#12 hours of cleaning no breaks yes i am tired but it didnt even feel like i was working that long tbh
coldvampire · 5 months
sometimes disability aids are things you would expect them to be, sometimes its a collective giving-in & soliciting the help of a professional organizer to tackle the massive piles of Stuff crowding the house.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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My allergies just got really bad all of a sudden and my sun burn hurts to much to put a shirt on? Why?? I was fine all day! What is up.
Today was a pretty excellent day though! I slept pretty well. James got home last night (after I did not go to bed early) and we stayed up to late. It has been really hard not having any time together because the resturant just keeps scheduling him only for dinner shifts. It sucks. I dont understand why they wont give him some lunch shifts so we can at least have the couple hours before bed but no. Only dinner. So we get nothing. At least were going to have saturday off together. 
I felt pretty good when I woke up. I stretched and got dressed. My skin hurt but it was much less red. So I wore this dress and I was like this will be fine. And it mostly was but the straps started to hurt me and people were asking me if I was okay so it must have looked bad. 
And honestly once I got to work after a weirdly traffic filled drive, Ellen (one of the life guards) pointed out the sunburn because we all dunk on whoever gets burnt. And then she poked fun because she said she thought to herself yesterday when me and CJ were sitting in the grass that having the two PALEST GIRLS at camp in the sun was a recipe for disaster. That made me laugh. Its totally true though. Bad plan. 
It was a nice morning. I helped clean up some dead birds. I was a hero. And then I found a moth. And while I was up at the art shack setting up I get a call from Heather asking if I could go on a hike with one of the groups. I was a little nervous but I said yes and it was great. 
It was with Jenna and one of the older groups. And it was fun! I got to experience some camp lore. We went on a pretty easy hike to this funny growing tree. At camp there are mythical creatures called the little people and this is there tree. And so all around the tree are tiny forts the kids have built and there are letters that the kids write to the little people. You have to speak softly and be kind or they will come and steal your left shoe in your sleep. And these kids were telling me this story and it was just so cute. I love new american folk lore and specifically camp and kid culture so this was such a fun moment. 
Me and Jenna sat and talked while the kids built the forts and fixed older ones. I helped make this little shrine for one of the younger kids to find. And then one of the boys, who was like 11 or 12, came over to ask me in earnest if the little people were real. "You can tell me." And so I told him about how since lots of cultures have stories of little people, over time and geography, I would say its most likely that there is something there. He seemed satisfied with that answer. 
I had some time after that to set up. To chill. To have lunch. I went to the office to heat something up and honestly had to bounce ASAP because someone was on the porch just being obnoxiously loud about a group chat on their phone. It was. To much. 
So I went back to the art building and got ready for my classes. And they were just excellent. I was teaching embroidery all day and out of almost 30 kids I only had one who acted really shitty. Everyone else was sweet and cool and excited to learn a new thing. We did the sampler sheet I had the teens do the other day. It was so exciting when the kids would like. Freak out when something simple happened like the knots or the chain stitches. It was great. 
They were also just really silly. Like one of my rules is Positive Language Only.  And when they are even a little negative I make a big silly show about it. But these kids beat me to my joke. And were overly positive and it was hilarious. What good eggs. 
After my second group I had a break in my schedule. And two girls asked to stay behind to keep working on their embroidery. They couldnt go in the pool because of a foot injury. So they stayed with me. It was fun! Once they finished the embroidery they tried my circle looms and they really seemed to like that! They sat in the hammock together and worked on their bracelets. It was just a lot of fun. 
They headed back to their group and I chilled for a little. Played with my thumb piano. Joe the grounds keeper came and asked me what it was. I had a nice conversation with him about trying new things and wanting to be good at music but just not being very good at the followthrough. He is a nice guys. 
Some of the campers going past told me the music was pretty though so that was nice. 
My last group was a little harder. They let themselves get defeated a little faster. And it didnt help that the adults that came with them were to quick to do things for them. So I had to keep yelling at them. In like a jokey you gotta let them learn kind of way. But they still did good and I was very happy. 
But also very tired! My skin was starting to hurt and I was hungry. So I actually left a little early today. I finished cleaning and hung out on the porch for a little but I asked Heather if it was okay if I went home. So off I went.
I finally got my bugerking burger. I went to the other one and was surprised that they had someone outside taking orders? I was very concerned for him being in all black in the sun. But he said he was alright. I got my sandwich and headed home. 
I rested in the living room. Ate. Played a little animal crossing. I am still shocked how much money you can make on the new ocean stuff. I made like 80,000 bells in the half hour I played. Crazy. Soon though I went and took a shower and now  I am laying in bed. Very tired. But feeling a little better now that the allergy pills have kicked in and I could put my sweatshirt on. Things looking up. Skin still hurts. 
I hope you all have a great day tomorrow. I have much to do still for next week. So wish me luck. I hope you all sleep great and take care of yourselves. Goodnight!
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daysafternights · 4 years
Living in a world where no one's innocent Oh, but at least we try
Yes, promised to have more updates. If you can't see, I'm trying my very best here. So my clinical started and yes neurosurgical is pretty tough I must say. Very very tired from clinical. 
So I am already half way through my attachment like wow?! So week 1 was practically just trying my very best to break all sort of ice with the SNs, SSNs and CAs. Trying to show some proactiveness, initiatives and potential so to get gain some confidence level they have in me. So usually clinical we will have Clinical Instructors (CIs) who are supposed to be the ones guiding, helping and teaching us while we are on the job. Also, they are usually ward based meaning they are from the same ward we are posted to. However, this time round our CI was not from our ward like she was from the education department and she is new. LOL. Totally disastrous. Not saying she is bad, its just inexperience but okay give chance because we are student nurses as well and patients are giving us chances as well. 
Anyway, she was late for our first day of attachment? LOL she said she got something to attend to and what's more important than your students? LOL you are a CI and you are work 8-5 office hours and you only have one job which is to take care of us and you aint even in the ward. Great first impression. Anw did a lot of junior work in the first week and got to know a lot of the SNs and SSNs. & good news they are all super nice and friendly. GDLL taking time to teach us the actual ground work in the ward and explain to me in details. Maybe they saw how my CI is like LMAO and also understand how tough nursing students life can be in a ward. There are a lot of junior SNs (3-4years working experiences) in the ward and they are so so so nice. 
Anw we had to take case from week 2 onwards and this was actually stressing the shit out of me. LOL taking case means you are in charge of the patient from taking over the patient from previous shift, to handling the patient matter, to medication, to charting, to writing progress notes and to handing over to the next shift. LOL and tbh I was not very prepared. & honestly everyone case was so complicated to me HAHAHA fuck this is what happened when you didnt study hard and also forgetting everything you had studied before. Anw got help from the nicer SNs to learn how to write notes, do handing over and reading the medication system. So took the same case from Wednesday till Friday and my SSN asked me third day taking same case and you still don't know why this patient on this drug HAHAH I just gave a sheepish smile :) Anw I think I would give myself 50/100 for doing just a decent job. Got to be harder on myself in order to grow and learn more. 
Anw so during week 2, our ward got another CI and lets name her LIHO cuz their tea suck. She is full of herself, always talking in a faking condescending manner and always poking her nose in to every matter in the ward. Anw cuz my own CI is new and LIHO is more senior so LIHO will put my CI down in front of students and other nurses. LIKE DAFUQ? LIHO will be damn dramatic whenever she finds something that is not align with like teaching guideline/ textbook answer. Then she will take photo and report. LOL isn't nurses supposed to help each other? FUCKING JOKES. Anw just to do some justice, textbook knowledge really should just stay in textbook. Not saying that nurses in wards are practising the wrong skills but some things are just not feasible to be carried out in textbook manner. If not one shift 12 hours also not enough for you to do la and your patient most prob die liao la GAN. 
Also, there was still one incident that happened in the ward. So Patient X was known for having constant large amount diarrhoea and that day in the middle of a PT session, his diarrhoea leaked out of his diaper and like onto the floor. PANIC PANIC okay jokes. So my SSN, LIHO and I went to help to clean up etc. Anw Patient X was like confused, on restraint and not being able to take instructions la so its slightly harder to clean up and change. Throughout the whole incident, she was just putting me down. “Student, are you sure your gloves is clean? Student, you don't touch the curtain with your dirty gloves. Student, how about you just go get the bathing trolley for me?” Honestly I really just wanted to get out and let her do it on her own since she is so good but nvm since my SSN was inside and I feel bad enough for her already. & halfway changing, she actually said to my SSN: “Should have asked the male CA to come help!” SO WHAT AM I TO YOU? FUCKING BITCH THAT JUST COMPLETELY DISREGARD MY PRESENCE AND EFFORT. So I fuck you not bitch. 
LOL anw got a lot of readings to read up and understand so I can survive my next two weeks! Hopefully I will find more motivation! Meanwhile, stay safe friends. 
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