sztupy · 10 months
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Az idei mozogni kéne valamit projektem alapötlete, hogy sétáljuk körbe a várost ahol élek, mármint szó szerint, sétáljük körbe a hivatalos városhatárt (a fenti térképen a fekete csík, összesen 112km), amennyire csak lehet:
Valamennyire létező utak mentén menjen az út - legalábbis az OpenStreetMap tudjon róla
A szárazföldön menjen az út, úszni meg vizen keresztülgázolni ne kelljen
Kerítésen átmászni se nagyon kelljen, kivéve ha van rajta kapu vagy átkelő (kétszer nem volt)
Búzamezőn se kelljen keresztülgázolni ha nem muszáj (kétszer szükséges volt)
Ha több hasonszőrű lehetőség is adódik az útvonalra akkor inkább kívülről legyen az a határ megkerülve, ne belülről, hiszen a körülsétálás a cél.
Az eredmény a fenti kékkel jelölt útvonal, összesen 110km, plusz egy 17km-es zöldeskékkel jelölt bónusz szakasz, ami a főváros urbánus és vidéki részének választóvonalán hajt keresztül.
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The outrage among students was immediate. By the next day, another protest camp was established at a different lawn just a few metres away. A day later, another protest camp was set up just over 70 miles (112km) north-east of Columbia, at Yale University in Connecticut, another elite institution. By the middle of this week, demonstrations were taking place at dozens of campuses across the country.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Two men are facing a court in south-west France accused of beating a bus driver to death after they allegedly refused to wear face-masks.
The defendants, now aged 24 and 25, are accused of "dealing mortal blows" during the incident in the city of Bayonne in July 2020.
Philippe Monguillot, aged 59, died in hospital five days after the assault.
The two accused, Wyssem Manai and Maxime Guyennon, could face a 20-year prison sentence if convicted.
Prosecutors say Mr Monguillot was set upon after asking three men on his bus to show their tickets and adjust face-masks they were wearing over their chin.
The incident occurred after the end of France's first Covid lockdown, when masks were mandatory on all public transport.
In an ensuing confrontation, Mr Monguillot was kicked and punched and his head hit the pavement as he fell.
The city's mayor condemned it as a "barbaric act".
Mr Monguillot's death caused shock across France and thousands of people took part in a protest march led by his widow in Bayonne.
The trial opened on Friday at a court in Pau, 112km (70 miles) east of Bayonne.
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jow99 · 11 months
It’s officially summer
Tuesday morning is cycling morning and Marjolein decided we should meet with the group and start out with them. We both agreed we didn’t have enough food or legs to do a 100km+ ride with them. Having said that we were hanging in there really well so next thing we know we’re almost at the border with France 😳 We had taken a slightly easier option and missed one big climb.
With a little help from our friends we made the whole ride (112km) and collapsed two very tired girls into the bar at the end. A clara (shandy) has never tasted sooo good.
Thankfully we had leftover moussaka for lunch and it was a pretty quiet afternoon. Later in the afternoon we met Marjolein and Martijn for a swim and a drink down at the beach. It actually ended being a lateish night.
Wednesday is Spanish day. Jose had a meeting this morning so I cycled off to the Spanish conversation group on my own and he joined me later. From there we headed over to storage via a bar for a glass of wine and some patatas brava.
This afternoon was housework until it was time to go for my Spanish lesson. They’re so much more enjoyable now I’m not under the pressure of my exam.
It had been windy and overcast when I left for my lesson so we decided against a swim. Of course by the time I came out of my lesson the sun was shining. Annoying but we consoled ourselves with a sangria and people watching.
Nibbles on the balcony and then we retired inside to watch tv. There is so much rain, flooding and hail in other parts of Spain but it’s missing us. I’m quite happy with that as long as the dams are filling up.
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omoghouls · 2 years
While on vacation we went down a route that had a sign that said
"Next rest stop 112km away"
And lemme just say, the omo possibility yall
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ssorknimajneb · 20 days
Do. 02.05.2024 (Tag 18):
Heute morgen verlies ich Termez wieder in Richtung Norden gegen 8:30Uhr. Heute Abend werde ich zurück in Samarkand sein.
Nach ca. 2h Fahrt auf der "Autobahn" big ich nach Osten ab in die Berge. In der Nähe der Stadt Boysun liegt eine Festung, welche ich besuchten wollte. Der Weg dahin allerdings so eine Sache für sich. Nachdem ich die letzten 100km an keiner Tankstelle Benzin bekommen hatte, war ich heil froh mit 112km Restreichweite in Boysun angekommen zu sein. Viele einheimische Autos fahren mit Metan/Propan. Am Ortseingang von Boysun stand ein großes Polizeiaufgebot, offenbar ist Stadtfest. Entsprechend war ein Teil der Straßengesperrt. Kurzum hatte ich mir bei einem Polizisten nach der nächstem Tankstelle erkundigt, weshalb ich final Kreuz und quer durch die Stadt musste. Nach dem Tanken durfte ich den gleichen Weg zurück und südlich aus der Stadt raus bis zum Bahnhof (ca. 6km). Dort endete die "Straße" und es ging nach der Karte nochmals ca. 2km auf einer Schotterstraße weiter. Das Navi war schon ausgestiegen...
Angekommen, lief ich ca. 1km weiter nach Süden. Dort liegt die kreisrunde Ruine einer Festungsanlage namens Kurgansol, welche Alexander dem Großen zugeschrieben wird. Die Festung liegt spektakulär auf einer Klippe. Die Anlage ist die besterhaltenen hellenistischen Stätte der Region und auch die älteste erhaltene Alexanderfestung Zentralasiens. 2009 legten Archäologen des DAI eine Badewanne aus Ton frei, die den ersten Fund dieser Art in Zentralasien darstellt. Der Ausgrabungsstätte Kurgansol wird heute großes Gewicht beigemessen, da sie eines der wenigen erhaltenen Zeugnisse des Feldzuges Alexanders in Zentralasien ist. Die Aussicht auf die umliegenden Berge/Hügel war wirklich spektakulär. Auch hier lagen wieder Keramik-Stücke einfach frei auf dem Boden herum bzw. waren Reste von eingegraben Gefäßen zu erkennen. Ob das von Archäologen oder Plünderungen herrührt ist für mich nicht abschätzen.
Wieder zurück auf der "Autobahn" M39 ging's weiter Richtung Norden. Eigentlich hatte ich noch einen Abstecher nach Langar geplant. Nachdem nach 15km die Straße, welche in der Navi-Karte vorhanden war, plötzlich im Nichts endete, müsste ich umdrehen.
Also entschloss ich mich aufgrund der Zeit, weiter nach Samarkand zu fahren. Unterwegs nahm ich noch eine min. 80jährige usbekische Omi mit, die am Straßenrand auf eine Mitfahrgelegenheit gewartet hatte. Am Ende war sie überglücklich zügig angekommen zu sein, wer weiß wie lange sie schon gewartet hatte. Final bedankte sie sich mehrere Male, weil ich auf die eine Bezahlung natürlich verzichtet hatte. So wie ich es einigen anderen Ländern auch kenne, stehen alle Menschen ohne Auto an der Straße und warten auf ein Taxi/Sammeltaxi/Bus.
Gegen 18:30Uhr erreichte ich wieder Samarkand und brachte das Auto zur Sixt-Station zurück und fuhr mit dem Taxi zur nächsten Unterkunft.
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bigmacsg · 22 days
Tour of Friendship 2024
ToF used to be my goto race of the season. 5 stages racing on good roads & usually pretty close to my Thai house made it super convenient. 
With Covid & excessive work, this is my first time back since 2018. A lot has changed. The total race is shrunk to around 100 riders only now & we’re now racing in Krabi rather than around Kanchanaburi. On the plus side, the resort is quite decent with better than normal rooms.
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The flaky organisation has also reached new levels - but it still seems to work out in the end!
Stage 1: 82km
50s has the 2nd largest peloton of the race with 30 riders. No teams are big enough to dominate - with Matadors (3), Quantum Racing (keiichi & I) and 3 US guys being the largest. 
The temperatures were super hot - it hit 46 yesterday but Day 1 speeds not so much. The race felt like an easy bunch recovery ride for the first 10km so I attacked out of sheer boredom. An excellent noodle, US & Matador came over so I thought a good group mix but it lasted only 5 mins. 
I went again at 25km and we stayed out for 15km with just the Excellent Noodle for company. The signposts were not well marked and we hit a junction with no marshalls and had to stop - letting the peloton get back. 
I made a few more attacks later to drop a few off the back of the bunch. We ended with a super dodgy bunch sprint along the beachfront. Keiichi took 5th and I rolled in 15th. Happy with the start.
In 30s, Dom took 2nd so we’re looking good as a team.
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Stage 2: 13km ITT
Having 2 stages in a single day is nuts - especially at 4:30pm in this heat. 
After a gentle 7km spin to the start, I was met with the superb last minute news that aero bars were banned. As I hadn’t brought any, i thought this change was fantastic (and fair)!.
The course was 13km out & back with slightly more climbing on the return.
I felt great and averaged a 39.8 for the race - catching 4 people before me. Despite losing 10s on the junction, i still managed 5th on the stage. My best ever ToF result - 1st podium in 32 stages!
Keichi took 2nd on the stage and is now 2nd overall. I’m in 6th on GC - 1 second from the podium.
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Stage 3: 83km
Legs felt ok but not as sparkling as Day 1. Fortunately the day started out easy with a 30 average for 1st 10km. Excellent Noodles and the German took off and quickly were out of sight as we all felt it was too early. They got lost at a roundabout and we collected them 5km later.
After 20km there was another missed turn & Dan Smith took advantage with a sneak attack. Noodles and I jumped over but that lasted for only a few km before the yanks Made America Great Again.
We hit the rollers at 40km and the group splintered then - with only 8 hanging on. The climbs were punchy and Bintanesque.i went for the KoM only to find it was the next hill along.
As we got back to main highway, Mike Pryde suddenly appeared after getting towed by a motorbike!
The sprint appeared unannounced and i ended up in 7th. Retaining my GC 6th. Keiichi still in 2nd overall.
Dom had hired a pickup so we were safely on our way back to the hotel within 5 mins of finishing. Good marginal gains that hopefully pay off tomorrow. 
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Stage 4: 83km
The legs felt even less sparkling today. Overall it felt like rerun of Stage 1 but at a slightly faster pace. We averaged closed to 38km and even caught the 40s peloton with 30km still to go.
I had a few digs but nothing that stuck. The race ended in a huge sprint with the 40s group. Given the dangerous finish, it sat up and rolled in 13th position. Keiichi got 3rd in the sprint.
Im still 6th GC. Tomorrow has a hint of a big hill on the profile so lets see how the legs recover.
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Stage 5: 53km
Originally slated for 112km, the stage was dramatically slimmed down overnight to a short fast stage.
The course was easy so there was little opportunity for attacks. I launched the first on the slight rise out of the ITT dogleg. I got a 100m and then brought back pretty quick. Nothing else stuck & no-one else seemed motivated to try.
We hit 55km on the road back into town before degenerating into traffic hell at the sprint. I sat up and cruised in with the bunch. I retained my 6th GC but disappointed not to take a few seconds out of Dan Smith to get on podium.
My best ever ToF result & first time I’ve ever made the stage podium. The joys of a depleted peloton compared to its glory days! Ultimately I did not enjoy as much as previous years - due to the dodgy sprints, lack of marshalling & courses that weren’t really selective. If 2025 really is the last edition and back to the classic Kanchanaburi course then I’ll be back
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causeofchernobyl · 2 months
my dad out here going 109mph(175km) on the 70mph(112km) British motorways
anyway the police hide in tree or smthn stupid like that so wouldn’t be surprised if we get a ticket
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nevebennett-viscom · 7 months
aragvi river
Situated in georgia, the river is 112km long and there are two streams in different colours, this means that it is the subject to much story telling.
the river is within the valley
the Aragvi River and its basin are running along the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia. The Zhinvali Dam, that was built on Aragvi river in 1986, and its 130 MW hydro-electric power station generate much of Georgia’s electric power, form the Zhinvali Reservoir, on the north-western shores of which rises the Ananuri castle with its 17th-century Church of the Assumption.
this could be where some of the folklore comes from
edit: whe i looked at making it 21st century, the AI somewhat drew upon this by saying the factory and pollution which is interesting, which is more like true folklore since someonething new/unknown became the subject of unrest or discontent and fear.
the minerals and colours of the rocks as well as the shape of the landscape change the river formation and make up with created the phenomenon of the two different coloured rivers.
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loiswolf · 10 months
Day 54 July 24 Spanish - Sheguiandah 112kms
This photo was taken from my bed this morning so you can get an idea of how “busy” the cabin was.
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I did enjoy staying there and the hostess, Carmen was particularly lovely.
Cycling out this morning I had a snigger when I passed this sign
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The song by the same name was playing on my iPod but the description of their “downtown” was nothing like the downtown of Spanish. There was a couple of vans which sold food last night, a dusty looking restaurant and takeaway shop and a general store where I was unable to get even one piece of fruit.
This was the reason I was really looking forward to my second breakfast today. It was 23kms to Massey where I was hoping for more sustenance. On the way I passed at intervals, a couple of men and a schoolboy cycling the other way all wearing braces over their shirts and a hat. Closer to Massey I could see a bike in my mirror but couldn’t make out any details except that he was trying to catch me. There was no shoulder to ride alongside so I sped up a little ( hehe) and after a while he gave up trying. I slowed down in the town and it turned out to be a gentleman dressed like the others I had seen. I think there might be an Amish community around here, or something similar.
So the place I had scoped out for breakfast was open. Yay! I ordered my favourite
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and it came with whipped cream. Awesome! It was also rather expensive. That’s ok, I’d rather splash out on my second breakfast and just have a $4 frozen meal ( heated of course) for dinner.
The first 53kms to Espanola today were pretty easy. A few kilometres before Espanola I had to turn off the highway. This was a good thing as it was getting pretty busy.
I’d scheduled a stop at Espanola to do some shopping. I had planned to stay at the place I’m in today for two nights. It’s pretty remote so I made sure I had enough food for a day and a half. Somehow I managed to get it all on the bike even resorting to cutting the florets off the broccoli and throwing away the stem. There was a Dollarama across the road so I topped up my chocolate supply a little too. No, I haven’t finished the last cache I purchased, I’m just making sure it doesn’t run out.
From there things suddenly got a bit harder. Continuous hills! Even the hills between Nipigon and Marathon had stretches of flat road between them. Not this, there was 30kms of non stop up and down. Naturally I managed it ok. It just wasn’t expected.
Even here on these islands and peninsulas there is not much to look at. Mostly trees with the occasional water view.
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After 30kms of hard work ( remember I was carrying at least 5kgs of shopping extra) I came to a little town which had this rather pretty church.
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There were no shops there but around the bend was a gas station with a small portable building. I wasn’t able to get a coffee but a cold Diet Coke was a pretty good substitute on a hot day. The lady there was able to reassure me that the road flattened out ahead. She was right but the next 20kms I copped headwinds. Sigh.
At 100kms I came to a little town called Little Current. It’s actually bigger than where I’m staying if you can find it on your map.
The road turned out of the wind a bit from there and it was only another 12kms to my destination.
I’m staying in this really nice RV
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but it wasn’t until I unpacked that I realised it had no Wifi or TV. Doh! Rookie mistake! The TV doesn’t matter but there really is nothing to do here tomorrow when I have no car, am on my own and have no wifi.
I was planning to pay the owner Jack, cash for tomorrow night so I wasn’t completely committed. I’ve just come back from explaining the situation to him and he is quite ok with it. So I will be moving on tomorrow but it will be a fairly short day. I guess my proper rest day will have to wait!
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subhashchandra · 11 months
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Queensland, Australia - Sailfish Are Considered The Fastest Fish In The Sea, Reaching Top Speeds Of 70 Miles Per Hour (112km/H)
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112kms · 1 year
A gravity assist, gravity assist maneuver, swing-by, or generally a gravitational slingshot in orbital mechanics, is a type of spaceflight flyby which makes use of the relative movement (e.g. orbit around the Sun) and gravity of a planet or other astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically to save propellant and reduce expense.
Gravity assistance can be used to accelerate a spacecraft, that is, to increase or decrease its speed or redirect its path. The "assist" is provided by the motion of the gravitating body as it pulls on the spacecraft.[1] Any gain or loss of kinetic energy and linear momentum by a passing spacecraft is correspondingly lost or gained by the gravitational body, in accordance with Newton's Third Law. The gravity assist maneuver was first used in 1959 when the Soviet probe Luna 3 photographed the far side of Earth's Moon and it was used by interplanetary probes from Mariner 10 onward, including the two Voyager probes' notable flybys of Jupiter and Saturn.
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Day 3 - Smixi to Konitsa
The sun is shining. The view is stunning. John has been cleaning his chain since 6.00. We leave early. And straight up the long hill we came down last night. The views are amazing.
For a day billed as mostly downhill, there is a great deal of uphill.
Coffee in a pretty town square sets us up for the day.
The landscape is jaw dropping. Beautiful forests. Serpentine roads. Myriad hairpins. How to show you when you can't take a hand from the handlebars at 50km an hour hurtling downhill, braking for the next hairpin desperately hoping the cables don't fail.
There’s a moment when we all stop to watch a grpup of large dogs herding a flock of sheep. The sun is shining, They are on the grassy slope or a long mountain valley. The sheep are wearing bells. Time stops. The dogs and sheep are walking on at a relaxed pace. Bells ringing. It is so relaxed. And relaxing. We could have stayed for hours....
Not much further on, at the top of a particularly large climb, we reflect on a couple of dramatic changes in performance in the team and the probable cause.
Alcohol John is back to the climbing form we have come to expect. This is clearly down to his claimed reduction in alcohol intake. Martin too had a go at abstinence but couldn't hold out til the trip, which certainly explains his improved performance compared to last year. He may well have achieved the fastest time up some of the hills - on his electric bike.
Love Andy, by contrast, is a changed man. He is deep in love, which is truly wonderful to see. But this seems to have injured his knee, his back and his mental resilience. The poor man is suffering badly. But we've never seen him happier.
Life's swings and roundabouts.
We arrive at Konitsa and a small contingent of us carry on towards Albania for a bonus loop. Lightning flashes and thunder echoing down the valley. Light showers and one heavy one.Then sunshine again. The weather really has been unpredictable. The landscape has been consistently extraordinary.
Over this year and last, we have cycled the length of mainland Greece - from Nafpaktos to Albania. Up the Pindus - the spine of Greece. Really some of the most spactacular scenery we have seen.
We finish exhausted, low on fuel, but happy to have made it. Lovely hotel. And more food than we can eat at supper - with a proper royalist of a proprietor.
112km. 2000m climbed  2,700m descent
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Yoongi is making me naughty (I already was iykyk lol) 😭 I’m so sleepy after night 1 that I just wanna go to bed but I got stuck in rush hour traffic 😭 Haegum came on while I was on the driving on the national road where the speed limit is 100km/hr but it caused me to overspend to 112km 😬 but I made it home in one piece so I’m gonna shower, have breakfast and then go to bed 😭
Omg, not you speeding because of Haegum 🤣🤣that song will make you do that though lol
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xtruss · 1 year
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Kent, UK 🇬🇧! An owl flies over a meadow after a night of hunting for food. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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London, UK 🇬🇧! The speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, with the speaker’s state coach, which has returned to Westminster for the first time time since 2005. The coach, believed to have been built in the 1690s for King William III and Queen Mary II, was last used by the Commons speaker George Thomas in 1981 to attend the marriage of the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul’s Cathedral. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
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Adelaide, Australia 🇦🇺! Kites and balloons fly high during an International Kite Festival on 9 April. Photograph: Xinhua/Shutterstock
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Istanbul, Turkey 🇹🇷! An aerial view of people visiting the stands during the fourth day of the Turkey’s largest technology and aviation event, Teknofest, at Ataturk airport. Photograph: Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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Beijing, China 🇨🇳! Visitors climb a staircase on the Great Wall as they visit the popular tourist site on the first day of the May Labour Day holiday, which lasts five days. Photograph: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
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South Australia 🇦🇺! The peloton competing in the 23rd Santos Tour Down Under 2023, riding 112km from Unley to Mount Lofty in South Australia. Photograph: Tim de Waele/Getty Images
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Welcome to the news channel of the Angry Nature, Today we will tell you about Indonesia Earthquake, Mauna Loa Volcano eruption👇 https://youtu.be/_UxQfBy-wHw A 5.7-magnitude earthquake has hit Indonesia’s main island of Java, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said, shaking the same town devastated by another quake last month that left more than 330 people dead. The quake struck on land at a depth of 112km (70 miles) and the epicentre was located 18km south-east of city of Banjar, according to the USGS. There were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage. The country’s meteorological agency gave a higher magnitude of 6.4 for the quake, which also shook buildings in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, according to an Agence France-Presse journalist. The agency said the tremor had caused buildings to shake in the town of Garut, in West Java province, and warned residents near the epicentre to beware of potential aftershocks. However, it said there was no threat of a tsunami. Indonesia experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity because of its position on the Pacific “ring of fire”, where tectonic plates collide. Last month a shallow 5.6-magnitude tremor hit the town of Cianjur in West Java, killing 331 people, injuring thousands and leaving tens of thousands homeless after it collapsed buildings and triggered landslides. Many were found buried under rubble in the days after the quake, with only several successful rescues reported, including an operation to free a six-year-old boy that emergency workers described as a “miracle”. #indonesia_earthqauke #java_earthquake #angry_nature _______________________________ The channel lists such natural disasters as: 1) Geological emergencies: #earthquake  #volcanic_eruption  mudflow, #landslide landfall, avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies:  #flash_flood #tsunami  Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding; 3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: #tornado, ATTENTION: All videos are taken from open sources. The selection is based on publication date, title, description, and venue. Sometimes, due to unfair posting of news on social networks, the video may contain frames that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check all videos. We apologize for any errors! Thank you for watching, don't forget to subscribe our channel, We Wish you good Weather,
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