계하는 것을 계속 몽화록 다시 보기 1화~40화 지켜보면서 분위기는 우려로 바뀌었고, 이는 공화당보다 더 많은 민주당이 법안에 투표하고 있음을 보여주었습니다. 마침내 투표가 소집되었을 때 Graves는 협상 내내 그의 파트너인 Patrick T. McHenry 하원의원(N.C.)을 찾았고 극적으로 그를 껴안기 전에 그에게 하이파이브를 하기 위해 무릎을 꿇었습니다.
민주당 측에서는 낸시 펠로시 하원의원(민주당-캘리포니아)이 그녀의 후임 민주당 최고위원인 제프리스에게 다가가 회의장을 나서는 길에 짧게 말을 걸고 자랑스럽게 그의 가슴을 두드렸다. 둘 다 미소와 함께 빠른 상호 작용에서 나타났습니다. 좌파 의원들은 이 거래가 특정 연방 프로그램에 대한 새로운 작업 요구 사항을 부과하는 것에 실망했고 Biden이 정부가 빌릴 수 있는 법적 상한선인 부채 한도에 대해 McCarthy와 협상해야 한다는 사실에 짜증을 냈습니다.
알렉산드리아 오카시오-코르테스(민주당-뉴욕) 하원의원은 14일 오전 “여러 가지 일을 동시에 해야 한다. 채무 불이행을 막고 미국 경제를 인질로 잡는 것은 용납할 수 없다는 메시지를 보내야 한다”며 반대하겠다고 덧붙였다. 입법. “오늘 우리는 케빈 매카시가 투표를 해야 한다는 메시지를 파티로 보낼 수 있다고 생각합니다. 그리고 그가 내 것이 필요하면 와서 가져갈 수 있고 협상을 통해 몇 가지를 협상할 수 있습니다.”
부채 한도 거래: 여기 무엇이 들어 있고 무엇이 나왔는지
그러나 중도파, 초당파인 문제 해결자 간부회는 이 법안을 승인했습니다. "분할된 정부에서는 결승선을 몽화록 무료 보기 1화~40화 통과할 수 있는 해결책을 찾기 위해 실제로 협력해야 합니다. 한편, 의회 진보 간부회의 일부 의원들이 이 법안에 반대 의사를 밝혔지만, 다른 민주당 의원들은 복잡한 법안 내에서 지지할 가치가 있는 일부 승리를 발견했습니다.
라울 루이즈 하원의원(민주당-캘리포니아)은 수요일 백악관 관리들과의 회의를 떠나면서 "좋은 것도 있고 나쁜 것도 있고 못생긴 것도 있다"고 말했다. 파병 중 독성 화상 구덩이에 노출된 재향군인을 위한 의료 자원을 강화하기 위해 고안된 Pact Act의 하원 버전의 주 저자인 Ruiz는 이 법안에 의해 생성된 영구 자금 흐름이 수년 동안 그의 입법을 공고히 할 것이라고 말했습니다. 올.
Ruiz는 또한 근로 요건이 일부 미국인에게 피해를 주겠지만 전반적으로 더 많은 사람들이 이 법안의 자격 확대에 따라 푸드 스탬프를 받게 될 것이라고 말했습니다.
코커스의 전반적인 분위기를 묻자 루이즈는 "안도했다"고 말했다. 상원은 하원이 법안을 통과하자마자 법안에 대한 토론을 준비하기 위해 수요일을 보냈습니다. 양당의 몽화록 무료 보기 1화~40화 몇몇 의원들은 상공회의소가 수정안을 고려하기를 원하지만 지도자들은 어떤 것도 채택되지 않을 것이라고 말했습니다.
상원 지도자들은 부채 한도 법안을 준비하면서 시간 위기를 강조합니다.
부채 한도 드라마는 매카시가 연사에 적합하지 않다고 말하는 사람들을 포함하여 일부 극우 공화당원들의 깊은 반대를 드러냈습니다. 극도로 보수적인 House Freedom Caucus의 몇몇 구성원은 수요일 밤의 투표를 가능하게 하는 규칙에 반대표를 던졌고 거래의 최종 통과에도 반대할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 매카시의 지도력에 대해 우려를 표명한 극우 의원 앤디 빅스(공화-애리조나) 의원은 투표가 끝난 후 공화당보다 민주당원이 더 많은 법안에 찬성표를 던진 것에 실망했다. Biggs는 "우리는 그들이 우리보다 더 많은 민주당원이 통과해야 하는 법안을 절대 발의하지 않을 것이라고 들었습니다."라고 말했습니다. 그러나 McCarthy는 이에 대한 응답으로 몽화록 한글 자막 다시보기 1화~40 GOP 회원들의 압도적인 지지를 지적했습니다. 우리 회의의 2/3는 몽화록 무료 보기 1화~40화 무엇입니까?” McCarthy는 '약속으로 몽화록 한글 자막 다시보기 1화~40화 돌아갔다'Ken Buck(R-Colo.) 하원의원은 5월 31일 부채 한도 거래에 '반대' 투표할 계획이며 앞으로 몇 주 안에 McCarthy의 미래에 대한 비공개 논의를 기대합니다. (비디오: Billy Tucker/The Washington Post) GOP의 핵심 협상가인 그레이브스와 맥헨리는 수요일 매카시의 연설에 대해 걱정하지 않는다고 말했습니다. 그레이브스는 기자들과 이야기하면서 소수의 극우 의원들이 미완성 법안을 강타한 것은 잘못이라고 말했습니다. 칩 로이(텍사스), 댄 비숍(노스캐롤라이나), 랄프 노먼(사우스 캐롤라이나) 하원의원을 포함한 하원 자유 몽화록 무료 보기 1화~40화 간부회 의원들은 국가가 부채와 지출 위기에 직면해 있다고 주장하는 것이 옳다고 그레이브스는 말했습니다. 결점”은 합의가 존재하기도 전에 격추하는 것입니다.
Graves는 "그들은 이 거래에 대해 절대적으로 부정확한 말을 하기 시작했고, 욕을 하기 시작했으며, 거래가 완료되기 전에 정의를 내리기 시작한 사람들의 그룹이었습니다."라고 말했습니다. “내 추측으로는 '오, 아니, 이것이 남하하고 우리가 이것의 일부가 되면 어떻게 될까요?'라는 우려가 그들 측에 있었던 것 같습니다. 그리고 몽화록 무료 보기 1화~40화 그들은 이것이 역사상 가장 큰 절약이 될 것이라는 것을 깨닫지 못했습니다. ”
비판은 공화당이나 민주당 지도부가 법안에 대한 지지를 공격적으로 채찍질하는 것을 막지 못했습니다. 전화 회의, 기자 회견, 대면 회의 사이에 양측은 양보 여부에 관계없이 거래를 유권자의 승리로 팔려고 노력했습니다.
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
On the road to nowhere.
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March 13, 2023
If you're a Republican in Michigan, we at WoW are here to offer our sincerest condolences. Sadly, your party is traveling the same route taken by California's GOP when it self-destructed nearly 20 years ago. For decades, California was a reliably red state, electing a string of Republican governors and senators. It even provided the nation with two of our most lawless GOP presidents: Richard "I am not a crook" Nixon and Ronnie "I don't recall" Reagan.
Today, however, California Republicans are confined to small enclaves around the state, and none are currently to be found holding statewide office. There are only 18 Republican representatives in the State Assembly (out of 80) and just eight senators (out of 40). As of October 2020, a mere 24% of the state's voters are registered Republicans.
The collapse of the Golden State's once-powerful GOP began with a far-right 1994 ballot initiative (Proposition 187) pushed by Republican governor Pete Wilson, which denied public services — including vaccines and public education — to undocumented immigrants. Unsurprisingly, California's growing Latino population rejected both the initiative and the Party responsible for it.
Now, in Michigan, Republicans are once again determined to place themselves on the wrong side. This time over Trump and election denialism. Frankly, Michigan's GOP was already in trouble. Last November, all its statewide candidates lost, including for governor (Tudor Dixon by 10 points), attorney general (Matt DePerno by 8) and secretary of state (Kristina Karamo by 14). The Party is also dead broke and in debt to the tune of $2.3 million, mainly because its MAGA-mad leaders and candidates (like the ones mentioned) are scaring away donors.
Last month, when Michigan GOPers held their annual convention in Lansing, the cash-strapped party not only had to charge delegates a $50 registration fee, it also couldn't afford to pay Arizona election conspiracist Kari Lake to be its headline speaker.
Moreover, even choosing a party chair turned into a virtual demolition derby. After going through 11 hours and 10 candidates, the convention ended up repudiating the Trump-endorsed DePerno and chose instead Kristina Karamo — a bigger loser and much crazier election denier. Which led to half the delegates walking out of the hall angry and believing they’d been robbed — typical feelings among Republicans nowadays. In her acceptance speech, Karamo declared what was obvious to all: "Our party is dying."
As one observer noted, by electing Karamo to lead Michigan's Republicans, "they’ve solidified Democratic control of this state for years to come." Evidently, those who ban books about history are condemned to repeat it.
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thatqueervampire · 1 year
48 Dem - 49 Gop
187 Dem - 204 Gop
Its anxiety season guys,
I want a good ending, pleaasssseee
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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Trump Tries Mobster-In-Chief Role With Attacks On Law Enforcement                                                                  Aug 28, 2022
“The ex-president is ready to "burn down the republic" if need be to stop prosecutors from going after him, according to a former GOP congressman.”
“Danya Perry, a former prosecutor in the U.S. attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York, a center for mob investigations, called Trump’s message “a lightly veiled threat” delivered only after he had first stoked rage among his followers.
“It also lays bare that he knows he easily could calm down his supporters but actively chooses not to, just as the 187 minutes of purposeful inaction during the insurrection,” she said, referring to the three hours that Trump allowed the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol to continue before asking his people to leave. “His message to AG Garland is that he can do it the easy way or the hard way. And that does sound like a scene out of an old mob movie.”
“....authoritarianism expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat, remains baffling.
“I don’t know of another case where a coup leader who got together a bespoke thug army to overthrow the democratic order is at liberty and thinking of running for president again,” the New York University history professor said. “Sitting authoritarian leaders do stage ‘shock events’ if their power is threatened, but it is specific to the U.S. that an individual in private life could have so many extremists who possess private arsenals and are ready to do his bidding.”
Aug 28, 2022 READ MORE https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-mobster-threats_n_63080d75e4b063d5e619d144
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vietnamstar · 2 years
House passes bill to boost U.S. chip production and China competition, sending it to Biden
House passes bill to boost U.S. chip production and China competition, sending it to Biden
The House on Thursday passed bipartisan legislation to boost U.S. competitiveness with China by allocating billions of dollars toward domestic semiconductor manufacturing and science research. The bill passed 243-187, with no Democrats voting against the bill. Twenty-four Republicans voted for the legislation, even after a last-minute push by GOP leaders to oppose it. The bill, which passed the…
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isfeed · 2 years
CHIPS Act passes House on way to Biden signing
CHIPS Act passes House on way to Biden signing
Following a strong showing of bipartisan support in the Senate, the CHIPS Act staved off last minute attempts by the GOP House leadership to derail its passage. Congress’ lower chamber approved the $280 billion bill by a vote of 243-to-187. Twenty-four House Republicans backed the act, which is destined for the desk of staunch proponent, Joe Biden. While the bill has received broader support for…
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uboat53 · 2 years
The Californification of the Republican Party
Okay, a thought occurs to me so it's time for another one of my LONG RANTS (TM). This time, I'm interested in talking about the Californification of the national Republican Party (accidental RHCP reference there…). No citations on this one, it's a bit more conceptual (though I encourage you to look up the details of the things I mention).
So what the heck am I talking about? Basically, that the national GOP is being strongly influenced by Californian think tanks and donors who are reacting to Californian history. In order to understand this, let's start with that history.
This is going to be a bit rushed, but basically, the Republican Party was reasonably competitive, to the point of regularly winning elections both regionally and statewide, in California about 30 years ago. In the mid-90s, however, they put their weight behind Prop 187 which denied access to all public services to undocumented immigrants. The proposal was eventually found to be unconstitutional by a federal court, but the campaign to pass the bill was fairly racist and it made the state's growing Latino population turn to the Democratic Party.
Fast forward to today and the Republican Party barely exists in the Golden State, at least as an effective political organization. They haven't held a state-wide office in more than a decade and it's been a rare occurrence for them to hold one at all this century. They control only 19 out of 80 seats (23.75%) in the state assembly, 9 out of 40 (22.5%) in the state senate, and just 10 out of 53 of California's seats in Congress (~19%).
This is important because, US demographics and growth rates today look a lot like those of California circa 1990. I mean, there's more African Americans and less Asians proportionately in the US than there were in CA, but the basic categories of %White and the growth rates of minority populations look REALLY similar.
In other words, if the US follows the same path as California over the next 2-3 decades, Republicans could effectively be locked out of power by these changing demographics.
Well, one of the keys to remember is that this history is basically driven by minority groups feelings that the Republican Party is actively hostile to them. This wasn't inevitable, it happened due to rhetoric and policy preferences that leaned strongly nativist and carried a bit of a racist tinge. One lesson that could be learned from the experience of California is just, you know, not to do that. Of course, today's national GOP seems to be pushing hard the other direction.
If you're committed to nativism and a certain level of racism in a nation that is rapidly diversifying and you also don't want to suffer electoral consequences or a loss of political power, the only real answer that's left to you is to try to diminish the voting power of minority groups or diminish the impact of popular democracy in general.
For better or worse, that's the path that the national GOP has chosen. With the benefit of an example of what their tactics might lead to, they have decided to double down on their nativist beliefs and work to alter the electoral system to mitigate the effects that those beliefs have on their control of governing institutions.
So this is where it gets interesting. If you start looking at the inspiration for the key tactics of the national GOP (not the policies, that's separate), you find Californian fingerprints everywhere you look from Claremont McKenna College which employs a disproportionate number of the intellectual influencers of the MAGA/Trump movement and publishes the articles they are most likely to cite to Breitbart News, founded and run from California until fairly recently, which provided a good deal of the early Trump campaign staff including his chief strategist to Confrontational Politics, the work that detailed the political tactics used by MAGA and alt-right politicians, which was written by a former California State Senator.
Basically, the experience of the California GOP and its ideas now seem to be the primary ones used by the national Republican Party.
Think about it, why is the far right in Idaho, a state where Donald Trump won 64% of the vote in 2020 and Democrats are as powerless as Republicans are in CA, acting like the state is going to fall to socialism at any moment? Why are they passing increasingly draconian voting laws in Texas where a Democrat hasn't held the governorship since the mid-90s? Why are Republicans in South Dakota, which has a Hispanic population of less than 5%, extremely concerned about immigration, illegal or otherwise?
There is no reason for Republicans (or white people in general) in these states to feel as if they are under siege when they dominate the political landscape, but the tactics and the panic are coming from here in California where they are genuinely an endangered species. Republicans put up a ballot measure in 2010 that required the legislature to pass measures that increased taxes by a 2/3 majority thinking that it would give them a veto over tax policy and yet their electoral losses have gotten so bad that they can't even muster the 1/3 vote that it would take to block these kinds of bills.
Republicans in California are genuinely powerless in the way that the national GOP fears being and the same demographic trends that have taken place here 30 years ago are beginning nationwide. Rather than change their politics to be less abhorrent to minorities or allow themselves to be relegated to permanent political minority status themselves, national Republicans have decided to act as if what has happened in California is an inevitability and react to that accordingly.
Yeah, I'll admit I don't have a good idea at this point. The situation is still evolving and we really have no idea where it will go. It could turn out like California where demographic change swamps everything, but it might also end up with an authoritarian ethnostate. Here's what I've got so far:
1) Oppose voter suppression bills. Republicans may try to sell them as "preventing fraud", but anything that makes voting more difficult results in less votes. At the very least, demand that they present some actual evidence of fraud in order to justify the changes they are making. And real evidence, not stuff like "someone somewhere claimed…" :P
2) If you're a Republican, you need to push back harder against the racist/nativist stuff. It's killing your party with the kind of new voters that they need to reach and preventing them from hearing whatever good ideas you may have. At the most extreme you may have to actually withhold your vote from the party to make a difference, but a period in the wilderness recovering has to be better than being completely shut out of power for the foreseeable future, right?
3) Vote. The most important you can do today, tomorrow, and ever is vote. Make your voice heard. Sure, one vote rarely makes a difference, but the decision of millions of people that their votes don't matter is why politicians that they hate keep winning re-election. And don't just vote in the general election; in most states/districts the general elections aren't competitive. You need to vote in the primary elections to really have any impact.
4) Most importantly, don't get discouraged. I get it, there's a lot of crap flying around and it can be really easy to just give up and forget about all of it. That's exactly their plan. Authoritarians and would-be authoritarians rely on people thinking they're more powerful than they actually are, don't fall for it. Remember, Trump lost and the GOP lost control of the House and the Senate. It's likely they'll win back one or both houses of the legislature this year, but there's no guarantee they can keep them. Younger voters are overwhelmingly against this kind of racist nativism and more of them get old enough to vote every year. This isn't a struggle that will go on forever, we just need to keep our electoral system free and fair (ish) long enough for the reactionary movement to peter out.
So yeah, what's happening with the national GOP seems to be driven by Republican influencers in California and reflects the sense of powerlessness that conservatives have here. But it wasn't inevitable that this would happen, Republicans in California made the choice to embrace policies that turned off a vast majority of the growing electorate just like national Republicans are doing now, but it's not too late to do something different.
For those who aren't Republicans, though, it's important that we don't let those with racist and nativist ideas continue to hold power by suppressing the changing electorate. Hold fast as best you can, reinforcements are on the way and, with luck, we'll look back on this period as the last gasp of a reactionary movement that tried and failed to drag American down a very dark path.
As usual, if you have a question, comment, or concern about something I wrote I'd be interested to hear it. I won't demand citations this time around considering that I didn't use any, but I would ask that you respond with the necessary length rather than simple retorts.
Hope you enjoyed this or at least found it interesting!
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Is it just me, or is the California GOP utterly batshit insane? It's possible my impression is wrong, but they seem to be some of the most alt-righty mainstream republicans in the nation, especially compared to the more centrist Republicans in northeastern blue states.
You are not fucking wrong there, the California GOP is a bit of a microcosm for the larger party.  California used to be a Republican stronghold, Reagan and Nixon both came from there and before Texas was Republican, California was the Republican safe state.  
Then everything changed in 1994 when the Fire Nation attacked...I mean when the Republican goverment passed Proposition 187, which basically as an anti immigration law that denied illegal immigrants access to healthcare services, the state goverment apparatuses must be dedicated to deporting said immigrants, and the school system must verify the immigration status of every child and their parent.  In addition to being cruel, this law rallied California’s Latino population and the human rights violations that resulted from the law galvanized the moderate population to be anti GOP.  The Republicans in large, doubled down rather than moderate their views on race, which encouraged more and more White Nationalist elements to come out within the party to take over.  As the the Democrats steadily take over the state, in large part by rallying California considerable non white population, the Republicans have been basically stubbornly refusing to give an inch, instead taking a more and more racially radical line. The 5 million or so Republicans in the state love it, but everybody else hates it.  So this might be the Future of the GOP in the whole 
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objectivistnerd · 2 years
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truthbombmemes · 2 years
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Remember, Trump did nothing to stop the violence against police and left his most loyal followers to rot in jail, offering no assistance of any kind. They actually believed that the election was stolen (despite the lack of proof) and did Trump's bidding and then he abandoned them. I'm not saying it was right for them to attack the capitol. It certainly was NOT. People died as a result of their actions. But Trump made them believe that they had to attack to save the country and then he doesn't even offer to pay their legal fees. wtf Trump? #GOP #republicans #Trump #TrumpTrain #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #Trump #Trump2024 #TrumpRally #trumpismypresident "During the 187 minutes that Trump stood by, harrowing scenes of violence played out in and around the Capitol. Twenty-five minutes into Trump’s silence, a news photographer was dragged down a flight of stairs and thrown over a wall. Fifty-two minutes in, a police officer was kicked in the chest and surrounded by a mob. Within the first hour, two rioters died as a result of cardiac events." https://www.instagram.com/p/CVve-3zLScF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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joost5 · 2 years
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#may you build beautiful nests of symbolic defiance over the barbs of your oppression
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So I guess I'm in the go into a room and forget why I entered it phase of my life. Great.
46 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 01:30:28 GMT
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Causes of death, London, 1632. 11 people died of grief, 1 of vomiting, 470 of teeth, 12 of French Pox.
59 notes • Posted 2021-11-02 20:51:33 GMT
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Thompsonite is a mineral only found in all the world in a small stretch of Northern Minnesota.
118 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 22:09:58 GMT
Snowshoeing on the Kadunce River, northern MN
128 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 00:53:18 GMT
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187 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 20:17:20 GMT
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Our self-confidence, verging on hubris, should be shaken by the coronavirus. The United States has been a laggard, not a world leader, in confronting the pandemic. As The Post reported, a German company shipped more than 1.4 million diagnostic tests for the World Health Organization by the end of February. During that same time, U.S. efforts to produce our own test misfired. By Feb. 28, only 4,000 tests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had been used. U.S. testing is now ramping up, but as of Tuesday we had only tested roughly 56,000 people, or 1 in 5,800 Americans. South Korea has tested 274,000 people, or 1 in 187 South Koreans. “Losing two months is close to disastrous, and that’s what we did,” Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told Bloomberg.
We should not be especially surprised by our failure at pandemic-fighting, because if we are being honest with ourselves, we would have to admit that the United States has long been failing. We remain one of the richest countries in the world, but by international standards we look more like a Third World nation.
As Quartz pointed out in 2017, we lag in almost every measure of societal well-being among the wealthy nations (now 36) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). As of 2016, we had the second-highest poverty rate, the highest level of income inequality and the highest level of obesity. We spent the most on education but produced less-than-average results. We were also below average on renewable energy, infrastructure investment and voter turnout. We are the only OECD nation that doesn’t mandate paid family leave. One area where we do lead is gun violence. Our homicide rate is nearly 50 percent above the OECD average.
Our health-care failures are particularly important now. We spend more on health care than any other country in the world, but we are the only OECD country without universal medical coverage (27.9 million Americans lacked health insurance in 2018). Child mortality in the United States is the highest in the OECD, and life expectancy is below average. We have far fewer hospital beds per capita than other advanced democracies (2.4 compared to 12.2 in South Korea), which makes us particularly vulnerable to a pandemic.
Why has America become so backward? That is a complex topic. I would direct readers to the work of analysts such as Jonathan Rauch, Francis Fukuyama, and Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann. But I would ascribe a lot of what’s wrong to growing partisan polarization that makes it almost impossible to address our most pressing needs. Republicans are getting more conservative and Democrats more liberal — although not to the same degree. The GOP is far more extreme than the Democratic Party.
President Trump has exacerbated the problem, but he didn’t start it. He is himself the product of decades of right-wing revolt against government and increasingly against reason itself. America is unusual in having a major party — and a major television network — devoted to climate denialism and protecting the “right” of everyone to own an assault rifle. The GOP and the right-wing media have long been a hotbed of nutty conspiracy theories, and their reluctance to face the reality of the new coronavirus set back efforts to save lives.
The Republicans’ decades-long demonization of government has consequences. ...
(And before any of you conservative nutjobs start screaming that this is libruls hatin amerka, Max Boot is not even close to being on the left. The fact is, rampant reactionary conservatism is killing us.)
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